New Record for Ethan Carter III?


Getting Noticed By Management
Ethan Carter III will reach 516 days undefeated (17 months and a half ).

Ethan Carter III has already beaten the Crimson's Undefeated Streak which lasted for 15 months (470 days) and if he doesn't lose during Impact Wrestling's March Tapings, will surpass even the "historical" Samoa Joe's Undefeated Streak who stopped to 518 days!!!

I think it's a credit to him. He's done so well in so many areas that you don't even think about the streak. The commentators don't have to shrill it, he has more going on then just coming out and promoting it. He's done a great job, I hope they keep it up!

How do you guys feel about ECIII's build up?
TNA have forgot to make him lose. That's my theory. They make no real deal of it even though it's been going on for so long.

As for him losing I think it goes like this. He loses a squash to no fanfare, wins the word title soon after.
I've just checked for his TNA career. Including taped matches not yet released, he's wrestled all of 61 matches in TNA. Hardly the level of a Samoa Joe or a Bill Goldberg. And yeah, Y2Jake, that's a fair assumption to make.
Thing is, his "unbeaten streak" isn't in the same vein as Crimson's was, or Joe's. Both those characters were established on that, as power house performers. Carter's "streak" is more of a joke, because he's weaseling his way out of losses with standard heel tactics. When he loses, it's not going to blow all the steam out of the balloon the way it did with Crimson.

I have no doubt they plan on getting him into the main event this year though, and the way I see it, Y2J has it right — he has to lose before then, so we'll probably see him finally get pinned or submit in a match that in retrospect probably won't really even be remembered, because what he accomplishes shortly after that will trump it.
One of the things that stick in my mind with this streak is when he first got into the main roster was he was mainly going up against jobbers like Norv Fernum and Dewey Barnes. Then there was his "match" against Earl Hebner. There's no denying his heat, which the streak is helping to elevate. But the streak itself is much a do about nothing.
Thing is, his "unbeaten streak" isn't in the same vein as Crimson's was, or Joe's. Both those characters were established on that, as power house performers. Carter's "streak" is more of a joke, because he's weaseling his way out of losses with standard heel tactics. When he loses, it's not going to blow all the steam out of the balloon the way it did with Crimson.

I have no doubt they plan on getting him into the main event this year though, and the way I see it, Y2J has it right — he has to lose before then, so we'll probably see him finally get pinned or submit in a match that in retrospect probably won't really even be remembered, because what he accomplishes shortly after that will trump it.

It's sort of more in the vein of the Honky Tonk Man in that he's so smug and douchy that you want to see him lose but he just won't. When he does, it'll mean something because someone shut him up. There's money in that, moreso than a generic big man wins squashes streak. I'd hope the guy who beats him gets a rub out of it before he moves on to bigger things as he's destined to do.
It's not important really, it just isn't. He isn't dominate, he doesn't look unbeatable, he looks lucky more often than not and it doesn't help that his competition hasn't really been high level guys. He did the program with Angle and now Angle is in the title scene again and EC3 is wrestling fucking Spud. Seriously, they remember he's undefeated when it's beneficial to them, it doesn't even really matter.

He was booked perfectly in the match with Spud, but it's still a match with...Spud.

He will lose and maybe it'll mean something, probably won't.
As others have said his streak is not in the same league as crimson or others who held a good streak. In some respects his streak is more a skid mark, his first matches were the same 2 nobodies who have since disappeared, several since have been tags that his partner lost, and pretty much all of the others have been dirty wins because of spud, tyrus, or other sidekick/bodyguard interference. I am not saying crimsons streak was 100% clean but it had a small fraction of ECIII's dirt, has he ever had a 100% clean win against someone over 5 foot 4 or 100 pounds?
I know hes beaten a handful of top guys such as Kurt Angle - though EC3 hasn't been pushed as a genuine world title contender. You'd think that with such a long unbeaten stretch he would be put in the picture by now.

Maybe TNA are keeping his streak going by removing him from the world title picture- its a reason to keep it going. EC3 can keep beating midcarders rather than champions, so his streak isn't at risk by doing this.

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