nWo 2.0

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
Ok so I'm not saying bring Hogan, Nash and Hall back. I'm just saying with the likes of Lesnar and Tensai returning WWE could start an NWO like angle with these guys controlling matches and recruiting stars. Also more former stars could enter. Here is my idea for NWO 2.0 (the name would obviously be different)

Brock Lesnar
Lord Tensai
Michael Cole
Gene Snitsky
Big Daddy V
Mike Knox
Johnny Curtis
Percy watson
Rosa Mendes

Just like the original ... take over all shows, win all titles, and keep recruiting superstars
God love ya kid...

Anyway..just no, no no no no..and again i say NO. Why? Because while i get you dont want it to be the NWO i get you want a giant mega stable that controls..now as much as I would liek that your idea..just no lets start off with Brock..ok I cans ee this MAYBE. Tensai...just no, his gimiick do not scream super stable. Cole,Big Dady, and snitksy..i shouldnt even have to tell you why I say NO. Same with knox & watson.

Now onto the final 3, primo,epico and rosa..I say I can see them doing this. Being left off of WM and havent been seen since god knows when.

Now I will playa along with your idea. My "NWO 2.0" would have started a while ago. hwn Aweosme truth was around. Iw ould have had nash team up with awesome truth, and brodus clay be John L. right hand man, much liek otunga is now. Then have brouds and John join up with aweosme truth & nash. BOOm there you go you ahve NWO 2.0
I know it'd maybe suck, but here's how i picture a NWO 2.0 as... The good guys, hear me out. You got Johnny Ace running both shows and of course, he's a heel and any heel who kisses up to him (Miz, Ziggler, Jericho 'Might as well', Eve, etc.), would be given perks and such while those who are are against him... Well... :Remembers last Raw with Jericho smashing the bottle of Jack over CM Punk's head:

Anyway, i kinda actually see NWO 2.0, not as a heel fraction, but more of a face fraction, i know almost the same happened with Team Teddy (Who failed.), but these guys wouldn't just be like "Oh, we can't beat them since they beat us", no, they wouldn't back down. Plus seeing how there were rumors of CM Punk reforming the black/red NWO back in the day (Once again, RUMORS), it'd make perfect sense for him to be the leader.

I could also see primo,epico and rosa as part of it, but maybe another one i could see is Zack Ryder (ONLY if he goes more into the agressive bit he was in his recent match against The Miz and more serious and angry, especially after how Eve f*cked him over.)
omfg. why do these dipshits always try to come up with some NWO rehash???? ffs. come up with an original fucking idea. and NWO 2.0???? ummm it would be like NWO 7.5. im sorry im usually not a hater but stupid ass ideas like this make me really wonder. and btw other than lesnar who the fuck is worth showcasing???? aint one of those names were or will ever be a draw. so like lets just throw a buncha shitty names together and call it nwo. ooohhhhhhhh. wtf.
All righty then..... I think that WWE alreayd tried this 2 years ago in the nexus. Hell they even tried to have punk lead it. It just didnt work out. And i dont want to see another HUGE stable for a few years.

For now though, i will play along with the ldea. my members would be:

*John Laurnitis- Ring leader, gm of both shows.
*David Otunga- The right hand man of JL and would become the US champ if the group held all the titles.
*Mark Henry- The big man of the group. Would be jealous of the WHC that JL chooses.
*Dolph Ziggler- A half of the tag champs. JL's jobber to the stars.
*Jack thhhwagger- Other half of the tag champs.
*Alberto Del RIIIIIOOOOO(+ricardo)- WHC the henry would be jealous of.
*Christian- WWEC after punk loses cuz of laurnitis.
*Eve- the hoeski becomes laurnitis' broskette.(divas champ)
*McIntyre- Intercontential champ.
*Miz- Beggar, as in begging Mr. Excitment for a title shot.
Hogan - I mean while were digging up dead bodies we might as well put him at the helm of the shit show

Nash - Ya know he draws and people really give a shit about him still

Hall - Is he out of AA? Who cares bring him back to TV anyway he'll be fine on the road with Nash and Hogan, they'll keep an good eye on him.

Steiner - He just left TNA so why not bring him back to the WWE, he was one of the more interesting members of the NWO and he can still wrestle, right?

Bagwell - I'm sure he needs a job, and some income so why not bring him back into the fold

Bischoff - Because whats the NWO without Bischoff? I mean really?
wasent that what Nexus was suposed to be??

I dont see a new NWO in WWE maybe one day they could form a super stable of wrestlers again but not as many members as NWO had

and definatly not the list of wresters your named
I dont want no NWO 2.0 but a mega heel stable if it was to be formed should be
John L., Otunga, Miz, McIntyre, Christian, Ziggler, Swagger, Vicki, and Mason Ryan. Putting Mcintyre andd Mason as a team.
Bringing back Team Lesnar would be better.

Team Lesnar was : Brock Lesnar, A-Train, Nathan Jones, Matt Morgan and the Big Show

now it can be : Brock Lesnar, Lord Tensai (A-Train), Mason Ryan, Kane and the Big Show.
Let's make it clear:

The nWo was unique for its time. And even in its time, it got worn out. It never, ever, ever needs to be brought back again.

They almost did it with R-Truth/Miz/Nash. Then the plug was pulled. And for a reason.

This doesn't need to happen. And with all due respect, some of your choices are outrageous. No thanks on this one.
Nope. Chuck Testa.

The NWO was more than a faction - more than just a couple guys raising hell and spray painting shit on unconscious opponents. The concept worked because it was based in reality; big names came over secretly from another company (WWF), took over the show and allowed their faction to remain "separate" from the host show (WCW). Ok, so maybe that part wasn't necessarily "reality". But Nash, Hall and Hogan really did call the shots. The NWO really was the Kliq of the WCW. Not only did the fans know it, but management knew it and stayed the hell out of their way.

By the time the NWO made its way to the WWF it was a shade of its former self. Watered down. Turned from a shoot-style, industry shaking faction of dominance into a gimmick-fest cycling in and out anybody with a pulse to draw ratings and interest. Not that it didn't have its moments, but anybody with half a brain knew the difference between NWO in the WCW, and NWO in the WWF. Under the Bischoff regime, Hogan and Nash were in control. Under Vince McMahon, Vince McMahon was in control.

Anyways...back to something semi-related to the point...Who does WWE have, right now, that could be somewhat believable in an NWO-esk role? Maybe if they brought in a few big names from TNA without letting the information leak (not likely), and allowed them completely kayfabe control of the company. We all know a) Vince isn't interested in bringing TNA names in, b) if he did there's no way he'd acknowledge their time in TNA to the extent necessary to pull off the angle, and c) TNA isn't a big enough organization to legitimize the angle.

So maybe they bypass bringing in new talents for a new NWO. Maybe they could simply pull it off with the current roster. But who? Who are the fans going to believe is capable of leading the WWE under extreme force? The closest they ever came in recent years was Wade Barrett's Nexus faction. They weren't taking over the WWE using backstage politics, but by brute force alone - the NWO is infamous for the former. So who...?

Brock Lesnar? What stroke could he possibly have? He's a big, brutal, imposing guy...that's about it. Maybe if Heyman came in and joined forces with John Laurinaitis, but why? I suppose if we HAD to put together this team, I'd do it as follows:

Triple H returns after his "final match" to take over the WWE as General Manager, COO, or whatever they want to call him. In the process he does what he was going to do months ago, and gets rid of Laurinaitis as GM - but since he's so intricately involved with as EVP of Talent Relations they can't "fire" him completely. Laurinaitis is seen backstage a few weeks later talking to Brock Lesnar. At some point, likely on a big PPV, Lesnar shows back up with Paul Heyman in tow, and they take out whoever is in the main event picture. The next night on Raw they come to the ring and say they're taking over - that Lesnar is the next in the line for the WWE title, and that Heyman is the new GM of Raw. Triple H comes down for the obvious confrontation, but Heyman reveals that a man with more hiring power than Triple H signed him to a very lucrative, powerful contract that can't be unwritten without strict legal ramifications. Enter Laurinaitis. Lesnar takes out Triple H. The craziness begins.

Triple H and John Cena try to strike back, allowing a window for more members of the nWo to join the fray. Miz is a good choice, and would be a decent mouth piece that isn't taken as seriously. Alberto del Rio could do some damage, but I don't see him on a team with Brock Lesnar. I don't know...this whole thing is stupid, but I'm trying to come up with viable solutions for a terrible idea that's never gonna happen. Ultimately, Lesnar, Miz, and a heel John Cena would be the best possible team to reenact the nWo, with Heyman as their mouthpiece and Laurinaitis as their backstage connection. It COULD work, but they'd never have the balls (nor the need) to go through with it.
Uh, no. This is a terrible idea. If there ever was another nWo for the millionth time, it would have to involve either Nash, Hall or Hogan. Take Hogan out, and replace him with X-Pac. That's the only way an nWo would work.

Now if they did another Corporation type stable, I could see that working with Johnny Ace as the boss, throw in David Otunga, Miz, Christian, Ziggler, Swagger, and maybe someone else. I'm a huge fan of stables, so I actually would like to see another get made and I keep thinking John L just might form one. Who knows?
This could've worked around when Miz and Truth got fired, if they'd joined Nash and Laurenitis against CM Punk and Triple H. But here's the thing (and I think this is what the OP was saying) You never, ever, refer to them as "the nWo", having Nash come out to the music is enough of a nod to that era but it's run it's course. If they'd done a heel stable of Truth, Nash and Miz (not my first choice, that should've been Christian's spot imo) then reveal Laurenitis, after that you can start adding more guys, I wouldn't go any more than 6 (excluding Nash and Laurenitis, they wouldn't be wrestling). I'd book it as Nash, Johnny Ace, Christian, Truth, Ziggler, Daniel Bryan and Epico and Primo.
I like heel stables, I think they could have done more with Nexus, Evolution was really good. However, you are never going to create a vibe with the audience like the NWO did originally.

What made them special was the Invasion storyline, the concept of two top stars from a rival company coming in to take over. Originally the appearances by Hall and Nash on Nitro were portrayed as if they were not even WCW employees. The two succeeding plot twists (Hogan joins, biggest surprise heel turn ever, at least since Andre in 87) & Bischoff is secretly in control gave the angle a huge feeling, a sense of this group as an evil force no one in wrestling had had since The Horsemen were in their heyday. What truly put the story over the top was how it turned the dynamic of the WCW roster upside down, arch rivals like Flair & Sting & Luger & Savage became united to save the company from The Invasion. Nothing is more compelling drama wise than forcing enemies to join forces.

Another fact that put the NWO over the top was that it was anchored by previously established superstars. Hall had been at or near the main event level since the 80s and was coming of the best sustained run of his career. Nash had a year long run as WWE champion. Hogan's status needs no explanation. Similais to Horsemen, Flair was already the biggest star in the company, 2nd to Hogan nationally, and a hated villain. Blanchard was the 2nd biggest bad guy in the company behind Flair. Ole Anderson was a wrestling legend before he ever joined The H-man. Trying to replicate a NWO faction wont work if it's fronted by new comers & mid carders.

Ultimately you cant recreate the feel of a company under siege by a group dominated by lower end talent. No one will buy them as a legit force. Without that you cant re create the massive change in alliances on the roster to oppose them that really put the NWO over.

I do like the idea of a heel faction fronted by one or two top level guys if it includes some up and comers, like H-man did with Arn Anderson & Lex Luger or the NWO did elevating Marcus "Buff" Bagwell & Scott "Big Poppa Punp" Steiner. It wouldnt have the same impact as the NWO but like Evolution it could be both entertaining and helpful to someone's career (Randy Orton & Batista).
OH NO PLZ NO,You have that now with Johnny Ace's Team Otunga,Miz,Mark Henry,jack Swagger,ADR,Christian...but if this was to happen they need a face to side with them...and would want Kofi Kingston..Here me out on this Kofi is majorly over with the kids,women and fans his turn will me just like Jeff Hardy's Turn in TNA and boost him into main event status...but this wont happen
No, No, No, and HELL NO! The heel stable trying to take over the company storyline has been beaten to death in every god damn fed in America for the past 10 years. Let it go already.
There are plenty of reasons why this isn't an idea that needs being done or even a good idea for that matter. First off those names aren't really stable worthy besides Brock and he doesn't need a group to carry him. Also with the complete failure that Nexus ended up being after making a huge impact on arrival shows WWE doesn't have interest in making a stable work in the long term. Sure i mean they could do one maybe with John Laurinaitis at the head of a group like Otunga, Ziggle, Swagger and Henry. But who would these guys be after. What would be any different from the way it is now with these stars if they gave them an official group name.

In all its not needed as things are for the most part flowing well in the WWE right now. A stable especially a rehash of NWO isn't the direction the WWE should move in.
I would be excited about the prospect of a new stable in the WWE. (earlier I was thinking about the wasted potential of nexus)

Perhaps not a direct copy of the NWO but just a powerful stable would be good. Have it play of team Johnny winning and receiving all the power.

Johnny would use his power to manipulate the rules and grant title shots, limit the faces etc.

Dolph Ziggler as the main guy
A tag team - Jack Swagger/Drew Mcyintyre are guys who could be used, but that is just on the top of my head.
Mark Henry as the muscle/enforcer
Otunga as the main guy on the mic.
Perhaps having the Miz in the stable could leave potential for a power struggle between him and Ziggler.

That stable would really excite me. Have them roaming the WWE, causing mayhem, winning belts.
Ok so I'm not saying bring Hogan, Nash and Hall back. I'm just saying with the likes of Lesnar and Tensai returning WWE could start an NWO like angle with these guys controlling matches and recruiting stars. Also more former stars could enter. Here is my idea for NWO 2.0 (the name would obviously be different)

Brock Lesnar
Lord Tensai
Michael Cole
Gene Snitsky
Big Daddy V
Mike Knox
Johnny Curtis
Percy watson
Rosa Mendes

Just like the original ... take over all shows, win all titles, and keep recruiting superstars

Bad idea, they should do something original. Besides, it would not be NWO 2.0 WCW did the NWO at least four times, and the WWF did it once.
just a thought I had reading some of the responses...

has the WWE ever went mafia? I mean have a couple "families" controlling shows, few competing ones, some could span both shows... just a thought not really developed yet.
I think WWE missed an opportunity to introduce a nWo style faction back when CM Punk unleashed his scathing shoot promo on RAW during the summer of 2011. I remember thinking it back then.

They could have kept Punk off TV for longer than they actually did and continue to push with his 'unscheduled' appearances at various WWE events outside of the ring and away from the arena.

Shortly thereafter, several independant wrestlers could have started showing up at arenas in various formats i.e. sitting front row on TV like The Radicalz, storming the arena like DX, a key figure coming out of the crowd a la Scott Hall and a full scale beatdown like the one debuting The Nexus.

It would have been great to see stars such as Colt Cabana, The Briscoes, Low Ki and the like brought in, even as a temporary measure like when ECW and WWF/E stars used to cross brands back in the 90's.

I think with a lot more thought and time it could have proven epic. But as we all know sometimes in the colourful world of wrestling time doesn't always equal money.

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