Most Well Rounded Wrestler of All Time

In my opinion only one man deserves this. I imagine people may disagree with me but ive only been watching since 99 and that man is Kurt Angle. This is a guy that had amazing chenistry with just aboit any superstat he faced and could get a ibstant classic out of Hornswoggle.

If he was a face he could come down cut a promo intense as fuck and get the crowd going. He could be the chickeb shit heel who you hated. He coild be the suplex machine whod want to break your frickin ankle. Ive seen kurt play just about every type of emotion and gimmick going and he was always able to switch it to the next gear. Its a shame his talents have been wasted in TNA.
I didnt see the criteria so let me break it down.

Mainstream appeal. The man won a gold medal thats more mainstream than most in my eyes.

Charisma/Speakig ability. See my above post. I can remeber many times Kurt would have me in stitches, rooting for him, or just straight up wanting ti see him get his ass kicked.

Mat/Technical ability. One of if not the greatest Wrestlers to ever grace the business. Kurt has pulled coubtless classics off over his time. No way out 2001 vs The rock. Vengeance 02 vs taker and the rock. Summerslam 03 vs Brock. His countless classics with Beboit. His mania match vs Shawb. Nwo 2006 vs Taker. The list goes on im sure im missing some.

High flying ability. Maybe a lil short in this category but he did have the moonsalt. Which never connected!

Brawling ability. This guy could trade hands with the best and the sight of him stopping a mudhole into someone in the corner with spit flying was instense.

And finally look. Angle maube have been a little bit shorter than some of the ithers from hid era but he was stilk a hard lookibg mofo.

If i was looking for a match/rivalry where i wanted to see someone with these attribute i wouldbt have to look no further than Kurt Angle. Oh its true.
Eddie Guerrero. Chris Jericho. Bret Hart in 1997. Austin from 1996-1997, and 2001 to the end of his career. His peak Attitude Era brawls were unimpressive, aside from his matches with Rock and Foley.

I honestly can't remember a single Shawn Michaels promo that was great. I remember he was sitting in a chair in Montreal around 2005 and drawing cheap heat for the screwjob, but I don't remember him saying anything interesting.
I've always been very partial to Ric Flair. I could care less whether or not he was a great athlete, the man made you care about his matches. Seriously, how many wrestlers had gripping 1-hour matches night-after-night like Flair did during the 1980s? Flair basically carried the NWA/WCW on his back for an entire decade. The man was a consummate professional, which is really all you can ask for in any profession.

Flair's clean victory over Ron Garvin at Starcade in 1987 is one of my all-time favorite matches. How many heels get cheers like?? Not to mention his classic matches with Ricky Steamboat in 1989. There are very few heels who have ever had clean victories over quality competition like Flair has. Flair was bigger than any babyface in the NWA, which is why he was able to pull that off. He was one of a kind.

And Flair was better on the microphone than ANYBODY, except for possibly Randy Savage.

Unfortunately, a lot of people only remember Flair as the buffoon he became in the ring starting in the early 1990s, with all of the ridiculous flopping. However, I remember the Flair from the 1980s and he was a lot of fun to watch.

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