NHL All Star Game

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Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The 57th NHL All Star game happens on January 25th. The All Star game for the NHL has taken on a fan first appreciation over the years, allowing fans to pick the starting lineup, as well as vote as as many times needed. This almost caused controversy a couple years ago when non All Star caliber player Rory Fitzpatrick of the Vancouver Canucks was almost voted into the NHL All Star Game by a fan campaign. This year, however, no such miracle happened... Except for almost the entire starting lineup of the Eastern All Stars being made up of Montreal Canadien players, the host of the All Star Game.

So what do you think of the Players selected, the Teams, who will win, or the All Star Game in general?
Well my only problem with the All-Star game is that it's on Versus and not NBC, it seems to me if the NHL wanted to drawe more viewers the most logical thing to do would be to air the game on network TV, it's not like they'd really have any competition seeing as how there is no football on this week, hell they wouldn't even have to air the game in prime time, though that would prolly be the better option, just being on a major network like NBC would get more people watching the game than on Versus, bottom line I just feel the NHL would be better off airing the All-Star game on a sunday afternoon on NBC than on Sunday night on a network hardly anyone knows or gives a shit about like Versus
That truly is the NHL's problem. They need to get more network time, especially for the All Star game. The All Star game in Canada is on our biggest network, so you would think that the NHL could at least get a non prime time slot in America on any network. More realistically yet, I think some states where Hockey is big, such as many northern states, Minnesota, New York, Michigan, and so forth should at least get to play the NHL All Star game on its affliates.

I believe last year this happened too, but the Royal Rumble always seems to be on the same day as the All Star game, both companies trying to capitalize on the break before the Super Bowl. I wish they would manage that better, perhaps having the Rumble star at 6, and the All Star game finishing at that time. This would stop either one from drawing fans away from the other.
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