MOSH PIT: The "Metalhead" Thread

I know I got on here maybe a little late, but I personally enjoy Rage Against The Machine alot. I know, they aren't making new music, their stuff is great. I also enjoy most of Slipknot, who had that awesome first album, good second album, okay third album, and okay fourth album. I haven't seen Rage live unfortunately, but I've seen Slipknot twice and they are amazing live. Just putting that out there.
Yeah, I've seen Slipknot once before. They were pretty good. Though I went for the openers that night, I was not disappointed that I had stayed for Slipknot. The live show was pretty decent.

Best live band though, in terms of the overall spectacle, is by far......GWAR!!!!!!!!
I have been obsessively listening to the album Through Silver in Blood by Neurosis lately. Does anyone else listen to them? They are such ana amazing band. Most of their songs are quite long, 10+ minutes on average, and they use a lot of distortion and repitition, but it sounds awesome. The song Through SIlver in Blood is so good I can't describe it. Neurosis was a huge influence on Mastodon, so if you like them, try some Neurosis.
Oh yeah for sure, Neurosis was also the launch point for the band Grayceon (Neurosis's cello player's band)

They have some epic stuff, and they do have some awful stuff, but in the end.....the stuff that is good is classic and I cant get enough of it!
What are your Favourite Bands?- Devildriver, Lamb of god, Dimmu borgir, Vital remains, Ministry, Kalmah, Gojira

Favourite Classic Albums? Just some old school Megadeath or prolly some slayer

Best Albums of 2009? Devildriver's pray for villans was fucking fantastic and Municipal waste's Massive Aggressive WAS THE FUCKING SHIT! Best thrash album of 2k9 dude. Fucking awsome everything. Wrath from log was great but could of been better.

Best Shows You've Been To? -Probibaly the ozzfest the year soad was playing. Good shows
Are You in a Band?- I've got an offer to sing and play drums. Thats about it.
'Massive Agressive' is an amazing thrash album, but I think the best thrash of this year would probably have to be Artillery's 'When Death Comes' or Believer's 'Gabriel'. Check those out!

Evile - 'Infected Nations' and the new Axegressor were pretty rad as well!
What are your Favourite Bands? Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Metallica and Breaking Benjamin

Favourite Classic Albums?

most of the metallica stuff really..
Best Albums of 2009?

probably dear agony by breaking benjamin.

Best Shows You've Been To?

can't brag i've been to anything worthwhile because whenever all the big bands come to denmark their sold out before i know anything about it :/

Are You in a Band?

no :)
What are your Favourite Bands?

Type O Negative
Cannibal Corpse
Cradle of Filth
Annotations of an Autopsy

Favourite Classic Albums?

Type O Negative's disography
Any old Metallica Albums

Best Albums of 2009?

Immortal - All Shall Fall

Best Shows You've Been To?

My band supporting Annotations of an Autopsy in Liverpool

Are You in a Band?

YES! I am a guitarist in a metal band. Please check us out/add us at
A good tip to help all the metalheads out there search for new bands to enjoy:

Check out 525 Power Tracks. It's an internet radio station that plays some of the mainstream hard rock going on right now, as well as a healthy complement of up-and-coming bands looking to make it big.

Let me know what you find.
Favourite Metal Bands:
-Iron Maiden
-Bolt Thrower
-Judas Priest

Favourite Metal Albums:
-Burzum – Burzum/Aske
-Burzum – Filosofem
-Agalloch – Ashes Against The Grain
-Agalloch – Pale Folklore
-Agalloch – The Mantle
-Metallica - ... And Justice For All
-Iron Maiden – Fear Of The Dark
-Death – The Sound Of Perseverance
-Marduk – Wormwood
-Bolt Thrower – Those Once Loyal

Favourite 2009 Albums:
-Marduk – Wormwood
-Behemoth – Evangelion
-Ahab – The Divinity Of Oceans
-Sunn O))) – Monoliths And Dimensions
-Nile – Those Whom The Gods Detest

Best Shows:
Wacken Open Air every year I went, Judas Priest in 2003, my first Iron Maiden concert, every Marduk and Behemoth concert I went to.

Own Band:
After Christmas/Boxing Day, I now have the following CDs:
Megadeth- Endgame
Megadeth- Rust in Peace
Tool- 10,000 Days
Opeth- Still Life
Dillinger Escape Plan- Ire Works
Converge- Petitioning the Empty Sky
Between the Buried and Me- Alaska
Alie in Chains- Dirt
Alice in Chains- Black Gives Way to Blue

I've not listened to any of them all the way through yet but Ire Works and Rust in eace, but I have to say, Ire Works is one of the best CDs I have ever heard. Dillinger Escape Plan is awesome beyond words, and everyone who likes any genre of music should listen to them.
After Christmas/Boxing Day, I now have the following CDs:
Megadeth- Endgame
Megadeth- Rust in Peace
Tool- 10,000 Days
Opeth- Still Life
Dillinger Escape Plan- Ire Works
Converge- Petitioning the Empty Sky
Between the Buried and Me- Alaska
Alie in Chains- Dirt
Alice in Chains- Black Gives Way to Blue

I've not listened to any of them all the way through yet but Ire Works and Rust in eace, but I have to say, Ire Works is one of the best CDs I have ever heard. Dillinger Escape Plan is awesome beyond words, and everyone who likes any genre of music should listen to them.

I strongly urge you to listen to the two albums I have put in bold for you...first. If you want to hear the true predecessor of modern rock and the real beginning of the end of the hair metal era (fuck Nirvana), check out Dirt. Some good shit. Hell, any of AIC's albums. Black Gives Way To Blue is still in rotation in my truck.

RIP Layne Staley.

On a side note, welcome back Barbedwire!
Yeah I had already heard most of the songs off Dirt, and the ones I hadn't are now favorites of mine too. Them Bones and Dam That River have such a furious sound, Down in a Hole, Rooster, Junkhead and Rain When I Die are slow and so much sadder than any other music I've ever heard, and Dirt's chorus contains what may be my favorite lyric ever. "One who doesn't care is one who shouldn't be."

I dont care at all for Megadeth, since I am a Metallica fan.
Also, I dont think 10,000 Days is as good as Tool's other work...especially Lateralus.
BTBAM's Alaska is ok, but Colors and The Great Misdirect are where its at. Those albums are intense!

Please, you have to let me know what you think of Still Life!
So, what are people's top 10 albums lists for this year of 2009?

There have quite a few great records released this calendar year, so what are your top 10 favourites?

So this post is going to be fucking long, because I`m explaining each pick. Here goes.

10. Alice in Chains- Black Gives Way to Blue
Last year, I watched a YouTube video of AIC playing Them Bones with William DuVall, and I fucking hated it. I don't know if the sound quality of the video sucked, or if it was his equipment, or just an off day, or maybe he just sucks at that one song, but it was terrible. Although I wasn't a huge fan, they had some classic songs I love, and I thought their legacy was going down the toilet. I was wrong. Last of My Kind has a rage in its chorus I thought had died with Layne (RIP).

9. Megadeth- Endgame
Another old-school band I just started getting into. The opening song Dialectic Chaos kicks ass, it's basically just shredding. This Day We FIght starts off the 'true' songs of the album well, and it never slows down. I'll be damned if the chorus riff to Headcrusher doesn't blow me away each time.

8. Immortal- All Shall Fall
Before this CD, which I bought entirely on a whim, I hated every black metal song I had ever heard. This CD was on a sampler at my local CD Plus, and after listening to about 45 seconds of the title track, I went and bought it. I went home, opened it, saw the dudes in their facepaint, and went "Oh fuck, I accidentally bought a black metal album." This CD is the exception to my rule that black metal sucks however. So fucking good. Rise of Darkness is fucking epic.

7. Dethklok- The Dethalbum II
I love me some Metalocalypse. The show is hilarious, easily in my top 3 TV shows ever, so when the Dethalbum came out, I was excited. The songs were good, but not great. Here, they were great. Murmaider II, The Cyborg Slayers, I Tamper With the Evidence Murder Site of Odin, Burn the Earth, The Gears, all sound like legit death metal from serious bands, albiet with (slightly) goofier lyrics. Saw Dethklok live in October with Converge and Mastodon (more on them later) and the songs were excellent live too. Brendan Small really stepped up his vocals here.

6. Priestess- Prior to the Fire
Priestess, along with Cancer Bats, are enough to balance out the aweful music my homeland has cranked out in the likes of Nickelback, Celine Dion and Simple Plan. Prior to the Fire isn't as good as their debut Hello Master, but it kicks some ass anyway. I fucking love Communicating Via Eyes, the transition from the acoustic, folkish intro into the slow, deadly riff is epic.

5. Pelican- What We All Come to Need
A month ago, I couldn't have even told you Pelican was an instrumental band. I had heard of them, but knew essentially nothing about them. I had the song Dead Between the Walls reccomended to me, and loved it. I went to my local CD store to get a copy of their CD City of Echoes, but found it out of stock. Their new album What We All Come to Need, however, was there. The band is instrumental post-metal, so it's pretty sluggish and laid back at times, but it kicks teeth in its own right. An Inch Above Sand and Ephemeral are damn good songs, but The Creeper and Specks of Light are fucking amazing songs. A really cool album that is doomed to relative obscurity, even in the metal scene.

4. Converge- Axe to Fall
This is only my third favorite Converge CD, behind Jane Doe and Petitioning the Empty Sky, but those albums set such a high bar that even a CD failing to match them has great potential. Converge was totally alien to me when I saw them open for Mastodon and Dethklok, but they fucking blew me away. This CD starts with Dark Horse, one of their best songs IMO, and from then til the excellent 5th track Worms Will Feed/Rats Will Feast, the album rips by with speed and intensity almost unheard of. Cruel Bloom, featuring Neurosis singer Steve Von Trill, has a bluesy sound totally out of place on the record for most of the song, but it stands out in a very good way. There is a reason this band is fucking legendary among those who know them.

3. Baroness- Blue Record
I still haven't heard anything from "Red Album", but I can attest that Baroness is headed for great things based on this album. It's got a laid-back, stonerish sound to it, with more emphasis on melody than a lot of metal, but still manages to be heavy. A Horse Called Golgotha, Jake Leg, and The Sweetest Curse are all mind blowing, but Swollen and Halo (one songs) is the true standout. Plenty of instrumentals are scattered about, but they aren't like a Metallica instrumental, they're generally shorter, more interlude type pieces.By no means are they throwaway tracks though, as O'er Hell and Hide (which technically has lyrics, but they are spoken over the song) evidences.

2. Between the Buried and Me- The Great Misdirect
Complete. Mindfuck. BTBAM is a complex band playing complex music, with 10+ minute songs cramming everything from death metal to prog rock to the occasional polka being the norm. This band is fucking wierd, and it seems almost made to alienate people no matter how open their mind. The opening song Mirrors is a quiet, introspective song with sparse yet great lyrics, and as soon as it ends, it's off to the races with Obfuscation. From here, each song is longer than the last (with the exception of the great acoustic Desert of Song) leading up to Swim to the Moon, an epic that falls just under 18 minutes long. Guitar solos, drum fills, clean and screaming vocals all abound in an album wich is truley hard to peg into one genre. I can't really reccomend any one songs, you need to listen to all 6 together.

1. Mastodon- Crack the Skye
This band is the best to ever grace our planet Earth in my humble opinion. From the dirty hardcore of Remission to the epic Leviathan (my personal pick fo album of the decade) to the more progressive Blood Mountain, they are consistantly mind blowing and different from everyone else. Crack the Skye is their most melodic, softest album yet, although I refuse to call it mainstream because it is anything but. Every song on this album is a classic. When I first downloaded it, I didn't listen to anything off it but Oblivion for about a week, because I was just stunned by how fucking good it was, and it's not even one of my top 3 songs on the album (Last Baron, Divinations, The Czar, in that order, for the record). Mastodon defy expectations with such regularity that it is now expected, and I absolutely cannot wait to see what comes next.

I dont care at all for Megadeth, since I am a Metallica fan.
Also, I dont think 10,000 Days is as good as Tool's other work...especially Lateralus.
BTBAM's Alaska is ok, but Colors and The Great Misdirect are where its at. Those albums are intense!

Please, you have to let me know what you think of Still Life!

To be honest, I've been having a hell of a time listening to all these new albums enough to get a good feel for them, but Still Life has been awesome so far. The Moor and Godhead's Lament are the songs I'm most familiar with, and although I'm not confident I'd be able to name them without looking if they came on on shuffle, once I start listening to them they are great songs. Blackwater Park is absolutely Godly, so I know what to expect from Opeth, it's now just a matter of commiting the whole CD to memory.
Hey guys, it's been a while. Hope all is good with you and that the metal discussion here keeps going strong.

Megadeth- Endgame
Megadeth- Rust in Peace
Your thoughts on these two albums? Rust in Peace would rank among the best metal albums I've ever heard, probably top 5 no doubt. Endgame was a top 5 of '09 for me as well.

I dont care at all for Megadeth, since I am a Metallica fan.
Pfft. Metallica are my favourite band of all-time, Megadeth are up there too. You're allowed to like both you know. :p

BTBAM's Alaska is ok, but Colors and The Great Misdirect are where its at. Those albums are intense!
I'm quite the opposite. I think Alaska is their best work, Colors a very close second and The Great Misdirect is possibly their worst own-material album. Not a fan of it at all.

I'll be seeing them live in less than a month though, that should be cool. Hoping for lots of older material.

Please, you have to let me know what you think of Still Life!
I LOVE Still Life. Opeth's best album for me, which is hard to say considering they have a near flawless discography. Åkerfeldt is just unbelievable.

Anyone heard any new releases from 2010 yet? I've only heard two, them being Fear Factory and Arsis. I'll post an update on them once I give them both a few more listens. Both were pretty shocking on first listen.
The only thing I've heard from 2010 really is "Farewell, Mona Lisa" by The Dillinger Escape Plan. New album isn't out til March, but the the song kicks ass. Between that and new stuff from Cancer Bats, High on Fire, and rumors of a new Tool album, 2010 is looking good.
I'm quite the opposite. I think Alaska is their best work, Colors a very close second and The Great Misdirect is possibly their worst own-material album. Not a fan of it at all.
I'll be seeing them live in less than a month though, that should be cool. Hoping for lots of older material.

Well, I guess you might have a bad time at that show since they are playing The Great Misdirect in its entirety then a second set of about 4/5 songs or so. Personally, I think The Great Misdirect is such a massive step up in the songwriting. They used to be such a bland "mallcore" band with nothing going for them but some stale breakdowns and a few sweep picking sections.
Then Colors came along, changed the game entirely and then with this new record, they hit heights I thought they would never achieve. For the first time, I feel like they are finally reaching thier potentiall. Im surprised that you dont like it, seeing as it is heavily inspired by Opeth and I can hear Opeth all over that disc. Its fantastic.

Anyone heard any new releases from 2010 yet?
Here are all of the new 2010 releases that I can search up on. Some are good, some are great, and some are terrible but here you go lads. Enjoy.

1-18-10 Freya
"All Hail The End" (CD)

1-18-10 In Vain
"Mantra" (CD)

1-18-10 Annotations of an Autopsy
"Reign Of Darkness" (CD)

1-18-10 Abigor
"Time Is The Sulphur In The Veins Of The Saint" (CD)

1-19-10 Valkyrja
"Contamination" (CD)

1-19-10 Six Feet Under
"Graveyard Classics 3" (CD)

1-19-10 A Hero A Fake
"Let Oceans Lie" (CD)

1-19-10 Sigh
"Scenes From Hell" (CD)

1-19-10 Miseration
"The Mirroring Shadow" (CD)

1-21-10 Tokyo Blade
"Tokyo Blade - Live In Germany" (DVD)

1-22-10 Varg
"Bluutar" (CD)

1-25-10 Church Of Misery
"Early Works (reissue)" (2-CD Set)

1-25-10 Aspera
"Ripples" (CD)

1-26-10 Green Carnation
"Alive And Well... In Kraków (reissue)" (CD)

1-26-10 Dark Funeral
"Angelus Exuro pro Eternus" (CD)

1-26-10 Fozzy
"Chasing The Grail" (CD)

1-26-10 Myrath
"Desert Call" (CD)

1-26-10 Armageddon
"Embrace The Mystery & Three" (CD)

1-26-10 Suicide Commando
"Implements Of Hell" (CD)

1-26-10 Dream Evil
"In The Night" (CD)

1-26-10 Divide The Sea
"Man" (CD)

1-26-10 Imperium Dekadenz
"Procella Vadens" (CD)

1-26-10 Mnemic
"Sons of the System" (CD)

1-26-10 Living Sacrifice
"The Infinite Order" (CD)

1-26-10 Carpathian Forest
"We're Going To Hollywood For This – Live Perversions (remastered)" (CD)

1-27-10 Deathbound
"Non Compos Mentis" (CD)

1-29-10 Excalion
"High Time" (CD)

1-29-10 Crematory
"Infinity" (CD)

1-29-10 Overkill
"Ironbound" (CD)

1-29-10 While Heaven Wept
"Of Empires Forlorn" (CD)

1-29-10 Pressure Points
"Remorses to Remember" (CD)

1-29-10 While Heaven Wept
"Sorrow Of The Angels (reissue)" (CD)

1-29-10 Gamma Ray
"To The Metal" (CD)

1-31-10 Abalam
"Thy Eternal Sin" (CD)

2-1-10 De Profundis
"A Bleak Reflection" (CD)

2-2-10 Charred Walls Of The Damned
"Charred Walls Of The Damned" (CD)

2-2-10 Through the Eyes of the Dead
"Skepsis" (CD)

2-2-10 Rhinoceros
"They Are Coming For Me" (CD)

2-5-10 Rage
"Strings To A Web" (CD)

2-8-10 Incantation
"Scapegoat" (Vinyl 7")

2-8-10 Ov Hell
"The Underworld Regime" (CD)

2-9-10 Retro Grave
"Again" (CD)

2-9-10 Meshuggah
"Alive" (DVD)

2-9-10 The Murder Of My Sweet
"Divanity" (CD)

2-9-10 Icarus Witch
"Draw Down The Moon" (CD)

2-9-10 Fear Factory
"Mechanized" (CD)

2-9-10 Troll
"Neo-Satanic Supremacy" (CD)

2-9-10 Wig Wam
"Non Stop Rock and Roll" (CD)

2-9-10 H.I.M.
"Screamworks: Love in Theory and Practice" (CD)

2-9-10 Refuse Resist
"Socialized" (CD)

2-9-10 Arsis
"Starve For The Devil" (CD)

2-9-10 Keel
"Streets Of Rock & Roll" (CD)

2-9-10 Orphaned Land
"The Never Ending Way Of ORwarriOR" (CD)

2-9-10 Keel
"The Right To Rock: 25th Anniversary Edition" (CD)

2-9-10 Shining
"VI / Klagopsalmer" (CD)

2-9-10 Dark Fortress
"Ylem" (CD)

2-10-10 Nowen
"Nothing But Hate" (CD)

2-16-10 Aeternam
"Disciples of the Unseen" (CD)

2-16-10 Heathen
"Evolution of Chaos" (CD)

2-16-10 Name
"Internet Killed The Audio Star" (CD)

2-16-10 Karen Page
"Karen Page" (CD)

2-16-10 In Mourning
"Monolith" (CD)

2-16-10 The Acacia Strain
"The Most Known Unknown" (DVD)

2-19-10 Throes Of Dawn
"The Great Fleet of Echoes" (CD)

2-23-10 Rotting Christ
"Aealo" (CD)

2-23-10 Impetigo
"Defiling The Stage" (DVD)

2-23-10 High on Fire
"Snakes for the Divine" (CD)

2-26-10 Carach Angren
"Death Came Through a Phantom Ship" (CD)

2-26-10 Jack Slater
"Extinction Aftermath" (CD)

2-26-10 Terminal
"Tree Of Lie" (CD)

3-1-10 Galar
"Til Alle Heimsens Endar" (CD)

3-2-10 Hour of Penance
"Paradogma" (CD)

3-2-10 Borknagar
"Universal" (CD)

3-3-10 Kalmah
"12 Gauge" (CD)

3-3-10 Ludicra
"The Tenant" (CD)

3-8-10 Burzum
"Belus" (CD)

3-9-10 Abscess
"Dawn of Inhumanity" (CD)

3-9-10 Eluveitie
"Everything Remains As It Never Was" (CD)

3-9-10 Immolation
"Majesty And Decay" (CD)

3-9-10 Finntroll
"Nifelvind" (CD)

3-9-10 Acrassicauda
"Only The Dead See The End Of The War" (CD/EP)

3-9-10 Dark Tranquillity
"We Are The Void" (CD)

3-15-10 Charlemagne
"Charlemagne" (CD)

3-16-10 Armored Saint
"La Raza" (CD)

3-22-10 Triptykon
"Eparistera Daimones" (CD)

3-22-10 Dillinger Escape Plan
"Option Paralysis" (CD)

3-23-10 Diabolic
"Excisions Of Exorcisms" (CD)

3-23-10 Strange Flesh
"In Dog We Lust" (CD)

3-23-10 Nominion
"Monumentomb" (CD)

3-26-10 Negura Bunget
"Vîrstele Pamîntului" (CD)

3-30-10 Raven
"Walk Through Fire" (CD)

3-30-10 Destinity
"XI Reasons To See" (CD)

4-6-10 Barren Earth
"Curse Of The Red River" (CD)

4-6-10 Hostile Cell
"The Deafening" (CD)

4-20-10 Order Of Ennead
"An Examination Of Being" (CD)

4-27-10 Laethora
"The Light In Which We All Burn" (CD)

4-30-10 Sael
"The Sixth Extinction" (CD)
Oh I forgot about Fozzy's new CD. I really liked All That Remains, their last album, so I will probably see if I can find a copy of Chasing the Grail somehow. I'm not usually a fan of live CDs/DVDs, but I fucking love Meshuggah, so I will most likely buy Alive.
I fucking love Meshuggah, so I will most likely buy Alive.

I, myself, am not to big on Meshuggah. I think they are massively talented and their drummer is a complete genius but in the end of the day, most of their songs follow the same formula. But at least as far as formula bands are concerned, they do it the best. Normall, I would concider Opeth the top teir formula band but I think they broke that with Watershed, which I didnt like. Who knows, im a bit weird.

But the reason why im adressing you on this topic of Meshuggah is to recommend some great bands that are in the same realm as them, but offer new elements as well. I highly recommend checking out the bands Textures, Hacride and Architects. In that order.
1-18-10 Freya
"All Hail The End" (CD)

Excellent suggestion. I have been a fan of Freya ever since I heard "Daisy Cutter," on a TNA video for Destination X 2007 no less. I picked up As The Last Light Drains and Lift The Curse almost immediately thereafter. "Daisy Cutter" from Light and "Lilith," as well as "Born In Blood" from Curse are personal favorites.

I haven't heard much of their new album, but I'll be sure to check it out...
But the reason why im adressing you on this topic of Meshuggah is to recommend some great bands that are in the same realm as them, but offer new elements as well. I highly recommend checking out the bands Textures, Hacride and Architects. In that order.

So today I finally got around to listening to some Textures, because I stumbled upon their wikipedia page while reading about Cynic, who by the way I just started listening to and is fuckign mindblowing. Anyway, i love their song Millstone, I listened to a few other songs by them but it'll take a few more listens to get a good feel. They seem a little too Meshugg-ish to me though, and while this isn't neccisarily a bad thing because Meshuggah is like my 3rd favorite band, it almost sounds like they are trying to be Meshuggah. Based on the songs I heard, you could change the vocals a little bit and it'd be indistinguishable.
So today I finally got around to listening to some Textures...... They seem a little too Meshugg-ish to me though, and while this isn't neccisarily a bad thing because Meshuggah is like my 3rd favorite band, it almost sounds like they are trying to be Meshuggah. Based on the songs I heard, you could change the vocals a little bit and it'd be indistinguishable.

Here is the thing with me. Every single song ever written from Meshuggah sounds EXACTLY the same as well as every vocal part they have ever recorded. I am not trying to bash them, its just the honest truth. With Textures though you get a wide array of sounds, vocal melodies and (pardon the pun) 'textures' to their music.

Take for example the songs you enjoyed, then compare to some others. Listen to "Awake", "Messengers" and "To Erase A Liftetime". Meshuggah just doesn thave anything that sounds like those songs and thats why Textures is the better band in the long run.
While I do agree that lots of Meshuggah's songs sound very similar, to me that sound is so perfect it doesn't bother me. I can see where it would deter other people from liking them as much, but that repitition just works for me. Future Breed Machine and New Millenium Cyanide Christ are both fantastic songs, and Straws Pulled At Random is easily my favorite song of the 2000s. I guess it comes down to taste, but I can see what you mean about the repitition.

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