Now unify the world title belts!

IMO, i don't think unifying the top belts is a good idea for a number of reasons. One very clear reason is the fact that people just don't buy into feuds involving the top guys without a belt (most of the time). Looking back over the past year, i think only Orton/Kingston and Legacy/DX have been two successful feuds where a main eventer is not in the ME scene but the only reason the IWC is buying into the feud is because it is helping elevate the younger talent.

This leads to my second point and that is i feel a lot of the younger talent will hit the proverbial glass ceiling and find themselves nowhere to go. If the belts are unified, i believe some of the younger talent like Kingston and JoMo will find themselves feuding with established ME'ers and getting over, but then what? They can't enter the World Title picture because one of the established guys will be there feuding with another guy. I mean, if we stick to traditional 1 on 1 title defences, you could be left with a lot of talent trying to elbow their way into a crowded ME.

I think another problem with the unification idea is that it will probably do more damage to the tag division. A lot of people hate the idea of two random singles competitors teamed up (R-truth/JoMo... MVP/Henry... Punk/Kingston) and i think that if you limit the titles to one, you're left with a lot of talent with nothing to do. Prime example, creative have found nothing for Big Show to do so he just gets teamed up with people. I know that Jerishow wasn't really meant for him but i get the feeling that if he wasn't teaming with Miz, he'ld still be squashing Bourne and doing nothing.

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