Michelle Mccool has no respect for AJ Styles

Deexter Jorgan

Has a Dark Passenger on board...
source: www.pwtorch.com

As seen on this past week's episode of Friday Night SmackDown, Michelle McCool made her return to television after suffering a leg injury at a house show a few weeks ago. It can be said that no tears were shed in the TNA locker room over her untimely mishap.

Among people in WWE, McCool has a reputation for being a negative side of a diva and having attitude issues, but in TNA she has heat for stealing AJ Styles' finishing maneuver, the "Styles Clash."

Generally speaking, the proper etiquette among wrestlers is that if you want to blatantly use a maneuver that someone else is using as their signature, you must first ask permission to do so unless they are no longer active. If the maneuver is something that has been used among wrestlers for decades, it is no big deal, but if it something that comes of as the wrestler in question invented it — or at least popularized it — it is proper etiquette to at least ask first. That is very much the case with Styles' "Styles Clash" as he popularized the maneuver several years ago.

McCool is well aware that another wrestler presently active in wrestling is using the very same maneuver as her. The Pro Wrestling Torch has it on good authority that a person in WWE asked McCool herself if she realized she's using a move someone else is using. When asked, McCool replied saying something along the lines of seeing "some wrestler in TNA" use the move and thinking it was cool. The feeling is that she didn't even know who AJ Styles was or what the move was actually called. When word of her reaction got back to people in TNA, it got her even more heat among wrestlers in the locker room.

While no wrestler wants to see others get hurt, suffice it to say, there were no tears shed over her knee injury.

Michelle Mccool is basically using the Styles clash with no blatant knowledge of who AJ Styles is or apparently no acknowledgment of his career or accolades,this is either one of two things

She is stupid and basically likes doing things that she thinks is cool.

Or she has no respect for Aj's career and likes to bury TNA any way possible, if thats so I can understand why the TNA locker room is angry, the fact is she should have at least asked, Styles is an acessable person, he could easily have given the go ahead for her using the move just like he did Jimmy Rave and the departed crash Holly when both used the move as their finisher at one time or another.

Aparrently she is known as a very negative and angry person backstage, maybe its because of her relationship with the Undertaker, she probably feels untouchable due to her paring with the dead man, but IMO respect is respect and the fact that she shows no respect for AJ styles despite who he is or what company he works for is blatantly out of order and has no place in the wrestling business.

So? So what if it's etiquette? He's a guy in a different promotion and of a different gender than she is. it's not like she's using Mickie or Beth's finisher. This is just stupid in my eyes. So what if she's using the same move? AJ used the same move that at least two others did. Permission? Wait, let me make sure I have this straight. McCool is supposed to call AJ and ask him for permission? Some girl that has no ties to AJ or TNA is supposed to call him for permission? Do indy guys do this to big stars? This is freaking stupid. The TNA people need to get over themselves. Also, when's the last time Styles even used it? Let it go.
So? So what if it's etiquette? He's a guy in a different promotion and of a different gender than she is. it's not like she's using Mickie or Beth's finisher. This is just stupid in my eyes. So what if she's using the same move? AJ used the same move that at least two others did. Permission? Wait, let me make sure I have this straight. McCool is supposed to call AJ and ask him for permission? Some girl that has no ties to AJ or TNA is supposed to call him for permission? Do indy guys do this to big stars? This is freaking stupid. The TNA people need to get over themselves. Also, when's the last time Styles even used it? Let it go.

I can see your point on this KB (and btw how awesome that you posted in my thread :D) but what if someone gets hurt by Michelles version of the Styles clash what would that mean for AJ styles?, soemone copied his move and basically injured someone whilst doing it, which wouldnt prove right.

Also think about how much AJ has given to this business in such a short time Michelle is basically crapping all over that by not even knowing who the hell he is or failing to acknowledge him, but in the end its all upto whomever actually gave her the chance to perfom the finisher in the first place weather it was WWE personnel, or even one of the agents who got her to do it as a slap in the face to TNA IDN, she could have at least given the guy the respect he deserves, he was one of the faces that put TNA on the map.
It doesn't sound like from this report that McCool is blatantly trying to disrespect TNA or AJ Styles. It sounds more so that she is completely ignorant to TNA and its workers. And I have a feeling she probably has no clue who AJ Styles is, or what his ranking is in the TNA hierarchy.

McCool doesn't strike me as someone who is very passionate about wrestling. Rather, she just does it because the money is good. Plus, now that she is dating Taker, she probably does feel untouchable. So she is going to do the least amount of work she has to from here on out. The only reason I think she is the Women's Champion is because of her relationship to Taker to begin with.

As far as her stealing AJ's finish move .... all is fair in love and wrestling. At the end of the day, people can throw a tantrum over it, but it is what it is.
I can see your point on this KB (and btw how awesome that you posted in my thread :D) but what if someone gets hurt by Michelles version of the Styles clash what would that mean for AJ styles?, soemone copied his move and basically injured someone whilst doing it, which wouldnt prove right.

If someone gets hurt by a punch or a clothesline does that mean no one should be able to use them? Better yet, if I go out and put someone in a Styles Clash and I hurt them does that mean AJ is at fault? No, it means that I'm at fault for not knowing what I'm doing. AJ is a well trained professional as is the person that's taking the move. Just because he uses it does not mean that someone else using it should be on AJ's shoulders. He has nothing in common with her at all and what move she uses is her own business.

Also think about how much AJ has given to this business in such a short time Michelle is basically crapping all over that by not even knowing who the hell he is or failing to acknowledge him, but in the end its all upto whomever actually gave her the chance to perfom the finisher in the first place weather it was WWE personnel, or even one of the agents who got her to do it as a slap in the face to TNA IDN, she could have at least given the guy the respect he deserves, he was one of the faces that put TNA on the map.

So what if she doesn't know his name? When you're in a ring wrestling, it's not about what you know out of a book. If that were the case, Shocky would be in the WWE Hall of Fame. This respect stuff is a bunch of nonsense. So what if Michelle doesn't know AJ Styles? AJ has helped TNA a lot and is a great wrestler, but he really has no bearing on Michelle's career. As you said, he put TNA on the map. TNA is the closest thing WWE has to competition. Why would Michelle want to respect someone that could be a threat to her company one day? If I were someone in WWE, I would steal more from TNA. If you do their best stuff also, why watch the lower level competition?

Also, let's say this were reversed. AJ is where he is today and Michelle is where she is today, but AJ stole this from her. Would it be nearly as big of a deal? I highly doubt it. Finally, what can TNA do about it? It's not like they're going to sue her over it or something. All it's doing is making them look like immature whining babies.
I was wondering when this thread would be mad. I'm a huge, huge, huge McCool mark so maybe I'm blinded but really, who gives a shit? TNA and the people in the company obviously doesn't respect the WWE. They bash the company and the people in the company all the time.

The knockouts and TNA countinue to bash the diva division, and on numerous occasions they have bashed the diva search and the "rejects"(which Michelle is a part of). So honestly people in glass houses should throw rocks. While AJ may have never did any of these things, it doesn't make a difference.

But honestly, who cares? It's a move. Moves aren't copy righted and anyone is free to use them. I highly doubt the WWE would allow McCool to ask AJ in the first place. But really she shouldn't have to. There's no law saying you have to. Yes there might be a tradition or courtesy thing that some wrestlers follow, but TNA doesn't respect the WWE, so why should the WWE(or their employees)give respect?

Chalk this up as another dig on Michelle's character. I doubt she cares, and in all honesty I doubt AJ cares really too.

And Lord Sidious, I agree she might not know about TNA but to say she doesn't care about wrestling is not true. Again I'm a Michelle mark, but even haters can see how much she has trained since she came to the WWE. She could have went the Maria route and not train but she went 100%. She's have numerous injuries but keeps coming back, due to her love of the business. She was getting pushed before her relationship with Taker as well. Sadly Michelle will always be labled now, and is the "female HHH".
If someone gets hurt by a punch or a clothesline does that mean no one should be able to use them? Better yet, if I go out and put someone in a Styles Clash and I hurt them does that mean AJ is at fault? No, it means that I'm at fault for not knowing what I'm doing. AJ is a well trained professional as is the person that's taking the move. Just because he uses it does not mean that someone else using it should be on AJ's shoulders. He has nothing in common with her at all and what move she uses is her own business.

All things considered though KB, AJ is a main eventer, he has basically done it all in such a short time and built TNA from the ground, as you stated he is a great wrestler and one of the best in the industry today.

Say Michelle started doing the Pedigree wouldn't Triple H be pissed?, Im not saying that owmen are lower then men on the totum pole but her doing the move is it making him look less legit?.

So what if she doesn't know his name? When you're in a ring wrestling, it's not about what you know out of a book. If that were the case, Shocky would be in the WWE Hall of Fame. This respect stuff is a bunch of nonsense. So what if Michelle doesn't know AJ Styles? AJ has helped TNA a lot and is a great wrestler, but he really has no bearing on Michelle's career. As you said, he put TNA on the map. TNA is the closest thing WWE has to competition. Why would Michelle want to respect someone that could be a threat to her company one day? If I were someone in WWE, I would steal more from TNA. If you do their best stuff also, why watch the lower level competition?

I dont think people watch TNA because of the moves alone, they watch the storylines, ther entertainment, the marketable faces like Sting, Angel, Booker T and so forth, if WWE are attempting this type of strategy arent they just promoting the competition?

Also, let's say this were reversed. AJ is where he is today and Michelle is where she is today, but AJ stole this from her. Would it be nearly as big of a deal? I highly doubt it. Finally, what can TNA do about it? It's not like they're going to sue her over it or something. All it's doing is making them look like immature whining babies.

He probably would have been mocked from stealing from a Diva :lmao:
Completely different situation with the Pedigree. AJ works for a different company. When he was in ROH, one of Punk's finishers was called the Pepsi Plunge: a Pedigree from the middle rope. He dropped it due to, among other things, HHH using it. It's far different when it's in your own company than it is in a company that WWE doesn't mention or acknowledge. For this, it would be the same as an OVW wrestler doing it.

No, they're not promoting the competition. Promoting the competition would be saying "Hey, McCool is using the finishing maneuver of TNA wrestler AJ Styles!" In the WWE universe, it's her move, not AJ's. Also, TNA would be stupid to mention this on air and get WWE's name on their product even more. This really isn't a big deal at all, and it's only being mentioned because TNA brought it up.
What happen to Undertaker's biker wife Sara? Wow I'm way out of the loop. Does he still have that tattoo on his neck? Anyways, I was pissed at first when I read this but is there anything TNA can do about it? Does it really matter? I mean Eric Young's finishing move is now the pile driver, I don't see Jerry the King Lawler upset. One thing that is pretty unsettling is the Indie wrestler Jake the Snake Roberts trained who is now known as The Snakeman. He has his own Python and everything, even uses the DDT.

I guess its an unwritten rule not to copy wrestler's moves or gimmicks, but I guess Hogan and Flair didn't get the message. Billy Graham, Jesse Ventura, and Hulk Hogan are pretty much the same gimmick wise. The Nature boy and The King gimmicks have been passed down many times. Of course I prefer an AJ Styles Clash to McCool Clash any day, but there isn't much TNA can do about it.
Stuff gets stolen all the time, woohoo, if it were me, I'd be flattered she stole my move. However, moves aren't trademarked or copyrighted, you'd have to patent it and that takes 2-4 years, then you can do legal ramifications.
Despite the fact that proper etiquette should be taken when messing with a signature move that has not reached megastar levels & using it as just another move, there really isn't much anyone can do about it. This is a completely different company & a completely different division that Michelle took the move from, so this does not constitute for required seek of approval between AJ/Michelle in the use of the "Styles Clash."

I am going to remain positive & say that I can see a great wrestling move in the only two companies I get from my Australian cable TV set listings, can enjoy/appreciate it more & believe that the diva's division is going in the right direction for making people care about it by using such a "phenomenal" move.
I agree that it's not a big deal. It doesn't even have anything to do with respect. I mean yeah it seems like McCool is stuck up and has an attitude and all that, but so what if she's using the "Styles Clash". I'm pretty sure AJ didn't call up whoever invented the move to ask for permission to use it. Sure AJ popularized it, but he didn't invent it. He probably wasn't even among the first to use it. And seriously AJ doesn't even use it anymore, I don't watch TNA often but the last time I did he was using a springboard 450 splash as a finisher...Do you think he called up whoever invented the 450 and asked if he could use it? Negative.
You know, at first I didn't have any issue with this. I thought, "No big deal". But the more I think about it I've come to realization that Michelle McCool is full of shit. After reading her smart-ass little comment on Twitter, this has become obvious to me. This isn't the first time she's performed the finishing move of a TNA original, she's also stolen Christopher Daniel's Angel's Wings as well. This wouldn't be a big deal if these were common moves that were frequently performed by many wrestlers. But they aren't. These are unique moves that ONLY Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles use. What, she just suddenly happened to "invent" these moves for herself one day without any clue of Styles or Daniels? Don't give me that bullshit. Either she knew what she was doing, or the person who trained her knew what he was doing. Either way, it pisses me off. What would you think if some random new wrestler came into TNA and started doing the Pedigree or the Stone Cold Stunner? You'd know damn well that those moves are the signatures of another wrestler. I'm not saying these moves SHOULDN'T be widespread, but atleast fucking acknowledge the fact that you've ripped off someone else's moves Michelle.
I'm not 100% sure that McCool doesn't know who Styles and Daniels are. She could be just saying that because she was told by Vince or some higher up to not acknowledge TNA. Anyway she messed up pretty big here. I don't know about the whole asking permission bit but I would assume she at least knows who Styles is. Doesn't Beth Phoenix use a version of Samoa Joe's Muscle Buster occasionally? I'm sure she has asked Joe's permission even though it's not her finishing move.
What I don't get is people here find her taking the move ok. But when ever TNA or a TNA star or w/e takes something from WWE its wrong. Yeah its not much of a big deal but atleast ask him. Yeah ok its a different company who cares. I'm sure Triple H would be pissed if say someone joined TNA and did his move and all that without atleast asking him.
I wouldn't be bothered if it was anyone else, but Michelle McCool is clearly a dick. She can't even do the move properly and regularly fucks up the transition to the pin. The real issue isn't that she has taken the move without permission, I couldn't care less, but her blatant lack of imagination in making up moves. A good wrestler can take something and make it their own, she has just taken it and made it shit. It seems petty that people in TNA care, but there you go, wrestling is an odd world.
I really don't care if she uses it or not, but she needs to at least acknowledge Styles and form an agreement with him, but she is coming off as a bitch off camera though.
I feel McCool was a complete ass in this situation. Styles is one of the most decorated wrestlers in the world and she doesn't have the respect to ask him if she could use HIS move which, to my knowledge, HE invented. The Undertaker is her boyfriend, one of the most respected, if not the most respected, in the WWE locker room. Surely he could of told her about this time honored tradition in wrestling. If I wanted to use Angle Slam, i would try to make sure it was okay, if i could find him. Just an example. McCool needs to learn a thing or two about wrestling before she can dub herself the queen of WWE, because she wont get any love from me. Even if she is smoking hot.
Credit to Rajah.com

There has been quite a bit of discussion online as of late regarding Michelle McCool using the "Styles Clash" finisher popularized by AJ Styles of rival promotion TNA Wrestling. The WWE Women's Champion has come under fire for using the maneuver, so much so that she has spoken out online a few times defending herself against outraged wrestling fans. Regarding Styles' take on the situation, he is "cool" with the WWE Diva using his signature maneuver after discussing the matter with friend and former co-worker Gail Kim.

"Gail Kim's one of my really good friends, and I asked her about that and we talked about it and she (McCool) does do my move, but I'm flattered that she would think to use that move. It doesn't bother me at all," Styles told IGN.com in an interview promoting his appearance on MTV's MADE this weekend. "I guess it might be different if a guy was doing it and calling it something else."

Styles feels "there's not a lot of moves in the world," so he understands fellow wrestlers using one of his own.

"It's hard to be different. But it's cool with me," Styles said. "Now it would be different if it was a guy in my own company."

Styles follows the last quote by criticizing John Morrison, feeling he copies "everyone else's move and hasn't come up with one." However, Styles feels the WWE wrestler performs them well, so he has no real problem with him.

"But there is that one dude. What's his name? I'm like, good grief, this guy does everyone else's move and hasn't come up with one," Styles said. "He's a heck of an athlete. Morrison. Yeah, I've seen him do a lot of Low Ki's moves. He does my Spiral Tap. I was like, 'Man, this guy watches a lot of tape.' But he does them well, so I can't say anything bad about him. He does them well. He's heck of an athlete."

At least AJ is being the nicer person in regards to all the move stealing :lmao:, hes actually being humble in terms of michelle stealing his move, but what astounds me the most is the guy has no issue with her even though she has said so many nasty things about him and even went as far as failing to acknowledge AJ's existence.

It shows how much of a class act he is.
oh please, the defending of McCool is stupid - if Samoa Joe started to use the Pedigree, everyone would be crying about how TNA leech of WWE and can't think of any original ideas. It's exactly the same thing here - McCool sucks.
If Samoa Joe started to use the Pedigree, everyone would be crying about how TNA leech of WWE and can't think of any original ideas.

Too true mate, even more so if they got someone like Alisa Flash to start using it as her finisher.

Honestly I don’t really see it as such a problem myself, as people said, different companies yada yada. But you can at least have the decency when asked to give credit to the person who gave you the idea to use it.
wow a lot of people pissed about this.
But think about it, vince wants no acknowledgement of TNA excpet for negatives. mccool could of been banned from mentioning it and since she's currently a heel could be trying to gain more heat by acting disrespectful, like she has been doing recently with former womens champions. Plus i don't ever remembering saying this is my new finisher which I've thought of myself. If every time someone copied someone's finisher you wouldn't expect them to say at the end of a match " i have copied this from so and so, i haven't created it myself"
Finishers aren't copyrighted and michelle doens't deserve the criticism she gets, she isn't wwe just for her looks (maria and kelly kelly) or because she's a twin, she worked her way through the diva search to OVW and back onto Smacdown unlike those whose stripped every week or acted like a ****** for three years
My take? If AJ is over it...GET OVER IT. :) As far as freaking out if a male TNA wrestler did someone else's finish from WWE again take a look at Shark Boy. I get it was satirical, but c'mon! You can't be pissed at one and laugh off another. If she is being vindictive then she'll get her's soon enough anyway. The only thing she has going for her is her relationship with Callaway.

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