[OFFICIAL] Chris Jericho Dictionary Words Appreciation Thread


Gone but never forgotten.
Maybe it's just me, but I love when Jericho seems to think of a new "dictionary" word to throw in his promos each week either on Raw or Smackdown. He has officially turned himself into a despised, arrogant, ass hole that thinks he's smarter than everyone else... and I love it. So, I decided to create a thread that shows appreciation for the hilarity of his insulting vocabulary.

Every time we hear Jericho use a "dictionary" word on Raw or Smackdown, post the word and definition in this thread and let's discuss it. Let's answer questions like, "Have you ever heard that word before? If so, do you know what it means? And do you know how it pertains to the WWE Universe?" I figured it might be fun.

We all know that it started with the word, "sycophant". So, let's define it.

Dictionary.com said:
syc·o·phant (sĭk'ə-fənt, sī'kə-)
n. A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people.

Personally, I never heard the word until Jericho began using it weekly on the WWE broadcasts. I guess it's safe to say that I never knew what it meant, either.

So, it appears that Jericho is saying that we are all ass-kissers that only like specific wrestlers because it's the "cool thing to do." (Man, talk about hitting the nail on the head with most of the WWE Universe.)

What do you guys think? Am I right? Do you have any other words you'd like to define and discuss in here?

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