NXT Invasion Thing To Stop Being Fun In... 3... 2...


Mid-Card Championship Winner
- With Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns being brought up to the main roster, the next group of guys on the rise in NXT look to be Big E Langston, Bray Wyatt (Taylor Rotunda), his brother Bo Dallas (Windham Rotunda) and the tag team of The Ascension - Conor O'Brian and Kenneth Cameron.

The Ascension have a great ring entranced and packaging as a team plus have developed a lot of double team moves from the old 1980's heel tag teams. Now that there is more emphasis on tag teams in WWE, they may be brought up together soon.

Read more at http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/wwe...ay_Be_Called_Up_Next.html#WmdXVCHA7okPZCb6.99
I've been skipping most of their matches. Either they're snatching the life out of Yoshi Tatsu types or they're facing the USOs. Not exactly electrifying.

Though I did watch that one match with Kidd and Gabriel. Nothing from that stuck with me except that feeling that Kidd's being squandered. But I get that every time I watch Kidd. If JoMo's never coming back, Kidd could feasibly eat the lunches. A shame that won't make him grow in the direction that management wants.
I didn't like it when it happened at SS, let alone how they're planning on doing it more. Sure, people got excited by it being Ambrose and Rollins - never heard of Reigns - but the way it happened at SS was just a cop out. It just proves that they had no plan for Ryback and that he was pushed prematurely and is about to be royally fucked because he doesn't fit in the Road to WrestleMania.

Now we get to look forward to more matches and segments where someone gets jumped by a bunch of rookies because they're trying to get over. Sound familiar? Oh yeah, because that's what every heel stable does. Yet most of the IWC creams their pants over it because they only like heels. Just check out the "Fave 5's" on here.

Sure it was original and exciting when Nexus debuted, tearing the ring apart, but after that it was all the same shit. And people complain that "Cena made them look weak at Survivior Series '10!" Newsflash: He pinned 2 rookies! They're not supposed to be that good.

Anyways, I'm done ranting. I'm just saying that they squashed something that had potential with something that we've already seen, and I'm already bored with it. Debuting more won't help if it's in the same fashion again.
It just proves that they had no plan for Ryback and that he was pushed prematurely and is about to be royally fucked because he doesn't fit in the Road to WrestleMania.
Yep. Not as though there're multiple word titles kicking about or anything. That would almost be too convenient.
Yep. Not as though there're multiple word titles kicking about or anything. That would almost be too convenient.

Very true. But it looks like Dolph Ziggler has already got that title on reservation. To me, Main Event last night proved it. First time I was ever impressed by one of his promos (edit: his back and forth with Miz beforehand. His promo afterward was still pretty good though). And the match was good, which says a lot for Miz as well.
The Ascension, eh? What's their finish?

My favourite thing right now in NXT. Kenneth(He's english, like you!) & Conor O'Brian.

Their awesome entrance(There's usually a scream in there too by Cameron):


And some highlights from their most recent televised match:


Pretty great team but as Coco said, their feud with the Uso's went far too long.
They should make casual fans care about the three they've already called up before they worry about before they bring up more nobodys.

They won't. They'll continue with this hackneyed invasion bullshit and half the dudes will wash out or be back on NXT jobbing to "the next big thing".
I'm pretty sure that the quoted article doesnt imply that these guys are to be brought up as part of the same group that took out Ryback.

Bray wyatt is one of the most interesting characters being developed on NXT, his promo packs are brilliant. Most likly his brother will just be muscle as hes ben appearing. Wouldnt worry, the spotligt aint on him.

The ascencian are pretty interesting too, not ready for the main roster, but getting there.

None the less though, i'm happy with these guys where they are. Call me when McGillicutty and Kidd are on my tv.
I'm pretty sure that the quoted article doesnt imply that these guys are to be brought up as part of the same group that took out Ryback.
I watch NXT. More Bo Dallas means I suffer, even if he's not headed to the main roster.

Bray wyatt is one of the most interesting characters being developed on NXT, his promo packs are brilliant. Most likly his brother will just be muscle as hes ben appearing. Wouldnt worry, the spotligt aint on him.
Umm, Wyatt's muscle is the awesome Luke Harper. Bo is the smiling fool of a babyface who took on Jinder Mahal for number one contendership like a week ago. Completely different people.
I watch NXT. More Bo Dallas means I suffer, even if he's not headed to the main roster.

I really liked Bo about a year ago. But apparently his kidneys are like Sampson's hair. He just hasn't been the same guy since he came back. Though that's partially the agents' fault.
Coco, just when I think we can be civil. You start throwing me curveballs.

The besmirching of Ascension's amazingness in this thread is disgusting. I am going to tear SO MUCH new asshole in here at some point in the very near future
I don't think the report means that they are going to join Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins, but more like those guys will be the next to be called up in the near future. I dig Big E Langston and Bray, but the Ascension is awesome and I can't wait for their debut.

I know that every internet report is supposed to be taken with a grain of salt, but what's up with Kassius Ohno? I have heard nothing about him being called up.
Guys, be honest now, is it worth watching NXT? Ever since I stopped watching Smackdown, there's been a wrestling gap and I need the right show to fill it. One of the reasons is that I want to verify if Conor O'brien is capable of being good like many people seem to suggest, I have feint memories of him in the former NXT. No good.
Coco, just when I think we can be civil. You start throwing me curveballs.

The besmirching of Ascension's amazingness in this thread is disgusting. I am going to tear SO MUCH new asshole in here at some point in the very near future
I didn't say they were bad. I just haven't been arsed to care. Yet.
Coco, just when I think we can be civil. You start throwing me curveballs.

The besmirching of Ascension's amazingness in this thread is disgusting. I am going to tear SO MUCH new asshole in here at some point in the very near future

Mah *****. Tell me what are your views on O'Brians new haircut? Also, should they change their names?
These Ascension fellas remind me of a couple of guys who never got a fair cop in their tenure, that being the team of Vance Archer and Hawkins if people remember them. Gotta believe if there had been any kind of tag division two years ago, they'd have done considerably better.
These Ascension fellas remind me of a couple of guys who never got a fair cop in their tenure, that being the team of Vance Archer and Hawkins if people remember them. Gotta believe if there had been any kind of tag division two years ago, they'd have done considerably better.

Ah yes. The Gatecrashers unofficially. A good old Diesel/Michaels style team they were. Great matches with the Dudebusters.

Ascension though have unmatched intensity, plus their double team moves are simple but brutal. As KB pointed out in one of his reviews; their differant because they actually look like they can beat up anyone.
Ah yes. The Gatecrashers unofficially. A good old Diesel/Michaels style team they were. Great matches with the Dudebusters.

Ascension though have unmatched intensity, plus their double team moves are simple but brutal. As KB pointed out in one of his reviews; their different because they actually look like they can beat up anyone.

I must admit, I've just seen my first episode of NXT and I was impressed. The intensity and the gimmick has turned two guys who probably wouldn't have caught on with much else, into something believable. The other people who impressed me on my first viewing were Bray Wyatt (although I would tell people I knew Harris was good, even from his Nexus days and earlier) and Roman R-something, the one who just debuted on TV.

Very impressed with him. That's how you do a squash match, the guy has a great look and made it seem like he owned the place.
Not going to start on Dallas, my vocabulary of insults is simply too limited to start. Fucking love Bray Wyatt, if he isn't pushed as a top heel I'll be disappointed. And The Ascension, apart from their entrance and gimmick I'm not overly excited on them. Their matches can be quite dull, but I'm on the fence so they've still time to woo me.

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