One Week Until Rey Mysterio. Possibly.

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Here's a picture of Rey Mysterio. Just in case you forgot.


Dashing fellow.

Rey got his second wellness strike - and a nice sixty day suspension to go along with it - on the 26th of April this year ( By my calculations, that means he's free of suspension come the 25th of June - next Monday. Fun fact, fact fans: This means he's free to return on either Monday Night Raw (on, uh, Monday) or SmackDown (recorded Tuesday, isn't it?).

With the suspension piled upon the injury he'd already suffered, we haven't seen Rey in action since August 15th, 2011 - almost an entire year. I don't know about you, some of you have no taste, but I've been going through massive withdrawals. I ground up one of my Rey Mysterio DVDs, snorted it and rubbed what was left into my gums. In retrospect, watching the DVD might have been a more effective solution.

Rey loses a step in the ring every year. It's inevitable - he ages; he's not fucking Dorian Gray. That said, he can still go better than 95% of the roster, is still one of the best wrestlers in the world, and somehow compensates for not being able to do as many flips or jump as high by giving some of the best matches of the year every year. Whether he's called upon to wrestle Cody Rhodes or John Cena, Rey always, always delivers.

I'm hoping Rey has recuperated well during his surprisingly long vacation, that we don't have any injury worries again for a long time, and that we see him on television sooner than later. I was going to say that I hope he returns to SmackDown rather than Raw, but that's quite the redundant statement these days. I'm not too concerned with where he ends up on the card - he'll perform whatever he's given and with wherever he's put. Who knows - we might have to wait until SummerSlam. Fucking hope not.
Rey losing a step each year just brings him closer to WWE's 2nd best worker. Still some way to go.

Naturally Daniel Bryan should defeat Punk for the WWE Championship and then move straight into a feud with Rey Mysterio. Remember how Punk vs. Rey was half-decent? Well Bryan is ten times the worker Punk is.

Rey vs. Bryan, 4 PPV matches at least please.
He's needed that major knee surgery for years now, so a long break was inevitable. At least the suspension ensures he is full recovered when he returns.

Even with the repaired knee, he can't be more than a couple of years at most away from retirement, his kind of wrestling leads to a shorter career.
I'm long past the point where i care about rey mysterio. A few years ago i would have considered him one of my favourites but now i'm just bored with him. I really don't see the point in him coming back especially if its in a main event role. If he does come back it would hopefully be with the intention of putting younger superstars.
Another thing, we missed out on having Sin Cara vs. Mysterio at Wrestlemania due to both being injured. That needs to be Rey's retirement match, putting over Cara at WM (assuming they're serious about Sin Cara being a long term staple of WWE).
Rey needs to stay gone.

As someone who used to love Rey, he's long past retirement. His gimmick (like some others) is old and tiresome and having him come back into a main event picture completely discredits the WWE, just as it did when they had him as World Champion and the transitional WWE champion as well.

It's unrealistic at all. I know this is WWE and we do things that are 'unrealistic' but a cruiserweight should not be beating the hell out of the heavyweights.

The only acceptable for WWE in this case would to bring back the cruiserweight division and have him lead the next group into the future eventually pushing someone else on top to take on his role at best as a mid-carder.
Mysterio should have one more match in the wwe if he ever comes back. I'd book a mask vs mask match against Sin Cara where Rey mysterio would lose and unmask himself possibly if WWE goes back to san diego or Mexico would be a proper place for this match. Then the Raw after this match Mysterio comes out and says how he was disrespected humiliated and embarassed in ( mexico or san diego) and tells the fans how they forgot about him when he was gone for 10 months and didn't support him in the mask vs mask match causing Mysterio to quit on tv.
Rey needs to stay gone.

As someone who used to love Rey, he's long past retirement. His gimmick (like some others) is old and tiresome and having him come back into a main event picture completely discredits the WWE, just as it did when they had him as World Champion and the transitional WWE champion as well.

It's unrealistic at all. I know this is WWE and we do things that are 'unrealistic' but a cruiserweight should not be beating the hell out of the heavyweights.

The only acceptable for WWE in this case would to bring back the cruiserweight division and have him lead the next group into the future eventually pushing someone else on top to take on his role at best as a mid-carder.

I see that another ignoramus has succumbed to the rationale that "cruiserweights beating heavyweights" is deemed unrealistic.

Maybe you've heard of this guy named CM Punk. I think he's still champion. Sometimes I marvel at his physique and how he can carry around his 218 pounds like it's nothing. He also towers over his competition and I can see the fear in his opponents' eyes. The man is a specimen and should have statues erected in his honor.

You need to ditch this way of thinking. Guys like Hart, HBK, Benoit, and others have been very successful in the WWE and never had the luxury of being built like a brickhouse. Mysterio is still one of the best workers in the WWE and could be used as a face to bolster Raw or Smackdown. I pity you.
I think those that take issue with Mysterio winning the world championship and/or defeating much larger opponents might take issue with a few other things which have occurred over the years. I took the liberty of digging them out so that we might guffaw and mock them together. They are truly ludicrous!

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

Lookit that! Total bollocks.

There's a reason Rey Mysterio is booked like an underdog, why he wrestles like an underdog - because he is an underdog. He's a five foot six Mexican in a land of giants, and he behaves like it. Fact is, massive size differences being overcome and underdogs coming out ontop are timeless staples of professional wrestling. Small guys not being believable world champions is a myth which was obliterated about two decades ago. Until recently, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were world champions simultaneously.

Small men can be successful, even when they wrestle large men. Swallow it. God knows there's bigger, less digestible loads of bollocks that you need to save room for.
There is small and there is tiny. Benoit and Eddie were small and they towered over Rey.

If Rey being heavyweight champ is ok, then why the hell do I hear so many people bitching about Hornswoggle being cruiserweight champion? He's closer to Rey's size than Rey is to Big Show. At least WCW did right with him... He was unstoppable against guys nearly his size, then he did the j-o-b to Nash. I know twelve year olds bigger than Rey and that's real sad.

But the fact is, they push Rey because he appeals to the mexicans and because kids like to dress up like him. Best worker my ass, Rey hasn't had a 5 star match in the WWE.
.If Rey being heavyweight champ is ok, then why the hell do I hear so many people bitching about Hornswoggle being cruiserweight champion? He's closer to Rey's size than Rey is to Big Show. At least WCW did right with him... He was unstoppable against guys nearly his size, then he did the j-o-b to Nash. I know twelve year olds bigger than Rey and that's real sad.

You're going to compare one of the best workers in the WWE with a novelty act. Hornswoggle was a comedy character at the time and most thought it was a joke. Besides, that title was dead in the water for a long time. Hornswoggle just tied a cinderblock around it to make sure it stayed down.

But the fact is, they push Rey because he appeals to the mexicans and because kids like to dress up like him. Best worker my ass, Rey hasn't had a 5 star match in the WWE.

Rey has been one of the best merchandise sellers since his debut. Money, money, money. What's wrong with that?

I find it sad that you discredit him as a worker because he hasn't had a 5-star match which is totally subjective. His matches with Jericho, Morrison, Cena, and Punk are works of art and you don't appreciate wrestling if you don't appreciate that.
You're going to compare one of the best workers in the WWE with a novelty act. Hornswoggle was a comedy character at the time and most thought it was a joke. Besides, that title was dead in the water for a long time. Hornswoggle just tied a cinderblock around it to make sure it stayed down.
Rey has been one of the best merchandise sellers since his debut. Money, money, money. What's wrong with that?
He sold just as much before they put the big boy belt on him... If Eddie hadn't died, he never would have gotten it. It was nothing but pandering to the mexico first crowd.
I find it sad that you discredit him as a worker because he hasn't had a 5-star match which is totally subjective. His matches with Jericho, Morrison, Cena, and Punk are works of art and you don't appreciate wrestling if you don't appreciate that.
Used to be great. then he roided up and forgot what in ring psychology meant. Look at Jericho/Rey in WCW and Jericho/Rey in WWE and tell me they're anywhere near the same quality.

I just have a lot higher standard before I call a match great. A bunch of nonsense flips, springboards, and leg scissors do not a great match make. I'll take Taker/HBK or even Taker/HHH over any rey match. Now you want to talk a great worker, go watch Dynamite... Even as good as Benoit was, he couldn't touch Dynamite's ability in that ring.
He sold just as much before they put the big boy belt on him... If Eddie hadn't died, he never would have gotten it. It was nothing but pandering to the mexico first crowd.

So are you saying that he would never have gotten the belt in 2006 or at all because if it's the latter, then that is asinine. Which is it?

Used to be great. then he roided up and forgot what in ring psychology meant. Look at Jericho/Rey in WCW and Jericho/Rey in WWE and tell me they're anywhere near the same quality.

I remember watching their match at Extreme Rules where Jericho won by ripping off Mysterio's mask and catching him off guard. I also seem to remember Jericho trying the same thing at The Bash only to discover that Rey had another mask underneath and he came out victorious. Looks like some good in-ring psychology to me.
I am excited for Rey to come back, and even if he does lose a step every year so does everyone else. It is inevitable that we all get old and slow down. That being said Rey is still better that a lot even as a man a step or two slower. I have wanted to see him feud with Sin Cara, and would love a feud with Daniel Bryan. I hope in his time off he was able to rest, and get back to 100 percent. Hope to see him back sooner rather than later.
So are you saying that he would never have gotten the belt in 2006 or at all because if it's the latter, then that is asinine. Which is it?
Never... Without Eddie dying, Benoit doesn't die. That adds two more to the ME scene. Plus Eddie covered the ME spot for mexicans (much like Del Rio and cara were brought in to do for when Rey's done)

I remember watching their match at Extreme Rules where Jericho won by ripping off Mysterio's mask and catching him off guard. I also seem to remember Jericho trying the same thing at The Bash only to discover that Rey had another mask underneath and he came out victorious. Looks like some good in-ring psychology to me.

When someone works your legs all match and suddenly you're doing springboards and flips; yeah I question your psychology. Just like I question how Big Show at 400+ lbs can splash someone from the second rope and it not end a match, yet the 165 lbs Rey can hit a splash off of the top and it's over. They play him off like he's fast, but he's really not. They play him off as a high flyer and he really isn't Besides basic hurricanranas and moonsaults, he has no high risk moves. Nothing in his arsenal looks like it would hurt at all. No submission skills, no suplexes, no slams, hell he even has one of the weakest looking ddts as a signature move.
If Reycame back I would be so mother fucking EXCITED!!! He's a great wrestler and WWE at the moment doesn't have many high flyers. If he came back I hink he would be part of the Smackdown roster and be in contendership for both the IC and world heavyweight titles. I see him now regaining the IC title and bringing it back to it's former glory. Also, if he came back I think WWE would use him like they use Jeff Hardy in TNA now fighting the top wrestlers and losing and beating almost everyone of them. I think the perfect time for Rey to come back would be at the 1000th episode of Raw and wrestle against Dolph Ziggler, Kane, Daniel Bryan, etc. Him coming back would bring more money in mostly merchandise. I also hope he comes back and I can't wait to see him sooner or later.
Never... Without Eddie dying, Benoit doesn't die. That adds two more to the ME scene. Plus Eddie covered the ME spot for mexicans (much like Del Rio and cara were brought in to do for when Rey's done)

You can't be 100% certain that Benoit wouldn't have died if Eddie was still alive. If you believe what you say, why didn't Benoit off himself when he found out that Eddie died? I guess Benoit was a bastard for waiting two years.

Benoit went to ECW shortly before he died so he would have been in the main event scene in ECW. He wasn't even in the main event scene after he lost the title in 2004. Also, you don't know how long Eddie would have wrestled.

When someone works your legs all match and suddenly you're doing springboards and flips; yeah I question your psychology. Just like I question how Big Show at 400+ lbs can splash someone from the second rope and it not end a match, yet the 165 lbs Rey can hit a splash off of the top and it's over. They play him off like he's fast, but he's really not. They play him off as a high flyer and he really isn't Besides basic hurricanranas and moonsaults, he has no high risk moves. Nothing in his arsenal looks like it would hurt at all. No submission skills, no suplexes, no slams, hell he even has one of the weakest looking ddts as a signature move.

You said earlier that you would take a HBK match over anything from Rey? Shawn doesn't have submission skills. He doesn't do suplexes or slams. Rey isn't stupid. He doesn't do as many high risk moves because of his injuries so he adapted his moveset and it has resulted in consistently great matches so I have no problem with it.
There's a lot to look forward to to should Rey Rey return healthy soon enough. Not just matches with Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Hunico and Camacho, personally I'd like to see what the also returning Wade Barrett would want to do with him. Mostly it's about the kind of promo's they'd cut on each other. But a Rey Mysterio return is definably something very intriguing. Far better than what Chris Jericho's return offered this year.
Whiny, Tiny, Past his Primey. He's just done. Having someone that small beating super heavyweights was just stupid to begin with. MAYBE if they had an exclusive cruiserweight division, but there are some many younger, faster, and more interesting wrestlers out there even that is a stretch.
There've been younger, more athletic superstars than Rey on the roster for years and they've never been more interesting, never had better feuds, never had better matches. Rey's been afforded better opportunities, sure, but he's also spent the majority of his recent career in the midcard with those guys. Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison, Sin Cara - none have impressed like Rey. Ironically - being a luchadore and all - Rey has proven that there's more to being a great wrestler than being able to jump the highest or do the most turns in the air.

Besides, a Rey Mysterio way past his prime is better than the vast majority of wrestlers in theirs. The only people who've outperformed Rey over the last few years - and narrowly at that - have been the truly exceptional: Cena, Punk, Orton, Christian. I'd argue, on a match by match basis, nobody is as consistently good as Rey. Cena, Punk et al. might have had these incredible five star matches but they've also been prone to having the odd duff one - whereas you can throw out Rey Mysterio on TV and have him wrestle ten minutes against your Uncle Barry and you can guarantee a great show.

I don't know where Rey's reputation as a "whiner" has originated from. My guess would be A) him reportedly refusing to drop the intercontinental title to Dolph Ziggler (even though he would drop it to John Morrison shortly thereafter in an incredible match) and/or B) him, God forbid, negotiating for a better contract. What a bastard. If he's going to perform as he does, I'd gladly give him fifty new t-shirts, ten intercontinental title reigns and maybe a cheeky handjob.

It confounds me why people find Rey defeating large men difficult to swallow, particularly in this business. Sure, you could declare, "Putting your puppy on the line in a steel cage, ladder on fire match makes perfect sense - a small man defeating a large man is just too rich for me!" but you'd sound like a raving lunatic. Professional wrestling has endured fantastic amounts of bollocks - Rey Mysterio pulling off an upset against Mark Henry is nothing.

Anyway, here's my list of people that I really want to see Rey feud with. You know, for funsies. You're all familiar with the concept of funsies, right?

  1. Christian - Has long been on my wish list. A face/face feud for the title would be, in the common vernacular, off the hook.
  2. Anyone not Sin Cara - I get it, yeah, they're both luchadores. Great. Maybe we'll talk about it when Sin Cara can get a five minute flipfest right. I will agree that he might benefit from working with a caliber of talent above Heath Slater, though.
IMO, Rey's been the best in-ring performer in the WWE from about December '08 up until his most recent injury. The guy was fucking on FIRE!

Awesome matches and feuds with guys like Punk, Jericho, Ziggler, Morrison, Del Rio, Swagger and Cena.

Once they stopped putting him in feuds with big guys who he didn't really have any chemistry with like Kane and Mike Knox, he was fantastic.

If he comes back anywhere near as good as he was when he left, it would be great.

I really wanna see him in a match or feud with Daniel Bryan. I think those guys could have some great chemistry and have some amazing matches.

Him going up against Sin Cara at Wrestlemania would be really good too.

So, I'm all for Rey coming back.
Restarting the Cody feud definitely wouldn't be the worst idea. I also wouldn't mind him renewing the Del Rio rivalry if only for one match, since Del Rio is the guy who put him out. Have Rey come back and defeat him on PPV then both can move on to other things. I don't think it would really hurt Del Rio, and it would be a nice way to tie up that loose end before giving the fans something fresh.

Speaking of fresh, Rey vs Sandow would be a pretty cool feud. I like Rey being used to help new heels get over. I'd also LOVE to see Rey vs Drew McIntyre if they ever plan on pushing Drew.
I'm not sure I'd entrust Drew with Rey's safety after he threw Rey around like, well, a lawn dart at Elimination Chamber. Drew came out like a man on fire and I thought he'd broken Rey's neck for a second. Oddly, it won me over. For a time.

I don't see the need to renew any feuds. I try to avoid watching Alberto Del Rio whenever possible, so that's off the table. The Rhodes/Mysterio feud was one of my favourite feuds of last year, though going back would feel like what it is - a step backward. Ziggler? Eh.

A more comprehensive list of opponents I'd like to see Mysterio with would look something like this:
  • Christian
  • Wade Barrett
  • Antonio Cesaro
  • Damien Sandow
  • Daniel Bryan

That's enough to keep him busy for a year or more, isn't it? And yes, as always, fuck Sin Cara.
I'd like rey to come back, maybe in a feud w/ sin cara. have the mask vs. mask match at a ppv, possibly in cali or texas. have rey loose, but then turn back into the wild party loc' he was in wcw without his mask and minus the horns of course. then have him maybe be leader of the mexican click of the band when the band come's back. almost like a mexican hbk, pullin' pranks and making hi-jinx along with his hi-flying.

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