*MERGED* The [Official] Kofi Kingston Thread

Kofi is very good actually, yes he botches moves here and there, but what young guy doesnt? To be honest, I have a lot of faith in Kofi, yeah you can make the argument, "He's to hyper and energetic, he wont make it anywhere!" But in essence, so was The Rock when he first started.

When The Rock first started, he was Rocky Maivia and he was a lot like what Kofi Kingston is now, hyper, fun-loving, and energetic. However, as the years went on, he started to lose that gimmick and turn into the legend known as The Rock.

If you give Kofi a year or two, you will really start to see a different superstar. He's decent on the mic, but that's easy to improve on. Once he loses the whole gimmick he has right now, and turns heel, he will start to look more and more like The Rock in terms of ability.

You can't compare what rock did to kofi kingston, and remember rock had an attitude era to deal his character, which helped it grow, but kingston is in a different time, personally i don't like him because i visit relatives in jamaica and he does his whole clap thing wrong, and i thank god he didnt try a jamaican accent, but he botches alot, and the match with batista ended early due to his kick to batista's head...you know what pressure that puts on the writers? to expand another segment for LIVE tv? if you ask me, vince and the other company heads gave him too many chances
I don't see what the big deal is either. The IWC gets very excited about smaller guys who can flips or do twirly kicks. Or maybe it's his terrible attire and they are mesmerized by the shapes and colors. I'm not sure what the big deal is.

The biggest problem I have with him is that he doesn't have the presence of a main eventer. If I met him in the street I wouldn't even recognize him, if I saw him in a dark alley, I'd probably think that out of the two of us, he'd be more intimidated.
Well, the reason why Vince and Company keep him around is because they want/need a black top star whether face, tweener, or heel. Plain and simple... I do remember Kofi being I-C champ and Tag Champ already so they have some faith in him to carry a program. (yes I do remember he held that tag strap with CM Punk) I think that Kofi is just lost in the shuffle that is Raw's upper mid carders.

Vince tried to give us MVP as a top black babyface and it worked and failed in some areas so he is lost in the shuffle. Mark Henry who I think was underrated as ECW champ as heel was really good, but when he got pushed to babyface too quickly it failed to an extent. Then poor Shelton people always say that what holds him back is his Mic skills well just put him with a good mouth piece as a manager like they did with Brock Lesnar back in the day with Heyman and he would be champ by now but WWE doesn't do managers any more with the exception to Vicki G. to LayCool...

One thing I can agree with if they were to turn him heel. Like have him tag with Cena in a match against Batista and (fill in the blank heel), have in during the match just get beat to hell and when finally he goes for the tag have Cena get knocked off the apron. Let Batista Batista Bomb him and get the win... Have Cena help up Kofi and Kofi push him away and walk away pissed... Have the build slow over 3 to 6 weeks til Kofi finally snaps and just beat Cena unmercifully but the whole time have him SMILE... Like Eddie G. did back in the day...

Much more sinister and heart breaking to the under 12 yr old fans that he turned on "their wrestling god".

That way Kofi would stay relavant and move up to top 3 heel status. By then he'll get more Internet support from the people such as yourself who think he isn't doing anything. By this time next year he would probably be a world or wwe champ at least once. Just a suggestion though and sorry for such a long drawn out speech.
Like Big Sexy said he is way better than Drew.If they really gave him a chance to talk he might impress some more of you.He dose not seem very sloppy to me.Maybe he could perform his moves a bit better but that could be said about a lot of people. He is more than over with the fans and especially the kids which means a lot in a PG company.In high profile matches he may not out shine some of the big guys but at least you remember he's their unlike Jack swagger who i completely forgot about in his tag match on raw.

a lot of you seem to base you opinion on kofi from the Randy feud and after.I still remember the great moments we got from him before.On his first match on raw he defeated Chris Jericho(someone many people consider to be one of the greatest heels of all time.) to become IC champ.He got involved with the world champ at the time CM punk and the hottest group at the time Legacy.He won a tag title with punk and has had a pretty good run with the US title.The only big problem with Kofi is that he's to damn happy.He's always fine with what ever happens to him.The key to making Kofi a legit world title contender is to piss him off some more.When kofi thrashed randy car he was really mad and gave the promo of his life.

Give him new music,cut his excessive smiling,and give him a slight temper.He would be the same kofi so he could keep his kid fans but more serious so he doesn't piss off people like some of the WZ members.and I'm not completely turn off to the idea of shorting his name to just Kingston but i don't know why.
How can Kofi be a heel when he has the most mild mannered face out of anyone in the company. He's just too babyfaced. He jsut looks like a sweet guy, like he'd help an old lady with her groceries. Even if he frowned and scowled he'd just look like an angry, cute baby with a beard.

Him and Evan Bourne would make the least convincing heels of all time, although Bourne looks so nice he still has that potential to be a smarmy Ziggler type heel, Kofi looks like too much of a choirboy to even pull that off. I don't dislike him, but mid-card face is what he should forever be.
kofi going through the what i called the rocky mavia stage..hes loved know but soon the fans will get tired of him..im already hearing some boos,hell be stuck in that zone with cena. but what i dont get is...why did they stop the jamacian gimmick?if he still has the music and the stupid boom boom thingy why does he sound like an average joe? at least change him up..i dont see the appeal in him to be honest
I too agree with the OP. Kofi does nothing amazing nor memorable. I think his current role's perfect for him though - a semi-popular jobber. The kids pop for him and then get upset @ the heel when the heel hopefully puts Kofi thru a table or something, which then furthers the heel push while apparently not costing Kofi much capital with the kiddies, who seem to be his only fans.

I didn't understand the guy's push half a year or so ago and see I'm not quite alone in my opinion of Kofi.
Hmmmm all I can add to this is I am not sure where all of these supposed Kofi botches are coming from… he didn’t botch anything in the Orton match as near as I remember. When Orton went for the punt, Kofi blocked it with the arm that Orton had been working on the whole match. That was supposed to happen. And when Orton was just pushing him he was doing so b/c he (as far as the storyline is concerned) doesn’t like him. Why wouldn’t he push him around during a match to add insult to injury? So yeah.. not sure how Kofi messed that up. And he hits Batista and he gets cut… last time I checked, Wrestling was full contact. Sh*t happens. As far as him messing up running up the ladder at Wrestlemania, I am inclined to go with my last point of Sh*t happening. Last I checked, running up a ladder wasn’t easy…

His feud with Orton was a test. They wanted to see how he would do against main event talent. As near as I can tell, that went well. But the thing you have to realize is there really is no space for another top face on raw. After the feud with Orton was over, what would be the logical next step? Cena has a strangle hold on the WWE title for the most part and a face vs face feud between the two would be silly. With everything that is going on right now, there really isn’t a place for a Kofi push. The same thing happened with CM Punk not to long ago. It happens all the time with mid card talent. So I don’t see this recent “depush” as a sign of anything…

What it is always going to boils down to is personal preference. I like Kofi. Always have. His mic work is waaay better than people give him credit for (he has held his own in interactions with DX and Orton and so forth). I don’t see why someone wouldn’t like him. But everyone is entitled to an opinion, and I will not sit here and say ur wrong for having one. I just don’t agree.
Hmmmm all I can add to this is I am not sure where all of these supposed Kofi botches are coming from… he didn’t botch anything in the Orton match as near as I remember. When Orton went for the punt, Kofi blocked it with the arm that Orton had been working on the whole match. That was supposed to happen. And when Orton was just pushing him he was doing so b/c he (as far as the storyline is concerned) doesn’t like him. Why wouldn’t he push him around during a match to add insult to injury? So yeah.. not sure how Kofi messed that up. And he hits Batista and he gets cut… last time I checked, Wrestling was full contact. Sh*t happens. As far as him messing up running up the ladder at Wrestlemania, I am inclined to go with my last point of Sh*t happening. Last I checked, running up a ladder wasn’t easy…

His feud with Orton was a test. They wanted to see how he would do against main event talent. As near as I can tell, that went well. But the thing you have to realize is there really is no space for another top face on raw. After the feud with Orton was over, what would be the logical next step? Cena has a strangle hold on the WWE title for the most part and a face vs face feud between the two would be silly. With everything that is going on right now, there really isn’t a place for a Kofi push. The same thing happened with CM Punk not to long ago. It happens all the time with mid card talent. So I don’t see this recent “depush” as a sign of anything…

What it is always going to boils down to is personal preference. I like Kofi. Always have. His mic work is waaay better than people give him credit for (he has held his own in interactions with DX and Orton and so forth). I don’t see why someone wouldn’t like him. But everyone is entitled to an opinion, and I will not sit here and say ur wrong for having one. I just don’t agree.

He botched on raw, a live show, he botched on wrestlemania, the main ppv for wwe, yea shit happens, but thats alot, he should go to smackdown and build from there
Well, I agree with the previous post, I'm not gonna stand here tell you I'm right but this argument should go to a different thread that was merged a couple days ago. Now, I like Kofi a LOT. Like, REALLY like him. Do I want him to be world champion? Hell. No. No way. Do I want him to be a mid carder. Not really. I think Kofi should be in filler feuds here, but in the main event picture going up against someone and just having a short feud with them and those mini feuds will being his credibility up so he can have a long standing feud in the future. He's a great wrestler. And comparing his wrestling ability w/ main eventers is like comparing Olympians to ametuers. Kofi is a really talented wrestler who can really entertain people like S.Micheals did. Even though he has to work on it to reach that level but his move set s unpredictable while you see EVERY M.E even if it's IWC's greatest: Orton. Even he has a simple and predictable move set with a LOT of edge. I don't agree w/ winning the world titles because saying that is agreeing w/ John Cena and saying Word Titles are VERY important. When was the last time you saw Micheals win a world title? Did he put on 5 star matches consecutive wrestle manias? Yes. Will Kofi do that? Might with a little work and with a good push. What you need in the ring above all else in a good match is:

Good pops


You don't have to be Kurt Angle to be unpredictable but only do things that are unheard of. I've never seen Orton do ONE thing that isn't unpredictable and I'm starting to love him right now. What the Rock, S. Micheals, and really entertaining wrestlers have is unpredictability. After that world titles are nothing. You don't like him? That's perfectly fine I'm simply here to say that he isn't as bad as he looks. Here's also a proof as to why Kofi can be regonized:

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I don't see that with Hornswoggle, Santino, haven't seen a Mcintryre, Benjamin or other mid carder threads that have this much recognition. Correct me if I'm wrong of course but I'm not straying away from the topic.
This thread was such a waste. And Kennedy was an injury prone screw job that couldn't stay consistant for at least 5 months. It wasn't because he screwed up with Orton. I think and apparently along with the majority of the people on this thread that Kofi is an awesome wrestler and a great asset to the WWE. He's clearly over and right now he's being misused by the WWE. RAW is not for him and I hope that they do send him over to SMACKDOWN during the draft because that'll give him a fresh start and a chance to actually feud and prove to a lot of people how talented and ready he is.
He botched on raw, a live show, he botched on wrestlemania, the main ppv for wwe, yea shit happens, but thats alot, he should go to smackdown and build from there

Yeah he wasnt the first person to botch at 'Mania. I've seen top stars like HBK, Taker and even HHH botch at Mania. So if Kofi messes up Running up a ladder that was at an abtuse angle means he stinks then I think we should rethink how we jugde these things.

But I agree with ur point about him going to SD. I think he will be able to better develop his character there.

Furthermore, I think he is the perfect canadate for a heel turn. The fans wont see it coming. And it would give him the chance to really show what he can do. Heels often dominate both the pace of matches and interview segments, so the way i see it, he will be able to show us what he is really made of. Worked for the Rock and its definitley working for CM Punk... (and yes I know Punk has always been an great heel in the 'indes, but the WWE never pushed him as such so im only refering to his time spent in the E..
Khofi Kingston botches just as much as every other wrestler has in the business. But that goes back to the old saying of "Nobody is Perfect" more than actual suckage. WWE doesn't hire people off of the streets they think MIGHT be pretty good. When Khofi got his start in the now defunct promotion ECW, he recieved a lot of fan support. People liked him, he is very athletic, and has charisma. Now that ECW is dead, it was either Smackdown or Raw for him.

Should he go to Smackdown to work on his in-ring experience? No. I say this because Smackdown has enough superstars they are trying to put over (like McIntyre, R-Truth, Ziggler, etc) to worry about Kingston's few botches. Smackdown has mostly turned into a technical wrestling show for people that like to see more wrestling and less story. Raw needs star power, because in the beginning it was suppose to be the A show, and give the devil his due Khofi Kingston is a great performer, botches or not the fan reaction is what matters in WWE.
I don't know why. He may be a pretty good wrester, but his character is boring. And besides, I thought he was from freakin Jamaica. He's really from Ghana, West Africa? He botches alot of moves. I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks so.
I like but don't love him. I think he's a decent wrestler, and a more talented Shelton Benjamin. Yes, Shelton is more technically gifted than him, but Kofi has more charisma, a better look and has just always had a better connection with the crowd. I also think he's more agile. Shelton carries more muscle mass, but Kofi seems to be able to jump higher.

I don't think he deserves a title or to occupy Cena's spot, nor do I think he should be pushed to the moon, but I think his push was exciting and they might as well have followed through on it rather than abandoning him completely, because now it's as if it never happened.

I think the reason so many people are so behind him is because he was the first young guy to get a real main event push in a very long time. Sheamus came later and I think most people can agree Kofi's more likeable. It also helps that he didn't just waltz into a title run, which people will forever resent Sheamus for. They cling to something that simply doesn't exist anymore, namely his push, hoping they'll pick it back up and let him finish his rise to the top. I don't think people want him to win the title, but I think they do want him to be in the position of challenging for it on PPV without there being a ladder or elimination chamber involved.
Kofi does have charisma, a lot of it. The fans love him because of his charisma, the energy he brings every time he wrestles a match, he entertains me every time he is in the ring.
I am definitely in the Anti kofi camp this guy is plain old boring on the mike and in the ring and I don't think he has any charisma. At first when he feuded with Orton I thought hey wait Kofi is getting a personality but that was short lived. The truth is Kingston dropped the ball when given a chance to shine he did not belong in the same ring as Orton. If you really believe Kingston shinned in the feud then my question is this, where is Kofi today is he main event or mid card ? What exactly is the boom boom boom thing anyway I know it annoys me because its plain old stupid just like Kofi's career.
I am a fan of Kofi, I think he should keep his hair the way he had it at mania it gives him a good look. Kofi is better than alot of guys that come and go into wwe and get pushes. When you think about it, its amazing how kofi has gotten over without having to touch a mic. Well most of the time.
I feel the same about Kofi as I feel about Swagger, Sheamus, & McIntrye(let him slide since he hasn't been around as long): he got pushed real early, let it get to his head, and didn't put the work in behind the scenes necessary to be a true name in the WWE. But even though Kofi dropped the Jamaican act(1st time I saw him, I knew he was jafaican), he kept the Thunder Clap which gives him a nice entrance and gets the fans hype. He brings good energy to the ring, but not much else. I don't know if he can only bench 150 lbs. or what, but I never see him slam anybody. He's raw potential, but he's gotta put work in.
Kofi has potential to be a great superstar. He proved that in his feud with Orton...well at least in the beginning of his feud with Orton. Him destroying the car is by far the highlight of his young career. it brought out an edgier, more interesting, more complex side of kofi kingston. his mic skills were shockingly good, or at least way better than we expected.

it all went downhill when orton supposedly told WWE kofi wasn't ready for the main event, and when orton threw a temper tantrum in the ring when kofi apparently botched something. now he's back where he was before his feud with orton. he still has a chance to break through, but his feud with Orton was probably his best chance. we'll see where kofi goes from now.
His mic skills are surprisingly good? To quote the great philosopher David Otunga, "listening to him is like eating mash potatoes!" When you're backstage, probably in front of a prompter, you should look good. But I remember him being in the ring at one time with Orton, Cena, & whoever trying to get into a triple threat match, his voice couldn't even carry over the crowd! Cena had to re-itterate his words! Kofi better get Teddy Long, Jimmy Hart, Santino Marella, or somebody to talk for him!
There's no accounting for taste. You aren't an idiot if you don't like Kofi; likewise, you aren't sheep for liking Kofi. He's a light weight dude, with lots of jumpy kicky type attacks, and he's got room for improvement on his promos and his physical composure in and out of the ring (like how he holds himself, how he sells, etc.). I don't see how that means he doesn't deserve his spot or a push.

Good to know I'm not the only person who isn't a fan of Kofi. I haven't used this word yet, but I'm gonna throw it out there: Lazy. Everything about his in-ring performance, at least to me, seems lazy. He doesn't sell shit, he has too many botches, and everything he does seems to be half-assed and/or sloppy.

There's plenty of honest criticism that can be said of Kofi, but lazy for sure is not one of them. Lazy gets you sent back to FCW (or will get you a spot somewhere never on camera in SD). Lazy does not get you a multi PPV angle with the biggest heel in the company. His finishers are fine; no different than what you might see RVD do (referring to Trouble in Paradise).

And I have to question your standards for what a "botch" is.

My understanding of the Orton incident is that there hasn't been any angry tweets about it, or any official mention of it or of any punishment to Kofi, so while the visual evidence is convincing, it's still just an unconfirmed rumor.

And, even assuming it's true and Orton flipped out about missing the Punt cue, the comparison between this situation and the one with Orton and Kennedy is invalid. Kennedy not only *supposedly* dropped Orton, but he also had been in or around enough other problems in his career that when Orton and Cena went and whined to McMahon it couldn't be passed off as just one of those things (regardless of whether it was or wasn't just Orton being whiney). Kofi didn't drop Orton wrong, he missed a cue. Maybe.

Note that Kofi doesn't have a list of past problems, like being reckless as a worker, or of being injury prone. So moments like his match with Batista isn't cause of unjustified concern, as he's hardly the first guy to get someone to bleed the hard way in a match.

I like Kofi Kingston because he gave me a reason to give a damn about the US Championship last year, because he was able to hold his own in the angle with Orton that they tried (and failed) to give MVP earlier in the year, and because I feel that they have only just now scratched the surface of what and who Kofi Kingston is. He's a much better speaker out of the Jamaican gimmick, he did a lot of work for Wrestlemania this year and he did a great job of it. Let them find a way to get more of that natural feeling into his promos (because heaven forbid you let the guys write their own stuff!). I'm not saying I think the guy is a guaranteed main event draw of the future, but that I think the material is there to be that in time.

On that note, I'd suggest a move to Smackdown, as until draft day, the Raw roster is pretty damn loaded (with the four biggest stars in the company among others). With less time spent on guest hosts, there's more time to invest in Kofi on SD. There's also less worries about hurting one of the top guys by putting Kofi over them (the big four again: Cena, Batista, HHH, and Orton). They seem to be stalling a J Mo push, McIntyre's push is schizophrenic (if they're gonna do it, then do it already), and they seem to want to continue on with the Punk/Mysterio and Edge/Jericho programs. In fact, now that I think about it, let McIntyre and Kofi go at it. Even book it to have McIntyre win! Just make it good and take time with it; it'll do wonders for both.
I like kofi alot, but in order for him to get more over he needs a gimmick re-haul.

new music, new ring attire, new taunt.

his music still suggests Jamaica as well as his attire. and his taunt is just corny.

he is great in the ring and has one of the best finishers in WWE right now. busted 2 guys open the real way.

if he goes to smackdown and get some mic time, he'll be great
First off, I don't understand why people are hating on the "Boom Boom Boom" and how it refers to him sucking. They use those kind of things to get the audience interested and inter-active. Just like MVP's Ballin' and John Cena's Five Knuckle Shuffle.

Second, Kofi Kingston is good. Not great, but I'd put him right under the main guys at the moment. He definitely has the charisma; his finisher works well with his style and he gets a few awesome spots in every once in a while. One thing he's got to work on is how many botches he does.

Anyways, I agree that Kofi is being hyped up too much as awesomeness, but I disagree about how he's plain and boring. He gets the crowd going as much as he can and delivers a good match.
And I have to question your standards for what a "botch" is.

My understanding of the Orton incident is that there hasn't been any angry tweets about it, or any official mention of it or of any punishment to Kofi, so while the visual evidence is convincing, it's still just an unconfirmed rumor.

Why would wwe come out and publicly confirm a botch? and if any wrestler were to 'tweet' about it they would be in trouble with the company. About the punishment, I think the stalled push for kingston explains itself. And I reiterate again, when kingston botches on LIVE tv, that puts the opposing wrestler in a think fast position which may not always work out well backstage.

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