[OFFICIAL] Mr. Kennedy .........Kennedy Released

lol @ you if you honestly think going to TNA with a lighter schedule didn't help Angle and his body.

Pretty sure I said that him not wrestling at all would help his body.

He's stated this himself a billion times and trashed WWE's schedule.

Did he say that around the time he was trashing WWE or now when he praises the company?

Angle got to be the face of the company and still is.

Yet he's not half the star he was in WWE.

Christian was always around the main event,

And only made a real impact once he was facing lower level talent.

and came back to WWE a millions times more over than he was when he left for whatever reason.

You're saying that Christian is more over now than when he was facing Cena in 2005?

Nice, avoiding my statement, in what I'm assuming was an attempt at a lame joke.

No joke, a simple observation. You pointed out what I was going to post, complete with added ''HaHaHaHA'''s. I pointed out how you did virtually the same thing with your first post in this thread.

Now excuse me, I'm going to bump up the WWE Rejects thread in the TNA section and add Mr. Kennedy to the list.
Hmm. I can see it being real, quite obviously, but I can see this being kayfabe. I mean seriously. I checked out that match and Kennedy didn't seem that great at all, but I don't think Orton will have demanded that he would be fired. It's a tad harsh, and a huge waste of money. Why release him after 10 months of paying him to do nothing? I just don't see it. But I can see it being kayfabe. Expect something big. (and by that, I don't mean him going to TNA is big, because TNA is smaller than my shoe).
Pretty sure I said that him not wrestling at all would help his body.


Yeah, because it's that easy to just give up your wrestling career.

Did he say that around the time he was trashing WWE or now when he praises the company?

He said it many times, I don't give a shit when it was.

Yet he's not half the star he was in WWE.

But he's still the face of the company, that's something. He's one of the reasons they've grown as much as they have.

If Kennedy eventually ended up the face of the company or right up there, you wouldn't say that was an improvement from where he was in the midcard treading water?

And only made a real impact once he was facing lower level talent.

He was still a main eventer and always worked high on the card. Something he never consistently was doing with WWE.

You're saying that Christian is more over now than when he was facing Cena in 2005?

Yes, and he gets to be the face and carry his own brand.

No joke, a simple observation. You pointed out what I was going to post, complete with added ''HaHaHaHA'''s. I pointed out how you did virtually the same thing with your first post in this thread.

Exactly, while ignoring my statement.

Now excuse me, I'm going to bump up the WWE Rejects thread in the TNA section and add Mr. Kennedy to the list.

You do that.
A lot of people aren't too sympathetic with Kennedy in here, and probably for good reason...what I don't understand is, how WWE could get rid of him so easily, when Kennedy has the charisma, the mic skills, and personality to be a great future star. I mean sure, he has some pretty terrible luck since being with WWE, getting hurt after winning MITB, getting suspended around the Vince's son storyline, and now this. I hope that we could see him come back in a few years, because lets be honest...if WWE is willing to give William Regal a second chance and a third chance, then why not Kennedy?
I have a feeling that there's some bigger reason as to why Kennedy was let go. I doubt that one nearly botched move would lead to him being released. Whatever the reason, I'm sure it was much bigger than just that and I definitely look forward to hearing what it was hopefully in the coming days.
Maybe the suits in the WWE never marked out to Kennedy like so many people on this board. I still say his mic skills were average (he just has a voice that demands attention), and his ring skills were of mid-card level at best (like maybe fueding with Regal or Chavo).

I'm guessing the WWE had a carefree attitude about whatever push he MAY have been in line for. Honestly, I think there are a few other guys who were more deserving of a push than Kennedy
Is anyone else suprised by the fact that he is still using his website Ken-Kennedy.com. I would think Vince would be on that like flies on shit since that name would be trade marked . The more i think about it the more i think its a set up. But is Vince that smart.
I'm not sure how people could still think it's a work.

Did Mcmahon tell Kennedy to do a backdrop and tell Orton took look pissed off and try to swing, but miss, for Kennedy after he took the back drop?
People seem to be thinking "They wouldn't fire him for botching a simple backdrop on Orton."

But that's a perfectly good reason. It's basically Kennedy almost reinjuring one of the WWE's biggest stars doing a move that's basic. Ring rust is one thing, but you can't go around botching moves that 1) are quite basic and 2) can seriously injure someone when botched.

He was fired. It's real. He almost reinjured the fucking WWE champion. Orton might not have been pissed off about it, but it's not safe to keep him around.
But that's a perfectly good reason. It's basically Kennedy almost reinjuring one of the WWE's biggest stars doing a move that's basic. Ring rust is one thing, but you can't go around botching moves that 1) are quite basic and 2) can seriously injure someone when botched.

Oh please. Kennedy has been out 8 months due to a shoulder injury. Can anyone honestly expect him to come back with little ring rust? Expecting him to work a perfectly fine match with that much layoff is absurd.

It wasn't fully Kennedy's fault as far as my blind eyes can tell. It's a fucking backdrop, Orton has to take it correctly and he lost his balance. But meh, whatever. The full details haven't come out yet and he may have even asked for his release. We'll see.
Oh please. Kennedy has been out 8 months due to a shoulder injury. Can anyone honestly expect him to come back with little ring rust? Expecting him to work a perfectly fine match with that much layoff is absurd.

It wasn't fully Kennedy's fault as far as my blind eyes can tell. It's a fucking backdrop, Orton has to take it correctly and he lost his balance. But meh, whatever. The full details haven't come out yet and he may have even asked for his release. We'll see.

Yeah, I know he has some ring rust. But the extent of his ring rust should be timing a bit off and perhaps making little mistakes in how he takes a move (like landing on his wrist when he took the RKO.)
He shouldn't be botching serious move like a back drop. They go through all the training to make sure they never forget stuff like that, no matter how many months they're out for.

Yeah Orton has to take it correctly. But it's Kennedy who has to balance him. Orton jumps, Kennedy centres it and falls back. I'm no wrestler, but I'm pretty sure that's how it's done. That's how it looks anyway. You can see from the clip that Orton was trying his best to turn to the right cause he knew as soon as he jumped up, something was wrong.
Turns out Kennedy was NEVER injured. He landed funny on his hand after the RKO but his release was based on the Back Suplex on Orton.

TNA here I come!
I think kennedy will come back and bite the WWE in the arse with this release, granted he is a glass man but he has a charisma few current ME wrestlers have.

I hope he enjoys TNA were he will be able to work on his wresteling abilities to go with his charisma.

Their has to be more than just the botched suplex to release him, maybe he fucked up back stage.
Wow, a lot of people are saying they wern't surprised and this was coming for a while. I thought everyone on this site marked out for KK.

Anyways, I don't really know what to think of this. Pretty random to say the least. Yeah, he tweaked his wrist in his first match back but it seems odd to fire him because of that after redebuting into Raw's ME and telling everyone he will be WWE Champion. I think I read somewhere he almost injured Randy as well in that match, that probably has something to do with it too. Not only is he prone to injuring himself but he could injure other big names too.
Remember besides injuring himself on a number of times, almost injuring Orton, he also has injured John Cena and he injured Bobby Lashley.
Turns out Kennedy was NEVER injured. He landed funny on his hand after the RKO but his release was based on the Back Suplex on Orton.

TNA here I come!

I believe his release was based on inside politics in the WWE. But that's just me. Botches happen all the time, and almost injured is part of the business. Orton himself botched a fall out of the ring and broke his collar bone, should he have been fired ? Again, we don't know all the facts, and we're not going to for at least 90 days, so let's wait a bit. I still think the WWE screwed up big time on this release and it might come back to bite them in the ass.

Peace out.
Yeah, because it's that easy to just give up your wrestling career.

Most people whould value their own saftey than their wrestling career.

If Kennedy eventually ended up the face of the company or right up there, you wouldn't say that was an improvement from where he was in the midcard treading water?

No I wouldn't. TNA is such a distant second I'd say that C.M. Punk is currently a bigger star than Kurt Angle.

Yes, and he gets to be the face and carry his own brand.

So you're honestly saying that it's better for Chistian to be the opening act on PPV's than being in semi-main events against the biggest star in the company?

Exactly, while ignoring my statement.


Considering Kennedy has stated in multiple interviews, he'll never leave the wrestling business until he accomplishes what he knows he can (championships) and main eventing Wrestlemania, yes.

Of course I ignored it. There's nothing to reply to. Good luck to the guy. And I mean that, he'll need all the luck he can get. Considering he doesn't appear to have any I don't see it happening.

Really you're talking about how good Kennedy could be without any actual evidence. He could be great. Just like Dolph Ziggler could be. He also could be the biggest waste of space wrestling has seen.

His release is making the main RAW page, on the day that RAW will be on the box - Is this a regular occurance or could this all be some sort of elaborate hoax? As many have mentioned, WWE like the whole "put it up in lights" methodology of doing things, but this could be subtle in order to not give it a way.

Either way - I really don't give a monkeys, never really had an opinion on Kennedy anywhichway, but I might have to stay up to watch RAW just to appease my niggling doubts that WWE might have pulled the wool over my eyes.
To summarize in one word? Lulz.

I was never really entertained by Kennedy, though I suppose I can see how some are. I won't be missing him.

If PWInsider is to be trusted, it's his chronic "I just got back and screwed some part of my body up" syndrome and apparently he pulled a "Let's almost fuck up the current WWE Champion's shoulder." Of course he didn't do it on purpose, (that's assuming he's not fucktarded) but you have to admit. The WWE had to have been getting tired of Kennedy and his constant injuries. Anyone who comes back from 10 months on the shelf only to screw with his wrist on his return is asking for it.

He'll probably go to TNA though. He'll be put into some feuds that aren't any good, then be fed to Kurt Angle or Samoa Joe or some of the washed up has beens they seem to love to hire. In a few years, if he can go that long without a injury, expect Kennedy to start courting the WWE again. He might just get another chance.
im 90% sure this is real but theres a small part thast feels like it could be some elaborate storyline.

Theres the fact that ken-kennedy.com is still in use, i JUST saw the commercial talking about his return on usa..seems they'd pull it, there's the fact they said (ken kennedy) instead of his real name on the release page..and theres JR's wording

" It is regrettable that WWE decided to release Mr. Kennedy, that ring name will be long gone, as he was at the age to really begin to come into his own. Injuries have plagued the Wisconsin native for a good part of his career but as best I know Kennedy is 100% as we speak. Without question, Kennedy has a definable upside and he will hopefully continue his journey in this biz and make his dreams become realties. Take it from me being released isn't the end of the world and things in our lives have a way of working out for the best unless one throws in the towel and simply says "what the hell?" As I mentioned before, a change of scenery sometimes is what the doctor ordered. Hopefully this will work out for the best for all involved. For the record, I do not know why Kennedy was released and look at that matter as none of my business."

maybe change of scenery means ecw or smackdown?

Anyways, im watchin raw tonight after several weeks of not just so i can see the US title match.

And hey, if he is gone, no skin off my nose..he was entertaining promo wise but ring work wasnt anything spectacular.
Matt Hardy's Twitter page said:
12:48 AM May 30th from web WOW. What a phone call I just experienced.. Some people just NEVER change.. The Moral is "Learn from your mistakes, don't repeat them!"

Sounds to me like Kennedy fucked up backstage (again) or failed a drug test (again) I'm thinking that it's more likely his backstage attitude. I remember a report a few months ago talking about how WWE officials were upset with Kennedy openly speaking his mind. So chances are that's why he was fired (his backstage attitude) Regardless, I'm pumped for seeing him go to TNA. He should thrive in that enviorment and become TNA World Champion within a year.
Well, the WWE screws up another wrestler's career.
This should be known as "the Green Bay screw job"
Just because Randy Orton is a whiny little jerk-off
and Vince has a Hard On for Randy Orton one mistake
that isn't even against the damn rules is not grounds
for any sort of firing or release. If I was Ken Anderson,
I would sue the WWE for wrongful termination. Seriously,
He would win the case because he did not break the rules.
Plus he only has 1 strike in the WWE for wellness policy abuse.
Randy Orton, last I checked used a Prosthetic Penis to urinate for
a Urine test, and he was suspended for 30 days, and he is still in the
Main Event. That is so damn fucked up. MR. KENNEDY has massive
potential in the WWE and giving him the short end of the stick because
of Randy Orton's bitching and whining to Vince was very damn messed up.
Well, the WWE screws up another wrestler's career.
This should be known as "the Green Bay screw job"
Just because Randy Orton is a whiny little jerk-off
and Vince has a Hard On for Randy Orton one mistake
that isn't even against the damn rules is not grounds
for any sort of firing or release. If I was Ken Anderson,
I would sue the WWE for wrongful termination. Seriously,
He would win the case because he did not break the rules.
Plus he only has 1 strike in the WWE for wellness policy abuse.
Randy Orton, last I checked used a Prosthetic Penis to urinate for
a Urine test, and he was suspended for 30 days, and he is still in the
Main Event. That is so damn fucked up. MR. KENNEDY has massive
potential in the WWE and giving him the short end of the stick because
of Randy Orton's bitching and whining to Vince was very damn messed up.
LOL, wow man you don't seem to have a clue.

Mr. Kennedy not only injures himself all the time, he also is potentially hurting some of the most bankable stars in the company. Good luck trying to sue on that one:

"Well, I haven't worked consistently for 2 years, and I injured two World Champion Superstars and almost injured another one because I was completely incompetent, but I think I deserve money for doing nothing but providing an unsafe working environment."

Yeah, I doubt that will go very well.

Make no mistake about it. Kennedy wasn't released because Orton wanted him released, Kennedy was released because Kennedy sucks. Allow me to quote from the WZ main page:

WZ said:
Credit: F4WOnline.com

More details are now surfacing about the situation involving Mr. Kennedy and WWE. For those still in the dark, you should read the original article about why Mr. Kennedy got fired specifically and what went down backstage at RAW that night.

As far as the update is concerned, it appears that not just Randy Orton went to Vince McMahon to complain about how dangerously clumbsy Kennedy is in the ring and how green he is. While no one is named directly, apparently two or three top, multi-time world champions (one should already come to mind) were among those that went directly to McMahon to vent their frustrations.

According to sources, McMahon was already in a bad mood due to the NBA/Denver Nuggets situation and reportedly went insane with anger on a plane ride back home. McMahon apparently said Kennedy is now on the WWE's "do not call list" which very few people are on. It's the cream of the crop when it comes to testing the often-preached "never say never" slogan in WWE.

So you have Randy Orton, most likely John Cena, and another former World Champion complaining to the boss over a guy who is terribly boring, is often injured and has never accomplished anything. The fact of the matter is that Kennedy was released because Kennedy sucks...that is just the fact.
I don't see anyway that Kennedy is going to be back in the WWE now that everybody is complaining about him. I didn't really notice anything different when he was gone so I'm not going to stop watching now. I can see him doing deccent in TNA, but I don't know if they would make him world champion quickly. Whenever Lashley gets back, maybe they can have a feud assuming one of them turns heel (mostly likely Kennedy).
Well, the WWE screws up another wrestler's career.
This should be known as "the Green Bay screw job"
Just because Randy Orton is a whiny little jerk-off
and Vince has a Hard On for Randy Orton one mistake
that isn't even against the damn rules is not grounds
for any sort of firing or release. If I was Ken Anderson,
I would sue the WWE for wrongful termination. Seriously,
He would win the case because he did not break the rules.
Plus he only has 1 strike in the WWE for wellness policy abuse.
Randy Orton, last I checked used a Prosthetic Penis to urinate for
a Urine test, and he was suspended for 30 days, and he is still in the
Main Event. That is so damn fucked up. MR. KENNEDY has massive
potential in the WWE and giving him the short end of the stick because
of Randy Orton's bitching and whining to Vince was very damn messed up.

Well, you have to check how many times Orton has injured or could have potentially injured someone, or himself for that matter, compared to Mr. Kennedy.

As far as the Wellness Program goes, I do agree that there certainly appears to be some favoritism being shown here. And Orton appears to have been on the receiving end of a majority of that favoritism. Since Vince essentially decides what to do with the results of his own Wellness Program (whether he wants to pay attention to them, or have them swept under the rug, or have the testing dates mysteriously get leaked to certain talents over others), that pretty much is a given.

But I have to say that I think Kennedy did it to himself. The guy is simply a liability, as opposed to a profit generator, given how often he has been out on injury. Then, almost hurt his wrist after just coming back from injury, but more importantly, could have damaged Orton's shoulder once again, and then put Vince's top Heel on Raw out of action indefinitely.
:angry: goodbye Mr.Kennedy,for now! Check it out go to Mexico for a year, then go to Japan for a couple years, yea it's going to take a lot of changes in your life but you should show your peers that you take this wrestling thing seriously. learn your craft and then return and shove it up there asses! Prove to everyone that you are not only one of the best "mic talkers" in the history of the WWE, but you are now one of the best ring workers! I hope you can come back with a fucking vegence! Mean while all of your fans will miss you including me.

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