Mike Killam's latest article on the main page

Killam... you need to grow some thicker skin, man. It's cool you remain to post here even though you're now a main page writer and I really respect that, but in doing so it leaves you open to more criticism than most around here. You shouldn't let it get to you; in fact, you should actually embrace it. At the end of the day, all they're really doing is giving your article hits, which is all that should matter to you.

You're right. And you know, normally this shit doesn't effect me to the extent it has today. I think it was just that I was having an absolutely shitty day, and on the verge of having a breakdown...so I decided to come on the forums, talk to some people, and make a few posts. I use it as a way to relax, because I genuinely enjoy being here.

It's just no fun when the place you go to relax is making you more stressed out. So sorry for freaking out. It happens. This was just the straw on top of my very large camel of a day.
For what it's worth; I think this guy is probably a comfortably above average poster. He can die in a fire for his e-fed character, but other than that I see no problem.
I like Mike. It's easy as hell to bash the main page guys, but at the end of the day they're getting paid to write about wrestling. Mike is 22 years old and getting paid, I'm 31 and haven't received one red cent from something wrestling related.

Fuck the haters my man, do what you do.
I didn't think anyone even read the main page, let alone taking the time to notice a particularly shitty article written by someone that posts on the forums.
I'm not surprised if it was fan-voting. Go look at the Disqus (is that right?) thingy's on the bottom of the articles. The voters aren't all that smart. Gotta disagree with that Dolph Ziggler stuff about him being overrated though. Miz worked with the same people and he looked shit every time unlike Dolph.

I always liked Mike. He's the only main page writer who has a dose of humble pie and goes out of his way to talk around here while other guys are "too good". Though your WZCW roleplays need heavy work.
I always liked Mike. He's the only main page writer who has a dose of humble pie and goes out of his way to talk around here while other guys are "too good".
Meh, I just don't look "down" at other wrestling fans because I happen to be a wrestling fan that writes about wrestling on a wrestling website.

Though your WZCW roleplays need heavy work.
It probably does. I have all of ONE session under my belt, and it's something I've never ever done before.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3695674 said:
Meh, I just don't look "down" at other wrestling fans because I happen to be a wrestling fan that writes about wrestling on a wrestling website.
Goes a long way compared to Madden, Isenberg and Kevin Kelly.

It probably does. I have all of ONE session under my belt, and it's something I've never ever done before.
Do what I did for this round. Go find all sorts of high profile RP's, check the winners and compare them.
Man, so many people in this thread are being such internet-muscled jerk-offs. It's sad, really. People with screen names who don't assign their names to their work have no issue anonymously teeing off on someone who does. *****es.

Killam, you're good peeps in my book. Agree or disagree with you. Because in all fairness, JGlass and I could blow your list up and rebuild it better and stronger. And since I'm supposed to get set up on the new system shortly, maybe we will do just that...
I like Killam. He's a good, intelligent poster that I enjoy reading. I don't read the main page, but I have seen people shit on him for the sole reason of him writing on the main page.

Mike, you are a good poster, you just need to take emotion out of the equation when you come on this forum. At the end of the day, you are getting paid to write about wrestling, an opportunity very few people receive. You're pretty damn lucky.
Killam, you're good peeps in my book. Agree or disagree with you. Because in all fairness, JGlass and I could blow your list up and rebuild it better and stronger. And since I'm supposed to get set up on the new system shortly, maybe we will do just that...


Hey IC, are you old enough to remember when that show was on the air?
I have no issues with you at all Mike and apologize if it was one of my messages that made you lose your cool (I'm using that term very loosely).

I was just asking a legit question, and I really didn't care for the actual reasoning of why they don't attempt to post here, I was just curious.

We should still probably hug.
The fact that soo many people are getting annoyed about an opinion, Mike right's whats on his mind on the forums, like many of us but is getting ripped due to his position as a WZ staffer.

Maybe the guy needs to be given a chance to show what he can do here instead of ragging on him, if you don't like his article or feel that his opinion is wrong then why not just write something better, drive discussion and actually create a thread on what you feel should have been done instead of pelting insults.
Have you actually answered the question of how much you get paid? You seem like a cool cat but, seriously, just answer the fucking question regarding your compensation.
IC told me they get paid in coupons to lessons at Owen Hart Wrestling Academy.

Come on IC, deliver us unto the best Owen Hart joke you have.
Just so everyone is in the loop, I have yet to receive that PM from Killam.

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