MR. AWESOME!'s photoshop creations

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
After browsing around and looking at other people's sigs I was inspired to post my own. I called them photoshop creations because technically I never intended them to be a sig, they are merely doodles(?) that I made while I was bored or at school. I accept all feedback and critism. In fact, I want to hear what you guys think so I can use for future reference.


I like this one. I had recently learned about the Grey scale and color table options so I decided to make an expirement and bwahlah. The only thing tho is that I made a fireball and I don't think it blended in too well.

Again I would really love it if you guys post feedback on my work.

I'll be posting more in a bit...

This is one that I did for my "Internet programming class (basically a class wherew they teach you the basics of photoshop and whatnat). To do this, I juts add Stylize - Wind (i think thats what is called) to any kind of text font and then rotate the the text clockwise until i have added wind to every side of the text. Then all I do is color balance to add color. The repeat this step on a copy layer and ripple it a bit. Finally a black background with images of Ghost Rider with opacity change.


Vizard Mask of Ichigo (from the manga/anime bleach)

This one is a lot harder to explain so I will just say that I used a tutorial called "Inferno Text". I did these two for a class. The tutorial showed me how to make a text as shown above....afterwards just add a picture as a background and make it blend with the image.

This is just a picture of Goku (from DBZ) that I did for fun when I was bored and did not feel like working. By using the brush tool I made a fire ball. Then I just smudge it to make it look like the Kamehameha is coming from Goku. I added Glow to goku to make it look believable...


For some reason, I really like this one. It was very tricky for me at first because I could not find the way to put the two different images (Ichigo and Zaraki from bleach) together to make it look believable. In the end I think I just added "photocopy" (i think thats what its called) to it.

Now this is my beloved sig that I am so very proud of. Its really ironic really tho as it was very simple to do. All I did was get images of the Rock, Stone Cold, the Miz, and Hogan and crop them. Change the opacity a bit and put a background with the WWE Logo. Finally, add text to it that I put through "Layer Style" (thats what I think its called.


This is a request that someone asked me to do. I personally do not like it because well it has too many people in it, and it is very hard to put them all together in one image with a certain arrangement. Well, nonetheless I did it exactly as the person requested it witht the specific types of pictures he wanted.


Now this is my latest work. It was another request that I ended up taking. I made a background using render> clouds and then adding a background image I found change the opacity and merge it to the layer of clouds. I used color balance and then put it through Filter>Artistic something (cant remember what exactly). Then, I just got images of the Rock, Orton, and Stone Cold and added a text to go with them. Then seeing as how I am a big fan of changing opacity, I did it to the Rock and Stone Cold. I think thats about it.

Well, these are my photoshop creations that I have made. I used to have a lot more but since my computer crashed I lost so much work and I was only able to save these because eoither they were in photobucket or they were in a flashdrive. One again., please, I want to know what you guys think.

Thankyou for taking the time to see my work and read my boring writing :)

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