Now unify the world title belts!


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we seen in the WWE that there are two world title belts in the WWE. The WWE championship belt on RAW, and the World heavyweight championship on Smackdown. While last year via the annual WWE draft after Wrestlemania 24, we saw the titles switch brands with the wrestlers who were champion back then ( Triple H to Smackdown with the WWE championship, and RAW's C.M. Punk cashed in his MITB contract to beat a groggy Edge for the world heavyweight championship).

The WWE championship represents the best wrestler in the company. And the world heavyweight championship represents the best wrestler in the world of wrestling. Where the WHC belt has roots for the NWA/WCW era's (a must see DVD by the WWE). I see the concept with there being two (major) brands in the WWE. But who really is the world champion in the WWE while holding these belts??

The very last "undiputed" WWE champion was former WWE superstar Brock Lesner. Brock beat the Rock for the WWE championship at Summerslam in 2002 to start the "the next big thing" era. But not long after that night, former RAW GM Eric Bischoff awarded Triple H with the world heaveyweight championship on RAW. From that night the rest was history I guess? Two world championships in the WWE!

I don't know if anybody counts the ECW championship as a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP? (if not, sorry Christian, Matt Hardy). But when will the WWE unifie the world title belts as one? The last RAW of '05, Smackdown's Kurt Angle the then world heavyweight champion challenged RAW's Edge the then WWE champion to a unification match on RAW. But that's as far as that subject went.

So will the WWE let there remain two world champions in the promotion knowing that there last real WWE/World champion is now a MMA fighter in the UFC?
First off, I have my doubts that WWE keeps the belts separated because Brock Lesner went to UFC.
Personally I think WWE should keep the belts separated, mainly because there's way, way too many main event people around in the company currently, if the title was unified, we'd have way too many people trying to get a shot at the same title.
The same problem (in my opinion) was present back in 2002, remember how the belt was placed on the next person pretty quickly, not giving the actual unification of the belt and the fact that it was "undisputed" an actual feel that "holy shit, the guy holding that belt is one tough ass guy" because they barely ever got to retain the title.
Yes certainly Chris Jericho retained at Royal Rumble and No Way Out in 2002, but we all know it wasn't completely clean either of the times, and Undertaker yes he retained too at King of the Ring, and that's probably the only time it seemed like someone cold legitimately hold onto it for a long time, considering The Rock interfered on Triple H's behalf and Undertaker still won, only to loose it to The Rock, another title switch therefore.

But no I'm not arguing the chance that the belts could be unified again, but I just don't see it happening in the nearest future, and I don't want to see it unless they bring some proper credibility to that belt rather than a title change here, and a title change there, just so WWE could put a little bit of extra marketing on the fact that "holy shit, big name held Undisputed title"

But if WWE chooses to do it right, give a fair length title reign to a legit superstar who seems able to retain through a lot, and they can find a way to make it seem interesting with a good amount of contender possibilities (not like 3x Orton Vs John Cena for the Undisputed championship of the world.. no thank you, we don't need that when we got 6 other perfectly fine contenders in line), then I say WWE should definitely give it a try at least.
It depends if they kept the brand split. If they keep the brand split than no they shouldn't unify the titles. In 2002 when they did the champion was floating back and forth between the two shows. If he's fueding with someone on Raw there's no reason to be on Smackdown. It's pointless going over to the other show if your not fueding with someone there. That leaves Smackdown without a champion. If they ended the brand split (which I think they should) they definately should unify the titles. I think we do need more main eventers so the main event doesn't get boring. The best way to do this is ending the brand split and unifying the title.
I think it would be a good time to unify the belts. Having two belts that change hands often makes the belts not mean much. The brands aren't really strictly split. A person on one brand can potentially show up on an opposing brand if there is an important storyline reason for it. They can just make it where official challengers are allowed to cross brands.
Personally I think WWE should keep the belts separated, mainly because there's way, way too many main event people around in the company currently, if the title was unified, we'd have way too many people trying to get a shot at the same title.

I disagree with this. Isnt everybody always saying they are tired of the same main events in WWE over and over and over again, its because there are not enough legitimate main eventers at least not long term. having one champion representing both brands like the tag titles now would elevate the importance of the championship and provide for a variety of main events
I disagree that they should be unified. It makes half the roster redundant for a month at a time, minimum. The undisputed title thing didn't work which is why they moved away from it so quickly. When it was all one show and there was one champion, it worked, because everyone was involved on every show.

But you cant have a set of main eventers sitting around on their asses while the other brand gets to play with the champion, waiting patiently for him to trot back over to their side of the fence so they can feud with him. You can do it in the short term, with big number-one contenders feuds and story-driven disputes, but it all boils down to who is the champion and who is the challenger right this moment.

Bottom line is that these days WWE's writers just aren't good enough to develop main-event feuds that aren't based around a championship every single month. They strike gold here and there (e.g. Punk, Jericho), but tasking them with delivering that kind of quality for every month that the champion isn't working with the brand in question is too tall an order for them. Let's not forget that most championship feuds last 2-4 months. Imagine John Cena was the unified champion for a moment. Then imagine the likes of Batista, Triple H, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Big Show and Sheamus not being in the title picture for 4 months in a row because Cena's locked in a feud with CM Punk or Undertaker or Edge or Chris Jericho or Rey Mysterio.

I know that the champion could take a break from the feud to face off against challengers from the other show from time to time, but we all know that the title isn't going to change hands on free (sort of) TV, especially if the champion is in a PPV feud with someone else. The "other" brand would just serve as enhancement for the champion's "real" feud. There's also only so many 3 or 4 way title defences that can take place, so multi-brand feuds are somewhat out of the question. If the champion AND challengers can appear on both shows then it becomes a pointless brand divide, and the brands are a good thing, so let's not get into that whole shebang.

And finally, if you have one champion then it reduces the number of legit main event talent you can juggle. Guys that are main event now might take a step down to mid-card, the mid-carders who flirt with the main event like Miz, Kofi, Morrison take a step down to regular mid-carders, regular mid-carders step down to the undercard, and the undercard gets released. To some people that might be a good thing, but I don't think it is. I like that guys that might not otherwise have gotten the chance to main event get to.

So yeah, to some up: the writers aren't good enough to write non-title feuds for the main event talent not involved with the unified champion, it would be bizarre to see top talent not challenging for titles, we'd get forgone conclusion title matches with main event talent putting over the champion so they can have a better feud with someone else, and everybody would take a step down.
I say keep the WWE and World Heavyweight title seperated. First off, if the titles become unified, then that means guys like Cena, Triple H, Undertaker, Batista, Edge, Randy Orton and Jericho would always be in the spotlight (unless they retire or quit). The titles being seperated means, we get two champions and we can pick which one we like better and that also makes...NEW main eventers. CM Punk and Jeff Hardy became big time player because of the two titles. If the title was unified, i doubt Hardy wins the world heavyweight or WWE title unless Triple H and Cena were hurt. I think unifying the belts would hurt guys like Christian, Kingston, Dibiase and other young stars WWE could build and also it hurts the Money in the Bank because then there's one champion and he knows he would have to watch out, while there are two champions, the Money in the Banks is really big because of two champions you can attack any time.
Ah,unification of world titles.Well,if that was to happen Raw would probably be the biggest show while in Smackdown you would have probably midcard hell waiting to be drafted to Raw so they could smell the cookies(sorry,the world title)

We all know that in this time it is impossible to book PPVs without 2 titles simply because you would be in trouble to have so many wrestlers in main event picture and only one big title.Sure US,IT and tag team championship would be more credible that way but in that way probably 50% of roster would be fired

It is different with Tag team because you dont have the competition(witch is really the shame).Look at the roster in tag: ShoMiz are champions,Morisson-Truth(random tag) are contenders and you have Hart dinasty,Cryme time,MVP-Henry occasionally and Legacy(to whom we dont know if they would be together soon).That is picture right now and for that you dont need two titles.It is shame because if you could strong up midcard picture(US,IC and Tag) you would eventualy strong up main event picture also,but i guess that they dicided to take different path
i hate the 2 belts i think it takes away from the prestige of being the champion, holding the title means your the best how can we have 2 bests? also i think it would spice up the ppvs if ther was only 1 title, we would have different main events insted of the same people facing each other over and over. so the answer is yes UNIFY!
Many fans hate the idea of the titles being unified, like many like the idea of one world champion, IMO from a logical stand point, one world champion means your the best in the company, two world titles dilutes the situation.

However there is pros and cons to that situation, a few pros, more opportunity of pregression within the main event scene, more fresh feuds, and constant influx of new guys getting their quick dibs in the main event pool, that said we've had a stale landscape for a while now, which brings me to the cons, NOT moving people around both belts, titles not having any value, and the general feeling that the belts are hot potatoes around the same guys, which is the case at the moment.

Personally I'd unify the belts, one World Champion, one IC Champion, Tag Champs, and womens, then I would add one or two more belts.
One would be the Lightheavy weight belt for the Bournes, Bryan, Kidd, Rey, Punk (tho he's world meterial, give the belt an importance feel) Chavo's etc etc
And I'd bring back the Hardcore belt, or should I say The ECW belt and rename it the Extreme Championship, and allow the bigger guys something to go for, and the jobbers or bottom of the card guys.

The Brand split was 8 years ago, and it's built a few stars in that time, Orton, Cena, Batitsta, Edge, Punk, Rey but really do we need the brand split now? I think not.

If WWE feel the need for a brand split awesome, keep it, BUT let the champions go between both shows, make them work that way we're getting more influx in the belts, they'll feel more important, and DON'T hate on the low card belts if they're more hot then the world, it will only make the bigger guys work harder.

Vince see's there is some issues with his current product so he changes PPV's, now rebrand the damn company people want to see something different, end the split, or at least all the titles, and bring in a fresh new title for the lighter guys to have rather then get squashed week in and week out.
I think that the titles should be unified - all of them. Their should be one ME belt, one midcard belt, and one tag belt. Reducing the belts certainly elevates their importance. It would allow the midcard to consist of guys like Punk and Jericho, and there could be quite a bit of purging of stupid storylines.

Furthermore, if the WWE is going to be completely intent on having monthly PPV's, two weekly shows would allow for better fleshed out stories. Too often feuds feel rushed.
The world titles should be unified. Pick a main eventer to feud for the world title, the rest compete for the upper card titles, like the IC and US titles. You can introduce a tv title and/or a cruiserweight title for the rest of the card. It's not that there are too many titles, it's that there are two world titles in the same company and no one buys it.
One belt sounds good but man they'd either just be on raw (good for the wrestler) or have to be on all the shows, a lot of people hate Cena on here or Sheamus or whoever, so you want that guy on all shows? And then you have to watch all the shows or we get even more promos of stuff we have already seen, I agree the titles might not mean as much but I think it's the lesser of two evils.
What is weird is the WWE title represents the best wrestler in the WWE and the World title represents the best wrestler in the world yet the WWE title is far more prestigious because it represents the WWF/WWE title lineage. The world title represents the NWA/WCW title lineage and then they changed the lineage to start when Triple H was awarded the title because Brock Lesnar became exclusive to Smackdown and Triple H was the #1 contender and because Lesnar wouldn't defend the title against Triple H Bischoff split the title making it no longer undisputed. The World title lineage should actually start with The Rock because the Rock beat Jericho for the WCW title in 10/01 and at Survivor Series of 2001 when the WWE beat the Alliance Vince renamed the WCW title the World title and then at Vengeance of 2001 Jericho beat the Rock for the World title and Stone Cold for the WWE title making them Undisputed. In 2002 when Ric Flair "owned Raw" and Vince only owned Smackdown they decided to have a draft and the Undisputed WWE World champ Triple H was allowed to defend the title on both shows and Trish the Women's champion had the same rules. If the Champion lost he went on the show that he lost to someone on. Triple H lost to Hogan who was exclusive to Smackdown and the Tripe H had to be on Smackdown. The IC belt was on Raw as well as the tag titles and Smackdown only had the Cruiserweight title. Now that the tag titles are unified and they can defend on both shows I think it's time to unify the titles and make the WWE World champion that can appear on both shows and make the IC title the secondary title that has major feuds like back in the day and can be the main event on the show that the WWE World title is not on and unify the Women's and Diva's title seeing as there ain't enough women that can wrestle. The Us title can be a mid card title. The WWE World title and Womens/Divas belt can go back and forth between both shows depending on who the number one contender is and it will make interesting feuds without having a draft.
I wouldn't mind if they unified the titles, much like they did with the tag titles. It would add some prestige to the title, and could create new title fueds between brand stars.. I don't think that will happen because it would clog the top of the ladder up and put rising stars down. So while I would like to see it, it will not happen for a very long time. I could see if once HBK, Taker, HHH, Batista retire only because there would be plenty of room left at the top.
As has been said the only way the titles should be unified is if the brand split is ended. They've tried the 1 title for 2 shows before, it didn't work. With only one main event title split between 2 shows the title holder has to work both the RAW and Smackdown tapings with title importance only on one show. So every other month it would only really matter if the champ was on the show that has the title shot for that ppv.

Keep the titles SEPARATE but EQUAL.
If anything - drop the "spinner" title. There's nothing respectable looking about this belt, it's a novelty belt no different than the Stone Cold title. Go back to the old unified title (after they stopped carrying both titles) or the model before that.
I really think unifying the Heavyweight titles would be fantastic. However, just to set the record straight, that title would not be "undisputed" as TNA and ROH (and not sure about NWA) have World title status. But, I think keeping the two mid-card titles is fine, but the womens titles need to be unified as well.

I think the competition for the women's title should be much less, and there should only be one women's champ, cuz there really aren't many women in the WWE who can put on a good wrestling match.

I really have to agree with a lot of people, Having fewer titles is the answer. too many titles makes them look less important, and then what's the point of even having them?? I think they have been doing a pretty good job with the tag titles, so if it's working for those titles, it should work for the WHC and WWEC. The other thing is this may end up allowing for an extra mid-card match on the pay-per-views, or allowing some of the matches at the pay-per-views to be longer.

Keeping the brand split is fine, but there really needs to be fewer championships. two world titles contradicts the other. I mean, if the two shows had NO connection other than being WWE shows, it'd be fine to have a world title for each, cuz it'd be like two organizations. Like one should be Raw and the other WCW or something like that. That would at least make each show's title more prestigious, so if they don't want to make this change, they should unify the women's and world titles.
I've actually come round to the idea of 2 world title belts, although I've spent a long time being against it. At the end of the day when you're thinking about this as a fan, or discussing this with friends, do you seriously sit and think "Well, I want to say The Undertaker is the best because he's champion, but I can't because with Cena being champion it dilutes the power of him and the title". Is anyone seriously going to tell me they do this? This topic is one which people look at logically - having 2 similar, powerful things dilutes the power of the '1' thing, as they share the power. However, that isn't practical in this situation. It's not like they're sharing a limited supply of power - it's a prop on a wrestling show. It's not like we legitimately sit at home watching a show thinking about how there being 2 champions means our favourite champion isn't as good, somehow. It's something fans love to debate, but really doesn't mean anything in terms of enjoyment and entertainment of the show.
Ultimately, the WWE can't unify the belts without a serious angle attached to it. If they did, then there would be at least 7 guys consistently going for the ME belt (HHH, Cena, Orton, Jericho, Undertaker, Batista, Edge) and they're not all on the same show. Which would confuse travel schedules and house show lineups. Plus, having only one belt means more guys get consistently buried. If HHH and Cena are feuding over the unified title, then the other guys need to somehow create compelling storylines that don't highlight the fact that they're not in the title hunt. These angles would be exhausted fairly quickly. Two belts are great right now. It lets the big dogs who don't want to step down and retire have an extra shot at being "the champ", while allowing the midcarders to have more chances at flirting with the main eventers. Unifying the titles will definitely boost the cred of whoever is the champ, but it would leave others out of a title hunt for longer periods of time, which is character suicide these days in the WWE.
I disagree with this. Isnt everybody always saying they are tired of the same main events in WWE over and over and over again, its because there are not enough legitimate main eventers at least not long term. having one champion representing both brands like the tag titles now would elevate the importance of the championship and provide for a variety of main events

The only problem with you choosing the Tag Team championships to represent your case is that we got two completely legit tag teams that isn't getting a shot at the titles, WWE keeps mixing people together for the sake of having a team to challenge, rather than giving the proper people that deserve a shot do get the shot.
And it's not even because there's many tag teams, now imagine the amount of challengers for the belt, almost doubled, and then you imagine how many deserving people that won't be getting a shot at the title.
As we seen in the WWE that there are two world title belts in the WWE. The WWE championship belt on RAW, and the World heavyweight championship on Smackdown.

Yes, and that's how it should stay. I've got the same response to this thread that I do for every other "Unify the world titles" threads.... The WWE needs to have two world titles. Why? WWE is two federations in one.

Raw = WWF
Smackdown = WCW

The full roster is too large for just one champion. That is why we have the brand split and so many titles. It's so that there is one world title, one midcard title, one female title, for each of the two main brands. Up until a year ago that was the case for the tag titles as well.

The WWE championship represents the best wrestler in the company. And the world heavyweight championship represents the best wrestler in the world of wrestling. Where the WHC belt has roots for the NWA/WCW era's (a must see DVD by the WWE). I see the concept with there being two (major) brands in the WWE. But who really is the world champion in the WWE while holding these belts??

No it doesn't. The WWE Championship represents the top guy on Raw while the World Championship represents the top guy on Smackdown. The correct answer is that BOTH champions are the world champions.

The very last "undiputed" WWE champion was former WWE superstar Brock Lesner. Brock beat the Rock for the WWE championship at Summerslam in 2002 to start the "the next big thing" era. But not long after that night, former RAW GM Eric Bischoff awarded Triple H with the world heaveyweight championship on RAW. From that night the rest was history I guess? Two world championships in the WWE!

Exactly. The Undisputed Champion thing was cool, but it would have not worked in the long run. It worked back then with the brand exclusive PPV's. One month the champion faces a Raw challenger, the next month a Smackdown challenger. The PPV's are no longer brand exclusive. It would become tough booking to determine which brand got the next challenger, especially for the "Big 4" PPV's.

I don't know if anybody counts the ECW championship as a WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP? (if not, sorry Christian, Matt Hardy).

Nobody does, it's not.

But when will the WWE unifie the world title belts as one? The last RAW of '05, Smackdown's Kurt Angle the then world heavyweight champion challenged RAW's Edge the then WWE champion to a unification match on RAW. But that's as far as that subject went.

WWE will not unite the world titles until the roster becomes small enough that Raw and Smackdown can show the full roster and not need the brand split. However, WWE makes more money by being two federations in one than it would by just having one roster with half as many belts. So I'm thinking that the unification will be.... never.

So will the WWE let there remain two world champions in the promotion knowing that there last real WWE/World champion is now a MMA fighter in the UFC?

The last real WWE Champion was Batista, and the last World Champion was Jericho.... they still hold onto the belts. Just because there is no Undisputed Champion doesn't mean the champions aren't truly on top. Both of them are. Once again, two federations in one. There is a top guy of Raw and a top guy of Smackdown. The belts don't need to be unified because WWE makes more money by being twice as big with each show being a separate brand with its own set of champions.
As long as there is the brand split, and there are 2 separate shows with 2 separate rosters, there will always be a "top prize" for each show for each roster to compete for. Regardless what title it is, you could say one is the Raw world title and the other is the Smackdown world title. This is not going to change.
It's been time to unify the World titles for about 3 years in my eyes.

The splitting of the rosters was great at the time when there was The Rock, Stone Cold, Hogan, Undertaker, Triple H, Kane, Angle, Benoit, Booker T, RVD & Big Show. That is too many main-eventers. Plus just underneath there was the likes of DDP, Flair, Hall, Nash, Edge, Eddie, Test, then with the likes of Mysterio, Lesnar, Steiner & Goldberg plus a returning HBK following shortly after it made sense to split the rosters and titles.

Now we have a main event scene of Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Triple H, HBK, Batista and The Undertaker. Just below them I would say we have Mysterio, Punk (who shud be main event), Big Show and Kane. Not quite the strength in depth. Factor in the fact that HBK and Undertaker will possibly/probably be retiring in a couple of years, Triple H is now 40, Batista is 41, Jericho is 39, Big Show is 38 and Kane is 42. Eventually soon your main event scene will be Cena, Orton, Edge and CM Punk, plus whoever is pushed up from the mid-card scene.

People will say The Miz, Christian, Morrison, R Truth, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger etc are the future, the only person I feel is deserving of main event status at this moment is Christian. The Miz for example has an excellent future and will one day the main eventing, but it shouldn't be rushed. I would love to see the IC and US titles unified too and have a strong division headed by The Miz, John Morrison, Jack Swagger and Kofi Kingston (who seems to have been lost in the shuffle).

The angle could be started very simply, at any PPV the WWE and World Champions cross paths, argue over who is better and it starts from there.

If the WWE and World titles were unified, and the Undisputed belt degisn was brought back, then whoever was champion could truly say that they are the man.
I disagree with this. Isnt everybody always saying they are tired of the same main events in WWE over and over and over again, its because there are not enough legitimate main eventers at least not long term. having one champion representing both brands like the tag titles now would elevate the importance of the championship and provide for a variety of main events

People are also complaining about short title reigns. Could you imagine how short title reigns would be if they had only one world title for Triple H, Cena, Batista, Jericho, Edge, Undertaker and Orton? And those are just the cemented main eventers, we're not including the upper-midcarders who can move in and out of the main event, like Punk, Christian, Sheamus, Morrison, Mysterio and Big Show. And then there's the young stars who are going to be elevated in the coming years, Kofi, McIntyre, Dibiase, Rhodes, The Miz etc.

At the moment, two world titles is working out quite well. Last year, Hardy, Punk and Sheamus were made into stars because there are two belts. None of them would've touched the belt, except for maybe Hardy, if there had been only one belt. And it's worked out quite well. Do you think Sheamus and Punk would have their respective high-profile Wrestlemania matches had it not been for a second world title for them to win? No, they'd be in Money in the Bank or maybe not on the card at all.

As much as people will bitch and moan and flame about the following statement, it is true. WWE's roster at the moment has far more talented wrestlers then it did 10 years ago. 10 years ago there was only a handful of genuinely talented guys who deserved a world title run. Now there's all the guys I've mentioned who should be getting main event chances, give or take a couple of guys. Everyone who is talented enough to be a world champion deserves the chance.

With 1 world title, it'd be Orton, Cena, Trips, Batista and Edge constantly challenging for it. Same guys over and over. We only have that problem with the WWE title at the moment. The world title has a mixture of fresh faces and respected veterans. Do you think guys like Punk and Sheamus would even touch the main event scene if there was only one title belt? Do you think midcarders would be elevated to the main event scene via MitB if there was only one title belt? Would John Morrison had gotten the chance to stand out like he did last summer? No, to all of those things. Two world titles is a good thing.

As for Lesnar being the last Undisputed champion, meh. Do you really think they care that much. They have much more to worry about with Benoit winning the main event of the biggest wrestling event of the 00's, Wrestlemania 20. So yeah, Lesnar is barely a blip on the radar.
It's been time to unify the World titles for about 3 years in my eyes.

The splitting of the rosters was great at the time when there was The Rock, Stone Cold, Hogan, Undertaker, Triple H, Kane, Angle, Benoit, Booker T, RVD & Big Show. That is too many main-eventers. Plus just underneath there was the likes of DDP, Flair, Hall, Nash, Edge, Eddie, Test, then with the likes of Mysterio, Lesnar, Steiner & Goldberg plus a returning HBK following shortly after it made sense to split the rosters and titles.

Now we have a main event scene of Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Triple H, HBK, Batista and The Undertaker. Just below them I would say we have Mysterio, Punk (who shud be main event), Big Show and Kane. Not quite the strength in depth. Factor in the fact that HBK and Undertaker will possibly/probably be retiring in a couple of years, Triple H is now 40, Batista is 41, Jericho is 39, Big Show is 38 and Kane is 42. Eventually soon your main event scene will be Cena, Orton, Edge and CM Punk, plus whoever is pushed up from the mid-card scene.

People will say The Miz, Christian, Morrison, R Truth, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger etc are the future, the only person I feel is deserving of main event status at this moment is Christian. The Miz for example has an excellent future and will one day the main eventing, but it shouldn't be rushed. I would love to see the IC and US titles unified too and have a strong division headed by The Miz, John Morrison, Jack Swagger and Kofi Kingston (who seems to have been lost in the shuffle).

The angle could be started very simply, at any PPV the WWE and World Champions cross paths, argue over who is better and it starts from there.

If the WWE and World titles were unified, and the Undisputed belt degisn was brought back, then whoever was champion could truly say that they are the man.

You've pointed out some good facts about the split needing to end there my friend, and I concur when it was initally done (the split) WWE had a vast amount of talent from WWE and WCW, not long after the split, some of the talent left, retired whatever nowadays the pool isn't actually as staked as it once was, and having one world champion would work.

I do agree with what someone else posted that one champion would have to defend the belt a lot, and top guys would need to feud over 1# contendership, THAT is what should happen, rather then pathetic storylines, let it look like they actually WANT to be 1# contender.

With one champion, this would open up the door for the IC Belt to become more important and maybe push the belt as 2nd main event belt, still keeping the Morrisons, Rey's Punk's HHH's to go for it, and maybe have the US belt (like the European belt) for the lesser guys with the odd big name winning it.

I generally think a brand split is in dire need to be ended or at least merger the belts together and have one champion in the company who goes between the shows, or at least one WORLD Champion, and allow the IC and US belts to become the RAW/SD number one belt

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