Night Of Champions KOTR concept


Dark Match Winner
Night of Champions...such a name needs some sort of "Prestige" don't you think? It needs to be more then just "Hey i'm number one contender lets rock"

I mean on every PPV so far, almost every title is whats so special about night of champions BESIDES "HOLY!!! EVERY TITLE ON THE LINE!!! IM SOLD!!!"

not interesting needs....MORE

TNA gives me the only thing i look forward to from them: The BFG series.

King Of The Ring is also a structured tournament, we got 3 hours and EVERY person in the locker room should be involved in a single elimination tournament for the respected title(s)

Every Monday and Friday will be King Of The Ring Themed leading up to Night Of Champions.

I mean we got three hours every sure we can get in at least 5 on Raw and 5 on SD! strictly focusing on the Tournament

2 for the Main eventers (The WWE/WHC tournament)
2 for the mid card (Inter/USA)
and 1 for Tag (Being as tag is multi-branded one on monday and one on friday)

FINALLY The winners of their areas will move on to Night Of Champions to face off with their Champion

yes? no? Maybe? or are you just mad that its so good now WWE will NEVER do it? (I get that a lot...sorry in advance)
you know everything you have jus typed, is very interesting, and i actualy like your idea. For me the whole 3 hours at the moment is boring as hell, theres hardly any matches (actually watchable). The only real worry i actually have is that, will the WWE actually use it the way it should be done? The way the WWE is going atm, its clear they will mess it up and the whole ppv will be a train wreck. But overall buddy, i like this idea. keep it up :)
Agree on the Night of Champions concept is good on paper but stupid in practice, every title should be defended every ppv anyway and definately at the big 4 but that's not the case, instead title matches ie a US title match (even if it did feature Santino) are in the dark match meanwhile we get stupid fued matches on the main PPV that are just something for 2 people to do and were never going anywhere ie Bryan vs Kane.

King of The Ring period should be revisited, it was a great PPV but they nixed the idea totally for whatever reason. Tournaments are fun once in a while i don't see the reason they have no part in today's world, it would certainly give upper midcarders more to do

guess the issue atleast from a fan perspective is WWE the last few years is full of midcarders that have potential but no drive to go above and beyond and if they do they get fired for showing initiative. Where's the superstars? the characters people can truly invest in. King of The Ring was the next step to the gold when there was only 4 other PPV's and really the only people worthy of being pushed, are being pushed.

PS your idea is solid,
Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!

Yes, I would like the King Of The Ring to return!! Yes, I like your format!! Yes, it is so good that WWE will never do it.

I had a similar idea like this, but in my version, this style / format of a tournament would take place every month, starting at the 1st Raw after a Pay Per View and concluding at the Smackdown “Go-Home” show right before the PPV. Contenders would be determined by fan voting on

I also had an idea of the King Of The Ring taking place at Night Of Champions where only the Champions were included in the Tournament. Keep in mind, this was when WWE had Raw’s World Tag Team Championship and Smackdown’s WWE Tag Team Championship, both active. That would be 8 Champions / participants for the KOTR tournament.

Back to you, this is a great concept and I’d welcome the idea.
I wish KOTR were still around as a weekly ppv like it was in the past. Iespecially like what they did towards the end of the ppv's run by having the winner getting a title shot at SummerSlam. SummerSlam is supposed to be the 2nd biggest ppv and having KOTR act like WrestleMania's Royal Rumble makes the most sense.

If KOTR were ver brought back as a yearly ppv, I would like to see it as it was back in the day as an 8 man tournament during the ppv, instead of what it became at he end as a 4 man tournament. That way the winner gains more prestigue by winning three matches in a night. That would be 7 matches on the card. I would add a match in the middle to break up the tournament like some sort of tag team affair featuring guys involved in th main event. Some of the opening matches would have to be shorter (like 5-7 minutes) but I think your gaining more by having the KOTR win three matches in a night instead of two.
I couldn't agree more with this post!

The only thing I like from TNA is the BFG series and to impliment a simular idea to the most pointless PPV of the WWE's year, would make it ALOT more meaningful.

I think this is the main reason the titles mean little to nothing right now.

When was the last time we had a #1 contender's tournament/series?
When was the last time being the #1 contender really meant something?

And every KotR tournament since Booker T winning, while entertaining, were just a cheap & pointless way to give a quick rub to a veteran (Booker & Regal) or a rookie that dropped back down (Sheamus).


IMO, they should have EVERYONE contend in a tourament for ALL the titles and the #1-4 spots contend for World Titles and whoever is in the #5, #6, #7, etc. spots should get mid-card or tag title matches!
Night of Champions wouldn't need "prestige" if they still had as many belts as they did when it began. Back when there were 8 title divisions as opposed to 6 that they have now, it was a much bigger deal to have every belt on the line and that prestige would have grown exponentially each year. Then they unified the divas and tag team divisions, that's why we get stuff like CM Punk VS Big Show in a boring non-title match 2 years ago and Trips VS Punk last year. Poor Punk.... Good thing he's in an actual title match this year. Anyway, let's get back on topic. A King of the Ring style tournament to get someone contendership works if it's one or two divisions it's being done for. Not all of them at once.

It's an interesting idea, but I'm not sure it would work to have multiple tournaments for contendership going on at once, that'd be a mess to book. Why would the fans care about the contendership tournaments for the Intercontinental, United States, and Tag Team Championships when there are already contendership tournaments going on for both of the world titles? Unfortunately the two world titles overshadow the midcard belts all the time and the fans would be less likely to remain interested in tournaments for each belt going on at once.

A better idea might be for them to go the route of having a battle royal where only guys who have never been World/WWE Champion before get to compete for contendership of the world titles. Have one for the WWE Championship on Raw and one for the World Championship on Smackdown. Then have someone who has never held a world title win to get a big title push like Sheamus did 2 years ago at TLC. They don't have to win, but it's something. Then do the contendership tournament for the midcard belts, those belts need something like that more than the world titles do. As for the divas and tag team belts, they can just throw something together randomly as very few care about the divas anymore, and the tag team division remains on life support at the moment.

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