nWo 20th Anniversary: Your Favourite Moments


hey guys! 2 days late but here it is anyways, a sort to share your favourite memories of the nWo!!

Id have to say that my favourite moment was Sting FINALLY making his choice and beating up the nows top guys at Uncensored 1997, what a great moment from a wrestling storytelling perspective

Rick Rude showing up unannounced as an nWo member was awesome too.

When they beat up the Rock and painted him was far and away my favourite WWF moment, the crowd was going nuts!

Also gotta say that any time the ring erupted into a chaotic nWo vs WCW battle or a massive nWo beat down was a good time in my books as well.

Anyway, enough about me, what are your guys' favourite nWo moments?
does it count if i say DDp putting on a NWo shirt and then Jackknifing his old cronies hall and nash?
So many moments.

Like when Hall & Nash attacked all the WCW wrestlers backstage, injuring a few. There was chaos everywhere and the ambulances were there. Nash threw Mysterio in a wall like a dart.

They attacked both heels and faces.

These are little things like that that made the angle so good cause it felt real.
I will not say moments but the whole NWO angle was just so different, so fresh and unique at the time. It was unlike anything we had ever seen before.

1)The black and white vignettes where it would be sound bites instead of normal wrestling promos

2)The "gang" mentality where they would mob people in groups instead of one on one

3) Spray painting the belt and opponents like gangs and throwing up the hand signs.

4) The "colors" black and white. It was "NWO" on the t-shirts instead of individual wrestlers like in the past.

5) The promos. The way they so cool about everything. Not sweating anything. In contrast to the usual "screaming" promos we were used too where guys would get al worked up and start shouting. Hall and Nash would just play everything cool.

Those were the things I remember and set the NWO apart from anything I had seen.
I will not say moments but the whole NWO angle was just so different, so fresh and unique at the time. It was unlike anything we had ever seen before.

1)The black and white vignettes where it would be sound bites instead of normal wrestling promos

2)The "gang" mentality where they would mob people in groups instead of one on one

3) Spray painting the belt and opponents like gangs and throwing up the hand signs.

4) The "colors" black and white. It was "NWO" on the t-shirts instead of individual wrestlers like in the past.

5) The promos. The way they so cool about everything. Not sweating anything. In contrast to the usual "screaming" promos we were used too where guys would get al worked up and start shouting. Hall and Nash would just play everything cool.

Those were the things I remember and set the NWO apart from anything I had seen.

Never has there been a time where it was so cool being bad. The Hell's Angels must have had an easy recruitment drive when the nWo were at their top. :D
The moment on NITRO where they were beating up people outside. It was the angle that "ended Arn Andersons career". Mysterio being thrown into the building like a dart. Buff attacked (who would later join them).

NWO was awesome for the first year. Then it just got too big. TO many members. It got weird fast. Macho Man joining NWO was pretty much the end of it for me. That made no sense at all.

It should have stayed a 3-6 man group. That is all.
Macho Man joining NWO was pretty much the end of it for me. That made no sense at all.

Macho joining made perfect sense, he wasn't able to come back to work unless he joined the nWo, this was what Bischoff had told him when he came in as Stings buddy in black in January 1997
IMO NWO started to go downhill when Bischoff inserted himself in it to try and be one of the cool kids. When the group was Hall, Nash, Syxx, Hogan, DiBiase and Virgil that was perfect, all necessary roles were covered. You had the big heavyweight name, you had the two workhorses that dominated the tag division, you had the cruiserweight that could work his ass off, you had the lackey and you had the Daddy Warbucks manager/financier character. Bischoff pretty much shit all over that because he had a Vince Russo moment where he decided he wanted to be one of the guys and put himself over as the leader. Beginning of the end for me. Once Waltman went back to WWF and DX took off, my WCW watching days were more or less over.

As far as my favorite moments, Hall's first night promo was a great moment. I liked the black and white NWO show where they would squash jobbers with other NWO guys on commentary.
Twenty years? Where has my life gone? Favourite, or stand out memories to me were the run up to Starcade 97. The whole Eric / Larry, Hogan / Sting builds were awesome. Hall and Nash were so dynamic around this time also. I think if the NWO ended there, it would have been remembered as one of the most perfect factions / storylines ever. However it got watered down and murdered over the next two years.
I'm watching the 96 Nitros right now and in hindsight they really did the nWo angle perfectly in the early stages; the subtle hints as to who the new members were, they fooled the WCW guys all the time and most importantly their exposure was very limited in the early days...great storytelling.
See I'm in the minority. Most people say that it went downhill because it started getting too many members but I disagree. The whole point was that they were this outside company coming to take over WCW, how could 3 or 5 guys take on 40?

They needed more people, the fact that every week you didn't know who was gonna change their allegiance made for compelling television. It also made it seem more legit. If Bischoff wasn't part of NWO and there were just 5 guys in it, him being the President could just shutdown their mic and make sure they weren't on TV.

But with him being the President and "funding" the NWO, it made sense that they kept getting TV time. Also the war between the two companies seemed fair because the NWO had a shit ton of guys.

To me it wasnt the amount of guys that killed it, it was that it just ran it's course. An angle can only go on for so long. They tried milking it for over 3 years. They should have ended after Starcade 97.
its amazing watching the old Nitros from before Bischoff joined, they must have had him penned to join up since Hogan won the title because there is son many hints dropped that he was nWo its not even funny
The fingerpoke of doom....yeah it ended up being the beginning of the end but, at the time, I loved that there was finally an elite nWo without all the extra shite and they looked like they had the long-term Hogan vs Goldberg match all set up with Hall, Nash etc as roadblocks on the way....Then WCW went to shit and it was massive mistake.

Sting pointing that bat at Hogan...shit was on then!
yeah, the poke was awesome I don't care what the WWE revisionists say, it was the aftermath that was shit. The whole thing was tailor made to have Goldberg run through Hall, Luger, Steiner and Nash on his way to Hogan; hell they could've even had Sting and Flair join in a huge surprise and kick start the young vs nWo (millionaires club) a year early and a lot more organically.

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