Night of Champions 2012: Randy Orton VS Dolph Ziggler


Gone but never forgotten.

At Night of Champions, every illustrious title in the WWE will be up for grabs. However, not every match at the pay-per-view will revolve around championship gold. Some rivalries are so intense that they become more about the simple need to be better than an adversary. Such is the case between Randy Orton and Dolph Ziggler.

As learned by on Sunday, Sept. 9, the two are set to square off in a furious showdown at Night of Champions.

Ziggler continues to set the WWE ablaze, proving week in and week out that he is one of the best up-and-comers that the squaredcircle has to offer. After overcoming seven other elite Superstars to capture a Money in the Bank contract at the epic pay-per-view of the same name, the former World Heavyweight Champion went on to battle Chris Jericho and help end Y2J’s time in WWE.

Then, after Randy Orton cost him a chance to cash in his World Title opportunity on World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus, Ziggler set his sights on WWE’s Apex Predator.

When it comes to in-ring competitors, Orton is synonymous with ability, fearless fury and unpredictable ruthlessness. Over the years, these qualities have helped to make him a nine-time World Champion and one of the most dangerous Superstars in WWE. He has forged his greatness against the likes of John Cena, The Undertaker and Triple H.

However, while there is no denying The Viper’s impressive resume, The Showoff does have one distinct advantage against him. Despite Orton’s countless accolades, he is still facing a Superstar who is hungry to test his worth. As he clutches his Money in the Bank briefcase, Ziggler stands constantly poised to show that he can hang with the likes of The Viper in the main event.

When Orton cost Ziggler a chance to do just that – hitting him with an RKO as Mr. Money in the Bank was looking to cash in his title opportunity on The Great White on the Aug. 24 edition of SmackDown, he ignited a firestorm.

One week later, Orton reigned supreme over his bleach blond opponent in the SmackDown main event. Three days later on the Sept. 3 edition of Raw, the determined Ziggler returned the favor, overcoming Orton with the help of a handful of tights.

On the following SmackDown, just moments after Damien Sandow fled his match with The Viper, Orton initiated a post-match battle with The Showoff, presumably retaliating after Ziggler caused a distraction during the contest. This led an irate Ziggler to confront SmackDown General Manager Booker T’s Senior Advisor Theodore Long and demand a third match with his venomous adversary.

Who will reign supreme in their third brutal showdown? Find out when the nine-time World Champion attempts to bankrupt Mr. Money in the Bank, Sept. 16 at 8/5 PT, only on pay-per-view.

This feud has been building (slowly) for a little while now. I think it's nothing more than a way to get both of these guys onto the show and get them some PPV payoffs. Anyway, although I feel Ziggler should win to continue enforcing his reign as Mr. Money in the Bank, the WWE almost always gets behind Orton in a PPV match situation that doesn't involve a title.

Keep discussion about this match in here.
I think this is a match to help get Ziggler over as the next World Champion.

Dolph Ziggler and Randy Orton have had tons of matches against one another in the past. They have all been great, and this one should be no less. Orton will most likely lead most of this match. He has to look good, because he is Randy Orton. But, Orton isn't afraid of putting other talents over. Take Miz or Del Rio as examples. Ziggler can use this match to further his name.

Prediction- Dolph Ziggler.
Ziggler and Orton have had a few solid matches so far. Ziggler needs the momentum a lot more, so I'm picking him for the win here. Orton really doesn't need the win. He's still very over with the fans, and with the right build, Orton could easily find his way into the WHC picture again.

In any other situation, I would probably pick this match as the potential show-stealer, but these two are wrestling on a card with a Punk VS Cena main event.
I see Orton winning but Dolph winning the World Title later by cashing in. Kind of like they did w/Bret Hart at Mania 10 where he jobbed clean to Owen but ended up in the end winning the World title as a "reward" for doing the clean job to Owen.

Then later that week on tv Dolph "injures" Randy to give him the excuse to do the movie and then when he returns instant Orton v Dolph feud.
They both have nothing to do so its this. They could throw Orton in a WHC match and for Ziggler to tease his Money in the Bank cash in but no(could be because of Ortons suspension and some sort of punisment for that), so its this.

I predict that Ziggler would win. He needs momentum and Orton doesnt. It wouldn't be the first time that WWE buries their Money in the Bank winner(for example Bryan last year) and have him lose some matches before he cashes in but I doubt that this would happen right now. :)
I would think Dolph will win this match, but you never know what WWE will do with its MITB winner. If Orton would win I have a feeling Dolph will cash in later in the night. If they have no intention of Dolph cashing in at the PPV then I say he wins the match to really solidify himself as a World Championship contender.
While I'm not a fan of either of them, I'll do whatever I can to become impartial in this match.

Unlike Chris Jericho, Randy Orton has a great chance of losing against Dolph Ziggler at Night of Champions 2012. This match is obviously about Orton giving Ziggler the rub. Orton losing this match won't hurt him in the slightest, since he's still massively over with the fans. Besides, he's already put younger stars over like Kofi Kingston and Wade Barrett and fellow veterans Mark Henry and Kane, and he still hasn't lost relevance.

I think Ziggler wins, but the WWE could always make the surprise and give Orton the solid win. I certainly was surprisingly glad that Kane defeated Orton at WrestleMania XXVIII.
I would have loved to see this match in a falls count anywhere stipulation, these guys put on really good matches. Dolph I feel will win clean again, cant wait for Orton to return from the movie-making and start a full feud with Ziggles.

Prediction- The Show-Off
What's on the line in this match? Besides pride and amount of definition in one another's abs?

You're not going to have Dolph put his MITB on the line in this contest? Really? It's not like this is a PPV built on having EVERY title on the line. MITB may not have a belt, but it's a title that can be put up for grabs in the right circumstance. What better circumstance than to have Ziggler put his money where his mouth is and defend his briefcase against Orton?

Instead, it's just 'personal pride'. It's stupid and doesn't give me an incentive to watch the match. Where's the risk? Where's the reward for them both. Orton wins, that's all well and good...but nothing to show for it. Ziggler wins, that's all well and good, but he didn't have anything to lose.

Whatevs. I've got Ziggler getting a win thanks to Vickie.
I agree with Lariat that Ziggler's MITB briefcase should be put on the line given the theme of the NOC ppv. While the briefcase isn't a championship, it's close enough in this sense and could generate a sense of uncertainty as far as the match goes. As with his match with Jericho, putting the briefcase on the line could be used as a means of having Ziggler rise to the occassion.

It's possible that WWE could still go this route and announce that Ziggler's MITB contract will be on the line during the ppv. It wouldn't be the first time that WWE, or other companies for that matter, wait to the last minute to add a stipulation to the match. They could even work it into the Raw GM storyline with AJ sort of "taking out" her frustrations on Dolph Ziggler as a result of Vickie humiliating her and going to the WWE Board of Directors. It probably won't happen, but I think there's a reasonable chance that it could go down.

At any rate, I'm sure it'll be a good match. With Orton ultimately getting the clean pin on Ziggler in the tag match on Raw this past Monday, I can see Ziggler getting the win at NOC. I hope that's what happens because, frankly, Ziggler needs the win. He beat Orton on Raw a few weeks ago and the world didn't end, Orton's stock hasn't diminished and a win for Ziggler would be huge. Beating a 9 time World Champion at a ppv would probably be the biggest win of Ziggler's career thus far and would be another step towards the slow build to Ziggler becoming World Heavyweight Champion.
This match doesn't deserve to be in NOC in present form. Only Champions and Contenders should be participating in NOC neither Orton or Ziggler is that. If Ziggler wanted to face Orton that much then atleast he should have once again defended that MITB briefcase that'll make it somewhat worthy of this match at NOC.
Here we have our annual non-title Night of Champions match. I never look forward to the non-title matches on this show. They just do not fit in with the show given its gimmick. As much as I hate to say it.... Dolph Ziggler's briefcase and title shot need to be on the line. It would make this match a whole lot more interesting and a win under those stipulations would really benefit Ziggler. Oh well. I'm expecting an ok match. They have had good matches in the past so I doubt it will suck. Ziggler wins to get a win against a former World Champion.

The bigger question is.... does he cash in on the winner of Alberto/Sheamus if this match goes on before it? That means he would face Orton in his first title defense if the World Championship match takes place first and he cashes in before this match happens. That I would not mind seeing happen. Whether Ziggler walks into this match as the World Champion or still as Mr Money In the Bank, he will be winning it. What in the world does Orton gain from a win here? Ziggler needs to be further built up for his cash-in (or retain if he is already champion) so a loss here would hurt him. Ziggler wins and both move on to new feuds. As for match placement? It all depends on if Dolph is cashing in. It could literally be anywhere from first to last on the card. I predict no cash-in, match goes on during the middle of the show.

Dolph Ziggler will defeat Randy Orton.
Randy Orton doesn't have absolutely nothing to win here. Yet, that doesn't matter to the WWE. I can only hope Ziggler wins here since his build up would start to be really serious. Think about it, "retiring" Jericho, beating Orton, next thing you know he is a legitimate world champion candidate and even a menace to Sheamus.

Dolph Ziggler wins and I expect to see an even better match than their previous encounters.
I don't mind these non-championship matches. The gimmick of the PPV is that every title is defended. It doesn't state that every match on the PPV will be a title match.

I would expect Ziggler to win but knowing the WWE, they will have Orton win when he really doesn't need it at all. Ziggler is the one they want to push and if they want him to be big, then he needs to win matches like these.
I would like to see Randy Orton win this match, but I've got a good feeling Ziggers will take it, but honestly, I think Ziggers needs to win this match in order to become a legit threat and when he eventually wins the strap, I also think he needs to win clean, who better to win clean than the Viper?
Ziggler will win cleanly for sure Orton is still very over. Is it too early look for DZ to cash in tonight. That would make this ppv go from the probable B or C level show to a huge level A show. Even if the rest of the show sucks Ziggler cashing in even if he doesn't win it on the cash in. It would save the show if it starts to drown. Hope Ziggler has a great night tonight including the cash in
This is the match I want to see the most tonight, EASILY!

Great athletes. Great performers. (while I never count out Punk) I think this match will steal the show!!!!!

Best part, I think this is one of the only matches that the outcome won't suck. Because frankly, IT DOESN'T MATTER!

Orton is going to film his movie soon & won be in the title picture or anywhere else important for awhile.

Ziggler has the MitB breifcase & it basically just showcasing his talents till he cashes it in.

Since most the titles that I think are in need of a change are probably not going to switch tonight (with the exception of Bryan & Kane) & I think several outcomes are going to be let downs or just not progress much, a nice fresh breathe of air, with two solid competitors that will just put on a good match no matter which way it goes or what happens to their story, will be nice.

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