My opinion on what WWE should do!


King of Kings!
Okay, we all know that World Wrestling Entertainment is falling behind and severely lacking what it used to have. I have a few suggestions that could possibly be considered. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions:

First, the WWE should transfer all shows to one network. Some people do not have all three networks that the WWE is televising their shows on, so they cannot possibly expect ratings to rise. Me for example: I do not have the CW network, so I have not gotten to see a single second of Smackdown since they moved off of the UPN network. My advice is to switch all WWE televised programming over to the USA network, because that is the network that is probably in every house in America that owns a television. If this was done, the WWE might see ratings improve, because more people would have the network, meaning more people could watch the shows.

Second, the WWE needs to adjust time-slots after the shows have been moved. Raw needs to move up an hour. Make the start times as follows: Raw-8E/7C Smackdown-8E/7C ECW-9E/8C

As can be witnessed, Smackdown would not be affected by this adjustment in time. I believe this is the key time to make these shows begin because the later start times might deter parents from allowing their kids to watch a particular event. This could hurt ratings, as well. Move each show to the USA network, and adjust their start times accordingly.

Next, cut down on PPV events yearly. The number right now is a whopping TWELVE PPV'S! Who want's to buy 12 PPV's at $20-40 a pop? That is insane! My advice is to cut the number from 12 to either 4 or 6. This would be up to the WWE Creative Team to decide, considering they would have to know how long it would take them to develop the storyline properly enough to have it be a decent climax at the PPV. '8 weeks or 12 weeks between each PPV!?! Decisions, decisions!'

That brings me to my next topic: NO FALSE FINISHES! People don't pay the aforementioned amount of money to watch a match that ends with a run-in/disqualification! I am not saying not to make the match end that way if the storyline requires it, but do NOT do it so often, and unnecessarily! Take the Survivor Series PPV for example. That run-in by Edge was unnecessary! That Hell in the Cell match should have ended cleanly, finishing the rivalry between Batista and Taker, then Edge could have attacked the Dead Man. The way it is now, people are disappointed because the match never actually ended. I was expecting Undertaker to win that match, especially with the way it was going! Start having more matches end cleaner. If false finishes do happen, expand upon them. Do not just have one occur and not pick up where you left off. Extending certain storylines past a certain PPV is not going to hurt you, I promise!

Also, the amount of squash matches has to be dropped. *SNITSKY, THIS MEANS YOU!* Vince, stop sending that bald albino gorilla to the ring just to beat a jobber in thirty seconds, please? It is completely pointless. If you want a quick match, have a jobber face a mid-carder at least, that way the match is credible! Snitsky is a THING, not a monster. Not to mention the guy has absolutely no common knowledge of a little something I like to call: personal hygiene.

My next point is that perhaps ECW should be used as more of storyline progressor/last-minute PPV promotion. It only lasts an hour, not much time to have any significant matches and have them be decent, what with commercial breaks factored in. I do not think that main eventers need to show up and promote championship matches, considering that 90% of the time, a PPV match is promoted decently enough just because the title is on the line. I DO however think that mid-card feuds could be built upon on ECW. That could also be the brand that people like Lashley, Jeff Hardy, and others could build their microphone skills. Something could be worked out that could perhaps make ECW more interesting. Maybe move all of the ECW superstars to Smackdown, considering Raw is full, and there are only 11 or so ECW stars anyway. Just burn the ECW Title. That brand has been dead for a while now anyway, and the WWE has just made a mockery of what the TRUE brand used to be. Unless something else can be worked out, that is my idea for ECW.

These are my current thoughts as to what the WWE could do to help improve things. Definitely mix things up, and create better storylines. I hope the ideas/opinions I mentioned are accepted, and please, feel free to comment and/or give your own ideas. Thanks for reading!
First, the WWE should transfer all shows to one network. Some people do not have all three networks that the WWE is televising their shows on, so they cannot possibly expect ratings to rise. Me for example: I do not have the CW network, so I have not gotten to see a single second of Smackdown since they moved off of the UPN network. My advice is to switch all WWE televised programming over to the USA network, because that is the network that is probably in every house in America that owns a television. If this was done, the WWE might see ratings improve, because more people would have the network, meaning more people could watch the shows.

Ok well thats probably not there choice, you take who you can get, if people dont want you or cant afford you cant do it....USA is apparently not happy with the product at the min anyway, so it may leave wwe less pulling power to negotiate a more flexible multi show contract next year...but good idea just very hard to pull off.

Second, the WWE needs to adjust time-slots after the shows have been moved. Raw needs to move up an hour. Make the start times as follows: Raw-8E/7C Smackdown-8E/7C ECW-9E/8C

Same as above, probably not there choice at all.
Next, cut down on PPV events yearly. The number right now is a whopping TWELVE PPV'S! Who want's to buy 12 PPV's at $20-40 a pop? That is insane! My advice is to cut the number from 12 to either 4 or 6. This would be up to the WWE Creative Team to decide, considering they would have to know how long it would take them to develop the storyline properly enough to have it be a decent climax at the PPV. '8 weeks or 12 weeks between each PPV!?! Decisions, decisions!'

Yes and no, once a month is a good way to do it IMO, you dont hae to order every PPV and god knows i dont want to order 80% of them but they dont need to cut the amount, just the price. $40 is ridiculous. 12 ppv's a year at $20 each is ok by my books.

That brings me to my next topic: NO FALSE FINISHES! People don't pay the aforementioned amount of money to watch a match that ends with a run-in/disqualification! I am not saying not to make the match end that way if the storyline requires it, but do NOT do it so often, and unnecessarily! Take the Survivor Series PPV for example. That run-in by Edge was unnecessary! That Hell in the Cell match should have ended cleanly, finishing the rivalry between Batista and Taker, then Edge could have attacked the Dead Man. The way it is now, people are disappointed because the match never actually ended. I was expecting Undertaker to win that match, especially with the way it was going! Start having more matches end cleaner. If false finishes do happen, expand upon them. Do not just have one occur and not pick up where you left off. Extending certain storylines past a certain PPV is not going to hurt you, I promise!

Agreed, i buy PPV or look at main events to see a winner, false finishes in both WWE and TNA are becoming to regular. While were on the subject "roll ups" i love a quick out of knowhere finish now and then, but i couldnt count on both hands the amount i have seen in the past few months, always someone grabbing tights, holding a rope ...etc wheres the impact, also if you are going to do it...make it believeable i dont want the guy been pinned wriggling around and the guy pinning him to just gurn a little....sell the fucking thing!

Rant over...
I completely agree with all your ideas. Except the wwe has no say on what channel to put there programs on. I dont think they will air them all on usa because then usa cant get some of its original stuff in good timeslots. Plus not everyone has usa aswell, so that would mean they will not be able to see any wwe shows. Therefore wouldnt the ratings drop even more then before?
o.k i'm canadian we have a pretty good system for watching wwe programs... if you have one network THE SCORE then you get all the programs except ECW but the channels are packaged together. so i don't see the program issues.

as for the PPV'S unfortunatly as wwe fans we were born without common sense... they put them out there, we all know it's gunna suck... but enough people still pay the cash, on a monthly basis... that's basically a cash cow for the wwe. so i propose the following:

12 ppv's a year right? so have half of them be high quality matches.. hell in a cell...TLC..etc.. and charge about 40 bucks for those ones, and then have regular ppv's the other half of the time, such as hardcore matches...street fights..etc... and only charge like 10-20 bucks for those ones that way the lower priced ppv's are segways for teh next PPV and a segway for the storyline as well, get people pumped! We all know that street fights and cage matches and the less dangerous style of matches are pretty entertaining, and it saves money and provides better storytelling/segways for big pushes.
the sides that we see and the sides that wwe corp. see's are totally different, you hafta please their bank accounts as well as save money from ours.
And obviously the 40 dollar matches would be royal rumble/SS/WM/style ppv's.

As for combining all of the brands, that should be a huge green light! and i don't understand why they have it all mixed up like this for so long. if anything have ECW be distinct and different, but have be the way it was back in the day, and almost have it like ECW isn't wwe. and then combine SD!/RAW and just have everyone involved with everyone else.
I think that opinion is common.
1.Good one about stacking up the shows.I would really like just to watch RAW - I regularly miss Smackdown.I also think the two brand idea is stupid.That way you have good wrestlers on Smackdown that should be on RAW and build up.I think low to mid carders should go to Smackdown,put the main eventers and mid/high cards on RAW so we can expect good times on RAW and watch build-ups and good matches on Smackdown.
2.Can't argue about time slots - I also think that's up to the network,not the WWE...
3.PPV's - the whole idea is to make as much money as possible - they make most revenue from them.Since the PPVs sell high,they won't neither lower the prices nor the PPV's numbers.If it ain't broken,don't fix it!While it would be great to leave more time for good storylines to develop,they will lose money that way...
4.Ok - I think we can all agree on no false finishes.I have always thought that PPV Main Events would end clean.I can't imagine the pissed off fans after a dirty finished Wrestlemania Main Event.That single-handedly crushes a 2 month storyline that is supposed to be "The Best" of all other events...
I can bare dirty finished matches - I can't stand dirty finished PPV Main Events...
5.I agree - building up wrestlers by beating up jobbers is maybe one of the worst ideas that WWE Creative has come up with.I thought you "Kick a** and take names" - jobbers can't help you there.Plus - squashes are just a part of a storyline - like the feud between Orlando Jordan and Chris Benoit - that was OK.Squashing opponets like that every week is really annoying...It didn't quite help Umaga,it won't help Snitsky either...
6.Whatever you change ECW to be - ECW will never ever be at least quite ECW!The promotion was brutal,vile,black,bad,NSFW...
ECW pushed the envelope.Now the WWE just uses the name.ECW on WWE will never be like the true ECW - and they finnaly without a doubt proved that by just like that - getting rid of RVD and Sabu - who else is going to fill their shoes?
Seriously - they f'd up ECW like that - they should have just left it rest in peace.Or simply revive it the way it used to be.There is one simple key word,Vince,and that is "VOILENCE"!

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