NHL First Round Playoffs LD

I'm home no less than 2 mins., and Boston scores the OT game winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!


VICTORY DANCE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot even put into words how absolutely thrilled I am with the Bruins victory tonight. Because I really do hate the habs, and I will, forever.

I thought those sons of bitches were going to steal another cheap and undeserved victory tonight. You know, turning their backs to the Bruins players when they are near the boards to draw cheap and undeserved penalties. Or Halpern running into a Bruins player's shoulder, acting like he was nearly decapitated by the play, trying to draw a penalty, only to return in a matter of minutes. Or Hamrlik, trying the same bullshit to draw a penalty right before the Bruins' third goal.

Subban's not the hero, Stormtrooper, not tonight. That would be Horton.

Exorcising the ghosts of past failures against the Canadiens. Now they need to do the same against the Flyers, especially after last year.
Steve Yzerman's Lightning have officially moved to the next round, hopefully they beat the Caps, as a huge Yzerman fan that would make me extremely happy

TAMPA WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PITTSBURGH LOSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TIME FOR A VICTORY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot even put into words how absolutely thrilled I am with the Bruins victory tonight. Because I really do hate the habs, and I will, forever.

I thought those sons of bitches were going to steal another cheap and undeserved victory tonight. You know, turning their backs to the Bruins players when they are near the boards to draw cheap and undeserved penalties. Or Halpern running into a Bruins player's shoulder, acting like he was nearly decapitated by the play, trying to draw a penalty, only to return in a matter of minutes. Or Hamrlik, trying the same bullshit to draw a penalty right before the Bruins' third goal.

Subban's not the hero, Stormtrooper, not tonight. That would be Horton.

Exorcising the ghosts of past failures against the Canadiens. Now they need to do the same against the Flyers, especially after last year.
Had Montreal won the game, Subban would have been the hero.

And I love how your hate-dom allows you to be OK with the Bruins dirty play, the same thing you kill the Habs for. Elbows to the head are dirty plays, and you call it skating into an elbow. Oh, and let me guess, the high sticking setting up the Habs 3rd goal was not a high sticking, too, the Habs player just skated into the guys blade, which he's allowed to hold at the guys face.
I am actually feeling quite depressed right now due to my Penguins being out of the playoffs. :( Anyone got suggestions on how to get out of it.
Had Montreal won the game, Subban would have been the hero.

And I love how your hate-dom allows you to be OK with the Bruins dirty play, the same thing you kill the Habs for. Elbows to the head are dirty plays, and you call it skating into an elbow. Oh, and let me guess, the high sticking setting up the Habs 3rd goal was not a high sticking, too, the Habs player just skated into the guys blade, which he's allowed to hold at the guys face.

Had Montreal won the game, Subban would have been the hero. Thanks be to Jesus that it didn't play out that way. Because I hate that son of a bitch. Horton was the hero in the end, with two overtime goals.

Not really sure what dirty play you are talking about. Sure, elbows to the head are dirty plays. But players are also supposed to take responsibility for their positioning and keep their heads up. You can't fault the Bruins player just because Halpern skated and turned without looking and skated into his shoulder. I thought the major penalty against Lucic last night was a joke. It was a minor penalty at most. As Lucic approaches, the Hab turns his back to draw the penalty. Typical cheap Hab bullshit. Same with Halpern tonight near the turnbuckle.

Sure the highsticking incident late in the third was a penalty, but it was accidental. In contrast, a lot of the other penalty calls against the Bruins were bullshit. The first two penalties called against Boston tonight were total bullshit. Two 5 on 3's last night seemed a little much to me as well, but in typical fashion, I think the referees got caught up in the Hab mystique.

Anyway it's all good anyway. Bring on the Flyers.
Ya know I was actuelly rooting for Mtl to win the East last year, mainly cause of my hatred for Filthadelphia, but also cause I wanted to see an underdog like them have some success, however after all the horseshit that happened after the infamous, adn controversial Chara hit, and the Habs trying to get the police involved and have assult charges pressed and all that bullshit I lost all respect for the franchise, and a mjority of the Montreal fans, something like that happens you take care of it on the ice, you don't bring in the police, the fact that I had several Canadian players on the fantasy team and all of them seemingly disappeared during my fantasy playoffs (add to that Price absolutely blowing ass and single handily killed me when it came to all goaltending stats, costing me 4 out of 10 categories)

fuck Montreal, hopefully the Bruins take out the Flyers, and Tampa eliminates the Caps and we get a Bruins/Lightening Eastern conf. final
I wouldn't mind a Bruins/Sharks final. Thornton versus his former team. Not likely to happen, though. The Sharks will likely choke, they always do. Plus they have to face Detroit, who I doubt the Sharks will beat.
If SJ wasn't playing Detroit I would be rooting for them too, I like Dany Heatly (he's a former Badger:D), plus they're just a fun team to watch, if they do beat us (which is very possible) then I hope tehy go on to win the Cup
I'm okay with that. I think if all else fails then I root for the Canucks cause they are from Canada, this would be only in last resort kind of way.
Dwayne Roloson is 41 years old and is yet to win a Stanley Cup.

I'm rooting for the Lightning as of now I think.

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