Perez Hilton To Be A Special Guest Ref On Raw

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What gives you the right to speak for everyone? Because you see a problem with it, it means others do?
You act as if I want people to go around calling WWE a gay sport. I personally dont see a problem with wrestling or with gay people being involved but why on earth would you give people more ammunition to attack wrestling fans? They couldnt find someone else besides the guy who wants to fit the "flaming ******" stereotype? Hes proud of the crap hes done. Again, there are plenty or gay guys and plenty of bloggers/web sensations out there for WWE if they feel like kissing ass. But picking the worst out of the bunch isnt going to bring anything good.

You can't label a certain group of people based on one person. That's purely stupid.
I'm not labeling a group of people based on one person, I'm analyzing groups of people based on what those groups act like. Idk if you're aware of those videos online "SHit black/white/hispanic girls/guys say". That video isnt implying that every single hispanic person says "mami", but a lot of them do, or any of the ones that attract attention do. Thats how a stereotype is born. Just because you may know 1 or 2 people who dont fit the stereotype it doesnt make it an all out fallacy.
What does being a human have anything to do with it? He said you have a vagina, that's it.
He said you have a vagina to a guy with a fauxhawk. He was implying that the guy possessed feminine characteristics. What guys possess feminine characteristics? Gay guys. case closed. Please dont attempt to prove how calling a guy a female doesnt mean hes gay, its not going to work.
Who the fuck goes up to someone and asks that? I'm sure you've pulled that completely out of you ass.
No one says that in that way, I'm exaggerating because you seem to think that if your friends dont say certain things then no one does.

Where do you hear this? Pretty much any contact sport could fit this.
Everywhere. Stop a young person on the street and ask them if they think wrestling is gay. And no, other contact sports dont fit the same mold. No one says that UFC/MMA is gay or that boxing is gay.

Again, where did you hear this?
Um, the teaming with GLADD, the inviting someone who has zero relevance to wrestling like Perez Hilton, the removal of gay jokes, etc

Since when do the UFC fighters show gimmicks? Since when does being over with the crowd guarantee a world title match? Two completely different sports. WWE doesn't target fans by sexual orientation.
So because WWE showcases gimmicks they have to target fans by demographics. No one was trying to get gay ppl to watch or be politically correct when Guerrero and Lesnar where around, I gaurantee you that. And no, they dont target fans by sexual orientation, Perez Hilton and the deal with GLAAD where out of the goodness of Vince's heart. What a sweet man, so benevolent. :rolleyes:

That's understood. But like I've said, it's two minutes on tv and he's gone. That's it. He's not doing anything to cause any kind of uproar.
Have you ever watched The Soup. Its a show on E! that takes show clips and plays them with a guy making jokes about them. Last time they took a clip from wwe it was when triple h said nash broke his heart. the people who watch the soup are those pop culture consumed people, people who would make a great addition to the wwe universe. but what happens when they played the triple h clip, they made him look gay and people laugh. If they made Triple H look gay, the Perez Hilton segment will be that 10x worse. That feeds the casual TV fan, who still views homosexuality as wrong (dont let the media fool u, most people still think this way) the idea that WWE is gay and therefore it becomes a joke and no one watches.
Where did you get the idea that the WWE is so worried about homosexuals fans? I don't get it.
Give me another semi logical reason for Perez to be on RAW. And dont give me the celebrity excuse because hes a b lister on his best day and again the only people who read his blog are mostly gay.

Then judge him on being a douche. Mention nothing about him being a homosexual because it's completely irrelevant.
This is the problem, as soon as someone straight even begins to comment on someone being gay they're labeled a bigot and told to shut up. This is what fuels hate into people and leads people to say "why shouldn't I call them names if they have no problem doing the same to me".
Yeah, you obviously care more about this than I do. It's two minutes and he's gone and you're making it to be a huge deal dude.
And no, they dont target fans by sexual orientation, Perez Hilton and the deal with GLAAD where out of the goodness of Vince's heart. What a sweet man, so benevolent. :rolleyes:
Some of the Diva's participated in Perez's Blog a couple a weeks back, he's simply returning the favor. You're lucky he isn't hosting Raw like all the other celebrities do. Also, WWE is on this anti bullying campaign. Being a homosexual happens to be a reason so many are bullied. WWE is in partnership with GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) because too many gay/lesbian young people a tormented by their peers. And also, since everyone is calling the WWE "gay" as you put it, wouldn't partnering up with GLAAD help that image? Probably.
Give me another semi logical reason for Perez to be on RAW. And dont give me the celebrity excuse because hes a b lister on his best day and again the only people who read his blog are mostly gay.
He's returning the favor. The Divas appeared on his blog not long ago. He's refereeing a two minute diva's match. Boom, gone. Remember that bolded part. Write it down if you need to. Two minutes. Two hours. One hour and fifty eight minutes you'll still have no Perez Hilton on Raw. TWO. Not fifteen but two. You're making a big deal about two. Two minutes. TWO!
This is the problem, as soon as someone straight even begins to comment on someone being gay they're labeled a bigot and told to shut up. This is what fuels hate into people and leads people to say "why shouldn't I call them names if they have no problem doing the same to me".
I never told you to shut up. I just asked why does being gay even matter in this situation? He's a total douche, judge him off that. That's not a problem at all.

All the other shit in your post was turning irrelevant to the whole situation.

EDIT- Also,
No one says that in that way, I'm exaggerating because you seem to think that if your friends dont say certain things then no one does.
And you think because some of your friends do, everyone does. It's few and far between. Why wouldn't the WWE do something about it if it were such a huge problem? Don't you think the WWE executives and higher ups with experience know a hell of a lot more than you do? They don't care about those ignorant fucks.

From the outside looking in, wrestling looks gay. It's a damn stereotype. The WWE or any other organization is never going to get rid of that until they ban men in tights. It's not their fault these idiots can't see through the bullshit.

Just look at some of the other posters in this thread...they're clearly seeing the point.
As I said, it's a Diva match so I'll be taking a piss break anyhow.
But really, he will be on for a few minutes and then leave so I honestly don't care too much.
Yeah, you obviously care more about this than I do. It's two minutes and he's gone and you're making it to be a huge deal dude.
You seem to care about it as much as I do so just drop it. If you didnt care yo wouldnt have given your little heartfelt post supporting his appearance on RAW. Yo think I'm making a huge deal about it, like I said wait for shows like The Soup or TMZ to pick up on the story. They only needed 30 seconds to make Triple H look like a little bitch.
since everyone is calling the WWE "gay" as you put it, wouldn't partnering up with GLAAD help that image? Probably.
That makes absolutely no sense. Thats like if someone kept calling you gay at school and then you went and sat with the gay ppl during lunch. Its just confirming what you dont want to be confirmed.

He's returning the favor. The Divas appeared on his blog not long ago. He's refereeing a two minute diva's match. Boom, gone. Remember that bolded part. Write it down if you need to. Two minutes. Two hours. One hour and fifty eight minutes you'll still have no Perez Hilton on Raw. TWO. Not fifteen but two. You're making a big deal about two. Two minutes. TWO!
When has a celebrity ever appeared on WWE TV for just two minutes. You think hes really going to appear on RAW, ref the match like a regular WWE ref, then walk out? You talk as if you had the RAW script in your hands. if in fact you do then fork it over, not planning to watch this segment anyway.

And you think because some of your friends do, everyone does. It's few and far between. Why wouldn't the WWE do something about it if it were such a huge problem? Don't you think the WWE executives and higher ups with experience know a hell of a lot more than you do? They don't care about those ignorant fucks.

From the outside looking in, wrestling looks gay. It's a damn stereotype. The WWE or any other organization is never going to get rid of that until they ban men in tights. It's not their fault these idiots can't see through the bullshit.
No one was calling WWE/F gay when guys like Stone Cold, The Rock, and Eddie were in their prime. WWE needs to fix its damn image or risk going under after the WWE Network turns out to be a failure. Wrestling was manly when those legends were around. A manly fighting show, like UFC = ratings.

Just look at some of the other posters in this thread...they're clearly seeing the point.
Just look at the other posts on this thread, no one is advocating him to be on RAW except for you. I dont know why you want to see him so bad but you can go to his blog for that and he can stay the hell away from wrestling for all I care.
You seem to care about it as much as I do so just drop it.
You quoted me first.
If you didnt care yo wouldnt have given your little heartfelt post supporting his appearance on RAW.
Not exactly heartfealt.
Yo think I'm making a huge deal about it, like I said wait for shows like The Soup or TMZ to pick up on the story. They only needed 30 seconds to make Triple H look like a little bitch.
Who changes the way they see a person because of what TMZ or the Soup says? No one. They'll pick up on it, and drop it in a couple of days.
That makes absolutely no sense. Thats like if someone kept calling you gay at school and then you went and sat with the gay ppl during lunch. Its just confirming what you dont want to be confirmed.
It makes perfect sense. You don't have to be gay to support GLAAD. The WWE supports them because of their anti bullying campaign. I noticed you left that out.
When has a celebrity ever appeared on WWE TV for just two minutes. You think hes really going to appear on RAW, ref the match like a regular WWE ref, then walk out? You talk as if you had the RAW script in your hands. if in fact you do then fork it over, not planning to watch this segment anyway.
No. I'm basing my opinion on how long Diva's matches typically are and what Perez is scheduled to do. No one said he's hosting Raw and whatnot. The WWE would have certainly advertised it like they do every other celebrity. He'll likely ref the match, say a couple words, the crowd will not give a shit and he'll dance off into the sunset. Simple.
No one was calling WWE/F gay when guys like Stone Cold, The Rock, and Eddie were in their prime. WWE needs to fix its damn image or risk going under after the WWE Network turns out to be a failure. Wrestling was manly when those legends were around. A manly fighting show, like UFC = ratings.
How do you know no one called it gay when Stone Cold or Rock was around? What's there to give you that sort of opinion? Where's the facts? Did you interveiw everyone who was around during those days? You've got nothing to support this at all.
Just look at the other posts on this thread, no one is advocating him to be on RAW except for you.
No one gives a shit if he's on Raw or not - like me. Where the fuck did I say I’m supporting him being on Raw? I haven't. I simply said there's no reason to bring up his homosexuality. If you don't want him on Raw, it should be because he's a total douche.
I dont know why you want to see him
I don't care one way or the other.
so bad but you can go to his blog for that and he can stay the hell away from wrestling for all I care.
K. He's going to be there. Get over it.
You quoted me first.
And you keep replying. If you didnt care about it you simply wouldnt be arguing back.

Not exactly heartfealt.
Who the fuck cares if he's a homosexual or not? That was your opening statement bro. You're apparently outraged that the individuals on this forum see sexuality as a character trait and not something that deserves a vow of silence.

Who changes the way they see a person because of what TMZ or the Soup says? No one. They'll pick up on it, and drop it in a couple of days.
It allows people to formulate an opinion on it. Some kid who was watching and thinking about becoming a fan would see the clip and then be like oh thats gay and just not give the WWE a chance.

It makes perfect sense. You don't have to be gay to support GLAAD. The WWE supports them because of their anti bullying campaign. I noticed you left that out.
People get bullied because of their weight too. You dont see WWE teaming up with the alliance of fat people.

No. I'm basing my opinion on how long Diva's matches typically are and what Perez is scheduled to do. No one said he's hosting Raw and whatnot. The WWE would have certainly advertised it like they do every other celebrity. He'll likely ref the match, say a couple words, the crowd will not give a shit and he'll dance off into the sunset. Simple.
Again, who handed you the script for RAW. You know as much as anyone else of what is going to happen on RAW so drop it.

How do you know no one called it gay when Stone Cold or Rock was around? What's there to give you that sort of opinion? Where's the facts? Did you interveiw everyone who was around during those days? You've got nothing to support this at all.
The fact that the sport was actually popular back then and the word "gay" didnt come up during every conversation with a non fan.

No one gives a shit if he's on Raw or not - like me. Where the fuck did I say I’m supporting him being on Raw? I haven't. I simply said there's no reason to bring up his homosexuality. If you don't want him on Raw, it should be because he's a total douche.
Ok, read this carefully, I said he shouldnt be on RAW because hes a douche. I think WWE shouldnt have invited him in the first place because they're just looking to kiss the gay community's ass and its going to do more wrong than good since gay people dont respect him to begin with and straight people see him as a flaming ***. If people see you hang out with a flaming ***, you're now associated with them and people might start to wonder about ur own sexuality. Wrestling doesnt need to be associated any more with homosexuality than it already is.
I don't care one way or the other.

K. He's going to be there. Get over it.
The words "get over it" should never be uttered in a wrestling forum. This site is to DISCUSS things, if you just give the 'it is what it is" reply theres no purpose to even be having this discussion in the first place. I know you "dont care", and I dont give 2 fucks if you dont care. The people who truly "dont care" didnt even click on this link to begin with.
well this should be stupid. i mean the wwe have found some pretty bad guest host's in the past but perez hilton will take the cake. uh might boycott this raw completely...... i mean why not get someone cool like the boogeyman to guest host raw? but perez hilton..... well this may very well be a disasterous raw.... though, this might get the lowest quarterly segment of 2012, so kane and ryder may yet be saved......
And you keep replying. If you didnt care about it you simply wouldnt be arguing back.
Hold on.
Who the fuck cares if he's a homosexual or not? That was your opening statement bro. You're apparently outraged that the individuals on this forum see sexuality as a character trait and not something that deserves a vow of silence.
This I agree with. I don't care about Perez Hilton being on Raw. That's what I was referring to when I said you obviously care more about this than I do.
It allows people to formulate an opinion on it. Some kid who was watching and thinking about becoming a fan would see the clip and then be like oh thats gay and just not give the WWE a chance.
Yeah because The Soup's and TMZ's audience are little kids. :rolleyes:
People get bullied because of their weight too. You dont see WWE teaming up with the alliance of fat people.
They're teamed with multiple alliacnes that have to do with bullying. It has nothing to do with homosexuality. Bullying. Homosexuality happens to be a big issue right now.
Again, who handed you the script for RAW. You know as much as anyone else of what is going to happen on RAW so drop it.
No. You can't get around it. How long are Diva's matches? You don't need a script for that. Is he advertised for a guest host? You don't need a script for that. Use your damn logic.
The fact that the sport was actually popular back then and the word "gay" didnt come up during every conversation with a non fan.
So because WWE isn't popular now makes it gay? Oh, ok.
Ok, read this carefully, I said he shouldnt be on RAW because hes a douche.
End it there.
I think WWE shouldnt have invited him in the first place because they're just looking to kiss the gay community's ass and its going to do more wrong than good since gay people dont respect him to begin with and straight people see him as a flaming f*g (no need for that).
Who says this? Everyone knows Perez doesn't go over well with the homosexual community. Why would the WWE bring him in to "kiss the gay community's ass"?
If people see you hang out with a flaming f*g, you're now associated with them and people might start to wonder about ur own sexuality.
Not if their head is pulled out of their ass. If I hang out with a woman, are people going to assume I'm a woman; no. It's the same thing.
Wrestling doesnt need to be associated any more with homosexuality than it already is.
It isn't.
The words "get over it" should never be uttered in a wrestling forum. This site is to DISCUSS things, if you just give the 'it is what it is" reply theres no purpose to even be having this discussion in the first place.
I know you "dont care", and I dont give 2 fucks if you dont care. The people who truly "dont care" didnt even click on this link to begin with.
Says you. I click on nearly every thread to see if I can add something to the thread. If I can, I do. I don’t care whether he’s there or not. I care about people bashing him for being a homosexual when it’s irrelevant.
Yeah because The Soup's and TMZ's audience are little kids. :rolleyes:
Little kids, big kids, teens. Anyone who is impressionable enough to not watch something if its considered gay.

They're teamed with multiple alliacnes that have to do with bullying. It has nothing to do with homosexuality. Bullying. Homosexuality happens to be a big issue right now.
No they're not. They have Be A Star and GLAAD which they teamed up with only after GLAAD got butthurt that Cena was doing gay jokes.

No. You can't get around it. How long are Diva's matches? You don't need a script for that. Is he advertised for a guest host? You don't need a script for that. Use your damn logic.
No, you're belittleing the entire situation. If its no big deal then they wouldnt have brought him on in the first place. Divas matches only last 2 minutes because no one is paying attention. They're expecting people to pay attention this time. No celebrity does a 2 minute cameo in WWE.

So because WWE isn't popular now makes it gay? Oh, ok.
If it isnt popular people want to make fun of it. What are they going to call wrestling, the easiest thing to call it, gay.

Who says this? Everyone knows Perez doesn't go over well with the homosexual community. Why would the WWE bring him in to "kiss the gay community's ass"?
Because Vince is out of touch with the product and reality to be honest.
Not if their head is pulled out of their ass. If I hang out with a woman, are people going to assume I'm a woman; no. It's the same thing.
You can see if someones a woman, smartass. U cant see sexuality (sometimes). But everyones knows straight men normally dont hang out with gay people so dont give me that crap.
It isn't.
Then why do people call it gay?

Says you. I click on nearly every thread to see if I can add something to the thread. If I can, I do. I don’t care whether he’s there or not. I care about people bashing him for being a homosexual when it’s irrelevant.
Wow, such a productive poster. You force yourself to answer even when you dont care. And yes its relevant that hes gay, go to the home page and click on the news article, everyone there seems to get it.
Little kids, big kids, teens. Anyone who is impressionable enough to not watch something if its considered gay.
And I guess playing Grand Theft Auto is an excuse to kill someone walking down the street.
No they're not. They have Be A Star and GLAAD which they teamed up with only after GLAAD got butthurt that Cena was doing gay jokes.
I don't see how teaming up with GLAAD has anything to do with who all the WWE is teaming up with. Also, you forgot the Creative Coalition.
No, you're belittleing the entire situation. If its no big deal then they wouldnt have brought him on in the first place. Divas matches only last 2 minutes because no one is paying attention. They're expecting people to pay attention this time. No celebrity does a 2 minute cameo in WWE.
It's no big deal because it's the divas. Who did Kane tombstone at Wrestlemania XIV? How long did that last? An hour, wait no, about two- three minutes. Completely harmless. A perfect example of someone coming into the WWE who is hated by alot then leaving with in minutes. No harm done.
If it isnt popular people want to make fun of it. What are they going to call wrestling, the easiest thing to call it, gay.
You mean the same people who use the word "gay" to describe everything they hate? Ignorant fucks. I know wrestling isn't gay. Any sane human being would know so as well.
Because Vince is out of touch with the product and reality to be honest.
There's the straw and you're grasping at it.
You can see if someones a woman, smartass. U cant see sexuality (sometimes). But everyones knows straight men normally dont hang out with gay people so dont give me that crap.
What the fuck HeelTwat? There you go again? Everyone knows? WHO? WHO IS EVERYONE? I don't give a fuck if a man gay or not, if he's a chill dude, I'll hang.
Then why do people call it gay?
I guess Baseball players are gay because that play with wood and balls. Or football because theres head to head contact. Or basket ball because there always dunking balls. That's like saying going to the opera is gay. Or going to a musical is gay. It's completely stupid to take something with millions of fans and call it gay because they can't see through the bullshit. Who honestly calls wrestling gay? Answer that. Who? Is it the public's view? If so prove it. Or are you seriously pulling it completely out of your ass?
Wow, such a productive poster. You force yourself to answer even when you dont care.
How did you get that out of what I posted? I come into thread, if I can add something relevant to the thread, I do. If I can't, I stay the fuck out of said thread.
And yes its relevant that hes gay, go to the home page and click on the news article, everyone there seems to get it.
Chris Cash said:
And simply be glad that his involvement this Monday will be grouped in with the segment that is already the "bathroom break" portion of the show.
Seems about right.
And I guess playing Grand Theft Auto is an excuse to kill someone walking down the street.
Theres something wrong with murder. If you kill someone you go to jail, hell, your conscience is all fucked up, you've ruined another family's life. Lets not compare murder to not watching a TV show.

I don't see how teaming up with GLAAD has anything to do with who all the WWE is teaming up with. Also, you forgot the Creative Coalition.
What? WHAT? Are you drunk? Please tell me how thats a coherent sentence.

It's no big deal because it's the divas. Who did Kane tombstone at Wrestlemania XIV? How long did that last? An hour, wait no, about two- three minutes. Completely harmless. A perfect example of someone coming into the WWE who is hated by alot then leaving with in minutes. No harm done.
The point of bringing him in is to make it a big deal. The media isnt wrestling fans. They dont know that diva matches are "bathroom breaks" they just see the product for what it is and will definitely be watching. And the Pete Rose clip gets played over and over before every Wrestlemania. Pete was even inducted into the WWE HOF. So please dont tell me Pete's appearance had no impact.
You mean the same people who use the word "gay" to describe everything they hate? Ignorant fucks. I know wrestling isn't gay. Any sane human being would know so as well.
No I mean guys who have no respect for wrestling, flip the channel and see two bleach blonde guys hugging eachother and decide its gay.

What the fuck HeelTwat? There you go again? Everyone knows? WHO? WHO IS EVERYONE? I don't give a fuck if a man gay or not, if he's a chill dude, I'll hang.
So you're everyone now? Look, I doubt you're stupid enough not to know the public opinion of the damn sport you care so much about but heres an example of about 8 -10 people who dont know eachother and are probably from different parts of the world awknowledging that the public opinion of wrestling is that its gay.

I guess Baseball players are gay because that play with wood and balls. Or football because theres head to head contact. Or basket ball because there always dunking balls. That's like saying going to the opera is gay. Or going to a musical is gay. It's completely stupid to take something with millions of fans and call it gay because they can't see through the bullshit. Who honestly calls wrestling gay? Answer that. Who? Is it the public's view? If so prove it. Or are you seriously pulling it completely out of your ass?
The bullshit of two half naked men almost humping eachother in a ring?

Seems about right.
Yup, take a quote from the guy who posted the article and is supposed to be professional. Dont take it from the comments section like I said. Boy, the way you bullshit around evidence just to defend gays its almost like you're a member of the community yourself ;) . Its ok, I dont judge, and I dont think wrestling is gay either, but when you run a company like WWE, pleasing thee public is what puts asses in seats.
Theres something wrong with murder. If you kill someone you go to jail, hell, your conscience is all fucked up, you've ruined another family's life. Lets not compare murder to not watching a TV show.
But little kids, big kids and teens are impressionable enough to do or believe anything the TV tells them to do.
What? WHAT? Are you drunk? Please tell me how thats a coherent sentence.
I. Don't. See. How. The. WWE. Teamed. Up. With. GLAAD. Has. Anything. To. Do. With. Who've. All. The. WWE. Has. Formed. An. Alliance. With. The John Cena story, completely irrelevant.
The point of bringing him in is to make it a big deal. The media isnt wrestling fans. They dont know that diva matches are "bathroom breaks" they just see the product for what it is and will definitely be watching. And the Pete Rose clip gets played over and over before every Wrestlemania. Pete was even inducted into the WWE HOF. So please dont tell me Pete's appearance had no impact.
No impact on the damn show moron. It was completely harmless.
No I mean guys who have no respect for wrestling, flip the channel and see two bleach blonde guys hugging eachother and decide its gay.
Idiots like that are never going to have respect for wrestling. Ever. There's no way around it. At the end of the day, wrestling is always going to be two greased up muscular guys hugging. There's no way to get around that.
So you're everyone now?
What the fuck? You're the one making claims that everyone who's not a fan of wrestling thinks it's gay. It’s preposterous.
Look, I doubt you're stupid enough not to know the public opinion of the damn sport you care so much about but heres an example of about 8 -10 people who dont know eachother and are probably from different parts of the world awknowledging that the public opinion of wrestling is that its gay.
No. You have nothing here that can back you up. Like at all.
One question on Yahoo answers means that's how everyone who's a non wrestling views wrestling as being gay? Yeah, ok.

Also, please tell me you actually read this. Everyone on the page is calling it not gay. Just because one guys asks doesn't mean shit. No one in the comments says yes, wrestlin iz gayyyyyyyy.
From Yahoo Answers said:
I will answer it simple , no texts: They think wrestling is gay because they are gay. (stupid people)
From Yahoo Answers said:
Of course there going to say that.. But **** them..Do you really care?
Plus stick them in a ring with a proper wrestler , when they get bet up or whatever , who would be gay then huh? XD
From Yahoo Answers said:
i dont think its gay. It only gets gay in TNA when Orlando Jordan comes on. Or when Jay lethal is stripping down Ric Flair.
From Yahoo Answers said:
i dont think it's gay at all. people who think that wrestling is gay probably wouldn't even try the sport themselves. they are probably weak and insecure. i dont wrestle, im a girl, but wrestling to cool.
From Yahoo Answers said:
As the guy before me (gigglebuster) said "they are a little touchy" he was somewhat right but this doesn't mean they are gay, what do you want them to do, if they don't touch each other it wont be called wrestling.
The bullshit of two half naked men almost humping eachother in a ring?
Or the bullshit that you're typing. Two men aren't going to the ring, stroking each other's dicks until they ejaculate. Two men aren't trying to penetrate eachother at every move. IT'S TWO MEN TRYING TO HURT ONE ANOTHER. See through the bullshit.
Yup, take a quote from the guy who posted the article and is supposed to be professional.
Professional. I'd certainly value his opinion higher than any of the idiots who can click a mouse.
Dont take it from the comments section like I said. Boy, the way you bullshit around evidence
Evidence? WHERE? You've pulled everything out of your ass. Everything. You've said that wrestling is gay and anyone who doesn't watch it will see it as such. You're stereotyping them. Who says all of them do? You have no facts. No figure to back up your shitty ass opinion.
just to defend gays its almost like you're a member of the community yourself ;)
That's completely irrelevant. I've had the same girlfriend for more than three years buddy. Even if I was, it would be none of your damn business, would it? The fact that you even mention this proves how ignorant you really are and shows how you really see the world. Get a life man.
Its ok, I dont judge, and I dont think wrestling is gay either, but when you run a company like WWE, pleasing thee public is what puts asses in seats.
But little kids, big kids and teens are impressionable enough to do or believe anything the TV tells them to do.
Who says? These people are capable of using their sense. If they see superman jump off a building they're not going to do the same because it could result in serious injury and wont help them obtain anything. But when its something pertaining to pop culture they'll jump on it because it gives them the feeling that they're fitting in.
The John Cena story, completely irrelevant.
Yeah, ok, its irrelevant because its what caused WWE to team up with GLAAD in the first place. Be A Star and the creative coalition only came along to support Randy Orton's movie and to help the PG product.

No impact on the damn show moron. It was completely harmless.
Because Pete Rose is actually a respectable individual.

Idiots like that are never going to have respect for wrestling. Ever. There's no way around it. At the end of the day, wrestling is always going to be two greased up muscular guys hugging. There's no way to get around that.
What I'm saying is that years ago no one voiced that view about wrestling. Just like in baseball they smack eachother's asses but no one calls it gay because they respect the sport.
What the fuck? You're the one making claims that everyone who's not a fan of wrestling thinks it's gay. It’s preposterous.
I didnt say that ever. I'm just bringing it to attention that whenever people who are aware of wrestling and arent fans speak about it, they call it gay. If someone isnt a fan and hasnt been influenced by some outside source they wouldnt call it gay because they arent aware of what goes on. Its like if someone told you there was this new show on TV and you asked about what and they said people dance on that show and for some reason you view dancing as a negative thing you'll already have a negative attitude of the show.

No. You have nothing here that can back you up. Like at all.
What the fuck do you want me to do, go out with a video camera and interview people on the matter? Stop being a dick or get out from uder the rock ur living under and just accept it and stop answering like a child.

One question on Yahoo answers means that's how everyone who's a non wrestling views wrestling as being gay? Yeah, ok.

Also, please tell me you actually read this. Everyone on the page is calling it not gay. Just because one guys asks doesn't mean shit. No one in the comments says yes, wrestlin iz gayyyyyyyy.
You obviously didnt get the point of the link. The people there defend it because they're obviously wrestling fans. The point was that they ALL acknowledge that people call wrestling gay.

Or the bullshit that you're typing. Two men aren't going to the ring, stroking each other's dicks until they ejaculate. Two men aren't trying to penetrate eachother at every move. IT'S TWO MEN TRYING TO HURT ONE ANOTHER. See through the bullshit.
Oh please not everyone has such a saintly mind as you do. If a couple of guys in their twenties tune into RAW and they've never seen it before and they see two oiled up men grabbing eachother they're going to call it gay. You pretending to be ignorant on the situation doesnt make it any less true and having Perez hilton there only makes it worse because guys would be watching to see the divas then as soon as they see Perez they'll be like "naw this is gay" and switch the channel.

Professional. I'd certainly value his opinion higher than any of the idiots who can click a mouse.
You have a serious problem with accepting other people's opinions. The guys on WZ have to sugar coat it half the time, they cant just say, "the flaming faggs gunna be one RAW, boycott the show!!!!!".
Evidence? WHERE? You've pulled everything out of your ass. Everything. You've said that wrestling is gay and anyone who doesn't watch it will see it as such. You're stereotyping them. Who says all of them do? You have no facts. No figure to back up your shitty ass opinion.
You'd be an awesome juror. If a murderer is on trial and they show a picture of the body he killed you'd be the first one to close your eyes and say "NANANANANA I DONT SEE IT!"
That's completely irrelevant. I've had the same girlfriend for more than three years buddy. Even if I was, it would be none of your damn business, would it? The fact that you even mention this proves how ignorant you really are and shows how you really see the world. Get a life man.
Oh please I love people like you, "straight guys" who get so emotional in supporting gay people. You act like they're so sweet and inoccent until the big scary jock comes along and calls them a ***. Its like the antagonizing of the whites when speaking about the native americans, completely ignoring that the native americans were killing eachother to please the sun.

I am so sorry. I was wrong. After watching Perez Hilton on Raw, I realized how much it affected the entire program. It lasted forever. Wait, no it didn't. Once again, he was there three minutes tops. I didn't need a damn script to know whatever the fuck he was going to do. He was booed the shit out of, no harm done. He acted like a total pussy, got the Kelly Kelly to back him up against the Bellas and the whole segment was over. That's it. Completely over with.

Now all that's left is to see how the Soup and TMZ views all of this.

I am so sorry. I was wrong. After watching Perez Hilton on Raw, I realized how much it affected the entire program. It lasted forever. Wait, no it didn't. Once again, he was there three minutes tops. I didn't need a damn script to know whatever the fuck he was going to do. He was booed the shit out of, no harm done. He acted like a total pussy, got the Kelly Kelly to back him up against the Bellas and the whole segment was over. That's it. Completely over with.

Now all that's left is to see how the Soup and TMZ views all of this.
Except no one said it was going to affect the whole program you fucking ******. The whole point of him being there is what bothers people, but fine as long as your precious little gay community is pleased that there was a gay on RAW. Seriously, fuck this shit this is why people on the IWC never understand how the rest of the world works, you're more out of touch than vince is. I love wwe but I sincerely hope the media murders them for this, and that the wwe network fails as well, maybe TNA will rise up and show you what wrestling is supposed to be like, real fighting and not publicity stunt after publicity stunt to please a crowd thats only reason for watching raw is for *********ion material. Idgaf, fuck it if i get banned for saying this too, no god damn free speech anywhere.
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