Michael Hayes question


Pre-Show Stalwart
For what now.. the 4th straight year smackdown! has been raped in the draft and watching Smackdown tonight.. It's still the best show on TV including both companies.

It has been said by many long time fans that Michael Hayes is a very underrated brain of the business and the best writer outside Jim Cornette in the business today.

With Raw competing (in TNA's mind, we all know Vince doesn't really care at this point in the "War") with Impact.. why doesn't Vince send his best writer over to his flag ship show? There has been rumors that Michael Hayes is apart of the three headed triangle of minds that can't stand Stephanie's booking (Heyman, Hayes, Cornette)

Is there heat between between TH and Hayes over his wife.. or does anyone have any idea why Hayes is on Smackdown and you could even go further to ask why is Dusty in FCW? If any of you don't have access to FCW there is a youtube channel that broadcast it a couple weeks late but its better than nothing.

Also this is not a thread going after Brain Gewirtz (RAW Creative) I'm sure a lot of his idea have to filter through the Raw Politics we hear about.
Why would they have him on Raw if Smackdown is working out. I don't personally like the guy after hearing some stories about him but if he is really keeping Smackdown on track then the WWE, and by that I mean Vince and Hunter, would do well enough to leave him alone on it. They destroyed any chance WWECW had by meddling in Heyman's work and burnt down and pissed on that bridge and look where that got them. I've heard wrestlers from Smackdown hate getting drafted to Raw as they know that the back is a lot more tense and saying the wrong thing can break you. This was from Randy Orton about 2 years back so that's saying something.
I think if you took hayes away from SD! then the show would then be universally accepted as the 'B' show by everyone. Ok while Hayes amy have made some serious errors in the past, I fully understand the notion of wrestlers who don't want to leave the brand.

Being on the Raw roster must be a lot more stressful, considering that everything is done live and thre isn't the opportunity for editing out botches etc, and you've also got to deal with HHH AND Vince backstage. Plus we've seen so many SD wrestlers go to Raw and flounder because the Raw team don't even try to use them in any capacity i.e. MVP, Kennedy.

At least Hayes is more open to trying new things, and that's why i think a lot of people prefer SD to Raw, because Raw is the same shit week in and week out, whereas SD will throw a curveball once in a while.

So yeah, i wouldn't take Hayes from SD to Raw, i'd personally want him working both shows if he's the one responsible for pushing the younger guys on SD.
I personally don't think Hayes could work on a RAW show. RAW is meant to be the more mainstream form of the WWE and knowing how Hayes works, he would want to showcase new talent week in and week out. Now for lovers of wrestling and major fans of mid carders like me, that would be a joy (as evident in my absolute love for SmackDown), but without any consistent main eventers, guys that the casual wrestling fan always wants to see, RAW would just be another wrestling program (I know that might be a little harsh but I'm tired and I can't think of any other way to describe it at the moment).

Boring as hell main events with the same people is not how Hayes runs things. Unfortuantely boring as hell main events is what keeps RAW as the "A" show.
Kofi Kingston can say goodbye to his career now. Hayes on smackdown! means he can look forward to a glorified dead career like shelton benjamins. Guess thats it for Kofi's push. Hayes will never push him.
Kofi Kingston can say goodbye to his career now. Hayes on smackdown! means he can look forward to a glorified dead career like shelton benjamins. Guess thats it for Kofi's push. Hayes will never push him.

People continue to show their idiocy, and ignorance in regards to Hayes. Hayes isn't a racist, he is merely racially insensitive....why? Becuase he thinks he is a black guy, for lack of better phrasing. This is actually quite well know and spoken about among the wrestling community, and is why wrestlers take time to point out his RIDICULOUS pimp suits he wears to the HOF induction. He was suspended for saying the "N" word in general, not for being racist.

If anything, Kofi Kingston can expect to continue to skyrocket, with Hayes booking. Pretty sure King Booker was the champion of that brand at some point.
Kofi Kingston can say goodbye to his career now. Hayes on smackdown! means he can look forward to a glorified dead career like shelton benjamins. Guess thats it for Kofi's push. Hayes will never push him.

That's why he just went over Chris Jericho two times within a week.

Yup you're right.. Hayed won't push him... He'll just have him take out the former multi-time World Heavyweight Champion on his debut night.

Not to mention the debuts of Cody Rhodes, Christian, and MVP were also all done very well. Rhodes vs Morrison was great!
i have to agree that i don't think hayes is a full-blown racist. he just gets drunk and makes really stupid comments that he likely regrets afterwards. but i don't think he "hates" another ethnicity.
i have to agree that i don't think hayes is a full-blown racist. he just gets drunk and makes really stupid comments that he likely regrets afterwards. but i don't think he "hates" another ethnicity.

The comment he maaaade, while intoxicated, was telling Mark Henry "Im more of a ****** than you are!!!"

Mark Henry is a well spoken, college educated, country boy. Hayes dresses, talks, and "acts" like a stereotypical black guy..... Um, fucking hello, does no one else understand what exactly took place in this incident?
People continue to show their idiocy, and ignorance in regards to Hayes. Hayes isn't a racist, he is merely racially insensitive....why? Becuase he thinks he is a black guy, for lack of better phrasing. This is actually quite well know and spoken about among the wrestling community, and is why wrestlers take time to point out his RIDICULOUS pimp suits he wears to the HOF induction. He was suspended for saying the "N" word in general, not for being racist.

If anything, Kofi Kingston can expect to continue to skyrocket, with Hayes booking. Pretty sure King Booker was the champion of that brand at some point.

Idiocy ??? Your doing well there. Is that why Shelton got pushed on Smackdown or is it just your imagination ? Maybe when Shelton goes on TNA can he get a decent push for a title. To never acknowledge the problem just goes to show your *ignoranace* on dealing with racism and giving all wrestlers a fair chance. Have it your way.
Never got a push? Are you fucking ******ed? Was he not US champion for the better part of a year? Had a feud with John Morrison that culminated in a PPV match? Regularly featured in Money In The Bank? A mini feud with the Undertaker? You sound like an absolute fucking fool right now. Shelton Benjamin was pushed, pushed, and more pushed. ITs not Hayes' fault that Benjamin is shit.
Never got a push? Are you fucking ******ed? Was he not US champion for the better part of a year? Had a feud with John Morrison that culminated in a PPV match? Regularly featured in Money In The Bank? A mini feud with the Undertaker? You sound like an absolute fucking fool right now. Shelton Benjamin was pushed, pushed, and more pushed. ITs not Hayes' fault that Benjamin is shit.

Your "fucking" ******. Shelton is as gifted an athlete as you can get. he never got pushed because lets face it he's black - something your having a hard time accepting - and hayes obviously does not push him. Keep swearing back idiot.

Sure he is a good athlete. and a shit wrestler who they have given push, after push, after push, after push to. he is shit on the mic, and no one in the crowd gives a fuck about him. NONE of that has anything to do with the color of his skin, and NONE of that has anything to do with Micheal Hayes. Shelton Benjamin has been given the ball to run with countless times, and has been an absolute failure, every time.

How can you POSSIBLY say he was not pushed, when he held the US title for most of the year, and is showcased on the biggest PPV of the year, every year? What in the fucking earth do you call that?

Micheal Hayes and his "racism" (that doesnt actually exist) has NOTHING to do with why Sheltong had the position he did. Stop clutching to phantom racism as an excuse why your favorite wrestler simply fucking sucks, and couldnt get the job done.
no one in the crowd gives a fuck about him.

I seriously doubt that. You are obviously not observant to the other threads here on Sheltons future. People do rate him even as "ignorant" as your views are. I doubt he's *shit* as you mildly put it. Maybe you dont watch money in the bank or some of the matches he's had on smackdown even with The Undertaker last year are very good matches. 2004 he was really good. He even beat triple H back then. His supposed *push* never achieved a world championship. Keep swearing back fool.

Oh wow, you mean he did flippies off a ladder? That makes him a good wrestler? Are you under some impression that every push results in a world title? Do you even know what the fuck a push consits of?

I dont give a SHIT how many threads there are about him on an INTERNET WRESTLING FORUM, are you fucking new or something? The IWC makes up about 10% of the paying wrestling audience, and most of them have not the SLIGHTEST clue on what makes a good wrestler, just as you clearly dont.

he absolutey IS shit, one of the worst wrestlers on the roster, and has been for quite some time. Do us all a favor, and go learn what actual pro wrestling is, and what a push consits of. Maybe then you wont do ignorant shit like claim someone is a bigot becuase your favorite wrestler is fucking horrible.
King Booker won KOTR, won the champions of champions tournament and had a lengthy world title reign when on Smackdown under Michael Hayes' stewardship. R-truth, whether you like his gimmick or not has at least been getting a strong push for the last few months. MVP's star was burning brightly as a heel when he was on Smackdown working under - yes, Michael Hayes, and his career has nosedived since going to RAW - away from guess who, Michael Hayes. Shelton Benjamin as mentioned on here, had a very lengthy US title run as well as a lengthy Intercontinental title run, so you can't say he wasn't given the chance. The fact is that he just seemed content to turn up and pick up his paycheck and rely on his athleticism to get him by. Without showing any desire to improve himself in the areas he was seriously lacking - promo ability and actually connecting with the crowd. In the end his own attitude cost him, it was nothing to do with race.
Your "fucking" ******. Shelton is as gifted an athlete as you can get. he never got pushed because lets face it he's black - something your having a hard time accepting - and hayes obviously does not push him. Keep swearing back idiot.

The only thing worse than your point happens to be your grammar

If Hayes is racist, than why is Shad getting a push right now? You have Knox who could of been the huge big guy on SD! They gave it to Shad and not Knox..

You're an idiot
If Michael Hayes is racist, it sure as hell doesn't impede on his ability to book a show. Smackdown is consistently the better show in terms of wrestling and ability to build up new stars. Black people on Hayes' show get pushed, and if thay are and they flop it's no fault of his. Shelton has been repeatedly pushed and failed each and every time. He's failed on Raw, Smackdown and ECW. Since Hayes only books one of those shows I'm fairly sure that he's not the one at fault here, nor is his alleged racism.
FUCK YOU AND YOUR PUSSY ASS SWEAR JAR, LMAO I fucks with NorCal as a fellow brother i have been very disappointed in shelton benjamin he has the abiltiy to be great but doesn't have the drive to me. Plus he has no swag at all that's charisma for all you lames out there but anyway back to the topic, smackdown does seem to be the only show that ever has champions of color major chapions that is like rey, eddie and king booker. I'm not sure on this but nobody of color has ever worn the spinner belt and that's crazy because that's a ghetto as belt. Michael Hayes is just an old skool red neck he may say racist stuff but from his actions he does good by people of color as far as pushes go.
Your "fucking" ******. Shelton is as gifted an athlete as you can get. he never got pushed because lets face it he's black - something your having a hard time accepting - and hayes obviously does not push him. Keep swearing back idiot.

Wrestling is about acting, not athletics. The athletic part helps, but these are a bunch of stuntment putting on a TV show. Do you think wrestling is real? Do you think the best athlete wins? Fuck no. It's about who is the most over. If Shelton can never get anyone to care about him, why the fuck should be be pushed?

You crash through ladders, so you are fit to carry the company? That's fucking stupid.

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