My first ever wwe sim League

CM Punk is seen sitting in the locker room putting his gear away

Punk: My name is CM Punk, and I am straight edge. You may be asking youself what is straight edge? Simple...It means that I am better than you. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't do drugs. So Booker T I hear you have an open challenge to anyone in a Last Man Standing match. Well CM Punk is here to answer that challenge. I'm here to make a name for myself and what better way then to take the King himself down, and to prove that I am better than you and everyone else out there.

Punk exits
Paul London's music hits in the arena and he makes his way down the entrance ramp and into the ring.

London: There seems to be a lot of challenges going around here lately, so I thought to myself, "Self you should challenge for the Tag Team Titles". The only problem is that I don't have a partner. So I, Paul London, am here to ask any Superstar on the Smackdown roster if he or even she would like to team up with me and take the Tag Team gold.

The fans cheer as London waits for an answer...
CM Punk...You are just another peasant trying to dethrone your King! We shall meet in the Last Man Standing match, and while you lay on the mat looking up at your King, there will be only 4 words that come to your mind... ALL HAIL KING BOOOOKEEERRR!!!
My name is the cuban cigar umaga maneger. Edge the soman bulldozer will destroy you in hiac
Carlito: Kane is not cool and the intercontineatal champion has to be cool, so Carltio is going to have to take the Title of Kane and that, well thats cool.

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