*MERGED* Undertaker's POTENTIAL Wrestlemania Opponents Thread

I don't think Undertaker vs. Barrett was a good idea, at all. Sure, it would've been a good rub for Barrett, but does anyone honestly think that Barrett would have a chance, even with Corre ringside? No. The Streak is so big now that it takes a huge opponent to be a profitable and interesting factor. Part of what made Undertaker vs. HBK exciting was the thought that "Hey, Shawn might actually break the streak."

Barrett doesn't give me any reason to believe that he could win, especially since Corre is such an afterthought in my mind. I continually forget about Corre until Friday night when they show up. Corre has potential, yes, but right now, they aren't doing much. Right now they're a poor man's Nexus. And since they're on SmackDown and not really even a big deal there, a lot of the main audience won't care if Barrett faces Undertaker. There are superstars, even on SmackDown, that would draw much better than Barrett taking on Undertaker, one of which is HHH.

I don't understand why people are saying that HHH/Taker would be stale, and yet they call for a HHH/Sheamus match, which happened last year. Since HHH faced Taker at Mania last, he's evolved a great deal. He's on Taker's level of "No one beats me, and if they do, it's a huge deal." There would be an inkling, however slight, that HHH could beat Taker. Ideally, I'd go with HHH vs. Taker this year, and save the (in my opinion) biggest match for next year, assuming Taker's health allows it: John Cena vs. Undertaker.

Assuming that no one returns to face Taker, HHH is probably the most reasonable choice for this year. Personally, I'm still tired of HHH, but it'll certainly make for a good match, and one that will actually generate interest.
If The Undertaker wins, then they get to tout the streak for another year before they end up having John Cena face Taker. If they have Triple H win and beat the streak when no one else has been able to manage it, it is only going to give credence to the fucking idiots that say Triple H is only a success because of his marriage to Stephanie McMahon and that is just not a good idea. Triple H would be the most hated man in the history of the WWE and that can only be good if they plan on turning him heel. But then the streak is gone and the Undertaker would likely follow it quite quickly. Depending on the outcome of the match, the WWE is going to lose one superstar, I feel, and that upsets me greatly.

Triple H is walking into career suicide if he takes on Taker and I don't think I would buy it for a fucking second. That being said, if it is not a career vs streak match, then no one is going to want to see it. Taker has already beaten Triple H, as I have said and the WWE are not going to re-hash an angle that has been done just for this event.

So, I have read these forums for almost a year and have never really been confident/capable of replying or posting.

But, and yes, I am a HUGE HHH mark, the idea of Triple H vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania just seems... well, horrible. Is this really the way that everyone wants HHH career to end - and yes, just like everyone has posted - there is no way in hell the streak would ever be ended, it would ruin the grandeur that is the streak and the Undertaker.

I do understand the attractive storyline - HHH avenging HBK; the streak vs perhaps the greatest remaining Main Eventer from the past era... but surely none of us want it to be such an obvious end to hunter's career.

On that - I do realise that I have - until last year - never been apart of the IWC, and so the end of HBK's career was a devastating surprise. That said, even for those who aren't on these forums/don't see this coming... losing HBK, HHH and then undertaker (no, I can't believe he makes it to Wrestlemania 30)... Jericho and Edge... surely that would not be good business practice.... god damnit, why so obviously lose a major main eventer so soon for no major reason.

Personally - have taker take on Barret/Punk/Kane as revenge - fuck it - do it as a 4-way... Punk hates taker hates barret hates Kane... all being said... fun match....

Have HHH take on Sheamus - or screw Sheamus is MITB (for those who hate the idea of a rematch)

Most importantly, have HHH make one last major run... and then, let him go out for a real reason that would work for him... not a desperate, last-ditch, obvious, and (regardless of the match - i still am a fan of a storyline) predictable end...

Sorry, this is an Undertaker thread - and yes, to watch the match I would buy the PPV - but it would be a lackluster, unhappy purchase. Both these guys deserve better.
However, the thing that annoys me is that Triple H is, supposedly, putting his career on the line against Taker! What the fuck is that all about?

With the right in-ring psychology, Taker/HHH can give Taker/HBK a run for the best Wrestlemania match ever status.

I just hope HBK refuse to participate as ref because his presence would be too distracting and may hurt the match's overall quality, just like he did to Bret vs Taker at Summerslam 1997 and Rock vs HHH at Judgment Day 2000.

Taker vs HHH is cheap enough way to a desperate buyrate, adding HBK is insulting. It's as if Taker/HHH isn't a big enough draw on their own.

Even now in wrestling forums, a large number of users have been discussing the possibility of HBK screwing Taker rather than talking about how good Taker/HHH match would be and that only further prove my point. It would be ironic if HHH's last match ever will be remembered in the future not as a match for the ages like say Rock/Austin or Hogan/Warrior but a match where HBK didn't screw Undertaker. It's ironic, dumb, and cheap all in one package.

I mean, Bret Hart vs Undertaker at Summerslam 1997 & The Rock vs Triple H at Judgment Day 2000 are more remembered for the fact Michaels didn't screw Bret & Rock respectively instead of their wrestling clinic quality (thus making those matches insanely underrated).

Don't u find it ironic if HHH's retirement match isn't remembered for his possible performance of a lifetime but for the fact his best friend didn't screw anyone in the match?

If The Undertaker wins, then they get to tout the streak for another year before they end up having John Cena face Taker.

At this point, seeing how WWE go so far on avoiding to book Cena vs Taker even if they have to sacrifice HHH's career, I'm starting to believe we will never see Cena vs Taker at any Wrestlemania in this lifetime. I'm sure WWE refused to learn anything from their failed staredown at Royal Rumble 2011, so WWE will either book Cena vs Orton again next year to headline WM 28 or they will try all their might to bring The Rock to HOF as well as 1 last match against Cena.

As for Taker....I can only see his match being with Jericho at WM 28, let's face it if they do Taker vs HHH this year and the match turns out to be as good as I said, there's no way Sheamus, DiBiase Jr, Rhodes, McIntyre, Barrett, Jackson, Miz, Morrison, and any other youngsters are able to folow it. Only Jericho can.

Although since last year Austin expressed an interest on facing Taker at Mania 28 in an interview, I wouldn't be surprised if Vince brings Austin back only to go against The Streak.
You realise that Triple H can fued with Sheamus on RAW whilst fueding with the Undertaker for Wrestlemania, that the 2 can co-exist because they are on different show right.

Thats what will likely happen.

HHH/Undertaker is the biggest match you can draw with the current roster, so I say why not, it'd be a classic match.

This will happen, and I suspect Triple H retires here too.
Triple H putting his career on the line against Undertaker either this year or next year isn't entirely impossible.

Even though I'm a huge fan of The Game and am still waitng for him to return, him retiring form the ring is a possiblity because of Triple H's now new role as Senior Advisor, and possible Chairman of World Wresting Entertainmetnt. Wow, would'nt that be crazy.

Anyway, he seem's to enjoy working behind the scene's and booking show's and what not. It's possible Triple H can have one great hurrah! before retiring. But, in all honesty, I can't see him being around much longer as a in-ring wrestler. Maybe a on-screen character, but now he has a new role, and is a couple of children, I can't see him wanting to be in the ring for a while longer.
***Now before I start I know that this match will not happened but I just wanted to get your thoughts.***

I have been thinking about The Undertaker's WM career and as I looked back over it I noticed that he has never faced The Rock at WM. I know that The Rock is never going to step foot back in a WWE ring as a wrestler but imagine it if you will. The grandest stage of them all WRESTLEMANIA being headlined by what would most likely be the biggest match ever billed. The Rock Vs. The Undertaker. Could you imagine the build up and payoff that this match would have? You would have 2 of the WWE's biggest stars ever finally facing off at the biggest event in the wrestling calender.

Imagine what the build up to this match would be like. You would have the most electrifying man in sports entertainment vs. the phenomn. It would be intense and it would be one of the biggest payoff's in WWE's history.

Let me know your thoughts.
well in all honestly it would be a MAJOR flop

and the reason is simple. everybody knows the rock will lose. like everyone knows tht hhh will lose like everyone knew that hbk wud lose.

its different when hbk was facing him. ppl knew his retirement was close. and wat bttr way than to lose to undertaker at wrestlemania

but to have the rock return only to lose with the whole world knowing how it could end. itl create interest and the match wud be intense no doubt but the end result wud be the same. ppl wud hate the wwe for putting the rock in a match they know hes going to lose.

wats the point?? have him return only to lose. and its not like hes getting anythng out of losing to the undertaker. not like undertaker needs a push or somethng
They way I was thinking of it was as one final farewell in a way. I can understand where you are coming from with that though.
i was actually thinking about this the other day....

i like this idea... and who says their has to be a winner... with hbk's rumored involvment and hhh's return coming... why couldnt this be the match that passes the torch?

rock went off on cena and threw miz in for effect... through the weeks leading up to mania, let the rock rip on a couple other guys, maybe morrison, del rio, etc... turn this into the last of the attitude guys vs the "pg era" new guys.... taker vs hhh at mania... have your predictable run-ins, basically boiling down to new vs old.... have the new guys put up a strong showing when all hell breaks loose, but, have taker, rock, hhh, hbk end up clearing house in the end.... yeh, maybe no winner (call the wambulance)... but you have your mania moment with the last of the attitude guys and it will give the new guys a good rub regardless... i for one would not be upset...

and taker would still be undefeated at mania.. btw :)
IMO the best final farewell wud be to have him face stone cold next year when he gets inducted and to have him win

tht way the scores even up with both having 2 wins. none bttr than the other. and 2 farewells at the same time. if tht happens id actually be content with the rock and feel tht he has indeed done everythng there is to do in the wwe

i was actually thinking about this the other day....

i like this idea... and who says their has to be a winner... with hbk's rumored involvment and hhh's return coming... why couldnt this be the match that passes the torch?

rock went off on cena and threw miz in for effect... through the weeks leading up to mania, let the rock rip on a couple other guys, maybe morrison, del rio, etc... turn this into the last of the attitude guys vs the "pg era" new guys.... taker vs hhh at mania... have your predictable run-ins, basically boiling down to new vs old.... have the new guys put up a strong showing when all hell breaks loose, but, have taker, rock, hhh, hbk end up clearing house in the end.... yeh, maybe no winner (call the wambulance)... but you have your mania moment with the last of the attitude guys and it will give the new guys a good rub regardless... i for one would not be upset...

unless the undertaker has his biker gimmick orgasm again i doubt hes going to be working alongside somebody else even if it just to clear house. and it could happen at any ppv but it wont happen at wrestlemania. y? because tht match wud be no contest and tht wud put a stain on the undertakers streak. 19 matches but 18 wins. not gonna happen. and ppl wudnt want to see tht happen.

PS i loved the biker gimmick dont get me wrong but its not abt to happen in a matter of a bit more than a month especially with all these creepy 21 2 11 promos

yea if u had the undertaker just show up and beat the crap out of everyone without being in a match thts a different story but i still dont see him working with anyone else
im not saying just have taker do it alone.... i mean, win lose or draw... taker is taker and people are gonna bitch about the his opponent, the match, the result regardless, and i dont think anything will tarnish his legacy....

taker vs hhh is very likely.... hbk doing a run in also very likely, you know the rock isnt gonna just sit on his ass at mania... and the rock called out the "2 top guys" on monday... i want to see hhh and taker have a bit of a match, but, why give it a predictable ending.... the idea i was suggesting was a way to give the "attitude" guys one last moment and help put the new guys over
Considering Rock never had a clean win against Taker, I'll make this simple and short:

Should have done that match at Wrestlemania 20 instead of a pointless rematch against Kane and even more pointless handicap match!!!!

Imagine if it was The Rock who helped Vince buried Taker at Survivor Series 2003 and saying "He has faced Foley, Austin, Triple H, and Hogan at Wrestlemania. He went toe to toe with greats like Angle, Jericho, Booker T, Lesnar, and Benoit. But he wants to do something he has ever done before: Defeating The Undertaker!"

Taker vs Rock would have been huge for Wrestlemania 20. Too bad Vince was unable to see that.
I think if that match would have happened between 99-02, The Undertaker would have lost. The streak wasn't as big as it was now. Wrestlemania usually sees the biggest star come out with the victory. I think WWE would have only let 2 people go over The Rock at Wrestlemania in those days, Steve Austin and Triple H. Even though they both DID beat The Rock, only Austin has beat him in a One on One Match at Wrestlemania!

The year this should have went down was in 2000. The Rock had a controversial victory at the Royal Rumble narrowly landing right after The Big Show as they both went over the top rope. They worked Mick Foley into the mix, AND The McMahons. So it ended up being a Fatal 4 Way, with one McMahon in each participants corner.

Since they had Triple H win at that Wrestlemania, and retain his title. They had just turned The Big Show Heel right around the Royal Rumble. He had just lost the WWF Title to Triple H, so he would have had reason to feud for the title. It could have been Big Show versus Triple H or they could have still thrown Foley in, and made it a Triple Threat Match.

The Undertaker had been out since around September of 99. He returned right after Wrestlemania in 2000. Right before Taker went out in 99, he had been feuding with The Rock A LOT and would have had reason to want to return at Mania to face him. In 99 he was a Heel and even though he returned as Face, using his Biker Gimmick. He still could have returned as Face and still had a hyped up match with The Rock.

I think at that time, they would have had The Rock win. Undertaker was just coming back and it would have been a big win for The Rock, instead of booking him to lose in that 4 Way Match.

But, today is a different story. If somehow the match happened these days, The Undertaker is a for sure lock to win. But I think it would be huge and do really well as far as raising the amount of buys Wrestlemania gets.
im not saying just have taker do it alone.... i mean, win lose or draw... taker is taker and people are gonna bitch about the his opponent, the match, the result regardless, and i dont think anything will tarnish his legacy....

taker vs hhh is very likely.... hbk doing a run in also very likely, you know the rock isnt gonna just sit on his ass at mania... and the rock called out the "2 top guys" on monday... i want to see hhh and taker have a bit of a match, but, why give it a predictable ending.... the idea i was suggesting was a way to give the "attitude" guys one last moment and help put the new guys over

i know where ur coming frm man. in a way i agree as well but not at wrestlemania. i literally grew up on the attitude era. i want nothing more than to see the rock austin non gay kane angle hhh foley to strt beating the crap out of everyone in sight.

i want to see hhh get his ass kicked one last time without interference. and yea i can totally see shawn michaels either interfering or being special ref. but i cant see undertaker lose or draw AT WRESTLEMANIA. anywhere else but not there.
well in all honestly it would be a MAJOR flop

and the reason is simple. everybody knows the rock will lose. like everyone knows tht hhh will lose like everyone knew that hbk wud lose.

its different when hbk was facing him. ppl knew his retirement was close. and wat bttr way than to lose to undertaker at wrestlemania

but to have the rock return only to lose with the whole world knowing how it could end. itl create interest and the match wud be intense no doubt but the end result wud be the same. ppl wud hate the wwe for putting the rock in a match they know hes going to lose.

wats the point?? have him return only to lose. and its not like hes getting anythng out of losing to the undertaker. not like undertaker needs a push or somethng

A major flop? Are you serious? Im sorry but if everyone "knows" that Taker will win what is the bloody point of having him on the WM card? They might aswell have him come out and have the opponent lay down for him!

Putting a superstar like HBK, Triple H, Sting, Rock, Brock, Cena against Taker at Wrestlemania always creates DOUBT. That is what you need now with the Taker. Wade Barrett was nixed because he couldnt create doubt. With a strong build up anything is possible. Do I think Taker will retire undefeated? I think he will. Would I put my house on it? No. Mark Callaway is a very humble man. WWE means so much more to him than his legacy. He might decide to pass the torch or let someone else leave on a high in his final WM match.

Imagine if Taker lost the streak? How many fans would be pissed at this? How much controversy would this create? Controversy creates cash... also, this is WWE so like I just said, anything is possible.
Like someone stated before, it would be pretty obvious that Taker would win.
The Rock's wrestling career is over. He has nothing to gain and Taker would have a whole lot to lose.

When it was Michaels that was the one legit match that I could not pick a winner no matter how hard I tried. It could've gone either way and kept everybody on their toes. I hope they don't do the same thing to HHH cause it'll obvious be the same fate.

Seeing as that's not on the same topic, I will say that it's an EPIC match on paper, and if it wasn't a retired Rock coming into the match, I would pay double to see it.
Hmm.. Since you mentioned The Rock, Taker also hasn't faced Austin at Mania!

The thing is now, like many above might have mentioned, at this time, we all know whio will win and thats Taker.. Say this match happened in the late 90's or early 00's, then it would be a huge draw IMO, because the streak started being mentioned after 2001.. But as for now.. it shouldn't be done..
Why would anyone want this match when they'ved had 3 SINGLES PPV matches (Survivor Series 1998, King of the Ring 1999 and No Way Out 2002) along with other matches that have been Fatal Four Ways, Tag matches or even the 6 man Hell in a Cell.

The fact they've wrestled at TWO of the big five PPV's are the 4th and 5th in rank them at WrestleMania would be pointless. More so not even remotely anything to get amp'd for.

Rock/Cena now that is impactful that WWE would go for, or Rock/Miz too get Miz over that least bit more.

Why would you give The Rock (if he returns to wrestle) a match he's had multiple times before? when you could capitolize on Icon vs Icon?
Personally, I believe that the 2/21/11 promo is for The Undertaker ...................... and Sting.

I don't know why, I'm not even a huge fan of Sting, but something about this promo just being for the return of The Undertaker doesn't seem right. Undertaker has returned so much over the last decade and I know creative are trying to keep it fresh but these promos are different than anything they've ever done in the past in regards to an Undertaker return.

For one, it's being done with promos. A typical Undertaker return is done with a target in mind and mind games being played and his return is always, in general, a surprise, not a set date.

Two, they're not hyping The Undertaker. What we have is a promo about an abandoned house. What's that got to do with the dead man? When a return is announced for the dead man, we know it's the dead man and we don't need it to be surprised to be excited by it so why surround it in mystery this time.

Three, these promos aren't alluding to anybody. They've been done with the intent of causing mystery and if you watch all three of them together, you'll see that they're telling a story. A story that seems to involve two people, one who ENTERS the house in the first promo by WALKING in from the rain, the second is the another person (the undertaker) appearing out of thin air and then ENTERS the house (why would he do it a second time?) and the third seems to be of The Undertaker inside the house with somebody standing outside the house. (My guess, the first guy).

So, I'm guessing that this Promo is alluding to two people, The Undertaker and Sting, and that's going to be the match at WM 27. Also, just another reason why; this would be huge and several months ago, I read an article stating that Vince McMahon was going around extremely pleased with himself and saying he has Wrestlemania in the bag this year. The article seemed to suggest it might have been to do with Brock, but maybe it was all about Sting?
What nobody mentioned is that Rock and Undertaker have had several matches in the past and their chemistry was not good - check out the WWF Title match from KOTR '99 for a prime example!
Now that WWE's king of WRESTLEMANIA has returned & will most likely be facing HHH in a streak vs carear match i ask this question;

Would you rather the WWE stack the odd's against Taker @ MaNia in a Fatal-4way against

HHH-Fighting in HBK's honor
Kane-Burried Taker alive
Wade Barrett-Helped Kane bury Taker

I think this is a way better idea then the streak vs career match.It stacks the deck against Taker & put's him in a match with all his enemies.
Plus it give's Kane and Wade something to do for Mania.
Your thought's
No, just no. Any match with more then 2 people in an Undertaker Wrestlemania match will always end up trash. Plus, with the added stipulation, this would be even more confusing. Kane and Wade will find something to do for Wrestlemania, don't worry. This idea will not work though. It might have been somewhat appealing when Taker was the American Badass, but now it's not right. Especially with both of their careers at a cross roads. Also, what would Wade and Kane being in the match do for Triple H?

The match doesn't make sense in all honesty.
Why the hell would you want to see that? A three on one beatdown robbing Takers streak? If he won that would be 3 men buried due to the streak. To me that is just unacceptable, if anyone beats the streak it dosen't diserve to be Trips. Look at it this way, while Triple H will go down as one of the best, what does beating him after Taker give you? Sure you beat the guy who beat the guy who's beaten everyone, but YOU didn't beat the man on top, why would anyone want to see Trips beat Taker? Give it to someone who can use it?! Give a dude who's comming up and needs a rub to get over. He can brag for YEARS, that he beat taker. Now if trips beats takers streak, you have a man who's about to retire with that on his sholders. Nothing for building new stars.

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