Opportunity Missed?


Getting Noticed By Management
Okay so with WM27 this Sunday, and about 9 matches set, something feels a little incomplete....no, not a MITB match, but instead Kofi Kingston....did WWE miss the opportunity by placing him in Lawlers corner....I mean Cole has Swagger who at the time was feuding with Kofi recently....why not add Kofi to help Lawler.....the build has been very good for this feud, but for some weeks, it was pretty uneven...Swagger and Cole would beat the hell out of and humiliate Lawler or even JR...Stone Cold has only made one appearance.....they would just get away with the beatdowns.....Stone Cold hasnt really been in Lawlers corner, so why not add Kofi to give him this kinda push...during the match, if Swagger gets involved, they could've had Kofi run up and perform some kind of spot to wow the crowd....I just think they missed the boat on adding him to the match seeing as how they were feuding before Swagger joined Cole...now the match is as predictable as it can get because of them beating on Lawler....without some kind of backforth, the match is dead predictable, and thats what it needed...
I was actually thinking about Kingston's lack of involvement for this year's Mania last night.

Stone Cold is on Lawler's side. Yes he made one appearance, but why have Kofi save Lawler when SCSA is already there with his Stunner ready?

It's too late anyways. Why add in Kofi this late if they were going to do it? I think this match is already booked to what it needs to be. Now, if JBL had been the guest ref, Kofi would have fit in to some degree.

And Swagger cannot help Cole out. It's a single's match, not a no dq match. If Swaggie gets involved, then Stone Cold will kick his ass, then kick Cole's ass, then have a few beers, then share a beer or two with Lawler, then have even more beers.
Who says its a missed oppertunity wm27's not here yet , Kofi can always do a run in as a surprise,(not a big one) just cause its not laid out in front of you doesn't mean that it cant or wont happen, but with Stone Cold as ref Kofi is probably not needed for this match.
I think that the WWE can do an angle whereby Kozlov gets assaulted and taken out by the Corre and then have Kofi filling the vacant spot as the team's 4th member. So, they can have The Corre, Big Show, Kane, Santino and Kofi on the card, then everybody is happy. However, its highly unlikely, why have him drop the Intercontinental Championship to Barrett on the final smackdown before Mania? (I know that there is a smackdown this friday but when half the show is taken up by Axcess footage, I hardly call it a show). He could have an Intercontinental Championship with someone, although the match would be a thrown together one. Overall, Kofi deserves to be on the Mania card, not someone like Vladimir Kozlov.
I was actually thinking about Kingston's lack of involvement for this year's Mania last night.

Stone Cold is on Lawler's side. Yes he made one appearance, but why have Kofi save Lawler when SCSA is already there with his Stunner ready?

It's too late anyways. Why add in Kofi this late if they were going to do it? I think this match is already booked to what it needs to be. Now, if JBL had been the guest ref, Kofi would have fit in to some degree.

And Swagger cannot help Cole out. It's a single's match, not a no dq match. If Swaggie gets involved, then Stone Cold will kick his ass, then kick Cole's ass, then have a few beers, then share a beer or two with Lawler, then have even more beers.

No offense to you, but I dread this scenario happening.

First of all, this Cole thing reminds me of 'Dangerous' Danny Davis part 2. And I hated it the first time.

And if a broken down Stone Cold puts a stunner on Jack Swagger - one of the company's better in-ring talents and someone who can actually wrestle - I'll be pissed.

It's one thing for Austin to stun JBL, another guy not active in the ring (and kudos to him for agreeing to it), it's another for someone who can no longer wrestle to abuse someone who can.

And when there's no payback (and with Austin, there never is), there is no 'rub' so we can nip that thought in the bud right now.

As for Kofi, it's a shame what they're doing to him.

Forgotten IC champ to just plain forgotten. He deserves better.
Okay so with WM27 this Sunday, and about 9 matches set, something feels a little incomplete....no, not a MITB match, but instead Kofi Kingston....did WWE miss the opportunity by placing him in Lawlers corner....I mean Cole has Swagger who at the time was feuding with Kofi recently....why not add Kofi to help Lawler.....the build has been very good for this feud, but for some weeks, it was pretty uneven...Swagger and Cole would beat the hell out of and humiliate Lawler or even JR...Stone Cold has only made one appearance.....they would just get away with the beatdowns.....Stone Cold hasnt really been in Lawlers corner, so why not add Kofi to give him this kinda push...during the match, if Swagger gets involved, they could've had Kofi run up and perform some kind of spot to wow the crowd....I just think they missed the boat on adding him to the match seeing as how they were feuding before Swagger joined Cole...now the match is as predictable as it can get because of them beating on Lawler....without some kind of backforth, the match is dead predictable, and thats what it needed...

It's a good thing for this match that it's uneven. People have been waiting for a while to see Cole get whats coming to him, why ruin that before the big event? Every 2 on 1 beating that King gets makes people want to see him get his hands on Cole even more, and that has to wait until Mania. And it's not like if it was more even that it would be any less predictable. But unpredictability is not what this match is selling in the first place. It's selling one of the most annoying, hated heels finally getting his ass kicked.
I don't think Kofi adds anything to any match at this point. He really needs to work on his mic skills in order for anyone to care about his involvement in anything...especially in a role where wrestling wouldn't be his main focus (i.e. being in someone's corner). They do that to add another character, another personality, to the match. Kingston is as dry as they come.
i do not see that happening this close to WM27, but it would even the odds a bit. speaking of kofi kingston, where is drew mcintyre going to fit in WM27? is he even going to show up or is he just going to be in a dark match.
Im just saying because pretty much all of the matches are predictable....Cody vs Rey points to a Rey win with more storyline over the next month or so....Undertaker is beating Triple H.....Orton is beating Punk....Snookis team is winning...Sheamus is winning because he just got the belt...The Corre and team KaneShow is the only match thats not predictable, that, the WWE title match and Edge vs ADR....what has Swagger done to really deserve being in this match? He was world champ for like 2 months last year, bombed, and ended up on Superstars...he went on to lose to Kofi over the IC title, but yet Kofi has no spot? where is the logic? Swagger has had no mic time during this entire feud, so the mic time excuse isnt a viable reason why Kofi couldnt have been involved...isnt that what Mania is about, unpredictability? it would have been more watchable than that bomb of a match between Bret and Vince last year which was the most predictable match of all time....this match is looking like a close second which means it may become a piss break match, which isnt a good thing at Mania...I would rather be sittin on the edge of my couch the entire show instead of knowing which matches are predictable....
Like what has been said, it would have been too late to bring his involvement into the match as he wouldn't have enough time to establish the reason why he did it. Personally I would have loved to have seen it (I am a great fan of Kofi) but like I said, there would be no real reason as to why.

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