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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
I am a first timer to this writing stuff, so be kind in regards to this buildup to the match on here.

After Y2Jake threw Downward Spiral out of the ring at the WZ Rumble, costing him his shot at the WZChampionship at WZmania, Spiral seeked revenge, and got it, brutalizing Jake and costing HIM his chance by blasting him over the top rope with a chair, leaving the fans stunned as to why someone who was such a good friend and mentor to Spiral, could turn into his mortal enemy. This is a case of Downward Spiral taking every man for himself at the Rumble too far, and took it over the hellacious edge.

After Jake was eliminated, Spiral took Jake down with many vile and heinous attacks, leaving the fans confused, Downward Spiral grinning evilly and Jake bleeding all over the place. The final contenders in the match were as stunned as the audience, but Downward Spiral showed no contempt to Jake.

The use of weaponry was utilised by Downward Spiral at the Royal Rumble, but at WZMania, the only weapons will be these two's bare hands as they go at it to prove if the student can outsmart the master or if experience can overcome all. Y2Jake said that Spiral brought what he will do to him at WZMania on himself.
"At WZMania, I will give Downward Spiral the lesson he will never forget: I am the one and only master of deception and strength, and that I will be the one who kicks the hell out of his ass at WZMania”.

Downward Spiral came on the next week after the Rumble and stated that he could beat him hands down, and that he was better in every way: From intelligence, to their own countries.

On that night, he said he would show everyone what Jake's country was all about. He then brought out a group of fat, buck toothed, yellow toothed, beer drinking British impersonators. This was too much for Y2Jake to handle, as he hit the ring and everyone in sight, showing that he was ready for a fierce fight and didn't take kindly to insults of his home country and he wasn't going to lay down to Spiral, who fled the ring angrily after this.

Jake then proposed that THEY have a match to see who the real greatest mod is, which Downward Spiral accepted after stating
"We have gone one up on eachother every week, but at WZMania, I will come out on top and prove once and for all that Jake is nothing more than a lie that these fans lap up week in and week out."
"I am the best in this business, and he knows it. The only lesson he could ever teach me, is how to act like a stupid moron, and believe me, I will make him look just like that, and that is that!

Later in the week, both showed that this match is going to be one to remember, after both destroyed their opponents and sent messages that nothing will be held back and only one will be a winner. Both were determined in their demolition of the opponents, but they have intent only on destroying eachother.

These two have gone a long way from when Y2Jake brought in Downward Spiral to WZ, and General Manager Jonny B is sure to take notice.
"These guys hate eachother, and that is only going to mean ratings. They will destroy eachother, and that is a risk I am willing to take. You can be assured that the winner of this battle will get more than my respect. And that is a promise."

These two have built up hatred that is fit to explode at WZMania, and the fans are lapping that up. They are solidly behind the fan favourite veteran Y2Jake, and despise the ungrateful up and comer known as Downward Spiral. The fans have taken their sides, and it is going to turn into a bloody mess in what is one of the most heated, heinous rivalries in WZ history. Both claim they will demolish their opponent, and even though there can only be one winner, these two are sure to come out of their match worse for wear.

"At WZMania, Jake, you will not know your left from your God Damn right, and I am going to beat every shred of sense out of your fat head, and there is nothing you, or any of your fellow moronic countrymen can do about it."

"Spiral, you brought all the pain and suffering you are going to receive at WZMania on yourself. I will teach you the one lesson that these fans know, and you will damn sure know after our match, and that is that a BITCH!"

Tune in to WZMania, as this heated rivalry will finally be resolved. Who will win out in the battle of the Teacher vs The Student, Country vs Country and Legend vs Up and Comer? Only time will tell.

I will have to work on this but give me your thoughts. I created a promo that I should post here soon. If you don't know what WrestleZone Mania is, it is an event that will be held on this site and it involves posters against eachother. Again, let me know what I can work on becuause I know it needs it.
Oh God, Snitsky's alter ego is Jake! Think about it: Tall, bald head, quick temper. Egad! I am running for my life now.

Serious matters now (I think) are you going to write a promo or do you want me to do all that? I think that was good for a first try so I am eager to do more.
Okay, I will get the one I wrote off of Big Ace tomorrow after I finish work (I was not meant to start this thread because it was before the actual Rumble finished, but whatever.)

I hope you still have that promo Brian or I will kill you. I thought it was pretty good because it was rather insulting to the British. I will work on that tomorrow and it will be good to see what you can do.
This is the promo I wrote yesterday. It needs some work, but it also needed posting.

(Downward Spiral has brought out a bunch of English impersonators, who are fat with yellow buck teeth, and are drinking beer and are worshipping a portrait of the Queen. Spiral is carrying a soccer ball with the English flag on it. Spiral is in the ring with the other men and is on the mic.)

"I am SICK of having to bow down to guys like Y2Jake and I get no respect from any of you morons! You worship guys like these fat slobs here, so that means that you worship England! (Crowd chants you suck) SHUTUPPPPP!!!!!!! I have to stand here in what is the skidmark of the entire universe known as the United States of America and I am disgusted, and the fact that I have to share this ring with British pigs makes me sick. Y2Jake is one of them."

"Look at this (Gestures around all the Impersonators). This is all that Jake is. This is his country, and you idiots idolise this crap. (Picks up the painting of the Queen) what do we have here? This looks like the woman my country is supposed to bow down to. Look, right there at that face. What the hell is that? Why should my country be put behind some limey's who make us worship a God Damn old woman?"

"(Points at one of the men) What? Do you like this? Kiss it. Go on, that's all you do, every day. (Guy gives it a big kiss.) Well how do you like it now?! (Slams the painting over his head, breaking it.) As far as you British go, you can kiss my ass, and so can all of you people who have no respect for what my country goes through." You try to run my life, and my country and I are much smarter than all other people and I am a much better wrestler than you Jake, or any other British guy there is."

"And look (Holds up the soccer ball) If it isn't Englands only past time. Just like everything else, you SUCK at it. (Throws the ball up in the air and all the British guys fight over it) Look at you idiots. Come on Jake, this is what you do. Come on out and show the world what you are really like: A fat, bigheaded idiot."

"Look at this stupid thing (points at soccer ball. Tries to grab it off one guy who won't let go so he punches him in the face) Oh you want the ball? You don't deserve a damn thing! (Pulls out a knife and slashes the ball and sromps on it) Where is it now huh? My country doesn't need it. We are above that. We are sick of having to be run by you people. You want the ball (Spits on it) here you go! (Shoves it up the unconscious guy's ass and starts laughing) How do you like that? England loses again, just like Y2Jake will. Don't you see I am sick of pigs like these people. That is all their life was. And now, it has been shoved up their ass! (Laughs and the British guys get angry and start drinking and eating.)

"I know that is all you and your country are: A bunch of fat, gross, moronic losers, but these fellow morons can't seem to pick it up because I am not as stu-stu-stupid as they are. You think your country is better than mine huh? Well how will the British deal with it, when I take all of them Down!? (Gives a Reverse Rock Bottom to a British impersonator.) That is your fate Jake, and that is all you are going to be good for, getting your ass kicked."

"I suppose you people want an anwser as to why I attacked Y2Jake after the Rumble. Fact is...I do not deserve to have to share my thoughts with a bunch of idiots who will forget it 5 seconds later (crowd boo) But on the other hand, I think I will let you in. You see, Jake walked around pretending that he was some kind of legend. I know for a fact, that he is anything but."

"I am the only talented one in this industry. I know it, my country knows it, and all of you idiots should as well. What happened at the Rumble was coming to Jake all this time, and he couldn't see it. I will knock Jake senseless anytime I want, and he will never remember a thing again. Believe me Jake, you and these idiots here have a lot more coming to them than you think. You pissed me off more than you can imagine, and I had been pushed around and put before guys less than half as talented as I am, like you, for too long. I took a stand, and I am doing it for what is right. What is MY right!"

"And you can't do a damn thing about it Jake and neither can anyone in the back, anyone in your pathetic country and any hick in this arena, because the one thing you do know, is that I am better than you and everyone else in every way. Your first act of stupidity was trusting me, like these idiots in America did, and that was a big mistake. You think I ever respected you? The only reason these idiots respect you, is because you act like you are big, but you are a fake, just like your country is. You want a reason to why I did it, you just got it: I despise you and your country and anyone who was mislead into thinking you are something you are not."

"You people are nothing but a bunch of fat hicks who suck up to everyone, and that includes fake people like Y2Jake who thinks he is good because he is a so called 'veteran', but I know that I am better than him in every way because I am that damn good. Each and everyone of you SUCK!."

"And once more, I am going to prevail over Jake in the name of my country, the greatest country in the world, AUSTRALIA!!! And there is nothing a bunch of fat limeys can do about it."

"Y2Jake thinks he can outsmart me? I can beat him, any day of the week, because I am more talented, smarter and a hell of a lot better than each and every individual that is the dregs of society in this arena, and that includes Y2Jake.."

I never once respected Jake because he didn't deserve a shred of it. He tried to act like he was God's gift to wrestling, but when I get my hands on him again, he will be beaten down so much that he will never get up from that ground again, and I will have completely crushed the legacy of his country and whatever legacy that halfwitted, halftalented British oaf had, and you will no longer see Jake parading around like he is better than me, and his country will fall in the same place as well."

"I will dominate and my country will dominate England because it is our RIGHT! I am sick of being looked over for a bunch of idiots like these guys, and Y2Jake is going to suffer anytime I get my hands on him, because he will see that I am above him in every way. I am going to make him suffer and cry like he has never done before. You people haven't even seen the beginning of what I am going to show him. Look at that (points up to a replay on the screen of him smashing his head into the stairs with a chair) Let's see that again! Look at that! His fat British head actually fit there. That is only the start. He won't live the next time I see him."

"He cheated to eliminate me, and you idiots can't see that. I had no choice but to lacerate him after beating his ass out of the match. He thought I wouldn't notice that he was cheating to eliminate me because he knew I was too good for him to do anything the right way. Well next time, he will be bleeding so much that he can't even see where he is going, although he and his country drink enough beer like the pigs they are so they can't see where they are going at any time. Point is Jake, that there is suffering to come. And that is directed right on you. I am going to make you hurt. I will..."

(Jake hits the ring and beats up all the British mockers and lays some punches on a furious Spiral who escapes the ring. Jake looks angry and determined as he gets on the mic)

Jake: "It is not over. You will pay for this. You want respect, you have to earn it. These people know that I and everyone else in the back is better than you, and I will teach you just that, by showing you that I have earned my respect. Spiral, I am going to tear flesh from your bones at WZMania, because that is what I do, and nothing else. Be prepared, because we are going one on one at WZMania, and I am not asking, I am demanding that match. I will show you just how ruthless I am by tearing you apart. Be ready Spiral, because my country is better than whatever half assed impression you dig up. These fans hate you, because all you are, is a pompous, Son of a Bitch! This means war Spiral, and it is one, that you can be assured, you will not win."

"Spiral, a BITCH!!!


Let me know what you think. And it is now your turn Jake. Go from next week.
First I want to say thanks for PMing me and wanting me to review, second your character is an ASS, he's one of those guys you love to hate, I really didn't get a feel for Y2Jake's character(seems like a Ric Flair type) as he mostly did run in's but I am interested to see what more he has to say about his former protage turning on him and saying some very nasty thing's about his country, I want to hear him clam talking about DS you learn more about the character that way, also are you starting a show is their going to be matches or are you just doing this feud? Overall I thought it was a really great start and hope too learn alot more about both character's, and if you are going to start doing shows this was a hell of a introduction.
It's the opening of the show and Y 2 Jake is standing in the middle of the ring with his valet Abyss. He cut's his promo staring hard into the camers.

''Y'know at the Rumble a great thing happened. Something that I though would never happen. Spiral showed some initiative. I trained that little bastard for two year's. TWO YEAR'S. And not once did he ever show any initiative. He was my lap dog. I constantly had to tell him what to do. I've trained some great's in my career. Downward Spiral was never one of them. He had potential but that mean's nothing if you cant execute it properly. The irony is that when he decided to show some potential, he used it against me. I'm proud of you Spiral. I truly am. Unfortunatley for you you went to far. It's weird how you mock my country when you think I'm not even in the arena. It's very easy to mock. I could have come out here with a fat, inbred Mick Dundee imposter. But I'm better than that. Everyone take's the piss out of the way the English talk. But the only reason that is, is because nobody in Australia know's what class is. You Australian's who live in hut's and eat Koala testicle's are'nt even a country worth mentioning. In England the only work Australian's are worthy of are working in Australia themed pub's. You're countrymen come to our country to work in a pub, that's the same as the one's in Australia. Must make sence if you're a stupid Aussie's.''

''Anyway there's one reason that I've come here and that's to challenge you to a match at WZ Mania. And I think it's obvious what the stiplation should be. But seeing as you're a little slow I'll say anyway. How about it Spiral? You and me in a Flag Match?''

Y 2 Jake chuck's the mic on the floor not waiting for a responce, and walk's out the arena.
Good promo, but you need to associate with the fans more. Draw from them and it will help. Try to act like more of a face Jake. It seems like you are just a duplicate of my character at times, but it was a good, patriotic promo. Make yourself like more of a veteran, and a little angry. Other than that, it seems like you got the message across.
Face? I think it work's better if were both heel's. We both could have been heel's going into the Rumble, so nothing's changed. Only my beef with you. Also If I'm heel I dont have to acknowledge the fan's.
Maybe a tweener then. You act like a heel at times and also a face and the fans like you as a face. That would work better than 2 heels because I have already insulted the fans too much for them not to like you.
Maybe a tweener then. You act like a heel at times and also a face and the fans like you as a face. That would work better than 2 heels because I have already insulted the fans too much for them not to like you.

I have to be a tweener. Because American's would'nt side with an Aussie or an Englishman. I'll happily take the tweener role though.
Maybe just side with Americans and say that they have more sense than I do, and that Aussies really do hate me. Just siding with the fans will make them like you. You can really defend the audience after I berated them, so it would be pretty easy to just say that they know that I am a dick, etc.

Wow Jake, 1998 posts. 2000 is coming up!!! Make it a good one.
And just to let people know, this is not a show. This is just a match that me and Jake are holding in this thing on WZ. We script this match ourselves and that is it I think. I would like to hear feedback from people, and if they like it, I will consider going in an E-Fed or writing my own show.
Can i be invovled? lol maybe i can job to Downward spiral, then he proceed to beat the crap outta the hometown hero before Y2Jake come out to settle some stuff lol
This match was really designed for the two of us, but I guess if I have a sort of warm up match with you where I beat the shit out of you afterwards and then Jake saves the day it could be alright. Maybe if you could try designing the match or the setup to that match or something, but I would like the actual match just to be between Jake and myself.

Shoot your ideas here for it mate.
I liked the Y2Jake promo it helped me understand his character alot more, also like how the match may have a gimmick like flag match or maybe DS won't agree and some other gimmick match will take place but overall i'm enjoying the road to their match and can't wait until it's up great job guys.
I believe I will write a promo tonight after my hair cut, so anyone waiting out for another one, Spiral is on track to do it again. I believe a response to Jake's challenge is in order as well, and Jake might just pop in again to say hello. A run in from other wrestlers may be on the cards so keep an eye out. It will be either tonight or very soon, depending on how many ideas I get. But this is fun!
Downward Spiral = Red

Y2Jake = Blue

General Manager Jonny B = Green

Downward Spiral has come to the ring in response to Y2Jake's challenge last week. He is wearing bandages and has an angry expression on his face.

"It has come to my attention, that Y2Jake actually believes he can take it with me. This PROVES without a shadow of a doubt, that Y2Jake is the stupidest thing to grace this World since President George W Bush, and Queen Elizabeth the second were given some of the highest powers this world has to offer. You see George Bush makes actions without any thought crossing his moronic mind, and Jake is no different. The Queen of England does absolutely nothing and yet still thinks that she can boss around other people and is nothing more than condescending, like the entire US of A, that disgusting shithole known as Great Britain, and now this moronic buffoon known as Y2Jake. There is nothing great about Great Britain because like I showed you people two weeks ago, they are all fat limeys who do nothing at all, just like Y2Jake."

"The fact that Jake has the audacity to challenge me, ME to a match is just another show of disrespect to his better. No one challenges me because I call the shots around here! None of you hicks have any power over me because you know I am the best this business has ever seen and that my country deserves better than being Britain's Bitch. How would you like being told to bow down to people who are clearly stupider than you are? I will give you people in this arena some credit. For once you have found people that can outidiot you (crowd boos) What's that? You don't like the truth? Well Y2Jake will get the reality check he needs, because I am SICK of being pushed around by guys like him, who have achieved NOTHING in this business. I am the future, and Y2Jake is just the fat past."

"My people work 10 times harder than the rest of the world because we are civilised human beings, and I am taking a stand against the morons that think they are better than us. You fat limeys push us around and treat us like slaves, and I am taking the initiative to tear anyone who gets in my way, and I will prove that we can prevail over anything because it is in the name of the greatest country in the world...(assumes JBL's wrestling God pose) Australia. We have to listen to what America and Britain tell us to do, and I have to listen to what Jake tells me to. Did you not notice how long it took him to come out and attack me? That is how slow that moron is, that he couldn't even pick up the fact that he was a stupid less than has-been until it was blasted into him by the one person in this business who has a shred of sense. Last week, I proved just how strong I was when I took apart that other disgusting Englishman known as Abyss. Just one in a line of attacks I am directing to get what is my right."

"As for the match Jake, like I said, I don't listen to you, or any other moron that pollutes this world. I make the matches, and I am the one who orders people around because I am better than EVERYONE else. You and I both know that I will kick your fat ass anyway. So the answer that all these people have been waiting for is...."

"(Looks at the crowd) HELL NO!!! I don't have to bow down to you or anyone else and you do not order me around. You and me at WZMania, is not going to happen and that is the word of the greatest wrestler in the industry. As much as I would like to kick your ass, I don't feel obligated to do it in front of the idiots in America, but you know you would lose anyway. So the match is off, and that is that! I don't have to-"

(Just then, Y2Jakes music hits and the crowd go wild. He walks out on to the ramp and Spiral is fuming again. He has a mic in hand and has an expressionless look on his face.)

"You know Spiral, I knew you didn't have the guts to face me because you are weak, and all you do is mouth off when I am not around as if these people want to hear your voice. Why don't you-"

"Shut your mouth! How dare you come and interrupt me you stupid English bastard. You have no respect for people you know are better than you. Whoever said that they wanted you out here? I swear to God, I will come down there and kick your limey ass. One more w-"

(Imitates talking with his hand) "Spiral, you act as if people give two shits to hear your voice you foolish sod. Does anyone in here want that clown to open his mouth again? (Crowd Boo) I think that is settled you Australian jerk. Everyone knows you are too gutless to face me. I don't think that you could go anywhere near to kicking my ass, because we ALL know that you are a no talent whiner that no one cares about. You think you can badmouth my country by yourself? Spiral I know the way you act and I know that you have guys everywhere to get me. Fact is, none of them can take me because they are all like you: Condescending son's of bitches."

"I don't need help to tear you limb from limb. You can't tell me what to do because I am better. Don't tell me that-"

"Don't give me your crap Spiral. It isn't working. I saw your 'cavalry' and took them out accordingly. But I know you are too weak to fight for yourself, so I recruited one guy who I respect, and is one of my fellow countrymen. He is another legend of this business, and together, we will show you and anyone else like you what respect is about. Ladies and Gentlemen, this man has just recovered from an injury and has been a great General Manager in his time off (crowd hypes up) And you have inspired him to come back Spiral, because he wants to kick your ass too. Everyone, please welcome: Jonny B!!!"

(Crowd gives a good reception to Jonny B, who comes out without the leg brace he has been wearing for months. He is smiling as he looks at Spiral who looks angrily surprised. He has a mic in the hand and raises it enthusiastically.

"Hey Spiral, I am back. And you know what, I knew that you didn't have the guts to face Jake. What you said about my country was dead wrong. I know your country is ruined by guys like you who have no decency. So now, I have shrugged off the injuries and was looking forward to seeing a great match at WZMania, but you are a coward again. You wanted respect? Try not acting like such a jackass all the time and better yet, SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! So tonight, I am going to show everyone what I do with undeserving people who don't belong on my company."

"You can't do anything Jonny. I will tear you apart just like Pastie did 6 months ago. You are just another one who thinks he is bigger than he really is. I will teach you the lesson, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Yeah I have guys around to kick your ass, but I can do it myself. Jake, you better watch out, because I can come from anywhere, anytime and either way, I will crush you. No one you can bring out can stop me, and you cannot boss me around anymore. I will (Jonny evilly pulls out some Brass Knuckles wrapped in Barbed wire and Spiral trails off.)

"You see Spiral. You can't win. We all wan't to kick your ass and tonight, that wish is reality. (Starts walking down to the ring and Jonny looks between him and the Knucks on his hands in the same spot.) You see, the British are known for one thing: We can tear flesh from bone and knock the bloody sense out of you, and that's what is going to happen RIGHT NOW!"

(Jonny B smiles and follows and Spiral looks petrified. Jake stops, points at Jonny and then Spiral and laughs and the crowd are pumped. He takes a step and from behind him, Jonny B runs up and angrily belts Jake in the back of his head. Spiral starts laughing and Jonny looks around with a look A la Edge. Jake is rolling around bleeding just outside the ring and Jonny continues the attack. Jonny slams him into the steps and then gets in the ring with Spiral and they both raise their hands as the crowd boos.)

"You actually believe that you had backup? Not even people from your own country can help you now. Jonny was in it all along and you stupidly believed him, and these idiots saw right through our act. Now, I will show you what pain you never saw coming."

(Spiral goes outside and starts beating on Jake as the medics arrive and Jonny B hits them again and knocks them away. Spiral continues the beating and lacerates Jake further with a steel chair. Jonny is laughing as he lifts up the mic.)

"Spiral is right Jake, you are nothing but a washed up loser. You ruin the name of our country and deserve nothing. You were foolish enough to believe that I had your back? That proves how stupid you are. I don't care what you think, what the fans think or what anyone thinks about what I did. I am GM and I call the shots and I just did. Your luck has run out and this is an era known as the Downward Spiral era and I will make your life a misery for what you do to the future of this business. You haven't seen pain yet. (He pulls out an English flag with Jake's head on it) Now can you guess where this is going? I guess you will now literally have your head shoved up your ass. Spiral will you do the honours?"

"With pleasure. (Takes it and punches Jake in the face and then shoves the handle up Jake's ass. He then starts laughing) You like that? Huh? You haven't seen nothing yet and as for your match at WZMania, I just have a few things to say. With Jonny's help or not, you will still not come out of WZMania alive. This is not over. At WZMania, I call the shots again and two words Jake: I ACCEPT, but I will choose the match, and for that, you and these idiots will have to wait for what I say!"

(Spiral's music hits as Jonny raises his hands as they stand over an unconscious Jake. They grin evillly as the crowd boo incessantly.)
There's nothing like a little sodemy (lol), this was a great in depth interview I enjoyed every second of it, Great back and forth verbal battle's between Jake, DS, and Jonny and that was a great heel turn for Jonny siding with DS, When Jake gets out of the hospital (he had a flag shoved up his ass), I hope he get's revenge on you bastards(lol) because no man who isn't gay(nothing wrong with it, just saying) shouldn't have to take it up the ass, i'm interested to see what kind of payback he has instore, this is great so far i'm hooked, great work.
Thanks for the review because it means a lot coming from someone who makes as good an analytical and insightful promo as anyone else. I am undecided on whether to keep it like this or to cut down the length though. I am sure Jake can come up with something great though, and I would like to see someone siding with Jake, or maybe people siding with Jake. Again, thanks for the review.
Jake, is it time for your next promo? I am waiting to hear a response because you have a lot to work with. I hope you can make one soon though because I am eager to make another and then have a go at writing a match.
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