New York Teams Absolutely Suck

Has anyone here seen The Dark Knight?

With posts like this...

I'm the guy who says that this or that is overrated and people are always bashing me (see the red rep?)..... but this time I disagree completely.
the best superhero film? DEFINITELY! first look at all the Batman franchise. yeah those with Tim Burton were ok, but Michael Keaton was JUST good, NOT great. then you got all the sexys but doesn't know how to act as Batmans: Val Kilmer and George Clooney. films that don't matter in film history.

then you got all the other superhero films: Spidey, Superman, Daredevil, Iron Man, Hulk, Elektra, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Wolverine until now (they are going to release Thor, Green Lantern...). Spidey: 1-2 greats, however the third....Venom is one of my favorite villains but they ruined it. Iron Man was awesome! but it's only a superhero movie, it's not a movie that defines how good is an actor. X-Men were all great for me, but same problem as X-Men. then all the pther were complete shit!

Now The Dark Knight: you've got probably the greatest villain in all history of comic, you got a director that has films that are pretty psichologics, you've got an actor that is pretty versatile and it's not on the mainstream, therefore he knows how to pick great roles. OVERRATED THE DARK KNIGHT? NOT AT ALL! IMO The Dark Knight has set the bar for every superhero movie cause it passed a "superhero movie". the soundtrack, the photograpy, the actors, the screen-play, everything was above an average "superhero" movie.

however I have to agree that he only won the Oscar cause he is dead. on the other hand the Oscars don't mean nothing, they are just like the Grammys. goes without saying that the thread in my sig is the place to be.
Барбоса;2302003 said:
I hear the Metrostars suck ass
They're the New York Red Bulls now (yes, a team named after a drink, I think Red Bull owns the team now).

And I posted Tenta. I completely ripped your post, but I mean it with all due respect.

Don't expect a reply any time soon though, because I'm leaving in 10 minutes.
Ah, this game again huh? The only thing that makes me not want to is I know how this will go and the length of the debate could scare away lesser posters. I'll take it into consideration for sure, but not til I make a few others look dumb.

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