[Official] Discussion For Aces And Eights Leader

Well, the guy doing the talking tonight had a vice president patch. Bully and Joe were both out there tonight fighting with TNA. I got a feeling that the VP is Chris Harris. He was, shall we say, a little thick around the middle the last time we saw him. He's about the right height for that guy. So, I'm going Jarrett as the leader. Harris as the vp. And Knox, Briscoe, Cash, and another couple of guys to form the total group.

But, who was the guy with the flap jack?
It's obviously going to be Jarrett as the leader. King of the Mountain wants his company back!
Abyss/Joseph Park CLEARLY is involved.

2 men got unmasked tonight and yet we never got a good look at either of them. One of them is bald and the guy with the flap jack. That guy (I know it's not him) resembled Billy Kidman.
Could that have been Paul London??????

or Brian Kendrick?
What if it was people of Gut Check. It'd be sort of like TNA's version of Nexus. Although that would be lame. After last week though, Aces & Eights are ruined for me. I really don't care anymore. So much is wrong with TNA. Austin Aries as champ, for one. Austin Aries is a great wrestler, but he's not a believable World Champ in my eyes.
what was wrong with last weeks ending with Aces/Eights? I thought it was one of the best endings I've seen in a long time. this whole story line around Aces/Eights has been brilliant. there's so much mystery, nobody knows who they are. this has been money for TV.

I'm interested to find out who the guy was that entered the ring tonight unmasked and then covered his face with his shirt before hitting Aries.
What if it was people of Gut Check. It'd be sort of like TNA's version of Nexus.

I like your out of the box thinking, but like you said, that would be lame. No. That might be worse than David Arquette as champ.The gut check competitors are just not ready for TV. At all.

I said it in the analysis thread so I'll say it here. I'm almost certain it's Jeff Jarrett. He's the only one that kind of makes sense. If they go the "shock" route then I suppose they could do Dixie. That's a terrible idea though. She's a nice woman but she's absolutely AWFUL on TV.

Abyss isn't a leader and it would really take away from his character. Anyone else (including Matt Morgan) just wouldn't be a big deal. If it ends up being Samoa Joe, or AJ, or Kurt, or Bully Ray or someone like that it'll just seem like a giant waste of time to me. If it turns out to be Hogan or Sting, it's just another heel turn. If it turns out to be Luke Gallows, Chris Masters, and others like that, that's not interesting and showcases TNA as second rate.

I don't think there's anyone they could bring in who's shocking. It could have been Heyman. It could have been Shane McMahon, but those are never gonna happens. In my opinion it has to be JJ or Dixie otherwise it's a waste.
I like to think that Bobby Roode and Jeff Jarrett are both the leaders, they both have motives.

Jeff: Got fired back in December by Sting. First person they attack is Sting, and may be jealous of the HOF induction. Then they attack Hogan. He may be mad he left Immortal for Sting?

Bobby: Lost the title to Aries at Destination X and then lost the "Last Chance" rematch at HardCORE Justice. You haven't seen him the past two weeks. And attacking Aries as of late, trying to injure him. To possibly vacate the World title. If that was to happen, Roode could get a title shot.

Bully Ray and Abyss could be possibilities as well. I'm just excited to see where this goes.
I like to think that Bobby Roode and Jeff Jarrett are both the leaders, they both have motives.

Jeff: Got fired back in December by Sting. First person they attack is Sting, and may be jealous of the HOF induction. Then they attack Hogan. He may be mad he left Immortal for Sting?

Bobby: Lost the title to Aries at Destination X and then lost the "Last Chance" rematch at HardCORE Justice. You haven't seen him the past two weeks. And attacking Aries as of late, trying to injure him. To possibly vacate the World title. If that was to happen, Roode could get a title shot.

Bully Ray and Abyss could be possibilities as well. I'm just excited to see where this goes.

The group appeared BEFORE Roode lost the title. If it suddently appeared after he lost it, this might make sense, but it doesn't. They were around while he was still champion. He didn't need them. If it's him, that's a big gaping hole in logic so I hope TNA doesn't go that way.

As far as who it could be, there's plenty of possibilities. I'm simply holding out hope that it's not Eric Bischoff in any way, shape, or form. I fear it will be though.
The group appeared BEFORE Roode lost the title. If it suddently appeared after he lost it, this might make sense, but it doesn't. They were around while he was still champion. He didn't need them. If it's him, that's a big gaping hole in logic so I hope TNA doesn't go that way.

As far as who it could be, there's plenty of possibilities. I'm simply holding out hope that it's not Eric Bischoff in any way, shape, or form. I fear it will be though.

I was thinking that maybe he have joined them after he lost the rematch? I don't know, after thinking it over it doesn't really make sense.

I hope it isn't Eric. He needs to stay backstage, TV has been good without him.
I think it has to be Bobby Roode in my opinion. If he unmasks in the middle of the ring and then tells the world that he and the rest of Aces & Eights made everyone believe that he wasn't the leader because they attacked him. Then he came up with the plan of framing James Storm. They then went after Aries because he is the World Champ and he kept beating Roode. They attacked Hogan & Sting first because they kept screwing Roode over, I just think it all screams Bobby Roode.
I mentioned before that it could very well be Jarrett. Just so long as its not another Hogan turn. But the main guy that does the talking for A&8's, was that D'Lo Brown last night. He seems to be about the same size, and the shape of his head looks distinctly like D'Lo's.
My guess would be Jeff Jarrett. Someone, somewhere, somehow came up with something that intrigued me. I just can’t seem to find the post, but I know it was posted here on this site, just not this thread.

Aces and Eights.
Ace – King – Queen – Jack or A – K – Q – J
Eight – Nine – Ten – Jack or 8 – 9 – 10 – J

Yes, that’s 2 Js you see at the end. 2 Js. Double Js. Double J. Jeff Jarrett. Everything is pointing to Jeff Jarrett being the leader of A&8. I wouldn’t mind Jarrett being the leader. What I would mind is if it was someone on the TNA roster. I don’t want a twist. I sure hope it’s not someone who was already jumped by A&8. I don’t want Hogan to be the leader. I don’t want the World Champion involved. I don’t want it to be Beer Money’s new Stable. Just give me the all new Planet Jarrett Army!! I want to see Jeff lead the “new” TNA, a fresh batch or young up and comers. It could be what Cena and Punk should have done while wearing the “N” armband. It could be like the Nexus storyline, only better.

I have a new theory. I think the leader is actually the man with Pocket Rockets, better known in poker as 2 Aces, A Double, Austin Aries. Let’s think about it for a second. Yes they beat him up. A8, however, “got the wrong “hand”. Reaching?? Yes, but another Poker term nonetheless. It could still very well be Jeff Jarrett, and I’m hoping he’s included as Flair was to Evolution / Fourtune, and Hogan was to Immortal. As of this moment, my money is on AA being the “Leader” and JJ being the mentor.
I've been thinking about this for the last couple of weeks. If Tina is serious about moving up an challenging the wwe they need to make a big impact. They have the perfect chance here with this aces an eights thing. Now I'm probley going out on a limb here but what if the leader of edge.

Now thank about this for a second. Once his wwe contract was up they offered him a legends deal. He would not sign it if I'm correct. Sure his in ring days are over but if he wants to be in the sport he would be a great leader of a group. I'm just not sure how the whole dead man hand plays into this endless it's more of a group of outlaws coming in to take over. Plus it's also kinda weird that when raw had there 1,000 episode they brought back a bunch of legends but they couldn't get edge there for one night. Like I said I'm going out on a limb an hoping like hell it's not another bishoff or hogan turn
You know I'm kind of hoping the leader is someone like a Mike Knox or even Luke Gallows. A guy that clearly had serious potential (even if WWE didn't see it) that can grow with the role. Although I would never complain at having Double J back I'd really like to see someone new introduced. I mean, let's face it, whoever it is has been positioned as a major force in TNA, booked correctly (as in, not a run away pussy when he arrives) then they could instantly have a new main event player on their hands.
It's a theory I've had going for awhile now, but the little speech by "The Armbreaker" made me think it's Abyss even more.

First of all, he was wearing a jacket with the hood up over his head completely covering his face, something Abyss is known to wear. He has a pretty big gut like Abyss, something Luke Gallows doesn't have (the guy rumored to be "The Armbreaker") And plus after Hogan told Joseph Parks to watch over Brooke, "The Armbreaker" appeared talking about being locked in the Impact zone. Why would they have Joseph Park start doing the investigation anyways if he was nowhere involved the first couple of months?

Now I could be and probably am completely wrong here, but is it a convincing theory? Is Abyss/Joseph Parks the leader of Ace N' Eights?
I was thinking the same thing; the guy has the big build and the offensive style and it would be a suitable choice for the leader if it was Abyss due to the brutal attacks Abyss is known for.
TNA could go that route, by revealing Abyss to be an Aces & Eights member...but it would be pretty lame. Haven't we seen the "armbreaker's" bare arms? Abyss/Chris Parks/Joseph Parks has an unmistakable tattoo on his upper arm. It would have been visible, and the audience would have caught it right away. Plus, the "armbreaker's" build is not that of Abyss'(s?). TNA could swerve us by making that guy Abyss (but the character is currently being played by someone else)...but like I said already, that would be pretty lame.

A better candidate for the "armbreaker" would be either Mike Knox, Luke Gallows, Chris Masters, Crimson, or even maybe Matt Morgan. I doubt it's Crimson or Morgan, more likely it's Mike Knox or Luke Gallows. Hell, it could even be Snitsky for all we know.

btw - with all the other Aces & Eights threads on the forums, I have a feeling this one will soon be deleted (or at least merged).
the great thing about this angle is that it has everyone guessing. Since the beginning hints have been dropped and none of them came out to be true. Example of both James Storm and Bobby Roode being hinted at.

Clearly Abyss was the voice behind the leader at multiple times. The hints of Joseph Park finding new "clients" and now him being involved in the story helps to tie him into it nicely. The way the leader with the hood moves and looks definitely lends itself to believe it is Abyss also. However, since nothing is revealed, he could easily just be playing a part as filler and doesn't have to be the one revealed in the end. By not revealing anything yet they have time to wait for people to get done with no compete clauses, get healthy from injury, etc and plug them into the storyline before the big reveal.

The addition of the backstage segment with d-lo, al snow, bruce prichard, hogan, etc and hinting that any one of them could be involved again gets people guessing. They leave many possibilities out there. Keep in mind that bruce prichard was at one time a very big on screen character as Brother Love and the way he talked to Hogan makes him look suspicious. D-Lo has been completely irrelevant and not on screen at all until that point so including him out of nowhere makes him a possibility. Al Snow has a suspicious look during the segment, etc. Good writing that lets you suspect any of them could be a part of it or none of them could be. They just claim there is someone in the company, not someone in the room.

If you look at A8 interview segment from the last impact, wes briscoe is clearly the first one in the line at the right. Behind him was very likely Magnus. the look in his eyes and the way he holds himself there makes it very likely. He's been getting these short little pop in segments much like Wes Briscoe. He has also been attacking people lately trying to build heat. I'd expect that Magnus could likely be the insider in the company.

The person who wrestled AA at the ppv was not the leader and was not Abyss. Matt Morgan likely fits the build and his rumor to be gone from TNA can likely be a work. Mike Knox is a definite possibility due to the build, lack of tatoos, etc. Bully Ray could very well be involved as well and those hints have been dropped with the attack on Hardy, Bully coming out last in that segment and A8 then leaving, etc. It really is good writing because there are so many possibilities yet nothing is clear. So we have to keep watching to find out.
I have to say that after watching IW I also think that this is a possibility. But as someone said before me there have been many names suggested and for all we know it could be anyone hell it could be Jeremy Borash(maybe not him but you get what I mean)
even if Abyss is revealed at some point to be the one who was doing the talking, that wouldn't make him the leader. the guy talking in the distorted voice has a patch that says Vice President. I take that as there would also be a President who would be higher. not something I noticed in the past, so I don't think there has been an actual President patch.
I believe that possibly in some form Abyss will be part of Aces&8s. Will he be the leader or the Armbreaker? No. I think that it could possibly be Matt Morgan or Luke Gallows. I'm leaning more towards Matt Morgan as he could hold frustration with TNA over a contract dispute or something along those lines.
God, I hope it doesn't play out that Abyss is the leader of Aces and Eights. If it does, it will be a monumental disappointment, in the same vein as Bound For Glory 2010. With all of the hype about this rogue faction, and all of the time invested in it, and all of the intrigue generated by it, only for it to turn out to be a group lead by Abyss of all people, that would be even worse than listening for months that "they" are coming, only to have it play out that they have been there all the while.

I wouldn't mind if he were one member of the group, in some sort of supporting capacity. But if it turns out to be the leader, that will be a bitter pill to swallow, one which I think will alienate and disappoint far more people than it will impress.
I have a few members who seem to be obvious
Luke Gallows
Abyss or his brother (more likely)
D-Lo Brown is the guy who usually talks.
the rest are guys we may or may not have ever seen,
one looks like Brutus Beefcake as the nWo desciple lol

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