Opinions on Brodus Clay?


Occasional Pre-Show
For me this guy has impressed since becoming Alberto Del Rio's body guard. He has instantly been pushed into the main event status on Smackdown and is actually good in the ring. For a man of his size and calibre he is quick and can do some high impact moves.

I like watching Brodus's matchs and I hope he stays as Del Rio's body guard for a while. I think WWE need to put the IC Title around Brodus Clay while keeping him still part of Del Rio's faction. Then employ 2 tag team talets, possibly the Uso's to make a stable similar to JBL's and have superstars such as rey and Christian rebel against them.

You opinion on Brodus Clay?

What does the future hold for him?
I think Brodus Clay has the chance to be one of the monster heels that the WWE is missing right now. He has the overpower size and strength and he's not bad in the ring.

As far as the future goes, it's hard to say cause anything can happen. I would say a Mid card title run of sorts. Maybe even the tag team champs with ADR. Who knows? Either way, barring injury, he should be around for years to come.
Big, intimidating, reminds me of an 80's heel. You don't get too many fatties these days. Average worker, but he's still new and he doesn't really need to do much.

Shouldn't have been paired with Del Rio nor should he have been on a season of NXT. Ideally he would've been bought in to feud and easily defeat somebody like Kane or Big Show in his first feud and appearance on TV. Much like Khali with 'Taker in 2006. Instead he's already been exposed as a fairly useless bodyguard who, despite his size, can't win for shit.

If he doesn't get over on his own he'll be a comedy character, which isn't that bad a role, it worked for Kozlov after he failed to catch on as a monster heel.
Quite simply, the guy needs to win. He is a monstrous beast of a man, but has been booked abysmally. His final promo on NXT was quite possibly the highlight of the season (granted, that isn't saying much...) and I think that could have easily translated into a gimmick. Have him go through, and simply crush faces.

I think he's a man with a ton of potential. He's like the lost lovechild of Vader and King Kong Bundy. Massive, but with above average big man agility. Ugly as sin, with some mic skills and ring awareness. He needs more experience to move up, but I don't think he's getting it as Del Rio's bodyguard.

Del Rio worked better as a credible, can beat any face style of heel. Hiding behind Clay hasn't done him any favours. And keeping Clay with Del Rio hasn't done much to show him off. He needs to be the monster heel he can be. A feud of his own would be a great start. Maybe somebody like Kane who could help get him over.
Quite simply, the guy needs to win. He is a monstrous beast of a man, but has been booked abysmally. His final promo on NXT was quite possibly the highlight of the season (granted, that isn't saying much...) and I think that could have easily translated into a gimmick. Have him go through, and simply crush faces.

I think he's a man with a ton of potential. He's like the lost lovechild of Vader and King Kong Bundy. Massive, but with above average big man agility. Ugly as sin, with some mic skills and ring awareness. He needs more experience to move up, but I don't think he's getting it as Del Rio's bodyguard.

Del Rio worked better as a credible, can beat any face style of heel. Hiding behind Clay hasn't done him any favours. And keeping Clay with Del Rio hasn't done much to show him off. He needs to be the monster heel he can be. A feud of his own would be a great start. Maybe somebody like Kane who could help get him over.

Great Comparison with Bundy and Vader. Spot on! I think teaming up with ADR allowed him to get airtime and get his foot in the door. ADR was becoming a main eventer so it was good for Clay that he had him as his mentor. Kinda like when Jericho was Wade Barrett's mentor. He got the perverbial rub from Jericho and he has taken off since. I agree though it's time to break away from ADR and become the monster heel that he will eventually become. It will benefit both of them in the long run as both become more credible on their own.
Needs better foot speed. Like, yesterday. Other than that, seems like he might be a monster. Assuming he can get out of his own way.
He's the ugliest man in the history of professional wrestling.....which is an accomplishment, I suppose. Stand him next to Drew McIntyre, and the contrast between the two will make your TV explode.

Honestly, though, what does Brodus have that Husky Harris and Trevor Murdoch didn't? All three are big-bodied, overweight roughnecks whose type Vince McMahon claims to like, only to ultimately get rid of them because he "doesn't like their look."

I don't see what Brodus Clay has that the other two didn't. I predict he'll eventually be future endeavored for the same reasons the other two were.
Honestly, though, what does Brodus have that Husky Harris and Trevor Murdoch didn't? All three are big-bodied, overweight roughnecks whose type Vince McMahon claims to like, only to ultimately get rid of them because he "doesn't like their look."

I don't see what Brodus Clay has that the other two didn't. I predict he'll eventually be future endeavored for the same reasons the other two were.

Honestly? About 5 inches in height, and about a hundred pounds in weight.

Neither Harris nor Murdoch fit in the size of a "monster heel". Both are big guys, but not big enough to fill that role. Clay has the sheer size to fill that role. With guys like Kane and Mark Henry likely to retire in the foreseeable future, WWE is going to need to have a monster heel or two in reserve.

It doesn't make Clay a permanent fixture in the main event status, but he could easily fill the same role that Kane and Henry have over the years. Sporadically tossed in the main event scene when needed, and used to help get upcoming faces over. Not the most glamourous job, but an important one, and one that I think Clay could excel at with his natural abilities.
He fits the bodyguard, tool persona. He was a bodyguard in RL, so it would fit, huh? But take him away from Alberto Del Rio and he's another Big Daddy V, only smaller. Big guy, looks bad in a singlet, who seems to be able to beat the hell out of a lot of people, even though they don't portray him that way.

I can't see him having a great singles career once he and Del Rio split. He hasn't got "it", all he has is his size, he does have speed for a big guy, and an intimidating look. One positive he has, is that hes done better than the rest of the guys who were in his season of NXT.
I think Brodus Clay has tons of potential.From watching nxt last season I was able to see that he has above average mic skills and he carries himself well in the ring.My only complaint is his finishing move.He started with that Death grip/slam move and then changed to the powerslam.Neither one really has the impact that a finishing move should have.I think once he finds an impactful finishing he'll be able to sart making a name for himself.
I like this guy as a monster. Those stupid little dread thingeys on his head makes him look like a triceratops. I like the way that he's a huge man mountain, not just superly buff like Zeke Jackson. Having said that, maybe he could lose the man-boobs?

I saw him splash a guy on NXT and I almost jumped behind the couch. His mic ability isn't bad either, like if Mr T started rapping. And he is WAY bigger and more hardass than Harris.

If I may part with a question, why do the guys who perhaps aren't in the best shape (Mark Henry, Big Show, Lawler, Brodus) always wear unitards?
He definitely is impressive and has the potential to be a top monster heel. I also forsee a possible IC title run for him down the road, which I wouldn't mind. I'd definitely pay to see a Brodus Clay IC title match.
I like Brodus Clay. He's big, dangerous looking, and the only guy who does an Exploder Suplex:worship:. I think he will be the next monster heel. I do think he needs some character and some mic-time to show what he's got.
God I hate this guy. Not in the good way heels should be hated either. In a "you look like a fucking ****** no matter what you're doing" type of way. Those sounds he makes when he uselessly stands at ringside for an ADR match fucking piss me off. The faces he makes does NOT help the fact that he is ugly as sin either. I honestly can not see how this guy could be marketable. They should have put him in a Vader-esque mask if anything. I also think the pairing with ADR is completely fucked. ADR is supposed to be a rich man of exquisite taste, exceptional talent and ridiculous arrogance, he can beat just about anyone, but now he's hiding behind this fucking goof monster? I'd rather see ADR grow on his own and have Clay nowhere near my TV.
The man looks like a beast, no doubt about that. I didn't catch most of his NXT run but I did see his promo in the finale. The man can draw heat and his fairly decent on the mic. It's good that he's on television but the guy has been booked to shit. I don't think he's won yet (although I might've missed a match of his or two) and I don't really think he's getting anywhere as Del Rio's bodyguard other than being the one who takes the fall when they team up. He needs to be in a meaningful feud with someone (maybe Kane) and more importantly, pick up a win. Otherwise he'll just fizzle out if he hasn't already. The dude's got potential to be a title contender at some point but at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised (or really care much) if he got released as part of WWE's spring cleaning.
Hopefully he is serious and does not get left in the dust. I can see Del Rio no longer bringing Brodus eventually and Brodus Clay would go down to low card matches and get released. That would be awful, he has potential to be a monster heel like Kane was back in 2010. I like his finisher, i can not remember the name, it looks just like the choke slam and just as powerful too. I do hope he changes his tights though with time, it looks like the straps give him a wedgie constantly.:lol:
I find him to be boring honestly. He is just another big guy and they are all easily replaced. Nearly all big guys in wrestling bore me. I hate the stereotype that all big guys have to get pushed just simply for being big. I see a generic "big guy" career for Brodus. He will have a few squash matches here and there, then get fed to a face (probably Christian if both remain on Smackdown, depending on the draft) and then get future endeavoured because I just don't see anything that sticks out in him, he's another big guy and any other big guy can take his spot in a heartbeat.
I didn't watch him on NXT, but he looks like a 21st century Gorilla Monsoon to me. Gorilla was also this ridiculously large physical specimen, almost a foot wide as he was tall. Both of them use(d) a running splash as a finisher, and they're tremendous, almost freakish size is what really makes them stand out and gives them superstar potential.

However, Gorilla had charisma, and this is a trait that Brodus has yet to show. Perhaps it's because he's stuck in the shadow of Alberto Del Rio, and I'm hoping that he'll show some signs of life when he breaks out from under Del Rio's tutelage, but I have my doubts.
I like the guy. Good for a man his size in the ring. Sadly he has been absent on WWE TV for a couple months now ever since the WWE draft? Yes. Sadly I see him staying the lost shuffle until he is released. What I want to happen though is have him become a dominant monster heel. WWE needs more of those. Sure you have Mark Henry right now which is good but you got two former great monster heels Kane & Big Show as faces. We need Brodus.
Well to be honest, Brodus Clay is good on the mic, not great, but good, he can be the next Big Show in my opinion, only more talented from what I have seen but I could be wrong.

Though I'd have to see alot more out of him before I judge his charisma and in ring skills, and I'm really relieved they didn't send him back to FCW like i thought they did when he started not appearing on TV, apparently he's busy filming movie, so that's why he's been out.
I think big Broudus is missing some big oppertunies in the WWE by this absence,but hopefully he can get over onece again when he comes back,Does any1 know if it is a WWE movie he is filming,or how the WWE feels about him taking all this time off to do this movie.I know in the 80's & 90's Vinny Mac would not play ball if this was something outside the "E" JUST ASK Roddy Piper or Hogan.But if Vince is fine with it and gave him his blessings then maybe after his return he can return to the upper mid card and do some damage.If he can tone up his arms in loose 20 lbs in his waist i think he can become what Taz was supposed to be.And i acyually liked his finisher.

--just my opinion--
Well I don't know about Main Event status but I do like the guy and feel he should be on the SD more he is and can be a huge heel on the show and a great talent

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