[Official] Discussion For Aces And Eights Leader

I believe Jeff Jarrett is the leader of Aces and Eights and guys like Abyss who have been with TNA from the beginning will be part of his crew. There will be somebody currently in the main event mix involved as well, a "moll" in the ranks as has been referred to. Having so many people wondering who the group are and who its leader is is great for TNA, keep people watching, great for ratings. I believe that Bully Ray was being thought of for a major role in this storyline, and now he has officially re-signed with TNA, his push will continue.
I see this concluding, well the leader being revealed, at Bound for Glory when Jeff Jarrett will crash the Hall of Fame ceremony where Sting is being inducted by his good friend Lex Luger. Jarrett will feel slighted that he is not being inducted, and he and his group will turn up. So far, the excuse will be TNA have just hired nobodies under the masks, wjhen they know exactly whioch way they are going to go with the angle, then they will slowly reveal who is under the masks
for what it's worth all or a bunch of these Aces/Eights threads could be merged.

I think Jeff Jarrett could work. I didn't buy Jarrett as a face back when I started watching in 2010, but after he sold out, err bought in to Immortal and was heel I think he was better. if he could return as a heel as the brains behind Aces/Eights I think it could work.
you would have to imagine he is going to return at some point.
PW Torch has mentioned that Matt Morgan has just crashed a TNA show. So he is set for this group. If no the leader, he is amongst the Top Dogs.
Me and the roomie been discussing this all last week, and after that office scene, we are both thinking that the VP that has the distorted voice could very well be D-Lo Brown. Very similar build, the fact that not one iota of skin is showing and the distorted voice. Not really sure it's Abyss, it could be, we were both leaning towards Bully Ray as the VP, but after that drama in the office when they were saying, "it could be any one of us" we both agreed it seems like it's D-Lo. no one would ever expect him really.

anyways, that's just my theory, and I wouldnt be surprised if I was wrong.
I'm thinking another possibility could be Bully Ray. Putting logic aside, he's been chasing the title for well over a year and hasn't gotten the brass ring. He really doesn't need the backup but I can see this as his way of securing and holding onto the title. This is just a hypothesis though.

Agreed and he's also one of the most over heels in the company. There are other connections as well such as him always pointing the finger at others being in cahoots with them, that usually means you're guilty. Another thing is they made a point to show that he was very interested in what Joseph Parks had found out through his investigation last week. Those are just a few of the connections I've seen with Bully, he's probably not the leader but definitely an inside guy.
I have been thinking long and hard about who the leader and VP of AA's could be and the two names that would make this storyline all worth while in the end would be James Mitchell and Kevin Steen. Mitchell has not been seen in TNA for a few years now and this would be the perfect time to bring him back. He has the right look and he has the mic skills to really get the AA's over with the fans. Plus Mitchell would have a genuine reason to have issues with both Hogan and Sting. He could say that he is doing this because Sting made Abyss turn on him and that when he left Hogan stoped Abyss from being a Monster and turned him into a joke. He could then go on to say that he need his VP to be somebody that dose not play by the rules and would do whatever it took to take TNA apart and that man is Kevin Steen. For me Steen is one of the best wrestlers around today and would really boost TNA's ratings. TNA have used a couple of different people as the AA's VP and all of them have been around about the same size as Steen. My theory is that TNA are working currently working out a contract with Steen and need to let ROH finish the current Storyline with Kevin before they bring him in. OK i now my theory is a longshot at best but in my Opinion it has to be one of the best options with TNA to go with.
I think it is going to be just another power struggle between Jeff Jarret (the soon to be announced leader of Aces and Eights), and his VP (D-Brown) who turns on Dixie, and say they've had enough of this and they want full power of TNA. It makes the most sense as Jarret has been off TV for a long, long time and was "fired" by Hogan and thrown out by Sting. (Or other way around, not sure) So, he is coming back for the umpteenth time to take back the company that he and his Father founded. Jarret doesn't have much to do since Ring Ka King, might not be preparing for a second season. So Jarret makes the most logical sense. This is at least how I see Aces and Eights unfolding as Jeff Jarret will be the leader trying to seize control of TNA.

It would be cool if Jarret was the VP and Papa Jarret was the President as I think that be a pretty good swerve. Have Papa Jarret be the guy who hired these goons to take out the ME guys in TNA and have Jarret do the actual fighting. But I am not even sure if JJ father is even alive so this is totally hypothetical.
This probably has no shot of happening but if they wanted the wrestling world to be shocked what if Ultimate Warrior was behind Aces and 8's ?! He hates Hogan and he used to team with Sting who went on to be the better out of the 2. Not saying this is the greatest idea ever but I don't think anyone will see it coming and it will defiantly get attention from viewers. Hogan Warrior 1 more time at Bound For Glory ? This is far fetched but I actually would enjoy this
Watching it now its seems obvious that the guy talking to Hogan and Sting is Eric Bischoff.

I agree. it sure looked like Eric Bischoff from the back, and even with the distorted voice it sounded like him too.
if they use THAT person, then it wont be Jeff Jarrett, because that didn't look like/sound like Jarrett.

Hogan has to pick 2 guys from TNA to face 2 guys from Aces and Eights. seems Sting wants in. so Hogan has to pick someone else with Sting.

if Aces/Eights win, they get "full access". but what does that mean? you have to imagine some way Aces/Eights are going to win. TNA wouldn't come this far with the group only to end it at BFG.

could this be a set up where whoever Sting picks is the person to turn on TNA and end up being Aces/Eights? Bully Ray maybe? someone else?
I could see Sting having a part in it. Considering he's never been a bad guy there's a first time for everything. He may not be the leader but he's a big part of it. As for leader it'll probably be a toss up between Jarrett/Bischoff. Jarrett was the founder of TNA and he's not the first HOF inductee. Basically he's bitter and so will Bischoff because of the way he was fired.
I bet its something terrible like bischoff and brook hogan behind the aces and 8s the the masked guys are the muscle they have sent in, it sounds stupid but could you not see it? Bischoff alligns with brook and convinces her her dads washed up and its the next hogans time to shine, it would not surprise me!
The leader of Aces and Eights was shown on impact last night sitting in front of Hogan and Sting wearing a baseball cap backwards. I sincerely believe Eric bischoff is the leader of Aces & Eights. After Hogan eliminated Garrett from the TV Title match, he and sting got kidnapped by Aces!

My picks for aces and eights leader are: Eric Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Bully Ray, Brooke Hogan or Jeff Jarrett!!
Seems its really Easy E. Eric B. was for sure the main guy in A&8s. And hey why not, since i do not think that Double J would fit.Eric B. is at least
( mostly) a good talker and just think about his Harley D love segment in WCW. And its also much better then in the beginning of A&8s when the Boss was wearing a prospect sign ....:wtf:
If you listen to the leader of A&8's when he is making his demands to Hulk and Sting, he calls Hulk the Hulkster several times. The only person I ever heard call him by that name is Easy E, Mr. Eric Bishoff. As I have stated on another thread, A&8's will come into TNA Wrestling and declare WAR. Several of the wrestlers on leave of absence and several of the so called released wrestlers (men and women) will be members of A&8's, it will be a all out WAR for control of TNA. Eventually it will be Bishoff and Jarrett leading A&8's WAR brand, Hulk and Sting will be the leaders of the IMPACT brand. Most likely the WAR brand will be live on monday nights and IMPACT will go taped delayed.
I was thinking jeff Jarrett but after watching impact this week in uk I'm now convinced its ERIC BISCHOFF! (With a different name obviously) it makes sense he created the original NwO and has major beef with sting and hogan also could see the heel turn of garret bischoff to join his dad???? What does everyone think?
On last Thursday episode where the leader was talking to Hogan and Sting it sounded like the mannerisms of Chris Park character. The way he pronounced the words even under the voice changer box. I know he was tied up but it sounded just the way he talked. I could see some swerve coming with this where they showed Chris Park tied up and then reveal some kind of third character of Chris Park/Abyss going schizoid between the two characters leading Aces and Eights. The leader talking could have been a voice recording.
There is a strong possibility. Abyss hasn't been seen in a while. Him being involved with Aces and Eights wouldn't be a bad thing. I just hope he isn't the leader. If they end this major storyline with Abyss then I would be a little upset. Abyss isn't someone I want leading A&8's.
To me it looked and sounded like Eric Bischoff under the hood. This would be a massive letdown and I pray it not to be the case but I fear it is inevitable.

I also get the feeling this will lead to Garrett joining up with his father and A&8 for Hogan not showing faith in him or his ability. He did storm off pissed in the most recent episode with Joe and Anderson laughing at him.

Another thing I see is the retun of Abyss but not as part of A&8. I get the feeling Joseph Park will be confirmed as being Abyss all along and the torture he has suffered at the hands of A&8 will be the reason he turns to his alter ego. I guess it is like a full circle as we know the Abyss character was previously tortured by his father.

So ito conclude I believe Bischof is the mastermind, Garrett will join him and Joseph Park will turn back into Abyss to get revenge on his torturers.
I've had this thought a few times but it'll be extremely lame if Abyss does turn out to be the overall leader and mastermind of the group. I'd see Abyss' character as something along the lines of a "Sergent at Arms" sort of rank, as Aces & Eights is going the route of a biker gang, but not the leader. And I'm figuring that "Armbreaker" probably holds that rank or is possibly the gang's Vice President as the Sergent at Arms if a group is usually the chief bruiser of the club. I could see Abyss in that role, but not the leader.

I have a feeling that the true mastermind or leaders of the group will be revealed at Bound for Glory. If it's revealed as Abyss, frankly, nobody's gonna give a shit. The leader should be someone that's a major player, someone whose presence is going to cause ripples in TNA. I suppose revealing Abyss as leader would generate buzz, but not nearly the positive buzz that TNA is hoping for. TNA has a very long history of building up "surprises" that are extremely underwhelming once they're revealed. Having Abyss as the leader of Aces & Eights would be just another in a long line of disappointments.
I'm convinced tonight that Sting is going to turn at BFG. He's going to be the leader. This is his shot at redoing the NWO turn that was originally supposed to be him. He's going to be the swerve, not bully ray. The final card revealed in dead mans hand will be a joker. And, sting will turn his back on TNA.

He'll have some reason about how Dixie should have never allowed hogan back in the building. But, I think we're looking at Sting as the leader. Abyss will be his VP. Garrett Bischoff will be in it. Morgan maybe.

I just think its too obvious to turn bully. They'll do something bigger than that. Sting turning on hall of fame night would be a shocker.
Now that Bubba is Sting's partner it's got to be Bully Ray. He fits the persona of of being a gangster with his in ring style and his gimmick. it looks like the Aces and 8s story line post Bound for Glory with the Turning Point poster being released. Bubba going to obviously cost Sting the match.

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