*OFFICIAL* Kofi Kingston Thread

Since it looks like they're continuing to transform Kofi into a top face, this push he's gotten is great and his feud with Orton will only help and elevate him, Kofi is great in the ring and his mic work last week was gold. He will develop into a future main eventer and staying face for a while and a "Badass face" is what WWE needs as Kofi is going to fit that role well, the guy gets big pops and reactions week in and week out.

But what Kofi did last week was a career defining moment for him and whatever they have him do on the mic and in a segment next is going to excite the crowd.
Kofi tore it into Orton last Monday, and I'm looking forward to him facing Orton in the future. This could be a nice feud and propel Kofi into the main event scene or something. Orton will gain a ton of heat out of this, which is always good and Kofi will be made to look strong.
I WAS JUST ABOUT TO START THIS THREAD! I am so friggen excited for this 1: because we all know that Kofi is dynamite in the ring, and he is finally getting some mic time, and developing a character, and 2: because of 1, it looks like someone other than Randy, HHH, or Cena is finally, finally, finally, finally, joining the main event scene. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Now maybe he isn't there yet, but a nice feud with Randy will certainly get him there. I am so happy to see someone NEW!
Well he dropped the fake Jamican Accent, which I think was holding him back on getting some time on the mic. Without that now though, I really think the sky is the limit for him. He just needs to develop some mic skills, and get a good character, and BAM! as I already said, we finally have someone new in the main event scene.
Kofi has always been huge with the crowd so the final push to Main Event with a feud with Orton is just what the doctor ordered to fix the WWE. The monotonous title scene will be broken should Kofi succeed in getting fully over in this feud.
That segment was awesome. Kofi really sold that segment well. Plus, Kofi has always put on some very good matches with people and that phase of his work has always spoken for itself. If this feud can further develop that, this feud will be very successful. I am certainly looking forward to that
Holy shit!!! This is actually the first feud in a long time that im actually excited about!

Finally a feud that doesnt have predictable written all over it! Someone new in the main event scene for a change! :)
when he had his accent he really couldnt talk at all, but in the last 2 weeks hes been a really solid talker. now i think he just needs some new trunks and hes golden. this feud is shaping up to be good tho
when he had his accent he really couldnt talk at all, but in the last 2 weeks hes been a really solid talker. now i think he just needs some new trunks and hes golden. this feud is shaping up to be good tho

The entrance music has got to go aswell if he is seriously trying to get rid of this jamaican gimmick!
I'm still a little skeptical about this feud. It's good that the status quo has changed and Kofi is getting his chance, his opportunity to show that he has what it takes to be in the upper echelon on Raw. With Randy Orton being his opponent, Kofi has a chance to gain a lot of support with the fans and have some decent to good matches. The one thing I'm worried about Kofi is that sometimes his ring work tends to be a little sloppy. But then again, this probably goes with the territory of having the high risk wrestling style that Kofi has.

I'm rooting for Kofi to succeed, not in the feud wins or losses but in making the feud work. His success means Raw has a fresh contender for the main event slots, which is what it desperately needs.
It's really exciting to see a new main eventer finally enter the fray and let's hope that Randy will put Kingston over and make him a legitimate contender for the WWE Title. I like the direction the WWE is heading with this, the WWE is greatly in need of some new main eventers.

I'm also excited to see The Miz, Jack Swagger, and possibly Evan Bourne become viable contenders in the near future. If they can develop enough main eventers I think that the WWE can finally churn out a fresh new product.

I think that the same actions need to be taken on Smackdown, right now I have no idea why Eric Escobar is on SD. He doesn't seem to belong and I just feel he is out of place. I'd like to see either more of Morrison v Ziggler or Morrison v CM Punk. I 'm really just hoping that Morrison will get a chance for the World title before Wrestlemania or soon after. Right now it seems like he is getting lost in the mix.
It's nice to see that Kofi is getting a chance a last to go into the main event scene. It'll be very interesting to see what he can do against Orton since he can't face Cena for the title now.
Yeah I'm excited for this feud as well. I think when this feud is over Kofi will be built up to either win a spot in the elimination chamber or possibly money in the bank should be interesting to see were this goes now that we can take kofi a lot more serious.
Kofi did a great job on Raw tonight, both in his match with Jericho and backstage with Orton's car. Hopefully, as others have said, he can make this push work and become a credible main eventer. I'm stated before in threads that if Kofi needs an extra boost into the main event scene then a Nation of Domination type faction could provide it. If you group Kofi, Mark Henry and MVP together being led by a returning Booker T then just think how powerful they could become. Booker would return as a main eventer immediately, Kofi and MVP only need that one defining feud each to push them to the top (Kofi's is here but MVP will have to wait) and Mark Henry works well in a babyface enforcer role.
I hope that the seeds have been planted with the MVP/Henry vs Legacy match on Raw tonight and the start of Kofi/Orton, both of which should lead to 6 man matches somewhere down the road. Although I have no idea how Booker would be introduced into the feud...
I love it! After all the crap we have to endure week after week, and even in this whole new watered down PG era, it is nice to see that I can still get excited about what is given to me from the WWE. The start of a new feud is always exciting because tonight, before they bury him and screw it up and yada yada yada, they made Kofi Kingston look like a star and someone who deserves to be starting a rivalry with Orton.
Im so excited for this.. Kofi is just so much fun to watch....his smile is infectious. Between him and John Morrison...two great talents i look forward to seeing week in and week out.
I thought Kofi's promo was one of the best i have seen in a long time. This is gonna be a good feud, something fresh along with the swagger miz feud, raw is finally getting something new, now they just need to change the wwe title picture, enough of hhh, hbk, cena, n orton, need to let others step up.
This shocked me. I was expecting Cody and kofi but this I'd going to blow that feud out of the water! This elevates kofi, and he di a great job on the mic tonight and Jericho dis the honours in their match too. As I stated in a previous thread wwe is really doing a good job on ppv and raw in the recent weeks/months!
I am all with this feud but u have to put things into play. if its Kofi/orton at SS, Then Kofi SHOULD lose for the sake of orton being the main eventer that he is. Anouther thing is that The Trouble in Paradise needs to go more than the gimmick does. You have to realize that if people dont sell good,then the move looks like garbage. And it does. He should go for something better, that can get the crowd reved up. The Sweet Chin Music is great at getting the crowd excited, the little "Boom boom boom" thing Kofi does when he is waiting doesnt make me feel like OOOO THIS IS IT but more like here we go. Just get something original like a cloverleaf. Its like a sharpshooter but its different. If i could think right now i would name something better but U GET MY POINT
I have mixed feelings about this feud.

On the one hand, it does help to elevate Kofi Johnson, which is something he hasn't been able to do since coming to Raw.

On the other hand, this is pushing Orton far down the ladder. I understand that the Orton/Cena match at Bragging Rights was supposed to be the end of their feud...but to have Orton end up with Kofi, just one day after losing the Heavyweight title? Seems a little bit off.

Hopefully Orton will be able to help Mr. Johnson get to the next level....otherwise, this feud will have been completely pointless.
Yeah this should be awesome. Great for Kofi. I think the whole Jamican thing is lame, but I was happy to see that during his promo (which he excuted perfectly) he wasn't speaking with a Jamican accent. He's great in the ring and he deserves a main event push. Hopefully this is it
This was the best thing wwe could of done. Get orton out of the pic. i onestly didnt think wwe would do anything with kofi after Bragging right. This made my night. i think the miz and swagger feud will be good for the us title. and bring some heat to the title. Plus this will help start push guys. i like the chage in cena to. Rodes and Ted need to get on there own. i thought that Rhodes was going to end up feuding with Kofi not orton but that was a total switch i like it alot. Know just wait for Ted to start working on getting out of orton show and become his own man. Braging rights was the the begging of a great card for maybe wrestle mania if osme could start and thred about wwe finnely pusing news guys that would be a reall good conversaison
LEAVE THE FREAKIN' ENTRANCE MUSIC ALONE! That is one of the best themes in WWE right now, and all that'll happen if they change it, is he'll get stuck with another hip hop flavored theme like every other black wrestler in the WWE.
Ok, for the record, I am just as excited about Kofi finally developing a personality as the next guy...but lets not be prisoners of the moment. Can this guy really step in the ring with the likes of Cena, Orton or HHH and be considered a seriously viable threat? Not in my mind. I agree he worked the promo on RAW impressively but, this is the same guy that just lost to The Miz fair and square for the US title a few weeks back (and I also am a Miz fan so dont think I am bashing him). i am just saying keep in perspective that at one time even Shelton Benjamin fueded with and beat HHH 3 times in a row and look what has become of him...not much but mediocrity. Dont be suprised if this just turns out to be a way to refresh Orton and keep him away from the title for a few months before he ultimately regains it.

You act like it was bad for him to lose to the Miz one time, over HOW many times he's beaten him, or came out with the win the 3-Way, 4-Way, etc type of matches. They're building up Miz as credible as well, as he is capable of alot and has been improving. A loss to Miz, lead to a run-in on a PPV main event, which lead to a victory over Jericho, which now finds him in a feud with Orton/Legacy. I'll opt to stay optimistic in any event.

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