**MERGED** Stable Ideas (keep it in here!!)

Who should join Punk/Lesnar/Heyman?

  • Ryder

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  • the Sheild

  • Someone from nXt

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Lead Guy: Wade Barret. He already has experience being a leader of a group and he has the look, skill and talking ability to carry the group.

William Regal as the guy who would be the veteran to help out the younger guys of the group. Sort of like Ric Flair in Evolution.

Mason Ryan. Who wouldn't want the Whale from Wales on their team?? Big strong guy who can be the enforcer. Also makes it good for when the group breaks up to go for a singles career.

The Usos as the tag team of the group. Even tho they're from Samoa which is America kind of it's still it's own realm.

Layla as the foreign Diva of the group. It'd be nice to see her as valet and wrestler in her own as a part of that group.

And last but not least KANE! Since he's from hell he's really from a different place. That's about as foreign as you can get. Unless you count "Planet Funk".
I've put this thread up in other places so if this looks familiar to anyone, that's why. Ok so here goes:

Punk has pretty much turned heel. RAW 1000 is good proof. He's currently WWE Champion and is in a storyline whereby he has become frustrated with being overshadowed by the Cena's or Rock's of this business whilst being WWE Champion which is supposedly meant to mean you're the top guy. Punk is in the midst of a long title reign so my idea is simply to have him become the leader of a stable. The members would be as follows:

Leader: CM Punk - The WWE Champion who can't main event. That's his motivation. He's tired of being overshadowed by Cena, Rock etc. whilst proving he's the 'Best in the World'.

Manager: Paul Heyman & Legend: Brock Lesnar - Punk gets cheered, a lot. He will probably continue to get cheered even with his mic skills and heat-gathering skills. Heyman is also rather good at getting heat, and Lesnar is easy to hate. The reason these 2 are here is because they have been getting, pardon the pun, punked out by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. This is an idea that has been floated around for a while on this forum too.

Veteran & Enforcer: The Big Show. Again, he's an easy to hate personality and he wouldn't have to change anything. Show's gimmick is the guy who has finally been liberated of a career's worth of being the 'jolly giant' (I know that hasn't always been the case but WWE doesn't like continuity remember?). Now he wants to cause destruction wherever he goes. IMO, this makes him a great candidate.

Up-and-comer: Cody Rhodes. For a guy with a last name like that he sure isn't getting used much at the minute. He's directionless. He's being overlooked and isn't happy about it (which tbh is the only thing we have heard from him in a WWE ring lately ). This is precisely why he would make a great candidate. He's also young enough to be placed in this protege-type role.

OK, so there's your stable and the motivation for it forming. You want a big summer storyline? Well this takes us from Summerslam (where I would have them form) onwards. To add, I would keep Punk as WWE Champion, I would have Rhodes become US Champion, and he and Show become Tag Team Champions (Miz made it work ). Every one of those belts would be replaced with a classic design (this is just a personal thing. I'm not a fan of any of the designs ) if only to carry on Rhodes' motif of changing belt designs as he wins them. Punk changing the WWE Title would just complete the look.

Sorry about this being so long so if you have got this far, congratulations! So what do you think?
Ooh! And anyone with potential stable names, you are welcome to comment with suggestions. Thanks for reading.
Does Punk really need to go down the Stable route again? The 'SES' was a second rate faction that never did everything remotely memorable and his time as 'Nexus leader' was overshadowed by Wade Barrett who did a much better job and made Nexus much more relevant. Sorry Punk fans, but its really hard to deny.

Not sure Punk needs a stable AGAIN. However, alligning him with Paul Heyman would be a very smart move. Heyman is great at drawing heat and elevating people to the next level. They also know each other very well.

I was thinking about Matt Morgan joining WWE and IF they do go down the Stable route then adding him to the faction would be interesting. The 'Straight Edged Saviour' and Damion Sandow would also be a very interesting pairing!!!
I'd rather they kept him as a competitive champion.

Seriously, stables only ever lead to chickenshit heel champions, and the WWE has done that type of champion to death in recent memory. For a while it seemed like they didn't know how to book anything other than that even.

Let Punk stay on his own and beat guys clean until he faces the Rock at the Rumble (they could protect Cena with some sort of 'injury' going into their inevitable match)
I definitely wouldn't be booking him as a chickenshit heel, but I do agree that WWE can't seem to book stables in a different way. For me the idea was to bring together solo guys who all had their own problems but seem to have found a root cause, with Punk being the leader. Instead of booking it like Legacy were for example, it could be booked like a Ministry of Darkness of Corporation. Nothing that really oozed being cowardly but was heelish e.g. avoiding confrontation etc.
I was advocating last year for ADR, Punk, the Miz and an enforcer (I was thinking Brodus Clay) to join forces on Raw to go against Cena. Booked right I think that could have worked (was before Punk's worked shoot promo though).

Now I would say that Punk is so well established in the fans' minds as the Best in the World that he doesn't need back up.

If anything I would allign him with Daniel Bryan and put them on a mission to take over Smackdown and Raw and prove to the WWE that their type of wrestler is the future of the company. If you really wanted a stable you could easily have guys like Tyler Reks, Evan Bourne and Antonio Cesaro as their lackies
The idea I have really about lackies or Punk needing back-up. It's a collection of individuals that have their own issues with management for one reason or another and they're only together as a result of a common goal, kind of like how Survivor Series teams are created :p Punk would be leader due to his being WWE Champion. I really don't want to see a stable with 'lackies' anymore which is why I used those superstars :)
If they wanted a GREAT stable, I would align Punk, DB, Dean Ambrose, Michael McGillicutty, and Matt Morgan as the Enforcer if he does go to the WWE, if not Mason Ryan as long as he doesn't wrestle or talk lol. Whats the POINT of having already over stars in the group. This should strictly be a group sick of the John Cena's and Rock's getting the main attention and pushes. PLEASE no Cody, the guy is boring as hell on a mic, and sorry not the greatest wrestler on the world.
I get that both Punk and Brock are Heyman guys, but Punk doesn't need Heyman as a mouthpiece, and Brock doesn't need Punk's help in beating someone up. Doesn't mean it won't happen though.
I'd rather him for now go solo doing things his own way, but the closer he gets to Survivor Series (the year long title reign mark) he gets more desperate in his attempts to keep his title.

This is where the stable would come into play. I'd love to see Punk work with Heyman but as someone else has mentioned Punk doesn't need Heyman, Lesnar doesn't need Punk.

Maybe a stable with Punk (WWE Champion) Miz (IC Champion) Prime Time Players (Tag-Team champions/contention) and Big Show or Matt Morgan (if rumours are true about him) as Enforcer/Muscle of the group would worK?
The main problem with the suggested stable is that there's too much star power in the group. Lesnar, Punk, Big Show and Cody are (or have been) main event performers in their own right. Especially at a time when Raw is going to three hours and the company is going to have to spread their talent over a longer time period, I doubt they want to place that many stars in the ring at the same time, operating under a singular purpose.

Most stables contain one star who directs a bunch of nobodies. There have been exceptions, of course, but most stables are like Punk's own Straight Edge Society: Punk and a trio of anonymous performers. Nexus was like that, too: Wade Barrett and a bunch of nobodies......in fact, even Wade himself wasn't as accomplished as he later became.

Aside from all that, with all the publicity given to Brock's one-year contract and all the money they're paying him, I seriously doubt WWE wants to dilute his influence and star power by placing him in a stable. In fact, if he was available for more appearances, I doubt they'd saddle him with Paul Heyman: Paul is there to speak in Brock's absence, and he sure is absent a lot, no?

As for Cody, while it's true his star seems to have dimmed these past months, since his career began, he's been given more to do by the writers than any mid-carder I can remember. I wouldn't be surprised if he's undergoing a temporary lull while Creative thinks up still another program for him to run with; I doubt he belongs in a stable any more than Brock.

Then, there's Big Show. The whole purpose of his character change is illustrating that he's a loner; no longer the friendly giant who gets along with everyone and is a genial backstage presence and ambassador for WWE. He now walks through WWE alone, and placing him in a stable would shatter his whole new persona.
I'm not really a fan of this idea. Punk as the leader of a stable hasn't been so successful. He would have been just fine without the Straight Edge Society a few years back and the New Nexus was absolutely worthless. He's (kayfabe) the best in the world, so why would he need a stable? Punk can already pull off the victories by himself and this might actually damage his credibility rather than help him. Heyman and Lesnar have no reason to align with Punk at the moment, they have their own agenda. Plus, Lesnar doesn't need any help. Just about any fan would view it as believable if he destroys everyone in his path without being in a stable.

Then there's Big Show and Rhodes. Big Show is as boring as it gets right now and don't quite see what he would add to this stable, especially if LESNAR is in it too. I'd rather see Big Show be a victim, despite everyone involved all being heels. Rhodes might or might not benefit from this but he's better off on his own too. His success came while he was a singles star, not necessarily while he was in Legacy or Team Priceless. Honestly, other than MAYBE Rhodes, everyone in your list is better off without a stable right now. I wouldn't be against it if it formed, as it could be entertaining, but it just wouldn't benefit any of them too much.
I think if Punk has a new stable it needs to be with particular people. There are too many stars in your idea, as others have said. If I were to put together the perfect stable (in my eyes) for Punk, it would be guys that have came where Punk came from. IE- guys that have had to "earn it" so to speak.

I'm not sure i'd want another "star" in the group with him. But if there had to be another star- it would be D.Bryan. After VKM ruined his wedding...its quite possible DB could have that same hatred for "the establishment" that Punk may be going towards.

Other additions I would want to have are:
Antonio Cesaro
Dean Ambrose
Kassius Ohno
Seth Rollins

The connections are obvious. I don't think I need to explain any further. I'd mark-the-fuck-out for something like this to happen!!
Punk doesn't need a stable or Heyman/Lesnar with him. The man is 100% gold by himself. He doesn't even need to return to being the "Straight Edge Savior" to be a good heel. Punk is just naturally 100x better as a heel then he is a face; look at any of his work through out the years.

BUT!!!! If you wanna seriously put Punk in a stable of any type, this would be the ideal stable....

CM Punk - WWE Champion
Daniel Bryan - World Champion
Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) & Antonio Cesaro (Claudio Castagnoli) (with Sara Del Ray in her WWE incarnation) - Tag Team Champions
Seth Rollins (Tyler Black) - IC/US Champion
Sara Del Ray (whoever she becomes in WWE) - Diva's Champion

Not that a stable even needs all the belts or any to be successful, but hey I can dream. Then again, this would be a dream stable for me (It's my stable in WWE 12)

These guys wouldn't need to interfere in each others matches to help each other win or sneak attack opponents. It could be just a dominate group of. . . . I'm GONNA SAY IT VINCE.....WRESTLERS!!!!
It's actually funny that this thread was made because I was thinking the same thing. Since Raw 1000, I have created a stable of my own on WWE 12 consisting of CM punk and Brock Lesnar. I honestly think that the big angle this summer is for these two guys to team up with Paul Heyman as their manager and create a new 2-Man Power Trip.
The problem with teaming Brock with anyone is that the payoff needs to be there, and with 9 months left of WWE time for money bags, it won't payoff. By this, of course, I mean, that the point of any good stable is to create new stars that then feud with the established star over power. This is why most heel stables have more success than face stables; People wait for the "next in line" to be tired of being bossed around, and he turns face. These two will not be facing off at Mania, so there is no point.
I've decided to give some in-depth analysis of your idea. I don't give to charities or vagrants or friends - this'll be my way of giving back to the world. Let's begin!

Good start. Great wrestler, very popular, I like his t-shirts. Going well so far!

I'm intrigued. You've hooked me. Where will we go from here? Only time will tell.

Connective tissue for any sentence. Very sensible, if a little played out.

This is where I think things fell apart. Stables can be great, in very rare circumstances. The Straight Edge Society was great - because of Punk. Serena and Gallows were props, and not particularly emotive ones at that. The New Nexus were worse - dead weight around Punk's ankles.

Terrible television show. Repetitive and dull. Things sure fell apart fast.

Like many have said there's no need for Punk to be in a stable. This one in particular wouldn't work because Lesnar wouldn't play the Legend role That Ric Flair played in Evolution. Lesnar is a star and would want to be a leader of a stable.

Anyways i think it's important to make Punk look strong the next few weeks as a solo competitor have him say how The Rock and Cena are stealing his spotlight and that hes the best in the world. This could all lead to survivor series which is the year mark He then could say this proves he's the best in the world. And like someone already said this is where we could see him become more desperate to keep the title.
The key to a good stable is having a main event guy, a mid card young guy, and a tag team. You look at Four Horseman, D-X, the Corporation Evolutions, Legacy each one consisted of the the main guy, mid card/enforcer, and tag team.

You could put Punk and Big Show together as it seems they have started together with Big Show involved in the title match helping Punk retain. Big Show wouldn't be a threat for the title and could be in the mid card match and credible threat to potential challengers to the title.

The big problem lies in the heel tag team that would be involved. That division has been so overlooked that there isn't any credible team that fits. Unless you put Show in a tag team and get another guy to be the mid card guy it doesn't work.
The main thing that I like about this idea, is how good Punk is at..well everything he needs to be to lead another stable. He is great on the mic, a good leader (i.e. SES) and a great performer. As to who joins it, I can't say. What would you call the stable though? Oh, and I don't see Brock joining it..he looked good for a Johnny Ace stable, not so much for Punk's non-existing one
Quick idea: On Raw 1000 we saw Punk's heel turn as well as what seemed to be a throwaway segment where Reks, Hawkins, Mahal, McIntyre, Hunico and Camacho were finished off by Taker and Kane.
Now this isn't what I would like to see, but it kind of makes sense.[/B]
Punk says he deserves to main event PPVs and deserves more respect. The six wrestlers mentioned above say they deserve more respect as well. At Summerslam all six attack Kane, Lesnar loses to HHH and leaves, and Punk retains with the help of the six wrestlers. Heyman begins to manage those six wrestlers and Punk, promising to have them become stars and main event shows. Punk loses his title at Survivor Series to Cena and they throw out Heyman for not doing his job. Rock vs. Cena II at the Rumble, where Cena retains. In the Rumble, Kane returns and throws out a lot of the stable members, then Punk eliminates Kane. Undertaker returns on Raw and attacks the stable members, leaving Punk vs. Undertaker at WM29. Also, that gives us Cena vs. Rock III as a blow-off match for the title. Throughout this time we can also see small developments like Reks and Hawkins getting the tag titles, Hunico and Camacho being outed as the weak links(or vice versa), a 2nd McIntyre IC title reign, a Survivor Series team match, etc.
Drake, it seems like you have an idea there. I didn't think about what you said, but it makes sense now. I can't see it happening though. Thats a rather large stable to come out of nowhere being what, 7 members from the beginning? I don't know, I'm not saying your idea isn't a sound one, I am saying I don't see it happening
I wouldn't put Punk in a Stable but i would maybe align him with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Punk could talk for Lesnar due to his limited appearences. Punk would shoot on Lesnar's current opponent, when Brock isn't there.

Imagine if next monday Punk introduces his new manager as Paul Heyman. Then they call out Triple H :)
Quick idea: On Raw 1000 we saw Punk's heel turn as well as what seemed to be a throwaway segment where Reks, Hawkins, Mahal, McIntyre, Hunico and Camacho were finished off by Taker and Kane.
Now this isn't what I would like to see, but it kind of makes sense.[/B]
Punk says he deserves to main event PPVs and deserves more respect. The six wrestlers mentioned above say they deserve more respect as well. At Summerslam all six attack Kane, Lesnar loses to HHH and leaves, and Punk retains with the help of the six wrestlers. Heyman begins to manage those six wrestlers and Punk, promising to have them become stars and main event shows. Punk loses his title at Survivor Series to Cena and they throw out Heyman for not doing his job. Rock vs. Cena II at the Rumble, where Cena retains. In the Rumble, Kane returns and throws out a lot of the stable members, then Punk eliminates Kane. Undertaker returns on Raw and attacks the stable members, leaving Punk vs. Undertaker at WM29. Also, that gives us Cena vs. Rock III as a blow-off match for the title. Throughout this time we can also see small developments like Reks and Hawkins getting the tag titles, Hunico and Camacho being outed as the weak links(or vice versa), a 2nd McIntyre IC title reign, a Survivor Series team match, etc.

I don't hate the idea, as there is a certain logic involved with every part except for the inclusion of Heyman and Brock. Brock is exactly what these guys are fighting against. Punk's turn being due to not getting the 'main event' of PPVs makes a lot of sense. The 6 pack of jobbers makes sense linking up since their whole issue is that they aren't taken seriously. Tossing Reks and Hawkins makes more sense because I could actually see them getting over as a face team later on.
I wouldn't put Punk in a Stable but i would maybe align him with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Punk could talk for Lesnar due to his limited appearences. Punk would shoot on Lesnar's current opponent, when Brock isn't there.

Imagine if next monday Punk introduces his new manager as Paul Heyman. Then they call out Triple H :)

Brock has someone to speak for him when he isn't there: Paul Heyman. Hopefully, WWE got some 'live satelite' footage and some backstage confrontations/beat downs this week so that Brock can 'be there' without wasting appearances.

Involving HHH with Punk means involving HHH in the title picture which is, well, stupid. No offence. After HHH beats Brock, Lesnar likely won't have any opponents until the next time he shows up. If they drag the HHH feud out until Survivor Series, then it's a bit of a waste of appearances, but HHH can keep the mileage going with Brock there or not. Depending on which happens first at SS, it will determine the direction of the other. If Brock beats HHH, then Cena is beating Punk to set up Cena vs Brock at Survivor Series, and Punk will get screwed out of a big match with Brock.

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