[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Ummm, I have a question, I thought when sting beat joe for the world title I thought they put it in the contract that they would never face each other again, so why did they wrestle?
Ummm, I have a question, I thought when sting beat joe for the world title I thought they put it in the contract that they would never face each other again, so why did they wrestle?

I believe that in the contract it was said that they would never face eachother for the world title again.
I managed to make it all the way through this week. No idea why. It wasn't very good.

Am I the only one disappointed by the lack of Brutus Magnus? How dare TNA make us invest so deeply into a character, make us care so much, make us hang on his every word and movement and then leave him off the show. He is TNA's true gladiator, and we believe in him.

So Jarrett came out and said AJ could be captain. AJ said no, Jeff can be captain. Well done Jeff, you have the privilege of adding one person to your team. Judging by how TNA have been putting their last creative spark and investing so much emotion in him, I'm supposing that the fourth member of the team will be Brutus Magnus. He will make us believe in wrestling again.

AJ's promo was structured and fluent. It pissed on Steiner and Jarrett's efforts. Steiner, of course, was trying to persuade Jeff to join the MEM. He'll obviously turn on his team in Lethal Lockdown. Called it. Oh, and Daniels' name got a good pop. In my notes (oh yeah; I make notes) I have just written down "ugh". About sums it up.

The Mafia's weekly promo was nicely repetitive. As in, we got a good Angle promo. But they're so consistently good that they've lost all meaning. Then they do some "go team!" stuff. Nice. Nice.

Abdul Bashir - who was banished from TNA by Joe recently - has united a middle eastern team of him and... three Japanese guys. O... K. They then take on LAX and Lethal Consequences in an eight-man match. No idea why. 'Cos it's fuckin' TNA - that's why! I see Hernandez has his briefcase. He'll take the belt off Sting at Lockdown, much to Foley's amusement. Mark my words. Consequences did the job to Bashir at the end of a meh match.

Then the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen happen. This was better even than the "Abyss thinks he's people!" moments. Stevie Richards beat up Abyss on a sofa, accompanied by much squealing and, if I'm not mistaken, pleasurable grunting. Fan-fucking-tastic. Please sir, may I have some more?

Beer Money saved Team 3D from one of the MEM's security guards and Samoa Joe. What do you mean that's not Samoa Joe, it's just the really fucking fat MEM security guard? Silly me. It was the huge tits that threw me. Those things are mesmerising. TNA: home of the best man boobs you ever will see. Yeah, anyway. I kinda popped for Beer Money turning tweener. Tweeners rule.

Joe was hiding in the shadows. It's a shame he looks such a right tit (and has a pair of great tits) because his promo abilities have increased... ever so slightly. Not really though. I'd like to see Joe/Foley. I don't care if it happened in ROH - that doesn't count!

Steiner/AJ. If this is anything like Booker/AJ, they'll repeat it an extra fifteen times and then put it out on PPV. Dull match. AJ loses the advantage for his team... but doesn't. I don't know, they didn't explain the concept behind this match at all.

Then Sting and Joe have about three minutes at the end. Samoa Joe looks like what would happen if Santa Claus received chemotherapy and had a mental breakdown as a result. Also, just so I can be hurtful enough so if he reads this he might drop some weight, I will henceforth refer to Samoa Joe as Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits. So, Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits got in some OK offence. It looked like shit though, because he's no longer Samoa Joe, but Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits. Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits got DQ'd. Like he does every fucking match he's in.

Booker T came down and then got beat down by Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits. Sharmell then got kidnapped by Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits. The fans chanted "TNA!". No idea why. Maybe they thought rape was going to ensue. TNA fans must like rape; that's the conclusion I have drawn. The sick fucks.

Oh, and then they advertised the TNA UK Tour... which already happened in January. I don't mind though. It brought back the fantastic memories I have of seeing Brutus Magnus live. It was so emotional for everyone there that we were completely numb to everything else the rest of the show. It was a high I can never hope to accomplish again. Not even by watching Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits.
I managed to make it all the way through this week. No idea why. It wasn't very good.

Am I the only one disappointed by the lack of Brutus Magnus? How dare TNA make us invest so deeply into a character, make us care so much, make us hang on his every word and movement and then leave him off the show. He is TNA's true gladiator, and we believe in him.

So Jarrett came out and said AJ could be captain. AJ said no, Jeff can be captain. Well done Jeff, you have the privilege of adding one person to your team. Judging by how TNA have been putting their last creative spark and investing so much emotion in him, I'm supposing that the fourth member of the team will be Brutus Magnus. He will make us believe in wrestling again.

AJ's promo was structured and fluent. It pissed on Steiner and Jarrett's efforts. Steiner, of course, was trying to persuade Jeff to join the MEM. He'll obviously turn on his team in Lethal Lockdown. Called it. Oh, and Daniels' name got a good pop. In my notes (oh yeah; I make notes) I have just written down "ugh". About sums it up.

The Mafia's weekly promo was nicely repetitive. As in, we got a good Angle promo. But they're so consistently good that they've lost all meaning. Then they do some "go team!" stuff. Nice. Nice.

Abdul Bashir - who was banished from TNA by Joe recently - has united a middle eastern team of him and... three Japanese guys. O... K. They then take on LAX and Lethal Consequences in an eight-man match. No idea why. 'Cos it's fuckin' TNA - that's why! I see Hernandez has his briefcase. He'll take the belt off Sting at Lockdown, much to Foley's amusement. Mark my words. Consequences did the job to Bashir at the end of a meh match.

Then the funniest fucking thing I have ever seen happen. This was better even than the "Abyss thinks he's people!" moments. Stevie Richards beat up Abyss on a sofa, accompanied by much squealing and, if I'm not mistaken, pleasurable grunting. Fan-fucking-tastic. Please sir, may I have some more?

Beer Money saved Team 3D from one of the MEM's security guards and Samoa Joe. What do you mean that's not Samoa Joe, it's just the really fucking fat MEM security guard? Silly me. It was the huge tits that threw me. Those things are mesmerising. TNA: home of the best man boobs you ever will see. Yeah, anyway. I kinda popped for Beer Money turning tweener. Tweeners rule.

Joe was hiding in the shadows. It's a shame he looks such a right tit (and has a pair of great tits) because his promo abilities have increased... ever so slightly. Not really though. I'd like to see Joe/Foley. I don't care if it happened in ROH - that doesn't count!

Steiner/AJ. If this is anything like Booker/AJ, they'll repeat it an extra fifteen times and then put it out on PPV. Dull match. AJ loses the advantage for his team... but doesn't. I don't know, they didn't explain the concept behind this match at all.

Then Sting and Joe have about three minutes at the end. Samoa Joe looks like what would happen if Santa Claus received chemotherapy and had a mental breakdown as a result. Also, just so I can be hurtful enough so if he reads this he might drop some weight, I will henceforth refer to Samoa Joe as Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits. So, Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits got in some OK offence. It looked like shit though, because he's no longer Samoa Joe, but Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits. Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits got DQ'd. Like he does every fucking match he's in.

Booker T came down and then got beat down by Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits. Sharmell then got kidnapped by Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits. The fans chanted "TNA!". No idea why. Maybe they thought rape was going to ensue. TNA fans must like rape; that's the conclusion I have drawn. The sick fucks.

Oh, and then they advertised the TNA UK Tour... which already happened in January. I don't mind though. It brought back the fantastic memories I have of seeing Brutus Magnus live. It was so emotional for everyone there that we were completely numb to everything else the rest of the show. It was a high I can never hope to accomplish again. Not even by watching Big Ol' Jiggly Tiggly Tits.

Christopher Daniels is/will be the fourth.
i really enjoyed TNA IMPACT. i liked the utilization of Foley. It does seem that Russo is booking these shows because they have to do 3 shows in 2 days.. so a lot of "magazine" type shows - meaning interviews, segments, pretapes, and russo is doing a lot of this

sting's tweener character is very interesting. he's still in the mafia, but can still get fan reaction, and can do heel/face things.. and challenge jeff.. it's interesting and he actually spoke more than kurt angle this week

where in the hell is brutus magnus lol

I also really enjoyed the lauren/abyss dynamic, and lauren not wanting dr stevie to beat abyss up.
where in the hell is brutus magnus lol

Thank you Marty! Although I'd appreciate if you didn't think it was funny. This is no laughing matter. TNA has invested so much time and effort into both creating and maintaining Magnus' characters - as well as getting him intensely over with the fans, accessing us on such an emotional level - that it's incredible they leave him off TV.

I can only assume that they're finally doing the smart thing and saving him for the PPV, where he'll make the run in save for Team Jarrett.
british group sounds cheesy. but i see potential in brutus magnus.. i dont get TNA bringing guys in, and letting them disappear, haha.. even don west's heel turn stopped.. or is toned down...

The shows are interesting and it's definitely russo helping out with the writing because there's nothing "awful" and "cringeworthY" that makes no sense.. i mean, compare thes hows today with the shows back in 2005 when they first landed on spike. there was nothing interesting back then. now, there are actual stories and things that keep you intrigued. all the pretapes are done well..

I enjoy seeing sting being used. jsut simply for the fact that he's a legend. i still watch impact and go 'i cant believe they have sting, foley, ANGLE, dudleys, booker t" just a crazy ass roster. absolutely insane.

it's difficult to give foley, sting, AND angle seothing interesting to do every single week.

I also asked where matt morgan is. but yeah, lauren's interest in abyss' business is hilarious to me. lauren/abyss didn't have a stupid interviewer "lurking" but i guess lauren is the interviewer. i love that stuff.

as for ppl who weren't on the show.. they tape multiple shows in 2 days - cant include everyone. the same applies to an attitude era show. i think tna is doing a good job of continuing the story

they followed up on sharmell's kidnapping as well. the matches wer short and i noticed that there were lots of pretapes and packages..

jeff jarrett did not annoy me this week. he usually does lame ass promos. THe only ppl that annoyed me was MMG - i just see no talent in them. unless they can say something badass or interesting, i can't back these guys

street fighter 4 and resident evil 5 in your promos/ total video game nerds.. lol

i enjoyed the show
Thank you Marty! Although I'd appreciate if you didn't think it was funny. This is no laughing matter. TNA has invested so much time and effort into both creating and maintaining Magnus' characters - as well as getting him intensely over with the fans, accessing us on such an emotional level - that it's incredible they leave him off TV.

I can only assume that they're finally doing the smart thing and saving him for the PPV, where he'll make the run in save for Team Jarrett.

The WWE invested the same amount of time in creating and maintaining my favorite character Kizarny, they had me actually learn how to understand Carny speak for Pete's sake ! So I could marvel at the brilliancy of his promos written in that obscure language, and then....2 matches, and he was gone, is that fair ?
Maybe Magnus is hanging out with Kizarny in the land of lame gimmicks.
This week was pretty disappointing for me. It had some high points but overall it was WAYYYYY too much pre-taped talking.

All the matches literally seemed to last about 2 minutes. And there was what, 4 matches on the show? I mean I know you save the big matches for ppv, but come on, give me something!

They did do a good job of building anticipation for Sting vs. Foley at the end of the show though. I will give them their dues there.

I was kind of curious as to why Matt Morgan wasn't on the show as well. However, I'm reminded that one of my favorite tv shows, Lost, does this to me every week. They switch stories every week and sometimes a character might disappear for 3 or 4 weeks before they are brought back into the mix.

Overall, I'd say this show was a 6/10.
Words cannot express how mind-boggling horrid this thing was. Only semi-decent thing on it was the debut of the former Trevor Murdock. Wall-to-wall Foley and Jarrett segments, I don't exactly know what they were about as I fast scanned through them all. The main event...well, the less said, the better. I can see Russo's style all over that mess, "Shock TV" or "Schlock TV" more properly. Bobby Lashley came out again, for some reason, we should care, I can't think of why. They are going to the trouble of staging a tag team tourney just to have a Beer Money vs Team 3D rematch, again, I don't know why. Foley in a 4 way ? I'm clueless as to why Sting didn't have a re-match clause too. I'm all for being different, but, come on, let's at least try to be somewhat logical, if fans don't care it's not going to work.
i kinda enjoyed this weeks impact. overall just a decent show to me. i'm just hoping they deliver something intriguing with the jarrett mem bobby lashley story.
They are going to the trouble of staging a tag team tourney just to have a Beer Money vs Team 3D rematch, again, I don't know why.

It's so they can try out a bunch of available wrestlers on the show. Such as Trevor Murdoch, Amazing Red, Paul London (if he'd shown up). While also giving guys like Eric Young and Suicide an excuse to be on the show.

I really don't see what's wrong with that?
I for one hope that Murdoch sticks around. He was never really given a chance to show his skills with WWE. I can only recall once he was permitted to actually "rassle" and he has a good move-set. Given TNA's style, he could really stand out there.
I actually really enjoyed last weeks Impact. There was a more wrestling to the program than previous weeks which was a plus. And I enjoyed the main event between BPP and Jarrett.

I didn't mind all the Foley skits because I actually found them pretty entertaining.

Looking forward to this weeks Impact. I'm going to do my best to not read the spoilers for the first time in a while and see if I like the show more that way.
The shows are interesting and it's definitely russo helping out with the writing because there's nothing "awful" and "cringeworthY" that makes no sense.. i mean, compare thes hows today with the shows back in 2005 when they first landed on spike. there was nothing interesting back then. now, there are actual stories and things that keep you intrigued. all the pretapes are done well..

Oh, of course! I really wish you'd stop pretending like you know what shows Russo writes and what shows he doesn't. You like the show.. "oh its got to be Russo writing it!" The next week you're not a fan of the show.. "oh it wasn't Russo (insert excuse here)"..

I'm really disappointed by the fact TNA portrays, through this whole MEM vs. TNA Frontline storyline that they're pushing their young talent and building them towards the future.. when in fact they're doing the opposite and pushing all the old talent who are no longer deserving of the top spots over the young, hungry, fresh talent they could be molding into making TNA a future long-term success in the business. Sting was champion for quite a while and did absolutely nothing for the company in drawing anything, Foley is now champion and like all the 'veterans' TNA has can't even wrestle anymore and doesn't even have the relevancy anymore to draw in new fans or make an Impact. And Jeff Jarrett is back stealing the spotlight by being in the main storylines and at the top of the card, even if its not in the same obvious way as it always was before in the ring. Older and proven talent have their uses, no doubt about it.. they have their value and their place still.. but only if they're used to build up the next stars and make new talent, not monopolize the main event scene which is exactly what is happening in TNA.
I thought this week's Impact was barely OK, mostly because they actually had some decent wrestling on. The MEM storyline is crawling along at the speed of of a snail with arthritis, now we're supposed to care about friction between their women for some reason unexplained. Joe's character is being defined as a loner with no alliances and no personality, somewhat interesting, but not a guy you'd want on your side on a gang war. Foley was being Foley, excellent delivery of inane lines, his segment with Kurt was disturbingly funny. I kind of like what they are doing with Awesome Kong, she's not a face, yet she's kind of looking like one in this feud. Amazing Red was...amazing, and the British Invasion was great as well, reminded me of Team Canada a bit. I didn't like the Suicide/Daniels angle, I think they should leave Suicide as a mystery and not try to expose the behind the scenes workings of the character, or even better, develop it as an entity of his own.
tna was fucking awesome this week! i am not even going to go into detail on everything that illustrates that point because everything about the show kicked ass. well, what the hell. raven's return, shane douglas' return, victoria debut, beautiful people kick ugly kip to the curb, suicide looks impressive....for once, amazing red continues to appear, eric young FINALLY goes heel, the tag division continues to look strong, aj and daniels put on a hell of a match, i mean shit! it was awesome! now, i am not going to jump too far ahead and think that this kind of action is going to happen every week, but come on, somebody's gotta back me up on this. what do you all think?
I thought it was good too. I was glad that Victoria made her debut with the company and I think she fits in with the knockouts and she will be a great addition to TNA's women's division. However I can't say the same about Shane Douglas and Raven returning, but I'll keep those thoughts to myself, meaning I will give them a chance to see what they can do. They seemed to get back on track on the right direction and the show can only get better every week.

Overall I thought everything was pretty good and hopefully next week's show will be better.
Impact this week was pretty good. I'm glad Victoria made her debut as she adds that much needed credibility to the Knockout Division, The Beautiful People kicking Cute Kip to the curb was cool as well.

I was excited to see Raven return to TNA cause I love his character, he's an extremely underrated wrestler & I think that with him being aligned with his old lackey in Stevie Richards, I think he will only add a positive to the Stevie/Abyss storyline.

I thought that the AJ/Daniels match was the best match of the night, I mean hell it was one of the best matches that i've seen in a while. I thought that the Eric Young heel turn was brilliant as I am very interested in seeing what he can do as a heel. The tag division is pretty strong & in my mind that's a good thing.

Overall I thought it was a great show & i'm hoping that Impact will only continue to get better.
I'm gonna say something that not some of you won't like.

In my personal opinion, iMPACT! was better than RAW this week.

Let's compare the two:


Useless Kroenke/Vince segment
Legacy/Miz/Show in Nuggets jerseys
Cena/Batista/Kennedy/MVP/Lawler in Lakers jerseys
Very messy finish to Kelly Kelly/Maryse
The Brian Kendrick/Festus beaten by Goldust/Hornswoggle
Vicke G. as Ms. Wrestlemania why?

Kingston vs Hardy vs Regal
Santino's mic work
Miz/Cena "feud" may go somewhere


Main Event Mafia stuff boring as always
Foley threatening to defend the title once a year
Tenay and West not selling Raven return at all
Sharmell and Jenna angry at each other for no apparent reason

Suicide vs Amazing Red was a good match
British Invasion are great heels
Kiyoshi/Bashir & British Invasion maybe uniting? Anti-Americans anyone?
KotM has SEVEN guys in it
Eric Young turns heel, very interesting
Raven is back, enough said.
Dr. Stevie & Raven/Abyss storyline = Monster Abyss return?
More credibility to Knockouts with debut of Victoria
Styles vs Daniels DELIVERED! Great match.
Douglas returns to attack Daniels, again, interested to see where this goes.

I can honestly say I enjoyed iMPACT more this week than I did RAW, hopefully things will keep going in this direction and not take a turn for the worse.....again.

Yes I realize Russo is booker but even he can do a good job every once in a while, right?

I was really impressed with tonight's show.

First and foremost, the main event kicked ass. It was great to see AJ and Daniels get the main event spotlight, and I'm glad that they went with having Douglas attack Daniels AFTER the match. Having Styles beat Daniels clean, followed by the show of respect, was a perfect way to highlight they're friendship and competitive nature. It was a great effort from both of them.

They did a fantastic job of compressing everything into as little airtime as possible. The MEM had their promo, and then there was a follow up brawl between Sharmell and Jenna. They could have even gotten away with one more segment to see what the morale was like in the Mafia locker room. The point is, they didn't overdo it. Another example of this was Foley. He's usually all over the show, and this week they gave him just what he needed to get the point across that there was some sort of big decision made, and to reveal that decision, which turned out to be the defending the title once a year thing. Foley's delivery with that promo was top notch. He's truly captured his character, and he's convincing as hell. Kudos.

The returns/debut tonight were all well done. First, Raven is back! Awesome. I love that they're seemingly creating a little stable now. Dr. Stevie as the bogus psychiatrist, Raven as his right hand man/the one who does most of the dirty work, and Stevie's "patient" - the psychotic Daffney. They looked good together. Victoria's debut was great. I was never much of a Victoria mark, but you wouldn't know that by the way I reacted to her beating down TBP. I always acknowledged her as a great wrestler, but tonight made her come off as one of the top female wrestlers of all time, which is exactly what they needed to do to give this feud the hype it deserves. Finally, Shane Douglas. Again, I'm so glad they had him attack Daniels after the match. It was short and to the point. He got in, got out, and left everyone wondering what the hell his agenda was. Perfect.

EY's heel turn was great. He looked like an evil sumbitch. His promos both before and after the match were really good, too. He needed this turn badly, and I'm excited to see where they go with it. Joe's another one who got a character tweak, and I hope they stick to it. I've been enjoying Joe getting the spotlight because of the whole 'Nation of Violence' thing, but he doesn't need to be inhuman. I really hope that he does, at least for the time being, reconnect with Styles and Daniels. I say for the time being because, if any of the powers that be have half a brain, these three will have a feud over the World Title before the year's end. PLEASE let it happen.

Great show. It inspired me to write this much, and that's a big deal. :D
I quite enjoyed this week show as the poster above said, they compressed as much as they could in the airtime without it being overkill or overly boring. This was almost like a TNA draft show with all the changes and debuts and stuff. Sting promo was nice, reenergizing and sorting out the MEM. The actual main event was very nice. It was nice that most of the matches put over TNA originals or newer guys, yet the old stars and the MEM had enough air time. I like the fact there making use alot of their roster, which is one thing that sometimes gets boring on some of the WWE shows. The debuts of Raven, Victoria and Douglas were alright. Victoria should add alot to the knockouts. Don't know what Raven will do but him with Stevie again should be interesting. Douglas was a big suprise. I think he's probably almost forgotten by casual fans of the last few years, so it will be interesting to see his character and angle. I think TNA is in a tied with WWE superstars for my second best show now. Smackdown being first, ECW third and RAW is fourth now heh..
I actually watched a full episode of TNA today, while I was sober. Well, I missed the first 20 minuted I think but I thought it only fair that I attempt a review.

I first tuned in to see Apollo Creed and one half of the Machine Blands taking on beer money, was very confused as to why this tag match was happening (probably due to me missing some of the show) and the fact that it was one half of 2 tag teams teaming up, arent they trying to unmask Suicide? That being said I do quite like Beer Money, they are less spotty than the Gunns anyway. It was a good match, well I enjoyed it, the miscommunication spot would've work better if it was less obvious but it seems it could lead into a Lethal Consequences vs MCMG fued, I'd like it. Anyway, the British Invasion interfere, Dudleys kick em' out and Beer Money pick up the win in this one.

The rest of the show may be out of order, bear with me.

I remember the beautifull people looking for Victoria I believe and getting their asses kicked, it was okay, furthered the fued and whatnot.

The MEM promo made me laugh, is that a good thing? Anyway, Nash was his usual kinda smarky self, Booker and Steiner were hilarious though, "calm down Scott, calm down" "but he's FAT!!", then Angle delivered the usual Kurt Angle lines, funny how he gets away with it really. Sting sort of playing the christian do gooder was a bit weird, provided a nice contrast though.

ODB and some other redneck guy? I didnt like it, who knows, maybe someone somewhere did. What else happened?

Rhyno training some army dude, the army dude then got whooped by Matt Morgan. Oh yeah, Taylor Wilde vs Daffney. I think that if Daffney didnt snarl all the time she'd be quite hot, I may be alone is said assumption who knows? Anyway, as women wrestling goes it wasnt bad, Daffney won. Raven then gave a speech about why he teamed up with Stevie Richards, I thought Raven was supposed to be some kind of mic god. That was just tiresome.

Jeff Jarrett and Eric Young, not bad promo work between them, the brawl however was kinda awful. Hebner getting twatted was well worth it all though.

Mick Foley, never thought I'd say this but I was bored during Foleys parts. Then came more Booker and Steiner stuff, that cheered me up. Amused me some more.

Main Event time I think, my hate for Samoa Joe has grown, it really has, I dont want to watch a fat guy drool everywhere, so I didnt. No idea how it ended but my moneys on Joe winning, drooling some more and still being uncharismatic. I'll also put money on the match being utter shit and it not being all Nash's fault.

All that aside I did actually enjoy TNA this week, if I watch another (almost) full episode in the next 6 months then I might post a review of it.
I was very pleased with Impact! tonight. I'm not gonna review the whole show, just the points worth mentioning. When I saw it was gonna be Nash against Abyss, I swear I heard a loud groan from the entire IWC. The match wasn't horrible though. Wasn't great, but it could have been worse. The part I loved the most was the end. The conversation with Nash and Sting was AWESOME. Nash showed some emotion I havent seen from him in years. And the whole Samoa Joe joining MEM doesn't seem thrown together anymore. There is definitely a shitload of potential here now. All in all, great show.
I agree, TNA finally did something right.

They have me actually interested in what's happening and maybe....dare i say......ENTERTAINED!!!!

Impact was a million times better then commercial free raw to me.....sure it didn't have a big ppv quality match like Raw.....but it was interesting and fun unlike bland boring raw was.

And Sting is finally in the role he was made for. The rebel fighting against the NWO....er.....Main Event Mafia......ok so it's been done before....but he does it so good.

And with Joe and possibly even Morgan joining up with the Mafia they finally have some guys that aren't falling apart physically.

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