One Chance. One Opportunity. One Return.


I love HBK, and his matches/feuds since he came back out of retirement a few years ago have been epic....HBK/Taker, HBK/Jericho, even HBK/HHH and some of the DX runs....HOWEVER, i always felt that HBK had one last good run as champion. Even though he won the title a cpl of times, it was never as a long run.

So i'd have loved to see him be champion again, for an extended period of time. and HEEL HBK would be fine with me, as he's an awesome heel.
Shawn Michaels doesn't deserve a title run especially when half the roster would deserve it ahead of him. He shouldn't have got the title in 2002 and his tag title run was useless, almost self serving.

Also, why would he want to come back? He is beginning to heal his body at last and is clearly enjoying his time off.

If he ever returns it should be as a one off so it stays special. He wants to honour his retirement match. We as fans should acknowledge and support this selfless gesture.
If you were able to bring back one wrestler back to the WWE, who would it be?

If I had absolute control of the business, there is only one man who I would like to see back inside a wrestling ring and that man is Chris Jericho. You can talk about any other superstar bringing something to the WWE's table but no one is able to bring it quite like Chris Jericho.

To tell you the truth though, my heart was torn between him and Eddie Guerrero but I know that I would just have said Eddie for the sentimental value and that Chris Jericho has entertained me more than Eddie ever did. Jericho is a talented talker and is an even better wrestler. He proclaims himself as being “The Best In The World At What He Does” and a lot of people wouldn't put that too wide of the mark. He has been all over the world wrestling and knows how to work a wrestling match better than most wrestlers that currently work in the United States. His matches are always amazing and I cannot remember watching a Jericho match and thinking that it was boring or underwhelming. He has always been interesting and knows how to work a crowd better than Charlie Sheen at a cocktail mixer.

Jericho might be the best wrestler to ever have lived and no one can really doubt that. He is incredible in the ring. Gives it 110% and his mic work is nothing short of awesome. Starting with the Y2J gimmick and then completely turning himself around to be one of the most over heels in the company is no easy accomplishment and that is why Jericho must go down as one of the hardest workers and most charismatic men in the history of professional wrestling.

What would you have them do? Cut a promo? Return full time? Wrestle?

At this point, it would need to be a return to the ring for me. Having Jericho come back to cut one promo or have one match would make no sense. Although I am sure that he would knock whatever he was doing right out of the ballpark, I would love to see him come back to the WWE full time and perhaps that is not such a distant dream. We all know that there is a contract offer on the table for him and it is just a matter of time before he signs it and comes back into our lives with a slamming new gimmick.

I personally think that there is a lot for him to do in the WWE. A feud with Wade Barrett is a must and I would love to see him feud with CM Punk and people of that calibre. Jericho is on top of his game and if he does come back to the WWE, then it need to assume the same role that Triple H has. He doesn't need Championships, he just needs to put people over and give us the matches that we are all dying to see.
Mine here is a completely selfish choice and Ill be the first to admit this. Around Wrestlemania time last year, I had a few friends who taunted me endlessly that a certain wrestler was going to have his last match at Wrestlemania. "He's going to end the streak!", I would proclaim with bravado. Or after the No countout, No DQ stipulation was added, I was sure they'ld add a bit off trickery, and have this man submit while gaining a leverage pin at the same time! I bragged about it for weeks, being so smart that I had figured WWE's plan out. I took bets, and laughed at the thought of making a quick buck off my simple friends.

I wound up owing a good bit of cash.

Of course Im talking about Shawn Michaels. I remember sitting there, feeling choked up, as the greatest performer of all-time was walking away from the business. It wasn't fair, I thought, as I ignored my friends as they were leaving, and my wife asking me to help clean up. I knew, I just knew, that things in WWE wouldn't be the same after that. When Taker's music went off and 18-0 flashed on the Titantron to signal that HBK's career was over, I knew I was witnessing something special.

I know that Shawn returned the night he was announced as the first inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame. But it just wasn't the same. Yeah, he superkicked Del Rio, and it might have been one of his best superkicks ever. The extension he got was tremendous. It made me miss him more. Because if he wanted to, I know he could still go. Again, this is truly for selfish reasons, because I know Shawn is happy being retired. But even if it had been to put Del Rio over and give him the ultimate rub, I wanted one more match. I was almost okay with his decision at the time around Wrestlemania, but I felt like I was being teased, being toyed with. Here's a man 15 years older then me who can get his leg twice as high in the air effortlessly, and he's really not coming back? C'Mon Son!

What would I do with Michaels? Like I said, Id settle for one more match. Until that match was over of course, and then Id want one more. HBK is the once in a lifetime performer that I could watch any of his matches a thousand times and not get sick of them. I think back to Summerslam of 2005, when he made Hogan look like gold. I think to his matches with Diesel and Psyco Sid, and his legendary matches with the Undertaker. 'Taker has the streak, but Michaels was the real Mr. Wrestlemania. So each year, Id trot him out for a match AT Wrestlemania, until he literally couldn't go anymore. Then we he was 74 and needed to retire, Id have him referee. Because even as that referee, he'ld still be Mr. Wrestlemania.

Shawn knew and knows how to entertain, and even as a referee at Wrestlemania 57, he make sure the spotlight was directly on him. So what would I do with Shawn? Bring him bck every year for Wrestlemania, with a carefully crafted storyline that somehow goaded him out of retirement each year for one more match. Because it's hard to have a great Wrestlemania without Mr. Wrestlemania himself. And there's no doubt that Shawn was exactly that.
Lesnar's stigma as an MMA badass is now tarnished, so it'd be cool to see him pick up his WWE career as if the terrible Goldberg match never happened.

How is his stigma as an MMA badass tarnished? Because he lost to Velasquez? I'd pick Cain Velasquez over just about any HW currently fighting. He's a complete package. Lesnar just finally ran in to someone with wrestling as good as his, great patience, and great striking.

Lesnar can still dominate most of the people in the UFC's HW division. He's just not going to beat Velasquez, in my opinion.

Aside from that, I don't think Lesnar would ever return to pro-wrestling. The pay-day he receives in the UFC is absurd, he doesn't have to be "PG" for Dana like he would Vince, and he's able to actually spend time with his family and not have to be on the road 24-7.

Realistically, I'd like to see the return of JBL in a different capacity than this "investment snob." Bring him back under a different gimmick. Much like Jericho's "I'm better than you" gimmick, it's grown old and tiresome for me. I don't mind programs and gimmicks running their course, but when it tends to drag on and on like this anonymous Raw GM, CM Punk and his purity kick (Which I'm opposed to completely as I grew up around the straight-edge scene and I think that what he's doing is horrible. There are plenty of real, documented, violent, straight edge assaults, and this gimmick is bringing back a hard-edge mentality that I was all to happy to see disappear from the hardcore scene), and JBL's investment snob gimmick, I lose interest very quickly and just think that the programming has grown stale.

JBL as a wrestler would be great, but switch the gimmick, please.
I would love to see kurt angle and brock lesnar make a wwe return...those two were awesome...and I'd love to see them fued again
If you were able to bring back one wrestler back to the WWE, who would it be?

I'm going to pick somebody that most wouldn't think of. He is one of the most versitile wrestlers of all-time, has made it huge in Japan, and yet when he came to the WWE although there was huge support and excitement behind him, simply due to the way WWE used and booked him, he failed to have any longevity. The person I'm talking about, is...

Ultimo Dragon.

What would you have them do? Cut a promo? Return full time? Wrestle?

I'd like to see WWE do what they did the first time, run promos for him, really set the mysterious mood, and then debut him on an episode of Smackdown, maybe saving someone like Rey Mysterio or Sin Cara from a beatdown, before entering a feud with them. Maybe a face Vs face feud or something, but it would be awesome to see it.

If you think Rey Vs Sin Cara will be good, imagine what Rey Mysterio Vs Sin Cara Vs Ultimo Dragon would be like.
Although there is no chance in hell.



Heel or face, I feel he could really bring something to the Smackdown main event. Have him come out well into ADR's (hopefull) post Wrestlemania title reign and cut a promo, and have the two exchange promos and ambushes for awhile, building up to a title match where Kennedy eventually wins.

Although completley untested and unproved, I really feel that if those two were to go at it, they could put on some entertaining matches and promos. Both are above average at both, and I hounstly think they could pull better out of each other.
Who would you like to see make a return to the WWE ring? Anyone that can still lace up the boots and put on a show.

I would love to see The New Age Outlaws make one more run in the company. They're one of my top tag teams of all time. Yeah, Billy can't cut a promo to save his life, but that's what Jessie was for. They can easily show these young punks what the tag division is all about.

Will they ever get another run? Pretty much an unqualified 'no'. But never say never
Sean O'Haire, he is just one of my personal favorites, he is exciting in the ring, not bad on the mic. I would love to see him feud with many of the superstars. I am also is curious on how he would do as a face in todays world, but his Heel devil's advocate persona was golden.
Never say never, but pretty much never gonna happen -BROCK LESNAR.

I would love to see Brock come back and bring the pain. The obvious match here would be against Taker at Mania, but I would also like to see him go up against Cena and Triple H.

Another guy(s) I'd like to see is Lundrick. Brian Kendrick and Paul London would add something to WWE's tag division that it is missing.... excitement.
Who would you like to see make a return to the WWE ring? Anyone that can still lace up the boots and put on a show.

I would love to see The New Age Outlaws make one more run in the company. They're one of my top tag teams of all time. Yeah, Billy can't cut a promo to save his life, but that's what Jessie was for. They can easily show these young punks what the tag division is all about.

Will they ever get another run? Pretty much an unqualified 'no'. But never say never

That would be a great thing! They were my favourite tag team in their time. Road Dogg was a great talker and their association with DX was outstanding! May be now that Road Dogg has appeared in the Hall of Fame ceremony, may be, he will come back.
I'm going to go with Goldberg. His rise in WCW was phenomenal, and he has the build of an absolute monster.

I loved watching him in WCW, and his debut in WWE was one of my most memorable episodes of RAW. He adds some star power, and has mainstream crossover.

I know it is unlikely we will ever see him in a ring again, but if I had to pick one to come back, it would be Goldberg. We only got to see him for a few years.
A-Train, the guy has become an institution in the orient as Giant Bernard. He has the size and the unique look to be an absolute monster, all reports I've heard of him are complimentary - this would be a good way for the WWe to interest the still large market in that part of the world without the language or size issues a Japanese wrestler might provide.
I've got a couple in mind:

Scotty 2 Hotty- He's not too old, and plus now that we're in a Pg era, kids would flock to see the WORM, and give older fans the nostalgia

X-pac- He's one of my personal favs, but a few things hold him back. His gimmick is too raunchy for the PG era, plus DX is dead. Also the drug problem, which could be fixed if he were with the WWE

Essa Rios- high flyer, everyone loves a high flyer. Still relatively young, and a unique look. All he has to do is learn English, i could see it now: Sin Cara vs Essa Rios

Mexicools- all or even just one of them. Hell, you could even throw the mask back on Juvi and Psychosis!

Kidman- lose a little weight, and bring him back, please!

Maven- IDK what happened to the first winner of TE, but it seems he's fallen off the face of the earth. He got a lot of cred with the feud with taker, then just disappeared.:confused:

last, but not least

Percy Watson- this guy has it all: charisma, in ring skill, mic skill, catch phrase, decently over with the fans. He REALLY needs to be part of the main roster! Why is he not there?:banghead:
THE HARDYS<--------Just kidding but Lita is not a bad choice but I'm not going with her I'm going with JBL. Right now America still hates the JBL type, you know the corporate elitist New York transplant I'm rich go fuck yourself. Bring him back to Smackdown let The Wrestling God have one more run he brings natural heat because he really is a corporate elitist New York transplant asshole. John Bradshaw Layfield is my vote
I'd have to say...


By that I mean the edgy, ass-kicking, more than 10 moves a match, true championship material Cena. Back in 2002-2004 we saw edgy rapper cena. In 2005-2007/early 2008 it was rapper/main event face of the WWE, then 2008 came along & we saw Super Cena. Ugh! WWE, turn Cena heel or make him an interesting & credible face!
Did Derrick Bateman remind anyone else of a late 90's edge and christian? He could be quite a solid in ring competitor and defo can go on the mic, imagine if you will, a ryder and bateman team, comic glory.

although other choices include sean morley/ val venis

Scotty as mentioned above by rockyfolifebo!! for the pop alone

Skip Sheffield impressed me some

Shelton benjamin worked a dark match recently and i think smackdown could use that "suplex using" style atm.
Plus the possibilities with him vs, bryan/del rio/ christian/ dolph / jomo are all pretty interesting, Bring him in as "the Standard" and he's all but made.

but f you're picking just one, SUPERSTAR for today's dub dub e

Chris Jericho, ten years ago, referencing obscure pop culture, swearing without swearing and telling a story. Y2J all the way
Mohammed Hassan. The dude drew huge hate. Unfortunate timing, and I don't think today's society can take that kind of villain any more. But he would be a huge shake up for the main event.
I'd like to see a month long build up with Cena and Goldberg. Then the match lasts maybe 2 minutes, spear and Jackhammer with a three count. It could potentially destroy the stupid PG era WWE if the face of the company got manhandled like that. I'd love it.
I see that most people are posting legends, and while I do agree that it'd be awesome to see Macho Man return be inducted in the Hall of Fame, for this question I'd rather have someone youthful who can make an impact on the business.

That person has been mentioned a couple times, but it's Muhammad Hassan. This guy had such a short WWE career and is still in my eyes one of the greatest heels they've ever had. He was pretty good in the ring and on the mic, and had a great character. He could back up what he said and garnered some monster heat from the crowd. He played to a tee that guy that everyone hated. His Royal Rumble appearance where everyone in there teamed up to eliminate him was classic. Just everything about him screamed superstar to me.

Unfortunately, we all know that his downfall was that the character was so extreme and the timing was bad with the terrorist attacks around the world, specifically the London bombings. But I loved Hassan in his short time and I think he was quickly heading for the stratosphere. He would have likely been one of the great heels of his era with some more time.

I'd love to see this guy come back and get even just a 3-4 year run. Of course, people are sensitive so it might not work again, but if they could just suspend disbelief and understand that WWE is about entertainment, he could be huge. We go watch war movies with attacks and other things and give them high praise and accolades, but have to run a guy out based on a fake character? If he were ever interested again, I think WWE should jump on it in a heartbeat.

I think you build him up again, he gets a few world title runs, feuds with the top guys. And if they actually did plan on ending Undertaker's streak, I think it would be cool to build Hassan up big for a year or so and then have him end it. Aside from the insane heat he'd already get, that would add even more.

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