*Merged* Who would you move over to ECW?

Since ECW kinda got screwed in the draft, put all the cruiserweights on ECW and bring back the cruiserweight title. If I had to put two guys onto the roster in would probably be Carlito from sd and Chuck Palumbo from raw. Would give these guys a chance to be pushed especially Carlito.
I would choose Randy Orton and Undertaker to move to ecw. Since both are fan favorites they will make ecw watchable. Taker can push the young talent and make them look good and Orton can have good storylines with wrestlers. I bet if those two were drafted to ecw they would make ecw a good show.
I would choose Randy Orton and Undertaker to move to ecw. Since both are fan favorites they will make ecw watchable. Taker can push the young talent and make them look good and Orton can have good storylines with wrestlers. I bet if those two were drafted to ecw they would make ecw a good show.

Taker and Orton would be great choices, but realistically it would never happen. Vince is treating ECW like a developmental territory. So Carlito would be ideal so he could finally get a push to ME status, cos i doubt its gonna happen on smackdown. I also like the idea of Killings coming in to take the title.
1 superstar from each brand, well in that case as of right now it would be Umaga from Smackdown as he has proven he can go extreme (did anyone see when Kane threw the steel steps up his head from the inside to the outside, and Umaga took that and was still standing)
From RAW it would be Mysterio because he is entertaining and he would bring a lot of viewers with him, also he would be a very good ECW champion and would help to bring the brand back up.

If I had my way then most of the cruiserweights would go to ECW, what with Teddy Longs superstar initiative the time is perfect to bring the CW title back, or maybe the Light Heavyweight title, it would certainly be an attraction for the brand.
Well there are more guys in the brand now, but it could still use a couple more big ones in my opinion. I'd say Umaga from Smackdown would be the perfect choice. He is a savage who "doesn't speak English" and could really mold well with the extreme style if they chose to utilize that.
From Raw, I'd say D-Lo Brown or Mysterio would be good choices. Both, but really Brown could benefit by being in the title picture there and it would create for some new feuds that we haven't really seen before so that would make it even more exciting.
ECW's lack of major talent has become very noticeable recently. When a brand's big names are Matt Hardy and Mark Henry, you know you have a problem. It's obvious that ECW is the new on-air developmental territory. However, seeing new guys and minor stars doesn't draw. Do you think, as I do, that it is time to bring a major star to ECW? By major star, I'm talking John Cena, Batista, Edge, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Randy Orton, or someone along those lines? What about Rey Mysterio or Jeff Hardy?

Let's assume, for example, Batista is brought to ECW. At Wrestlemania or sooner, he wins the ECW Championship. Despite what some of us may think about his wrestling ability, it would completely revitalize the brand. People would tune in to see the animal at work. Maybe bring over The Big Show. Imagine going from Chavo vs. CM Punk to Batista vs. Big Show in a single year. It adds tremendous value to both the title and the brand.

What do you all think?
It could work its not like Batista is doing anything on Raw anyway. I can't see HHH,HBK,Edge,Taker,Cena,Orton or any of them on there. They are too big for ECW. Now Jeff Hardy or Rey Mysterio or Big Show even I could see. Big Show was already there once. As was Rey although that was back in the old ECW. I think it would do Rey Mysterio a world of good to be on ECW.
Can you imagine many wrestlers would be happy going to ECW? Especially the likes of Orton, Cena, Batista etc. ECW is the 'C' show. Often not even associated with the WWE by fans, and few watch it. I think more are fans of TNA actually.

You could argue that having a star such as Cena on it would boost those ratings, therefore being a good move by the WWE. But I don't see it. One man does not equal a great show. And they need talent to have great matches and feuds with. As was said in the first post, ECW isn't exactly overflowing with talent. There's be no point to an inter-promotional feud with the new star and another star.

An interpromotional feud would be good for a current ECW star though. Someone such as Hardy could have a feud with someone from Raw/SD. It should be built as a big feud, and should be interesting. Matches should be rare, if ever shown on free TV. But fans should feel obliged to see every part of the feud, so that they watch ECW to see what happened next, making sure they don't miss any of it. As I said above, one man doesn't made a great show. One feud wouldn't either, but it'd certainly make it more interesting, without the need for a major star to move.
No. If anything, they should have less top tier stars on ECW. It is obvious that the WWE is turning ECW into more of a developmental program, focusing on young guys, unproven wrestlers, to see what they can do with some additional focus. It gives them exposure on TV, without thrusting them into the main spotlight. What the WWE has done with Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston could be seen as the fruits of that effort. As the WWE signs more wrestlers to developmental contracts, whether they get them from TNA, ROH, or their own FCW, some are simply not ready to appear on RAW or Smackdown. If ECW is used as a middleman, between the smaller promotions they come from and the big time, that is fine with me. Wrestlers like Mark Henry, Matt Hardy and Fit Finlay, who came over from the bigger shows, are always going to be needed to to give ECW a little credibility with name recognition, but, none of them were really true main eventers on either RAW or Smackdown anyway, and being on ECW beats them not having anything for Creative to have for them to do. Further, at least with Finlay, he is a known trainer. The midcard level talent the WWE should send to ECW needs to be those talents who are good at furthering the training the new wrestlers can get. ECW works as a final developmental stage as it is, but, if you add a Batista, Cena, Edge, Undertaker or something, it changes all that. While it would make ECW more legitimate as a 3rd brand in terms of the value of the belt, it would lead to the top guys hogging the spotlight, just like on RAW and Smackdown, and the younger wrestlers get pushed away more. ECW as a minor league system of sorts, where young wrestlers get their chance to shine, is a perfect role for it, one that I think is necessary. Leave the top tier stars on RAW and Smackdown.

ECW is just a high level development territory, it's pointless to put a big star on there, because if anything it would just make the star look worse more than it would make the brand better. That's probably why you don't see any big stars appearing on there anymore, because it would no doubt make no difference to the brand's status but it would affect the superstar's status.

The best use for ECW is it's current use, as a development territory. Any upcoming superstar, or fledgling midcarder, should go to ECW to build up their overness and then go to a main brand. Look at Kane for instance, he was going nowhere on SmackDown, goes to ECW for a while and now he's on RAW as a top player, I expect we'll see the same with Evan Bourne soon.
Regardless what many think of the WWE’s version of ECW, the show is doing just fine without bringing over any top-tier stars. ECW with its “lack of major talent” consistently beats TNA with its big names (Sting, Angle, Nash, Cage, Booker) in the ratings. And ECW only has one hour to impress.

When a brand's big names are Matt Hardy and Mark Henry, you know you have a problem.
Again, the ratings tell a different story. Big name stars like Taker, Edge, and Show appeared on ECW earlier in the year and didn’t help the ratings at all. And Kane’s title run garnered worse numbers (1.15 average) than the reigns of Punk, Morrison, and yes even Chavo. In fact, ECW’s highest ratings this year, 1.4s and 1.5s, were during the months of June, July, and August. That’s off the backs of none other than Mark Henry and Matt Hardy.

It's obvious that ECW is the new on-air developmental territory.
Like it or not, ECW serves two purposes. The first is being that important middle step from developmental to the “big” shows. It’s where potential future Raw and Smackdown stars are tested out. ECW’s second purpose is being the place where career mid-carders and loyal employees like Henry, Hardy, and Finlay can get a chance to carry a show and a trial run with a “world” title.

it would lead to the top guys hogging the spotlight, just like on RAW and Smackdown, and the younger wrestlers get pushed away more.
I couldn’t agree more. Of the three brands, ECW is the one show you can always count on to deliver a no frills hour of solid wrestling. The show isn’t littered with long, boring promos, pointless backstage segments and interviews, or in-ring talk shows like on Raw and Smackdown. Only recently and only every few weeks do we get a Dirt Sheet segment. Plus the big name stars' entrances would suck up ECW’s limited time.
I don't think it would be as much good for ECW as it would harm for Raw or Smackdown. ECW is surviving (and is entertaining) with the premise of pushing younger, lesser known stars and its allowing more flexibility. There are though, three people that I could see moving to ECW successfully, in a trade for Morrison, Miz, and Evan Bourne. These people are JBL, Regal, and Rey Mysterio.

Why those three? Well, for Mysterio, I'd say wait longer to move him, as he's fresh on Raw. But he'd be someone who could instantly win the ECW title and it would make sense, but he wouldn't really be hogging the spotlight from anybody as if he would win the WHC or the WWE title. JBL is just an annoyance in the main event on Raw and he wouldn't be as much of an annoyance if we only saw him once every two weeks or so. Regal, I think he could have a run with the ECW title, or at least become a top level threat on that brand. He'd also help with training the new guys in a more technical style, since Raw already has Noble. But like I said, this would only work if you traded people over from ECW, because if you knocked out those 3 names on Raw, you'd severely damage its roster. Morrison, Miz, and Bourne would make up for those 3 trades, though.
I dont think any super high tier star should be brought over. Like people have said ecw is basically a more broadcast developmental. The developmental stay there while the more recognized start appearing on raw like evan bourne. And i dont think anyone would like to go down a step to the c show.
I agree that maybe bringing in a couple mid carders from raw and smackdown would be a positive for the show.

And it would also help the younger startscome thru and tone their skills on the mike and the ring.

When you have guy slike Paul London and Polumbo being rumoured to be released, maybe they should send them there instead. I think Kennedy, d-lo brown and Paul burchill would be good additions.

What it does need is a title that is realistic for new talent to chase. A new guy from development cant walk and take the titel away from hardy cos no one woud believe it
Not a top tier star, but a mid card that people would get credibility if they beat. A top tier star would not move to the C Show, they would want to be on the most recognised shows. ECW doesn't need a top tier star, they need people to help develop the new stars for the big leagues, basically a televised developmental show.
No. However i feel that ECW is struggling and needs all the help it needs but ECW shouldn't be home to a Top Tier performer. ECW should recognise itself as a brand where the younger performers prevail and ECW should be used now as a brand of young wrestlers instead of bringing a Top Tier Name.

The Likes of John Morrison, Miz, Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy are all examples that should be in this idea of mine.
I say leave ecw the way it is.. If you look at how the old ecw came to it started off with no namers doin some crazy things who then became top stars and the top two brands (WCW and WWF/E).. So the only difference is that its a one hour program wit one title.. ECW has proved that it builds stars.. CM Punk, Kelly Kelly, Leyla, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Mike Adamle, Miz Morrison, Mark Henry, chavo and bam, Bourne and list is still growing. These guys were either brand new or were lacking a lot before going to ecw... Morrison and miz were boring charcters and needed work in the ring and now they are a really good tag team and single wrestlers.. Shelton was doing nothin with hass then had a fued with kingston and both superstars went to smackdown and raw respectively and become us and ic champion as well.. Cm punk left ecw becoming world champion.. Kane returned to raw with a refreshed character and new storylines which is now including new ecw star evan bourne.. With stars growin in ecw this way, it would be a good idea to move the new talent to raw and sd and at the same time put guys like pulambo london duece venis and others that can be used but aren't in ecw and see if they can be built or not like everyone else... Ecw is like college... U pass u get a great career ahead of you.. You fail and don't impress then your gone..
Undertaker on ECW?:lmao: Nash will be the new Gm and :hogan: will be champ. But seriously, its fine. Having these main guys appear once in a while would be good, if you can get guys like Swagger to run their mouths thinking there great, and have a veteran come and beat them up, or recruit them, or whatever. Its working, making new stars, so just keep as is.
ECW will be much more entertaining when boogeyman returns. What happened to him anyway he still on the roster.

I do agree that ecw is fine where it is being a place for superstars that need improvement and a TV spot for new talent
No, I don't think a top tier superstar should be brought to the WWE's third rate show. ECW isn't the place for the main eventers to shine, it is used as a great development place where the young and up and coming talent shine. ECW has a sole purpose of giving the young talent a chance to be recognized, as they most likely were overshadowed on either of the two big brands. I don't watch ECW to see guys like the Undertaker or Triple H, I watch it to see the young talent develop both as a character, and in the ring. Raw and Smackdown is where the top dogs have their chance to shine, not ECW.

I see some people saying ECW needs a main eventer, not to be the main highlight but to put others over, particularly the young and fresh talent. But I disagree, ECW needs a veteran not a main eventer 'in his prime' superstar, and the show has just that in Finlay. Its Finlay job to get over with the fans, so he can eventually put the new talent over so they can become a success. Sure, he hasn't done his job much yet, but soon enough he will start jobbing. Finlay has possibly the most important role in ECW at the present moment. ECW is where the mid-carders are launched into main event superstars. Thats because they either failed or didn't not get enough tv time on the two big brands.

It gives the mid-carders a chance to basically 'carry' a whole brand. Sure, one could say that neither Matt Hardy nor Mark Henry are big enough superstars to be carrying an entire brand, but thats the whole idea. Its gives them a unique opportunity to be the 'face' of a brand. It gives them a chance to shine in that spotlight that they haven't seen before. I watch ECW to see guys like Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger grow as a superstar in general. The WWE has really done a good job with ECW this past year, and I really hope it stays like this. ECW should be full of new talent with a few mid-carders instead of having a match like the Big Show vs Batista take place on the show, who have both have nothing to gain.

I also see people talking about how a main eventer like Cena or the Undertaker will improve ECW's rating. ECW is the WWE's third rate show for crying out loud. A 1.4 is pretty darn good for a show that has less than 20 actual wrestlers. ECW isn't about the ratings or attracting new viewers to the program, its about building up the new and the mid-carder talent that are striving for success in the WWE.
In a word, no. ECW is WWE's televised training ground and more often than not provides more entertaining matches with fresher talent than the two other shows, and that's the way it should remain. Perhaps It'd be good with a younger top tier performer (do you mean main eventers or top tier as in talented?) talent like MVP or The Brian Kendrick, mots importantly, someone who isn't gonna dominate everyone else on the roster. But I pretty much like ECW the way it is now, they don't need a big name to improve their product.
No, ECW is doing just fine as a training ground for younger talent. If too many established talent were to go to the brand, they would bury the younger talent. As long as they a have a few names to keep the main event scene on the brand strong, the brand will be fine.
I have said this a couple of times. The ECW needs some talent with credentials but maybe not a former World or WWE Champion on the roster. I thought that maybe the wrong Hardy had been put on the roster. Matt is a great wrestler, but Jeff is more of a definition for the ECW. With him and a few others (Finlay, Bourne, Burke, & Benjamin) the ECW could become the equivalent of the X division in TNA all of the time.
yeah defently i believe kane should of stayed on ecw for awhile and maybe have rey on there or something. but there just ins't enough talent on ecw. i mean big show vs henry vs kane for the ecw title. what the hell!!!
On a short term basis I wouldn't mind JBL going there, even though it's not necessary at all for the reasons that most of you stated. If he were to become ECW champ and claim that he's the greatest one ever and even place himself above ECW "legends" it could get him more of the heat that he's used to. If an upcoming talent defeats him and temporarily shuts him up it could help out with their development storyline wise. (there are other ways to do that without having a main eventer come over though)

Plus his real life bully reputation from the past could be used storyline wise for him to think that he's better than the newer guys and again if some defeat him it could help serve ECW's purpose in establishing wrestlers. Again it's not at all necessary as ECW serves it's purpose as is but having any top tier star there for the short term possibly couldn't hurt as long as it doesn't take much focus off of the guys that WWE is grooming.

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