Paul Heyman's role after Wrestlemania

What would you like Paul Heyman's role to be after Wrestle Mania?

  • Manage or form a stable

  • Commentary

  • GM

  • Other

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More than likely Paul Heyman will be losing his one and only client who put the one in 21 and one and is the current, reigning, defending Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar. Unless something drastic happens it looks like Lesnar is gone after Wrestle Mania. I think Lesnar will give MMA one more try and then will probably see him again in the WWE. However with Lesnar leaving it doesn't mean Heyman is leaving (or at least I hope not) and that means he will need something to do.
After seeing Heyman shake Seth Rollins hand after Lesnar attacked Cena last night on RAW it made me think what that handshake could mean. Was it just Heyman saying "We're cool" or is it something more? It also made me think what will Heyman's role be after Wrestle Mania. He might take some time off, but I don't see that happening especially when the RAW after Wrestle Mania is one if not the best RAWs of the year and Heyman defiantly adds spice to the show. Now my question is what will be Heyman's role after Lesnar leaves? Will he manage or start a stable, be GM, do commentary, work behind the scenes, or something else?
I personally would like to see him form a stable. I think if he does Rollins would be a front runner, because he has the MITB briefcase and after RAW last night where they shook hands it looks like a good possibility. I think Rollins be the head, Cesaro could take over Mercury and Noble's spot since Cesaro looks like he could be a hitman if you give him a nice suit and his wrestling makes him look like a real threat. Plus even though Cesaro and Heyman aren't together now they did say they aren't necessary done working together. I figured maybe toss in a tag team (possibly The Ascencion) and you have a nice stable there with a strong mouth piece. So after Wrestle Mania what role would you like to see Paul Heyman in?
I just hope he stays around in some sort of capacity. He is great as an on screen manager. He would definatley add something to comentary.

I think though, that they should let him book a show again, like he previously did with Smackdown. Smackdown was tremendous when he was the booker, I know he had some excellent talent at that time but it competed with Raw with Heyman at the helm.
I'd hold off on a new Stable, atm.

However, WWE have been hinting recently that Paul Heyman seems to fancy Rollins, especially that handshake, and earlier he made no effort to hide his admiration in Seth and always calls him the Future of the WWE.

Heyman managing the Ascension could also be another interesting option, but I can't really say how effective that would be.
Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and Rollins would make for a pretty cool stable with Heyman in control. Lesnar as the champ, Rollins as the contingency plan and Benjamin as enforcer, also replacing J&J Security. If Lesnar loses the strap, Rollins has the case and Benjamin could run interference during a cash-in. Makes sense to me.
I wouldn't mind Rollins finally breaking through the "Paul Heyman Guy" barrier and becoming the first legitimate wrestler under Heyman who is not named Punk or Lesnar. At this point, Rollins gets more of a reaction than Ryback/Axel/Cesaro ever did. Putting him with Heyman could solidify himself as the top heel in the company. I like the Noble/Mercury thing, but Rollins could certainly benefit from having Heyman accompany him.
I woulld take him off tv after Mania till probably Summer Slam then have him show up leading a Nexus like NXT invasion with Owens, Balor, Itami, Banks and Corbin. Have them be a team like Nexxus was but have their objective be titles. They want all the gold. Then just turn one established superstar, I would go with Ziggler to go for the World title, have Owens and Corbin go after the mid cards, Itami and Balor the tags and Sasha the Divas.
Had Brock Lesnar never been hired, I can't imagine that Paul Heyman ever would have been. He was brought in as a complement to Brock for two reasons: To talk for Brock when both men were here since Brock is a less than inspiring speaker, and even more importantly, to talk for Brock when he wasn't there because WWE had set up Brock's contract to reflect the fact he was very rarely going to be around. Someone had to keep Brock's name floating around the airwaves to keep him relevant to today's fan. There could be no better choice than Paul Heyman.

But, has Heyman done enough to stay employed now that Brock will apparently be gone? Does he even want to stay with WWE?

I'm hoping Paul stays and is allowed to form a stable, one with ever-changing membership, led by the man who put the "Jew" in Jiu-jitsu as the spokesman. He can make up for the mic deficiencies of so many people. I remember my man Drew McIntyre tweeting that he hoped to link up with Heyman, since he knew his chief problem in WWE was connecting with the listening audience. Plenty of other performers could benefit from what Heyman brings.

I don't know what Vince McMahon thinks. Hopefully, Heyman has impressed him enough to keep the guy around, although McMahon was aware of Heyman's speaking abilities long before Brock ever came aboard. It could be McMahon will find no need for Heyman without Brock.
I'd love it if Heyman stays around. His speaking abilities are way better than 99% of the roster. An alliance with Seth Rollins could actually benefit Rollins. We've also seen that Paul Heyman is way better at managing an established talent than putting a new talent over. So, why not?
If Heyman stays just make him general manager. He's tried helping some wrestlers out which didn't go over to well. Heyman is a great speaker who could fill this void of empty GM which would save us from the Guest Host schtick. If I'd go for anything it'd be Heyman for General Manager.
I think he'll just disappear as an on screen character, no reason to have him on there really after Brock is gone.

Seth doesn't need Heyman. He's a good talker and knows how to get heat on his own.

I wouldn't mind seeing Heyman pop up and do commentary do the pre and post shows of PPVs
Likely scenario is him turning on Brock in favor of either Reigns who would beat Brock for the title or turning on Brock in favor of Rollins who would cash in on Brock.

Or maybe Reigns beats Brock, Rollins cashes in, and Heyman comes out on Raw the next night and aligns himself with Rollins.

Either way, I definitely don't want to see him go away and a commentary position is almost beneath him at this point.

I'd accept him going off screen if he got to run Smackdown creatively.
Heyman's future is after Vince dies or steps down. Vince will NEVER let Heyman book SmackDown as it will bruise VKM's oh-so-precious ego. I think Heyman, as much as I voted that he will run a stable once WM is over, will go manage Lesnar in UFC.

Once Stephanie and Trips are in control, do not be surprised if Heyman comes back and becomes head of Creative. It was Stephanie that tried desperately to keep Heyman on board after that December to Dismember clusterfuck, where VKM basically threw Heyman's booking out the window.
I'm surprised few people are pulling for him to be a commentator. He's done it in the past, he is legitimately the best talker in WWE(who's better? Cena? Trips? Cole?) and we need an actual heel commentator. If you slide him in JBL's spot and push King out you'd have an amazing announce team(I think at least).

I don't think him as GM would help much at all, we just lost a heel GM, so let's wait a bit before we get a new one.

If he managed a stable I wouldn't complain, Rollins would obviously be in it. But maybe you could slide a Cesaro, Curtis Axel and J&J security. They've made references to Shield 2.0 so why not actually go for it. Axel might be an odd choice for this faction but you could slide another lower tier heel there who needs a talker. This would also be a good idea if they want to keep him around
I hope he stays to do something I think he can add a lot continuing as a manager or even going to commentary theres been a lack of great heel comentators for years

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