More Interesting Facts About My Time In Prison!

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Today is the 1100 day I have been on Wrestlezone!!! (No I Don't keep count I found that out with a bit o research.)

1)I Have Only Been a Normal Member of Wrestlezone Forums for 352 days.

2) I have Been a Prisoner for 758 days.

3) I Am Now only less then 100 new threads of dethroning Jenks in the most in Prison History

4) Currently a thread I made about 2 years ago is the latest thread in the Hall of Fame section of Wrestlezone.

5) I have accumulated more rep just in the Prison alone then I have total number of days on Wrestlezone.

6) I have recieved rep from every current moderator or admin at least once. (Even though from Sly it was a x3 red rep.)

7) I have nearly four fold the amount of posts in the Prison then I do in non spam threads in the normal section.

8) I've celebrated three birthdays as a member of Wrestlezone.

9) I have had over 8 different "turns" either to face or heel in my time on the Prison.

10) I have the record for shortest release ever sitting at about 3 minutes.
If you had known you were only going to be released for 3 minutes, would you have posted something intelligent or midget lesbian clown porn?

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