Monday Night Raw?

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Dark Match Winner
Hello everyone my name is Cody Havert and I have been watching monday night raw for about 16 years now and well I got to say something about it! Monday Night Raw use to kick so much ass and now let's face it, its become this: Vince is dead, oh my god the stage collapsed on Vince, John Cena running Raw, Triple H v. John Cena, on on and on. Damnit I remember when Raw was the shit like back from 1993 to 2001, I loved watching all of the talk show ( my fav) the Heartbreak Hotel and all of the great things about it, I mean come on Vince please bring us back a great show and not this same old bullshit all the time, look if u r an old school Raw fan or a new school fan who doesn't wt i'm tlking about go and by the Best of Raw DVD there u'll find all of the school greatness, please comment me back on this and tell me ur fav things about Raw before it went down hill
thank you
Cody Havert
same here, but i started watching raw during the attitude era not 16 years ago lol. it stopped playing on t.v for a while so i lost interest, but began watching again in 2002 when crazy storylines were happening, n i think rey's debut happened. Wat got me watching was the built up of evolution and the good story lines. The new cumers like ortan n batista. The betrayals, kane taking his mask off, HHH as a heel, popular wcw wrestlers coming to wwe( goldberg). Pretty much every week would be exciting and making u want more of wwe.

Now-a-days wats new rookies do we have? do we actually care if they become world heavy weight champion? to me no. imo, the past years we had the same champion that the titles pretty much means nothing anymore.
Raw will never rekindle those days, between vince's ego, the horrible gimmicks, and vince's ego, the company doesn't have a chance.

Hey, I have an idea, instead of giving out a million dollars every week, why don't you FOCUS ON MAKING YOUR PRODUCT BETTER!?!?!?!

Meh, that might make too much sense, be too much like right, which is why I download smackdown off torrent weekly and just read raw spoilers, I do my best to avoid giving such a pile any sort of rating. Fuck vince, fuck hhh and his steph penetrating dick, fuck the inconsistent writing and the fact they don't stick long-term with ANYTHING they do, wrestling has once again become something for children and people in trailers, it's no longer something the blue and white collar man can relate with, which is funny, considering hhh has the ego he has, based off white trash. Such pride off such ridiculousness.
To me RAW died after the Attitude Era. What pushed it to such heights was the competition of WCW Nitro. After Vince won that battle he decided to split the brands which was the worst thing in wrestling history IMO. What happens with that is you get 2 World Champions....who wants 2? And instead of getting consistent rivalries all through the card you end up with abunch of miedocre guys who wouldn't even be hired if WWE didn't need to fill the spots somehow. If it wasn't for HHH, Edge, Jericho, HBK, and Orton (whenever he returns) there wouldn't even be a reason to tune into the garbage that has become WWE.
Alright, here we go again.

I'm assuming those of you who are taking the time to write about how bad Raw is are TNA fans. So I'll just dismiss that right away.

If I wanted to watch Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and the Dudleyz, I have some old WWF material with all of them in it.

Also, if I feel the need to watch Macho Man, Stone Cold, or any other WWF/E gimmick knockoff, I can watch the originals and skip the carbon copies.

Now, on to why Raw is nowhere near as bad as you think (and I'm talking to the first four posters I see in this thread specifically):

1. Thanks to the draft, Raw has practically a brand new roster, with none of the same champions it had prior (save for Mickie James, but we'll discuss her later).

2. Courtesy of CM Punk cashing in MITB, for the first time in the past three years or so, there's a champion on one of the two brands not named Edge, Batista, Orton, HHH, Undertaker, or Cena.

3. Kofi f'ing Kingston.

4. The divas on Raw can actually wrestle, and are not around for pure eye candy.

5. Somehow, in the span of 5 minutes, they found a way to make sure that everyone in the building cheered for Cena and booed JBL, when they haven't been able to find a way to do that for almost two full years.

Now, for the long term benefits of Raw:

1. Without Raw, we would only have one champion, and his name is HHH. Does anyone on the planet think he'll be losing his title anytime soon? Not I.

2. Without Raw, we would only have two hours of pre-taped programming which completely eliminates the surprise factor.

3. Kofi f'ing Kingston.

Should I go on?
before the draft i wouldve agreed with the first comment, to me ever since wrestlemania in march wrestlings been just about dead (no im not a tna fan, matter fact ive barely even seen tna, only on youtube)...but now that the draft is done, not to mention cm punk being champ out of nowhere (holy shit was that sick), its completely reinvigorated the product and got me excited again. even on smackdown, its gonna be great...

the attitude era will still probably be the best era because of the awesomeness of their storylines and how much they made u care about the characters (austin rock foley)...but if wwe can continue what theyve been doing since the draft, this might turn out really good...
When CM Punk gave Edge a taste of his own oppritunistic medecine and took the title, RAW actually made me get up out of my seat and say yeah! Ironically for the first time since good ol JR said STONE COLD STONE COLD! and now we have PUNK WINS PUNK WINS from the King... That was really well written and I really like the new direction. The show ended with I believe it was King saying, Anarchy rules RAW. This may just be a new era that we have lacked since the attitude era. I think guys are not only going to fight for titles but stables will form to create power, so that someone can say they run RAW considering there is no boss. It would be cool to see the alliances start forming and I have a feeling some may. :flair:
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