Miz or Morrison

Miz or morrison?

  • The miz

  • John Morrison

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Now i know this has been done a lot but john morrison has been getting a push lately and Miz is in a fued with John Cena and the Rock. How much bigger could it get? So i was just curious as to whom you prefer.

The Miz

Amazing mic skills. Some of the best in the buisness today. He has a good catch phrase and is good at makng people hate him. His ring skills are ok, but they are nothing to go "OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE THAT MATCH?" in fact very rarely would i rate a miz match above average, and thats bad for the WWE champ. He also works very hard at promoting which i respect, but imo hold him in terms of getting over as a mega heel. He goes on these talk shows and shows himself as a normal guy you could get along with, as a guy you would cheer for. And he even plays to the crowd during the shows. This causes some people to cheer for him and therefore he gets a mixed reaction. Which is easier getting people ho love you to hate you? or getting people who hate you to love you? ik it sounds like im contridicting myself and i mite be a little so i apologize.

John Morrison
Decent mic skills but nothing compared to miz. No real catchphrase to market but he has an excellent look. His in ring skills are better than miz imo by quite a bit. He can take a fight anywhere and looks good doing it. With all the gimmick matches wwe does he would be perfect for them. Not to mention his matches are generally above average. Plus all the spots are amazing. Beyond that he has a good matt based moveset to back it up. When he pulls off his finisher correctly it looks awesome and devestating. his problem getting over as a face is his lack of character development, which is creatives fault. Give him a fued where he gets a good amount of unscripted promo time so its all natural and give us some character development.

I personally pick JoMo by a long shot but thats just me. hats you opinion.
Morrison all the way. I'm not a fan of the Miz, I hate almost everything about him, his name, his catchphrase, his look, his in ring ability. The guy does not appeal to me in the least. He has a pretty decent mouth piece but in the ring he bores me to death, I personally don't see all the hype surrounding this guy at all and don't bother trying to convince me because its useless.

Morrison I dig, I can actually get in to him. His Mic work is severely lacking but they hardly give the guy a chance to speak, I'm sure he'll get better over time. The guy has the look of a champion. I especially love to watch the guy go to work in the ring, hes exciting to watch. I just wish wwe would actually do something with him, hes practically been on the cusp of winning the big one for sometime now but every time he gets a major push, wwe seems to pull him back as if their not to sure on him. I'm sure wwe has big plans for Morrison, I think their just look for the perfect opportunity to finally launch him. The guy is good talent and I have a feeling that when he does win the big one that it will be a special moment.
The poll needs a third option: Neither.

I don't think that either man is main event worthy. Miz has some mic skills, but looks like a girl scout could beat him up. Morrison has some impressive spots, but his promos kill the heat of his segments. Neither man is particularly good in the ring.

Both men are very solid mid card acts (Morrison will usually have the spot of the night, and Miz can make people dislike him), but neither man has the true main event level quality.
Jizz.....I mean, Miz
I've never understood why everyone praises the Miz for ANY aspect of his character. I love how people love to preach about how Cena can't wrestle when the Miz hasn't shown me SHIT! And much like Lenguy, don't bother trying to convince me how great this fucker is and that he's such a bright shining current and future star because it's not happening. He's a Jericho rip-off, he's ok AT BEST on the mike, absolutely nothing special in the ring and most ******ed catchphrase since "Randy's going to the place he hears the voices!" or "Vintage" anything from that shit stain Cole.

John Morrison
His look is awesome. His matches are almost always above average. As others have said, he looks the part of a champion. When he dropped the "Johnny Nitro" crap and became John Morrison, he became an awesome heel. His mike work wasn't that bad. His feuds with CM Punk were very good, IMO. Had they kept the momentum going off that run and brought him to Raw he would probably already be world champion. Best I can tell what hurts him most is Vince doesn't think he is believable enough to kick anyone's ass........like the Miz is! Clearly, Vince does recognize his talent and popularity so hopefully it's just a matter of time before he busts out of mid card status and breaks into the main event. Maybe WrestleMania 28??
The Miz is Awesome and that generally seems to be a hard concept to get people to understand. Morrison may be the Prince of Parkour, the Friday Night Delight, but truthfully what does he have to show for it? A weak Interconctinetal Title reign? A mixed tag match at Mania? Clearly the Miz is feuding with the biggest star in the company, and has not only has had a tag title run, not only has had a United States Title run, not only has been the holder of MITB, but also is currently the WWE champion. I mean truthfully he may be the best on the Mic right now and he is decent in the ring. You can say that Morrison is truthfully bad on the Mic, and is decent in the ring. Wait did I just say decent in the ring? I meant it. He is a spot monkey someone who can get a wow from the crowd, but honestly everything else he does in the ring is just decent. Don't get me wrong Morrison is a Superstar whom I love to watch however he just doesn't have what it takes to main event. That is why clearly and undisputably you have to go with the Miz.
The Miz is absolutely the worst wrestling personality in the business.

When I go quote by quote you know I disagree. How in your right mind can you possibly say Miz is the worst personality in the WWE right now. I don't think he is the best but the worst you are crazy. He is explosive on the mic and he actually gets a huge reaction out of the crowd. I see nothing wrong with his gimmick. You are saying that the jobbers out there are better "personalities than the Miz. Firsty you might have the word personalitity totally wrong because the Miz has more charisma then any other Superstar. I don't know how you can say this and I am baffled by your flagrant ignorance to a wrestler who is the future of the WWE.

You could have added Hornswaggle to the poll and I would've picked him over the miz.

Just cause I love Hornswoggle you get this video. I love Hornswoggle better than any character and I think he has the best gimmick overall so I give you credit in saying Hornswoggle is better. However note that this video was back when Miz was still teaming with Morrison who is clearly worse than the Miz. For reasons stated in my original post.

The Miz. I've been a fan for a while, and was surprised {like everyone else} this guy got the push when the team of Morrison and himself split up, and good on him. I'm actually buying Mania this year to hopefully see him come out of the PPV retaining his title one way or another.

Miz has passion, Miz has worked hard up until now, and will continue to. From his Indy days, Tough Enough days, Commentator days, ECW Days, Smacdown Days, and now main eventing on RAW. It's amazing to see him evolve and work hard.

Morrison IMO is just....there. This is obviously a guy they hired from an athleticism perspective, like Batista or Goldberg from a Bodybuilding perspective. I mean, the guy didn't even know what a spin-a-roonie was:


{sorry, not sure how to link youtube videos on this site}.
The Miz. I've been a fan for a while, and was surprised {like everyone else} this guy got the push when the team of Morrison and himself split up, and good on him. I'm actually buying Mania this year to hopefully see him come out of the PPV retaining his title one way or another.

Miz has passion, Miz has worked hard up until now, and will continue to. From his Indy days, Tough Enough days, Commentator days, ECW Days, Smacdown Days, and now main eventing on RAW. It's amazing to see him evolve and work hard.

Morrison IMO is just....there. This is obviously a guy they hired from an athleticism perspective, like Batista or Goldberg from a Bodybuilding perspective. I mean, the guy didn't even know what a spin-a-roonie was:


{sorry, not sure how to link youtube videos on this site}.

You think Morrison hasn't worked hard? as you can see in the video, this guy basically went from someone who wasn't THAT familar with the wrestling buisness, into a Highly-talented in-ring competitor, who (No matter if you like it or not) Is getting more and more over with the fan's by the moment. Saying that Morrison will never have the career the miz has JUST because he isn't the best microphone worker is just assanine.

Take Shawn michaels for example, he is good on the mic...but is that why he's famous? No, he's famous for his incredible matches and his impact on the business. Morrison isn't there yet, Obviously....but a little more hard work, and you have something truly special.
The Miz

Well... he's decent on the mic, above average if you consider today's roster but still nothing special. How the OP described his mic skills as "amazing" is laughable because attitude era stars like Y2J will make him look like a fool. As for his in ring skills, he is one of the worst in the roster right now. The biggest problem I have with him is he has nothing that makes him stand out from the others. Cena had his rap thing, Goldust was bizarre, and Y2J had his countdown and unique fashion styles. Miz just look like another monotone speaker in a suit which are aplenty in the business. How he got over backstage to where he is now is through hardwork which was the route Cena used but he is like a far less talented version of John Cena.

Simply, not really into him because physically he look like a girl can beat him up, nothing special going about him and is average at every aspect.

John Morrison

On the mic he is pretty decent as well, I don't get how people class him as having the worst mic skills since Khali because when I watch past stuffs like the Dirt Sheet on Smackdown before Bragging Rights, he was pretty good and was entertaining. His recent promos are just whack I don't know if it's the WWE limiting him or asked him to change to another style which he clearly isn't comfortable with. As for in ring abilities, he is one of the best in the roster right now. Last year he had a great match with Rey Mysterio for the intercontinental title which was one of the contenders of match of the year. Pulls off some great spots like the one he did at the Rumble, a wide range of moves in his arsenal and is very versatile. He is getting more and more cheers as time goes on and I believe he will become world champion soon via the Jeff Hardy route. (Coming close a couple of times before finally getting it)

Simply, a great talent which has all the makings to be a world champion. Morrison for me.
Have to say JoMo because of his better matches and his amazing moves...
Miz has better mike skills but ultimately its in-ring ability that counts..
The Miz

Ugh...what more can be said about him?Decent mic skills.Mediocre ring skills.I don't find him to be special.He's definitely not a main eventer in my book.Hopefully when his WWE title reign ends he'll go back to the mid-card to improve.He has a catchphrase that the fans can chant.That's pretty much it.The WWE needs him to be the face of the company like they need Jeff Hardy back in the main event of Smackdown.

John Morrison

I like the guy.I really do.He's great in the ring,has memorable spots in matches,and how can anyone say he has terrible mic skills when he hasn't been on the mic in months?I love watching the promo in ECW where he dropped the Johnny Nitro name and became John Morrison.I can see more of Jericho in Morrison in that one promo than I've seen in all of Miz's promos combined.Besides,it's so easy to get over promo-wise when you're a heel.I just think he's lacking the attitude that Vince is looking for in a superstar.For example,growing a beard.Why?The beard doesn't serve any purpose.It just looks like JoMo's too lazy to shave.He looks much better clean-shaven.I think he has great potential and if he shows Vince and the backstage staff in some way that he's working hard and deserving of a push he'll be WWE champion in no time.

I definitely prefer Morrison over Miz.
The Miz is better than Morrison at this time. Hopefully Morrison can become what everyone things he is.
A lot of people on this site compare Morrison to Shawn Micheals but I see it the other way. The Miz is more like Micheals. He has carried himself well since the whole split from Morrison. Had a decent run in the mid card. Drew heat from the fans be it the young kids who want to hate him because he is a bad guy or the older fans(smarks) who hate him because he is getting the push that they wanted there favorite guy to get. He is doing everything right at the moment. The prototypical heel who wins at all costs and doesn't care if you like it or not. His mic skills are very good, not as good as Jericho or maybe even Punk but defenitly better than the Rock's who is using the same sophmoric crap he used years ago. While I think Miz is better now I do think Morrison can improve and be at the same level soon. It would make for a great feud down the line. Working with the Miz is when Morrison is at his best whether as a team or enemies.
This is Morrison for me and NOT CLOSE.

Look: Morrison

In-Ring ability: Morrison

Mic Skills: Ok fine, Miz. But he's not the "best" in the WWE with the mic and I can think of many that are better (CM Punk, Cena, HHH, Edge to name a few). Morrison can still improve his mic skills but Miz can never improve his in-ring ability enough to be on the same level as Morrison's.

This slow push towards Morrison getting the belt is 100% fine with me. I won't even mind if he takes the US strap from Sheamus before getting the WWE title. I prefer the old-school slow pushes to the ME scene. It makes the moment when he finally gets the strap that much better. Miz is just boring to me.
I voted for The Miz.

Seems Vince is going for smaller-y guys these days so his builds more or less fine. In-ring skills get better as the days go by. Promo skills are pretty good. < All my opinion, obviously, otherwise who would be typing this. ;o

Besides, Morrison is nothing but a spot monkey. A spot monkey with horrible promo skills. Lulz.
I've always been a Morrison fan over Miz and admittedly it's a bit closer now. Miz is better than morrison on the mic, but at first I got the feeling it's all Cole's heat but now Miz seems to consistently get his own heat (soz Ziggler). But I think Morrison gets a better reaction and is a better performer than the Miz.

Btw Morrison's Mic skills are far from shabby it's just this gimmick doesnt do anything for them.
The Miz.

He has the look, charisma, talent, mic skill's, in ring phychology that a top guy should have. He's got a great crossover appeal, a ******** like attitude that make's you hate him, and it's only gonna be so long until he turn's to a face and maybe rival's Cena in popularity.

Morrison. Yeah sure, he may have a "look," and be a spotmonkey. But he won't be a Champion until he develop's a fuckin' personality! Flip's don't make a good wrestler. Being actually able to tell a story in the ring and make the fans care about you is. Morrison, he can't even do that much less strike.

Anyway back to the Champ. He's got everything you need to be a top guy. And I really think he'll be a top heel or face for the next upcoming year's of the business. He's got load's of charisma (antoher thing Morrison lack's) and is great at everything. I don't know what to say, he's just so fuckin' good at doing what he does.

Morrison is lucky to still be employed, let me put it that way for you people who enjoy flip's and "cool spot's" over a actual wrestler who's immensly more talented than him.
You think Morrison hasn't worked hard? as you can see in the video, this guy basically went from someone who wasn't THAT familar with the wrestling buisness, into a Highly-talented in-ring competitor, who (No matter if you like it or not) Is getting more and more over with the fan's by the moment. Saying that Morrison will never have the career the miz has JUST because he isn't the best microphone worker is just assanine.

Take Shawn michaels for example, he is good on the mic...but is that why he's famous? No, he's famous for his incredible matches and his impact on the business. Morrison isn't there yet, Obviously....but a little more hard work, and you have something truly special.

R u wrestling ******ed or a 12 year old kid tht didnt watch HBK in his prime? Shawn was excellent on the mic and was the best on cutting promos in his generation. He was very over on the mic and from the moment hulk hogan left the WWF he was the absolute golden boy on the mic. IDK why people compare morrison to HBK. HBK wasnt a spot monkey tht was boring on the mic and known for being the man tht did break dancing in the middle of a match. Shawn was an all around competitor tht could take it anywhere in the match no matter the opponent. Morrison vs a mat wrestler like swagger would jus be Morrison dominating through the air while swagger would actually be wrestling. Thus the reason they dont give Morrison a submission move because its not believable. So please youtube shawn's promos from the 90's and then his matches Morrison isnt in Shawn Michaels league.

back to the topic. Miz is a clearcut winner over Morrison. He's believable on the mic. Actually was pretty damn good in the ring with orton and bryan, two very good wrestlers in the ring. And he worked his ass off to get where he is today. The only reason Morrison is over is because of his spots. People discredit Miz's gimmick but yet he has his own catchphrase tht is catching on with both the younger generation and older generation. Does he resemble some characteristics of jericho's heel gimmick? yes. but jericho copied michaels gimmick for a long time and cena has completely taken Hogan's invincible superman gimmick. Morrison is dull on the mic. Cant even get a one on one match at Mania. And is nowhere near main event level. He is an upper mid carder and a filler opponent for heel champions leading up to a big four PPV. Otherwise he is already 30 with no character development since he's broken into the biz. Miz is still developing into his own character and is becoming the next media icon in wrestling once cena steps down. Cena has never been good in the ring only on the mic. And at this point Im pretty sure miz will be doing the majority of the wrestling on Sunday at Mania. Plain and simple Miz is clearly the bigger star seeing as he's ME the biggest PPV of the year and he is here to stay because Vince is high on him and his promoting the company jus like cena. So love him or hate him he is what he is because of the work tht he did.
I'm going with The Miz. He's someone that I feel gets a lot of unjustified hate. He has a great character, he's charismatic, he holds your attention and he's better in the ring that he gets credit for. I'm not saying that he's as good as JoMo but Miz isn't NEARLY as bad as some net fans try to make him out to be. It's true that he doesn't flip and fly around all over the ring and doesn't do a lot of flashy moves. Neither did Ric Flair, Ted DiBiase, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock and they're considered to be legends.

I've said this before in many posts that the single most important job a wrestler has is making the crowd care about him and what he's involved in. JoMo is able to do that but not nearly as well as The Miz. Since The Miz won the WWE Championship, there's been CONSTANT discussion, debate and outright interest in the WWE Championship scene. Whether you're a fan of Miz or not, he has your attention. He has you watching to see what happens to him next, wondering if he's going to leave WrestleMania still WWE Champion, what he does after WrestleMania, etc. All this is key to being a long term main eventer. If the fans aren't interested, then it doesn't matter how good you look, how high you can jump, how toned your abs are, how many flips and suicide dives you pull off.
For me, there is no wrong answer here. If I could pick both I would because both of these guys have bright futures and I fully expect at least one encounter for a world title at Wrestlemania. They'll probably have career paths similar to Taker/Kane or Edge/Christian, simply meaning their careers will oftentimes be intertwined. They will feud often and they will probably team up again eventually.

As far as individually, it's been pointed out who's better at what which is clear as day. Overall, I'd say the Miz being WWE champion means he is slightly ahead right now. His ring and especially mic skills have come along way in the last 3 years and it's been very entertaining to watch his growth. I'm sure Miz will never be a technical wizard, but he certainly still has room for improvement in the ring and if he continues this rise he'll be a major star for years to come.

Morrison certainly has come a long way since Tough Enough hasn't he? His athleticism and the way he incorporates it into matches is amazing. I've always kind of seen him as similar to a young Shawn Michaels except without the mic skills being as good. That's really the only thing he has to improve and luckily it's something that can be taught as is evidence by the Miz himself. JoMo is still young and will only get better in time. I fully expect that he will have multiple world titles under his belt by the time it's all said and done.

With these two guys being some of the leaders, the future is bright for WWE.
Miz Well if you want Miz to cut a promo, draw heat from a crowd, or do classic heel antics such as hit and runs and handicap beat downs, go with The Miz

John Morrison If you want a classic match with spots that will make your jaw drop, go with Morrison

On a side note, has anyone notice that almost every thread on the raw forum, someone mentions Morrison?
The Miz a thousand times over Morrison.

Better wrestler, better mic work, gets a great reaction when he comes out and when he starts talking.

And another thing, Miz is a bit cartoony, he's a character.

WWE needs more characters, wrestling needs more characters and The Miz fits that bill great right now.

Morrison does not.
John Morrison. Who cares that he isn't a great talker. Bret Hart wasn't a great talker. Rey Mysterio isnt a great talker. Guys like these three don't need to be great talkers because they can sell themselves with their matches. They dont need to have great mic skills they are babyfaces. Besides WWE practically doomed Jomo to fail with this silly Jim Morrison, hippie gimmick, always talking in these bizzare sixties talk promos. I like Morrison because the guy always puts on good matches and thats more entertaining to me than giving the same lame catch phrases on a weekly basis, like Miz. Jeff Hardy is a spot monkey. Morrison makes all his competitors look better, like Miz. John Morrison has more of the look of a champion than Miz. The only reason he isnt getting over the way he should is because WWE keeps him down by not pushing him, and not letting him develop a personality. WWE only seems to push heels lately. Dolph gets no reaction yet he was pushed upon us mutiple times despite being rejected over and over again.

The Miz on the otherhand is probably the biggest O-Man in the WWE today. He is very much overhyped and overhated. He is pretty much a product of the WWE machine, who has been forced down fans throat much like Cena. Please do not tell me Miz is over. The ppv buyrates and raw ratings during his segments show drops in viewers. Miz is not a draw. Miz supposedly gets the most heat but he dosent come close to Vickie or Cole. Even Barrett got more heat than him all of last year. And punk gets more heat than him this year. Miz needs his own manager, his own announcer, the backing of WWE machine to get himself over. Miz's mic skills are overrated as well. Is he good sure but he isnt great or inspirational at it. He overacts and basically rips off jericho style of promo post 2008. He isnt really creative like Punk and catchphrases are really rather lame, much like a heel ccounterpart to Cena. He isnt a terrible wrestler but there are practically no great matches under his belt. I have never seen a Miz match that I thought was pretty good just average. He really dosent know how to work the crowds into his matches and they most often seem dead during them. Miz didnt earn the WWE championship in my book. He was a terrible solo midcarder, who had boring matches and practically never defended his titles. He never even established himself as a maineventer before becoming champ, which shows me he is okay with settling for mediocrity. Thats why I dont like him as Champ, I only want the best of the best. He should go back to upper mid/ lower ME and legit establish himself, instead of getting a huge rub from Cena that many others that came before him deserved much more than he.
[/QUOTE]I've said this before in many posts that the single most important job a wrestler has is making the crowd care about him and what he's involved in. JoMo is able to do that but not nearly as well as The Miz. Since The Miz won the WWE Championship, there's been CONSTANT discussion, debate and outright interest in the WWE Championship scene. Whether you're a fan of Miz or not, he has your attention. He has you watching to see what happens to him next, wondering if he's going to leave WrestleMania still WWE Champion, what he does after WrestleMania, etc. All this is key to being a long term main eventer. If the fans aren't interested, then it doesn't matter how good you look, how high you can jump, how toned your abs are, how many flips and suicide dives you pull off.[/QUOTE]

So ? How is the Miz any different than anyone else who is new to the championship scene. Guys who have champ mutiple times obviously wont cause as much interest cause we now what to expect. It's not the Miz so much causing the issue, it's the fact that there is a newcomer in the scene who has a very polarizing character. Miz though isnt unique, he is totally replaceable. Hell, WWE put the title on Sheamus just to get a reaction. If they took Zack Ryder and made him champ tommorow people would react the same way. There would be dozens of boards all over the IWC talking about him. Some people would come to his side to say its different and change is good. And others say its ridiculous. Just like with Miz. In all these cases there would be arguement only because of the contraversy surronding the issue. Anyone could fit the role. Miz isnt doing anything special. He is just the guy they are going with at this current time.
The Miz a thousand times over Morrison.

Better wrestler, better mic work, gets a great reaction when he comes out and when he starts talking.

And another thing, Miz is a bit cartoony, he's a character.

WWE needs more characters, wrestling needs more characters and The Miz fits that bill great right now.

Morrison does not.

A better WRESTLER! You can't be serious. People call Morrison a spot monkey, he's still a great performer. The Miz is not a better wrestler all he does is that running clothesline into the turnbuckle (Miz trademark) and skull crushing finale. Other than that it's a slow match with him. Morrison may not have a steady finisher but he does have some jaw dropping trademark moves
Oh i love these non-sense!!
Its like comparing RVD to Chris Jericho!!

John Morrison has only his lover boys that are blind!! Okay the guy can jump, but when Sin Cara debut he wil be a joke stand to him!! He dont have any personality, he is just awfull, even his song make me sick right now!!!

The Miz has the Star Quality, he has charisma AND HE HIS GOOD in the ring and sells better than JoMo every move, c'mon he made Hornswoggle a threat!!!
If somebody votes for JoMo is just a Lover Boy, so forget abou this post!!

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