[Official] Hulk Hogan Discussion

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I think it's also a fair assumption that people learn from their mistakes and move on to do what's best for business. We'll see if petty grudges will be maintained or whether egos will be put aside to do what's best for the company (and essentiall themselves).

Personally, I think Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo are all very talented. They simply need to sit down, talk, put their differences aside, and move on.

It's been done before plenty of times.
Also, it's being reported that Ric Flair is coming to TNA, well Bischoff and Flair apparently hate each other.

I think everyone is realizing that their is a big opportunity for TNA right now that Vince McMahon and the rest of them in WWE are spinning their wheels and have been for a while and are going nowhere fast.
correct you are sir, Young did say that....by the way...is this episode of TNA taped? Will Hogan be on this upcoming episode?

Who else is already on with the Hulkamania Tour?

To my limited knowledge there are no more Impacts taped until after Turning Point. But I think they will show clips of the press conference on Thursday's Impact.

Wrestlers on the Pukamania tour are as follows: Ric Flair, Umaga, Ken Anderson, Brutus Beefcake and the Nasty Boys plus other washed up hasbeens.
This latest saga in TNA smacks, I am afraid of desperation, one last effort to beat WWE. Dixie is fixated on beating WWE. Sadly, she doesn't see the bigger picture and that is keeping a company afloat.

I agree one hundred per cent with this. For months the major complaint with TNA has been the use of 'old stars' so they start to leave, the shift shifts to the new generation and then they bring in Hulk Hogan. It's like one step forward, three steps back.

It is a good move for the short term for TNA but they do need to sort out a long term plan because if I remember Hogan had a contract with them once and never made an appearance.
I couldn't agree more. And that's not because I'm a devout WWE fan. I really hope TNA becomes competitive with WWE. I personally feel WWE has been legging (with the exception of last night where I feel we may have been introduced to a new main eventer in Kofi Kingston), and perhaps this will help them pick up the pace. But as I read about Hulk and Bischoff joining TNA I can't help but draw comparisons to when he came to WCW back in 1994. He and the rest of his fellow NWOers held a lot of wrestlers back (Benoit, Jericho, Guerrero and so on) and I fear TNA will end up doing the same to some of their talent. Where then, they will go where everyone wants to be (say otherwise, you're full of sh*t ) to the WWE, where Vince will make them into SUPERSTARS. So TNA can enjoy the next couple weeks of increased ratings and publicity, but in the end, I think this will only hurt them more. AJ vs. HBK WRESTLEMANIA 27!!!!!! One can only dream....
Wow cool, Hulk Hogan, in TNA, cool. It's funny that TNA think they have bigger news than that, the only bigger news possible is that they've signed The Rock and I'll believe that when I see it.

Anyway, whats with all this "Hogan's only interested in himself" shite, just cos' he didnt job to HBK at Summerslam, why the fuck should he? He's a mega star, HBK's a nobody in comparison. I've never figured on Hogan having a problem putting people over, just ask Goldberg, Sting, Brock Lesnar, Ultimate Warrior, Undertaker and The Rock, thats off the top of my head.

This is great for TNA, the guy dont even need to wrestle, just promise that he'll turn up, have him beat up some anti-americans or something, people will watch the whole show and hopefully become hooked on AJ Styles. Well, I aint gonna start talking about booking, I just reckon this is good news.
This is awesome. Hogan is old but he's still hogan and can bring a lot of attention to TNA which is exactly what they need.

Bigger news then this? The Rock, Shane, Heyman heads Creative, I dunno but damn TNA is def moving up.
This latest saga in TNA smacks, I am afraid of desperation, one last effort to beat WWE. Dixie is fixated on beating WWE. Sadly, she doesn't see the bigger picture and that is keeping a company afloat.

Exactly. Jim Cornette said he was glad he rejoined ROH because they were a company trying to carve out their own legacy in pro wrestling, unlike TNA who have become the jealous little brother of the WWE and seem hell bent on beating them. All the while Vince sits back laughing at them and only considering programs in the same timeslot as Raw as his true competition.
Good for TNA - a major name that they can use to promote their company, hell a three month stint would be enough to attract a great deal of viewership...match with sting would be good - Rematch from Starrcade all those years ago.

This is without doubt a good thing for TNA - I would almost go so far as to recommend that they slap the belt on Hogan just long enough to elevate it with his name as a former champion then have AJ knock him off too - I mean knocking off two wrestling legends... how much more credible do you get?

Just My Opinion

P.S. I know AJ is credible now...so maybe Matt Morgan, but my point remains..
So Hogan and Bischoff along with BHE TV are with TNA and the internet marks are all excited. Flair probably coming along too per his contractual obligations with BHE TV/Hogan, perhaps Kennedy (Anderson) but is this really good for TNA, I mean really. TNA can't draw a dime on the road, and Hogan will want his usual astronomical slice of the pie along with merchandising rights. You know who will suffer the most, the young guys you been wanting to get pushed. You really think they will get pushed now? At Hogan's or Bischoff expense. You know Bischoff hates cruisertypes. What's next Jarrett coming back? Think Angle will want to lose his position as top dog. Hernandez, Morgan back to mid-card. Daniels, Joe, overwith. This will be the beginning of the end long term for TNA. Rating will probably rise for a few months, then they'll be bleeding red ink again. Bischoff only looks out for Bischoff, not TNA, not the talent. In less than a year, you'll be complaining why isn't TNA working, why is it on the doorstep of failure. TNA lost sight of its vision for a short-term gain than will lead into a long term loss. Its only a matter of time so bookmark this post.

For the record, Im a wrestling fan, i dont care if its WWE/TNA/Gate/whoever, entertain me and make it worth my while and you will get my dollar, bore me with the same stuff, off to sportscenter .
Simply put: WOW!

This could be epic as long as everything plays out right. If this is booked properly and Hogan is used to enhance talent and pull in the ratings, it's going to be huge. Him signing the deal and being on IMPACT! may be what the company needs for ratings and to get the fans that didn't watch before to tune in. I guess we will see what the ratings look like for Thursday. Hell, this is the longest thread I have seen for TNA on this site, so just the news alone is obviously causing a smattering on interest that hasn't been seen in TNA. If done right, everyone will sit back and make a ton of money. Cheers to TNA and hopefully this move improves the entire wrestling industry as competition has always been when the industry was best.
It is funny to me that TNA gets this huge news and lets not kid ourselves this is pretty big and fans of the other company who would be singing the praises of Hogan if news had broke today that they were just working on a deal for a Hogan vs. Cena wrestlemania match is saying this won't be big for TNA etc...............You know you have made a major splash when the fans of the competition can't stand to bear reality that something good has happened for you.
The best part about this is that everyone believes this will help, LOL.

Hogan will not attract people for wrestling, if they take advantage of it, he will help with publicity, but guess what, people may tune in some more, but the product still isnt that good, and you can ask AJ STYLES about that!!!!

Bischoff is amazing, and he will not be a part of the creative team, so Ive heard. So what does Bischoff being a part of TNA do for them if he's just worried about his Entertainment company, NOTHING!

Lets wait and see what happens, Ill bet not much changes.
Well, I can't say that I totally didn't see this coming.

This is great for TNA. Hulk Hogan is always going to have his loyal followers that would follow him to the ends of the world and back. So TNA should get a nice little fan boost from this.

For Hogan, I really don't know what he is doing. Don't get me wrong. Hogan deserves all of the respect in the world for what he has accomplished in the world of wrestling, but he is OLD. Can he still go out there and do it? A more valid question is, does TNA think that Hogan can carry them like Hogan did so many year ago for WWE and WCW? Sure he will give them a boost, but he isn't that guy anymore. I would almost rather see him come back as a manager or something to that effect.

Either way you look at it, this will make TNA a must watch show if you are a wrestling fan. TNA should do very well with the results of this move.
The Hogan/Bischoff/TNA merge WILL be short-term unfortunately.......TNA is headed to Australia in February/March 2010, ironically the same site for the Hulkamania Tour....This is great news for TNA, but it will only be temporary....HOWEVER, TNA has also stated that there are a few other announcements forthcoming that are...BIGGER THAN THIS ONE!!!!! Let's see how everything transpires....It just got good again.
If anyone wants to bother to look back a few months of threads in here, i called Hogan and Bischoff to TNA shortly after Hulk was on the Buba Show, so can i just say i am now going to quit my job as i am physic ......

Seriously though wow this is huge. It took WCW to sign hogan (fair enough he could wrestle) to start off things big, if Dixie can somehow let Eric have a slight control ..... as JR would say, Buisness IS About To Pick Up
This is great for TNA. This is gonna bring in a lot of ratings but if they fuck this up... well you all know what will happen to TNA if they fuck it up.
I had almost forgotton about Russo being the Head Writer for TNA when I read Hogan had signed. It will be interesting to see how all that works itself out to say the least. Again though this will only be short term solution because Dixie's outlook is a little foggy.
:hogan: hogan as turned into the bret farve of wrestling. First he goes from WWF, then to WCW, then back to WWF/E, and now to TNA. Hogan needs to learn to call it quits like Rick Flair. In 15 years when you look back on hogans career, it wont be as good because he joined TNA, Unlike Flair where at least he called it quits at the perfect time.
Good lord I've just remembered that Sting is in TNA...Hogan and Sting in the same promotion again? Can you say "Abso-fucking-lutely Epic"? You'd think the most logical thing to do would get those two involved with each other while AJ is busy with Joe and Daniels. Man I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about seeing a Hogan and Sting confrontation.
the fact i'm actually excited about wrestling again says it all for me and i will be watching impact this week. Finally after years of mundane tv (and me never missing a show) i feel my loyality as a wrestling fan is being repaid. Hopefully we can tart to see some good stuff from both companies in the coming weeks.
There are so many things i could say about this whole thing about what you have said but honestly im wasting my finger strength if i do. Most of the people in these forums are so stuck on their opinions no matter how misguided that even if you flat out show them that it is in no way true,they will find a way to still call their opinion true. So I have given up for the most part. Anyways on topic

This is huge for TNA. Hulk Hogan is without a doubt the biggest name in wrestling. If he was this washed up no name,he wouldnt get this huge ovation everytime he comes back to wwe. This will be great for tna. He obviously due to health cant wrestle much since he is in worse condition then stiener,foley,flair,nash,and sting times 20. I expect a few matchs. Maybe 3 at most. He will be more of a on air character for a bit. This will get people watching for sure. It is a win win situation.

Bischoff-Big guy they got also. If they made him a gm type postion and a backstage guy that would be great. It should be a great time.

Great news for tna. I still think the direction they are going will stay the same. I think this will help it. Plus im excited how they said this is just the tip of the iceberg. This doesnt mean that shane is comming because chances are none of that happening but it would stir up the pot for sure. But with all the guys that are with hulk(Paul London,Shannon Moore,Val Venus,Ric Flair,Orlando Jordan,Umaga,Kennedy,Nick Dinsmore,Matt Cross,Hiendenriech,and more)having chances of making appearances and the recent talks of rob van dam talking about ether going to tna or wwe,this could be a huge season for tna.
I could really care less about Hogan signing with TNA. Honestly, I'm sick of him. He's washed up like some of the others still hanging around there. But with all the backstage drama going on these days, isn't Bischoff just going to add to that? Doesn't anyone else remember back in April/May that Bischoff had given an interview in which he described Kevin Nash as "Big Lazy"? Which in turn sent Nash into a rage that lasted through 2 to 3 days of Impact! tapings. To say the least, if nothing else comes out this, we should be hearing about some interesting backstage drama. Also, doesn't anyone else remember reading or hearing that Bischoff was part of the downfall of WCW? :shrug:
I did not see this coming at all especially after reading reports that Vince Russo would have to leave in order for Hogan to come in. But hopefully they have worked out their differences and are willing to work together.

This all is just really exciting to read and it’s just awesome as far as I’m concerned. I always loved it when Hogan would return to the WWE even if just for a promo, but now he is making his pro-wrestling return to the company that gives me more entertainment than 3 of the WWE shows.

Also, there is an unlimited amount of things I would love to see him do in TNA. For starters, he could put over some of the young talent in whatever way he can, whether it be in actual match or a promo. Say what you want about Hogan and complain about how he didn’t put anyone over (even though he did), but it never hurts to be hopeful, right? Aside from the putting over other talent, he could have matches with guys like Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, and a few others that I’m sure could get a decent match out of him. There’s just so many things he could do and I hope that TNA makes the most of this signing.

I can’t wait to see him in TNA and what he’ll do. The same goes for Bischoff.
First of all, while it is big for TNA, it will not have the effect it did for WCW. It will pop the ratings, but a long term deal will likely become more and more of a Hogan ego exercise.

I wonder if he goes heel, if they'll bring Scott Hall in as well. What about X-Pac? I don't know if they'd bring in NWO, because of the way it failed for WWE, but they did pretty well with the MEM. The MEM took over broadcasts, held all the gold, etc.... So, I don't know what TNA would do to keep NWO fresh.

If he goes face, there are limited feuds for him. He would only really have Angle, Nash, and Steiner to feud with, and none of those guys need Hogan rub. I would imagine that they would be able to turn Morgan again, but they need to allow him to get consistent pops to keep him moving up.

Heel would be the best way to go. Styles, Morgan, and Hernandez could all do well to get some Hogan rub. It doesn't matter how old he is, a victory over Hulk Hogan is instant credibility. I doubt, however, that Hogan would be coming in just to put guys over, so I interested to see where it goes.
I dunno really,

I'm not completely sold on this. While it does bring great exposure and excitement for wrestling fans, this just feels like its going to fall 'short' of expectations. TNA loves to screw things up and shit themselves as history has shown.

Until everything flows out, I'm not going to wet my pants and bring up all the hypotheticals just yet.
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