New Tag Teams?


Dark Match Winner
The dislike for what the WWE is doing with the Tag Team Division right now is widespread. Their idea of making a tag team is by putting 2 random Superstars together.

If the WWE continued to do this, What 2 Superstars would make sense as a tag team?

This is how I view it, I think Tag Teams should be high flying and fast paced. The thought of 2 High Flyers being a team is something that the WWE needs right now. They could pull of some insane Double Team Moves and get the crowd on their feet. I would love for the WWE to find someone to team with Evan Bourne.
This is how I view it, I think Tag Teams should be high flying and fast paced. The thought of 2 High Flyers being a team is something that the WWE needs right now. They could pull of some insane Double Team Moves and get the crowd on their feet. I would love for the WWE to find someone to team with Evan Bourne.

That's not necessarily what WWE needs right now, seeing as all we got of high flyers are Rey Mysterio, an established singles star, doing singles feuding, I don't see the need to put Rey in a tag team right now, or.. ever again.. then we got Evan Bourne, who's doing nothing, barely winning anything, putting him in a tag team wouldn't make much sense neither.

While I do believe a proper well build tag team of either two well based all around wrestlers (Jericho style perhaps) could do some nice things for the tag team division, although I don't believe WWE should be putting another tag team together for the sake of having someone doing something.

I believe what could be nice to see in the tag team division would be two well build guys, debuting as a tag team, I like the Hart Dynasty what they're doing now, a smaller guy who's pretty good in the ring, and a power house in DH Smith, the Dudebusters could be going somewhere eventually too, although I don't see it just yet, but they'll probably get there eventually.

So it's either that, or I say put some established partners together, something legitimate, like reforming E&C for example would've worked (although I see them both doing tag team stuff) and the Hardy Boyz would've been a perfect reforming if they were in the same promotion.
That's not necessarily what WWE needs right now, seeing as all we got of high flyers are Rey Mysterio, an established singles star, doing singles feuding, I don't see the need to put Rey in a tag team right now, or.. ever again.. then we got Evan Bourne, who's doing nothing, barely winning anything, putting him in a tag team wouldn't make much sense neither.

While I do believe a proper well build tag team of either two well based all around wrestlers (Jericho style perhaps) could do some nice things for the tag team division, although I don't believe WWE should be putting another tag team together for the sake of having someone doing something.

I believe what could be nice to see in the tag team division would be two well build guys, debuting as a tag team, I like the Hart Dynasty what they're doing now, a smaller guy who's pretty good in the ring, and a power house in DH Smith, the Dudebusters could be going somewhere eventually too, although I don't see it just yet, but they'll probably get there eventually.

So it's either that, or I say put some established partners together, something legitimate, like reforming E&C for example would've worked (although I see them both doing tag team stuff) and the Hardy Boyz would've been a perfect reforming if they were in the same promotion.

That's why I didn't mention Mysterio. He's established and he has better things to do. But back to your point about Bourne. Why not put him in a tag team? The Tag Team Division is lacking and he has nothing to do but has a lot of talent. That's why it makes sense.
I have a team who would be interesting if the WWE joined them together.
Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne would make a very interesting team, very similar is style they would compliment each other. I think the team would get over big time and after they run their course they could feud each other over who's finishing move is better.
i think that instead of putting 2 singles guys together that are either established or have been toiling around for a while they should debut new teams. they could work on the tag team skills in fcw and then bring the team in as a time. the uso brothers come to mind. another way may be 2 lower ranked rookies on nxt deciding that they should join forces to make sure neither gets eliminated and then when the are moved from nxt they would be established as a team.
I have a team who would be interesting if the WWE joined them together.
Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne would make a very interesting team, very similar is style they would compliment each other. I think the team would get over big time and after they run their course they could feud each other over who's finishing move is better.

Now that I think about it, That would be a pretty awesome idea. I could totally see them both on the top rope using their finishers consecutively on someone.
I only caught a bit of Superstars but it looks like Bourne has started to tag with Yoshi, could be interesting but in all honesty I don't see them holding the belts in the future.

The Hart Dynasty are being horribly under-used I feel. Of the few tag teams there are, Kidd and Smith have a genuine chemistry between them and have so much potential. I was shocked that Morrison and Truth were thrown together to take on Miz and Big Show at Mania when the Dynasty could have made more of that opportunity, especially seeing as it's being rumoured that Morrison could be getting the call up to Raw to make his way into the Main Event scene.

Before any more rag-tag teams get thrown together, let the Hart Dynasty at least get a chance to show off their abilities. If Ziggler got, what, 8 attempts or so at the IC then these guys deserve at least a couple of attempts at the belts.
I only caught a bit of Superstars but it looks like Bourne has started to tag with Yoshi, could be interesting but in all honesty I don't see them holding the belts in the future.

The Hart Dynasty are being horribly under-used I feel. Of the few tag teams there are, Kidd and Smith have a genuine chemistry between them and have so much potential. I was shocked that Morrison and Truth were thrown together to take on Miz and Big Show at Mania when the Dynasty could have made more of that opportunity, especially seeing as it's being rumoured that Morrison could be getting the call up to Raw to make his way into the Main Event scene.

Before any more rag-tag teams get thrown together, let the Hart Dynasty at least get a chance to show off their abilities. If Ziggler got, what, 8 attempts or so at the IC then these guys deserve at least a couple of attempts at the belts.

I agree. They just seem to be throwing teams together left and right. It would be smart to bank in on the Hart family hype and give them the titles. As for Evan Bourne, i would like to see him go after the US or IC. What they should do is bring back the Cruiserweight title for highflyers and little guys.
I agree with the posters above that a Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne tag team would be exciting and could work. I love the whole fast paced tag team action where high flying moves are used. The 450 splash and the Shooting Star Press? Bourne is fast paced and Gabriel is more methodical and adds more power moves but is still high flying. This team really reminds me of the Hardy Boys with Gabriel as Matt Hardy and Bourne as Jeff Hardy. Creative, please book this team right now.


Another tag team that I would love to see is an MVP and David Otunga heel tag team. These are my two favorite wrestlers so I'm biased I admit. The whole "I'm better than you" and "A-list" monikers could be really good and they could really get heat from the crowd because of this. MVP is currently not doing much and is performing on Superstars now. Otunga needs a lot of polishing in the ring so the tag team scene should help in his in ring experience.


The last tag team I would like to see is a Sheamus and McIntyre tag team with William Regal as their manager. They'd be called "The Empire" and would be a heel tag team that ran roughshod over the competition. As of right now, this wouldn't work because Sheamus is in the main event scene and McIntyre is being groomed to be in the main event scene but perhaps in 2-3 years or so when both wrestlers are established and both men aren't in major storylines, creative could put this team together. They would have power, skill and the ability to garner major heat from the crowd.

I think there is a couple teams on their way up soon. The Uso Brothers, Joe Hennig and Brett Dibiase(Fortunate Sons) and Rotunda and Windham's son. So the tag team division could be really picking up soon and the sooner the better.
How about Barron von Rashke and KoKo B Ware....thatd be awesome!
Now that's an awesome team but why not place Rey Mysterio and Khali together and they can call themselves Jumbo Shrimp. And Tna should name the Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam team the Midnight Tokers.
I just said this in another post, but think it deserves to be on here.

John Cena and Darren Young

I like the new tagteams of David Otunga and MVP and Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne. Looking at the wrestlers who are already established stars on Smackdown and Raw how about pairing Jimmy Yang & Yoshi Tatsu as a high flying Japanese duo. They could be managed by Savannah. I was thinking of Dolph Ziggler and Zach Ryder as a young Hollywood blondes type of gimmick. They could also be managed by Rosa Mendes. The combination of Cody Rhodes and Goldust as a tagteam. Since Ted Dibiase Jr. is on his way to becoming a big star and Cody works best in a tag situation. This could reunite the Rhodes brothers. They could eventually feud with Ted Dibiase and Brett Dibiase. To further the feud you could add Dusty Rhose and Million Dollar Man.
A heel group faction could consist of Sheamus and Drew McIntyre as a tagteam, Fit Finnley as a rugged bodyguard, and Vladmir Khozlov. The could be called Global Elite and be managed by Lord Steven Reagal.
Here's some pairings I wouldn't mind seeing, seeing as these particular wrestlers don't have much going on these days.....

Kane/Mike Knox: Call them something like "Intellectual Pain". I liked when they
were being used together for a short period and I liked the chemistry they had when trying to one up each other by systematically destroying opponents. I also liked the knowledge of human anatomy they shared with one another. A big powerful tag team to throw into the division.

Evan Bourne/Yohsi Tatsu: As mentioned previously, these two seem to be tagging a bit already....keep them together! They're both smaller guys with similar styles and compliment each other....they could/would be a modern version of The Rockers and could lead to singles pushes for either of them down the road once they break up eventually. This would also provide the pure high flying team the division needs.

Carlito/Primo: Reform this team, only as a heel duo this time! Carlito is better off as a bad guy and he could easily help his bro win a couple of matches, gaining his trust again. These two could have a great run together!

With The Hart Dynasty, ShowMiz(temporary), a temp Edge/Christian run and calling up/bringing in 3-4 fresh teams that people haven't seen before on the main rosters, the tag division could once again thrive IMO! Does this sound like a decent opinion on how this division could be brought back to life?
I think season 2 of NXT should focus on creating some new tag teams instead of new singles performers. If they got 2 news tag teams out of the season (or maybe even 3) that would make the the belts actually mean something again and they could stop with the meaningless pairing of random wrestlers (although in all fairness, I thought John Morrison and R-Truth worked well together as a team, to bad their match was so short.) Regardless, season 2 NXT should = new tag teams.
That's why I didn't mention Mysterio. He's established and he has better things to do. But back to your point about Bourne. Why not put him in a tag team? The Tag Team Division is lacking and he has nothing to do but has a lot of talent. That's why it makes sense.

The reason why I wouldn't even consider Bourne for the tag team division is because he's small, he's an employed jobber to be honest, with a few offenses here and there and a very rare victory over someone who's either on his level or below (which you have to search damn long for as of late)

Bourne's job if you ask me right now is enhancement talent, someone to make that guy seem like "oh holy shit he just killed Bourne with that clothesline" in ways of Ted Dibiase turning Bourne inside out with his clothesline, he makes wrestlers look good, dangerous so to say.

And certainly you could argue that "oh but that would fit the tag team division pretty well, enhancement talent for the taggers".. if you've watched Smackdown this week, I just got one comment.. "meet the Dudebusters" while they put on a somewhat mediocre match, it was all for a matter of making the Hart Dynasty look strong, seeing as.. yeah I forgot who was put in the Sharpshooter.. they look so alike those two.. anyway the dude tapped out in no time.. therefore we don't need another enhancement talent.

I say, lets debut a proper build large guy tag team in the builds of the Hart Foundation (Hart and Neidhart).. or just fairly okay build like E&C, those are people the WWE tag division could really use and put over incredibly well, because it's been done before.
I like the new tagteams of David Otunga and MVP and Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne. Looking at the wrestlers who are already established stars on Smackdown and Raw how about pairing Jimmy Yang & Yoshi Tatsu as a high flying Japanese duo. They could be managed by Savannah. I was thinking of Dolph Ziggler and Zach Ryder as a young Hollywood blondes type of gimmick. They could also be managed by Rosa Mendes. The combination of Cody Rhodes and Goldust as a tagteam. Since Ted Dibiase Jr. is on his way to becoming a big star and Cody works best in a tag situation. This could reunite the Rhodes brothers. They could eventually feud with Ted Dibiase and Brett Dibiase. To further the feud you could add Dusty Rhose and Million Dollar Man.
A heel group faction could consist of Sheamus and Drew McIntyre as a tagteam, Fit Finnley as a rugged bodyguard, and Vladmir Khozlov. The could be called Global Elite and be managed by Lord Steven Reagal.

Yuck. Enough of the suggestions of making factions because solely of the fact that they come from somewhere other than the US. A tag team succeeds because of chemistry between the partners, not because they have the same accent. Look at the Steiner Brothers or even the New Aged Outlaws. You can make a case that they weren't very good singles wrestlers, but as tag teams they were great.

If I had to think of a realistic tag team, I could see R-Truth and JTG teaming up as a mentor/mentee type of relationship (not just because they're both black!). They are both on Smackdown, they have a similar fast paced style and both could use a good storyline.
I would Put Dolph And Swagger name would be ALL American Perfection I love Your Guys Idea's Espescially Yoshi/ bourne
well...Im bot really sure with the whole Evan Bourne/Justin Gabriel thing...but it would be awesome to see a fast tag team..on the other hand, thrilla11 I dont like MVP but that tag team with Otunga with freakin awesome!!!!
but to respond the thread, the E needs a fast extreme high risk tag team (a.k.a Hardyz) and one of them has to be Evan Bourne
PS: well CM Punk is too great as a single superstar but if the S.E.S gets bigger it would br freakin amazing!!!!
A heel group faction could consist of Sheamus and Drew McIntyre as a tagteam, Fit Finnley as a rugged bodyguard, and Vladmir Khozlov. The could be called Global Elite and be managed by Lord Steven Reagal.

WOW! Awesome idea! This has never EVER in the history of man kind been done!! No way did TNA just do this exact same angle. Bravo! lol. What a jackass. You suck!

Anyways, all flamming aside, I think there are a few guys that could be paired up together to form a team.

1. Tyler Reks and Chris Masters. They can call themselves Reks-n-Pecs. lol. They already would have a hot manager with eve and the two have a similar look. They would remind me somewhat of Test and Albert back in the day.

2. Mike Knox and Vance Archer - They are two big guys that just love to hurt people. They pretty much have the same gimmick and neither is really doing much so why not team them up?
I think there is a couple teams on their way up soon. The Uso Brothers, Joe Hennig and Brett Dibiase(Fortunate Sons) and Rotunda and Windham's son. So the tag team division could be really picking up soon and the sooner the better.

That's true Dusty Rhodes seems to be building a lot of tag teams down in FCW. I like the idea of Bourne and Gabriel also. The baller and the A lister would be a good heel combo. I could also see Daniel Bryan teaming with Bourne in the future.
That's true Dusty Rhodes seems to be building a lot of tag teams down in FCW. I like the idea of Bourne and Gabriel also. The baller and the A lister would be a good heel combo. I could also see Daniel Bryan teaming with Bourne in the future.

I like the Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne thing. They're both one of the guys who don't necessarily have "The look" but they're pretty entertaining
I agree that those mixed-together Tag Teams really take away credibility from the division. There are so many people who do nothing and some would fit very good as a team. Right now, the Hart Dynasty is the only real "Tag Team". Here are some ideas:

Celtic Rage (Sheamus, McIntyre): I really can't see things Sheamus could do after his feud with HHH. McIntyre is not bad, but there are other guys who could do more with the Intercontinental Belt right now, especially with some of the new NXT-rookies being signed. A team could make both of them look credible and give them exposure. This could be an awesome brute force team if being booked in the right way.
The Colons (Carlito, Primo): Why not bringing them back? They're both not too old, can make fun of opponents and have a lot of recognition value. At least, they would've something to do and bring color into the division.
Straight Edge Society (Gallows, Mercury (or whatever he will be called)): The stable is very dominant right now and could need a tag team to further exposure. They're both fairly young and would make a good "technique and force"-mix.

There are also some good teams in FCW you could bring up.

I also somehow like the idea of Big Show calling himself the "Tag Crag", which means he wants to carry the titles as often and long as he can, with a changing partner after every of his title reigns ending. This way he could put his young partners over like he is now doing with the Miz. This way WWE could elevate every young superstar thy want to give exposure. And Big Show would permanently have something useful to do.
I think Cena-Orton would be a very good tag team, assuming they both are on the same brand after the draft. A few years ago, it was Cena-Orton vs the raw roster. It was a very entertaining match , and they had good chemistry and tag team moves such as Cena throwing supestars to Orton who then does the RKO.

What about Cena-Undertaker, have a tag title run, tensions build up, leading to a match between the two at Wrestlemania 27.

Orton-Undertaker. They have respect for each other and it would be interseting to see what they can do together.

Triple H/Sheamus- Triple H says he was wrong about Sheamus, turning heel and helping Sheamus out, putting him over.

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