Possible directions for the CM punk storyline after MITB

Bill Lesnar

Occasional Pre-Show
- Bill Lesnar feels Triple H should latch onto the meat given to him by Punk. Bill Lesnar would enjoy a program between Punk and HHH. Bill Lesnar would like Punk to consistently break the fourth wall in the coming weeks cutting scathing promos about HHH and his backstage greed. Bill Lesnar would then like to make HHH the Raw gm (has to be done). Bill Lesnar just said now with Punk continually exposing HHH for what he has done in the past. Bill Lesnar wants HHH to no show for all of this. Let the raw Gm screw Punk out of the title and then reveal him to be HHH. HHH begins to get his revenge (mark henry in a cage etc etc). Bill Lesnar wants it to be real personal. Fuck let Punk rip on Vince some more aswel and he can join with Hunter. Bill Lesnar also wants Steph involved in one way or another. HHH has always been a snob, Bill Lesnar wants HHH to push his powers to the lit and really get the fans ticked off about that power trip. Bill Lesnar believes this can push Punk to the ME and set up poss Vince vs HHH struggle for the control of the wwe (team Vince vs team HHH at survivor series etc - bump the importance of that forgotten ppv). Let Vince and HHH screw Punk at MITB (picture it) after what he has said. Bill Lesnar wants you to imagine the hatred. The stuck up Mcmahons vs Punk. Punk is the anti hero - presenting the flaws of the Mcmahons. Revenge is a good excuse for Punk staying. In the end of this massive fued we end up with HHH vs MIZ at Mania with Vince in Miz's corner for the control of the wwe. Bill lesnar has always called for this match to happen. Make a new power trip (ME heel stabel feat HHH/Vince/Miz/Mark Henry - dont worry Bill lesnar said he's just the big guy, anyone else can replce him that has size, possible Big Show heel turn perhaps). when they all break apart make MIZ THE FACE. He can really get crowd support over the break up.

Wrestlemania line up could be HUGE

Rock vs Cena (wwe championship)
Miz with Vince vs HHH (control of WWE)
Austin vs Punk
Orton vs Royal Rumble winner (ummm fuck Bill Lesnar quickly thinks of a heel errr Jericho....THERE)
Undertaker vs Del Rio
Rey vs Sin Cara
Christian vs Ted JR (Teds big push as a face - rumored to happen) or Alex Riley vs sheamus vs Rhodes vs DB for a midcard title in a fourway elimination match to get them on the card

Bill lesnar just anyway... how does WZ think the Punk storyline should play out?

I haven't thought about how this Punk thing should play out because I am under the impression he will definitely be taking time off after MITB. I never really think much about the future of WWE because I know that the Wrestlemania card will look something like this...

Cena Vs Rock, Orton vs, HHH vs, Undertaker vs, Miz vs, Rey (if he's still around) vs.
Is Undertaker vs Del Rio the plan? I figured it'd be HHH/Taker though I've heard Jericho's name as well.

If Punk does not leave/take time off, then it appears his next storyline would be with Vince/HHH. Then again, if he does stay, that means he and Vince negotiated which could indeed cause a power struggle between Vince/HHH. I don't see much of a future with Punk and Cena. Punk admitted he didn't even dislike Cena. This is the second time Punk/Cena actual heat has been scrapped and Punk had more leverage the first time, though the only way that angle could of been good was if Cena turned (Punk pointed out how Cena was a phoney and said he was going home to be with his family, but he never left.) It's impossible to have a good feud with Cena the way things are.

I am looking forward to Dibiase vs Rhodes though. I been waiting a long time to see Ted as a face and with his chemistry with Cody and Cody portraying one of the most effective heels at this time, it should be a good launching pad for Dibiase's turn.

I'd like to see Rhodes start a stable and add someone like Ryder to it. And then maybe guys like Barretta, Hawkins, Slater.

I'd try to turn Gabriel face, have Ryder on Smackdown and so you'd see matches like Dibiase/Gabriel vs Rhodes/Ryder and Ryder vs Dibiase/Rhodes vs Gabriel as tune up matches for their PPV battles.

Gabriel and Dibiase are natural faces so I'd like to see them used as such.

As for Punk, I don't think any one character is big enough for him right now. Punk needs to be involved in a revolution and anything less would be unsatisfying. HHH as GM setting up a stable of guys to war with Punk is a pretty good idea. But this storylines are not meant for Punk is the problem. Those storylines go to Cena and Orton first and foremost. WWE would never allow Cena vs Truth (or add any name you like) and give Punk a face storyline against HHH as GM at the same time.

The prime story line on RAW always has to involve Cena.

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