[OFFICIAL] Mr. Kennedy .........Kennedy Released

I find it amazing that 2 weeks ago there was a thread where many people were defending Kennedy after it was reported that he got hurt and now after he gets released most people are treating him like a bum.

I was one of the people who believed in the potential of Kennedy, but I never actually saw anything to back it up. Sure, if Kennedy did get hurt or was sloppy in the ring (possibly on numerous occasions) it makes sense for them to let him go. However, they did hype him up every time he returned and tapped him to be in a WWE film. They saw enough in to bring him back, have him confront their champion, and put him in the main event of a RAW that had previously been hyped on on all sorts of major media due to the NBA debacle. So it shows that the WWE did have faith in him. So...I find it really interested that they would do that and then immediately fire him based on the fact that he could have hurt someone (key word hurt, not paralyze or end career), even if it was their champion. I wonder if there was anything else to it, seems like there should be...

Releasing Kennedy will not hurt WWE...not at the moment. It may never hurt them. Right now they just lose a guy that barely wrestled the past 2 or so years and get back his salary. Based on his potential though, that both WWE and fans saw, if he can cultivate his character and go to TNA and they book him correctly...he could become a Stone Cold story. No I'm not saying he could become Stone Cold, I'm saying he has the potential to be a game changer if he stays healthy and TNA steps up there game.
Releasing Kennedy wo hurt the WWE at all, in any way. I'm so sick of hearing about the potential of Kennedy. Let's just face it, the guy sucks. He's had four good years to prove himself, to rise to main event status and he just can't do it. He can't stay off the shelf long enough to do it. He's either completely frail, doesn't know how to protect himself in the ring, or some combination of both. Add onto that the fact that he's extremely careless when it comes to the safety of the other wrestlers, and you have a guy that's a hazard in the wrestling ring. It sounds as though Kennedy needs to take a refresher course in the mechanics of in-ring performance. Despite what some claim, it does take at least some degree of in ring capability to make it. You have to at least keep from sustaining injury in almost every match you work.
I'm just amazed by the fact that he is supposedly on the Black List already. it's crazy to think that this guy had the world handed to him on a silver platter no more then two years ago, with two huge storylines catered around him becoming a main event player, and either threw his own stupidity, or chance luck, he managed to piss (bad pun) both away.

Regardless of whether or not you feel Kennedy was over rated, under rated, rated correctly, not rated, whatever. The fact is, his career in the big leagues is over, and another one goes into the realm of what if? His fans will continue to say how great Kennedy was and would ahve been, and his detractors will say that the man got what he deserved. For me, he simply becomes a name along the lines of Ahmed Johnson, a giant What If? slapped next to his name.
I find it amazing that 2 weeks ago there was a thread where many people were defending Kennedy after it was reported that he got hurt and now after he gets released most people are treating him like a bum.

I have a suggestion. Look up who actually praised him 2 weeks ago, and then compare it to the people who are treating him like a bum.

Let's see how many "Hypocrites" (as Jericho would say) we have on the board. I know I am not one of them.

You are always going to have two sides of every coin. And both sides will voice their opinions. It doesn't mean those same people are trashing Kennedy, now. Perhaps it is a different group of people.

But that will be a fun experiment for you to try, to see if you can find anyone who praised him two weeks ago, and now has done a 180 and is trashing him.
Ken Anderson/Kennedy used to be a jobber in TNA now he has to turn around and go back to TNA to job again.
If any wrestler performs a move wrong it is potential for Injuries. I guess Randy Orton is afraid he might get another Concussion or be Injured to prevent him from performing or holding WWE Titles.
The night that Ken Kennedy returned the WWE and Vince McMahon was pushed out of Denver because of the playoffs so Vince was mad already and on top of that Ken Kennedy threatened to come after Randy Orton's WWE Title Belt in the near future possibly SummerSlam or the road to the event of the summer or one event during the fall.
OK so Randy Orton could have lied to Vince McMahon to get Ken Anderson/Kennedy Fired being under all the events going on during the Lakers vs Nuggets games and dropping TV ratings caused all this and now the WWE loses another wrestler.
Now WWE has to go out and scout for new and replacement wreslters from OVW or FCW the two main pipelines for WWE wrestlers.
Regardless of whether or not you feel Kennedy was over rated, under rated, rated correctly, not rated, whatever. The fact is, his career in the big leagues is over, and another one goes into the realm of what if? His fans will continue to say how great Kennedy was and would ahve been, and his detractors will say that the man got what he deserved. For me, he simply becomes a name along the lines of Ahmed Johnson, a giant What If? slapped next to his name.
I don't think so. The reports flying around say the man had a reputation of being green, a whiner, a hassle to work with, and careless with his mouth and his ring work. The word is that not only did he get dressed down by Orton (which could have be worse if Orton wasn't more mature these days), but FOUR top guys went to Vince about him. They're reported to be multi-time and as influential as they come. When you have pissed guys on that level off and have not been working safely with the most bankable stars in the business today, there is no "what if." Eventually, you're going away.

That is all independent of my low opinion of the man and the worker. If it wasn't this shitty week with all the Nuggest stuff happening and Kennedy being the icing on the cake, it definately would have happened down the road. This was always the natural ending to the Ken Kennedy story.
I think a problem with Kennedy, (and I'm a fan), is that each time he got hurt, they brought him RIGHT back to the ring. How come they never toyed with the idea of putting him in the announce booth for awhile? When Foley left Smackdown, Kennedy would have been a wonderful replacement with J.R. Then, when the time comes, he can work off the rust slowly off TV, and eventually, get back into the ring full-time.
Sucks he's gone. He was one of the most exciting guys on the mic. Unfortunately he got injured a lot which screwed his chances of getting into the main event picture. i hope someday WWE decides to resign him.
I think a problem with Kennedy, (and I'm a fan), is that each time he got hurt, they brought him RIGHT back to the ring. How come they never toyed with the idea of putting him in the announce booth for awhile? When Foley left Smackdown, Kennedy would have been a wonderful replacement with J.R. Then, when the time comes, he can work off the rust slowly off TV, and eventually, get back into the ring full-time.

He worked for a good bit of time in FCW, so he wasn't getting back into the ring with a lot of rust.

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