**MERGED** Stable Ideas (keep it in here!!)

Who should join Punk/Lesnar/Heyman?

  • Ryder

  • Kidd

  • Kofi

  • the Sheild

  • Someone from nXt

  • No one

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Is it possible to weaken Orton? The guy is an after thought at the moment. The thing with DOA and Los Boriqua's is they were led by guys who were never over.. Savio Vega and Brian Lee.

Legacy was hot... How many times did WCW go back to the Horesemen? No one complained when it was Ric, Arn, Ole, and Sting. It wasnt until Roma became a Horsemen that the group shat itself.
First question, yes. Quite. It would be very easy to make you care about Randy Orton again, and the way to do that is not by attaching him to a few go nowhere midcarders under an old name.

Legacy was hot for a year. Why don't we compare the Nation of Domination to the Horsemen, while we're at it?

It was fun for a while, but all three players have moved on to other things. No one gains by going back to the past.
.... but I think there is a whole plethera of talent that could become or are "Heyman Guys" & that could be led as a faction by Heyman with alot better results than with Trent Barretta & Curt Hawkins.

Valid point, but it can also be argued that stables should contain lower ranked guys who need something to do other than wallow on the undercard forever. Being in a group with more highly regarded stars could benefit all, including the notion of boosting the star's influence by having him in charge of people. Look at where that concept got CM Punk.

On the other hand, while many suggestions for stables revolve around the top-ranked guys, it must be pointed out that superstars of that magnitude don't need to be in groups. Again, Punk is a good example; his value was enhanced by leading people earlier in his career.....yet now, he's the ultimate loner, having advanced beyond the need to lead followers.

3MB might turn out to be a good example of what a stable should be. It consists of three mid-card guys who weren't particularly going anywhere, whose union might prove greater than the sum of its parts. That's the essence of stable-building. Leave the main eventers out of it, since they've advanced beyond the need for it.
First question, yes. Quite. It would be very easy to make you care about Randy Orton again, and the way to do that is not by attaching him to a few go nowhere midcarders under an old name.

Legacy was hot for a year. Why don't we compare the Nation of Domination to the Horsemen, while we're at it?

It was fun for a while, but all three players have moved on to other things. No one gains by going back to the past.

Out of the three members only Cody Rhodes has moved on though. Orton is putting over other wrestlers and Ted Dibiase is nowhere near TV and is contemplating retirement. Also, lots of talented guys such as Joe Hennig can certainly use that exposure, and you can give debuts to guys like Bray Wyatt. Sure, Orton can easily be inserted back into the main event but would they want that? He just got caught with his 2nd wellness violation and they might not trust him with the spotlight yet. If he's putting people over the best way is in a stable with people that desperately needs exposure?

Legacy 2.0 doesn't have to go back to the past and act like they did which was 3 pretty boys that got their ass handed to them regularly. They can have more members as WWE has a lot of 2nd generation stars right now and they can adopt a much more ruthless aspect. With Bray Wyatt and a heel viper Orton they can certainly do that. The only thing they are rehashing would be the name. If done right Legacy 2.0 can certainly be interesting and I'm all for it.
Something needs to happen. WWE needs a new stable to take over. I know the D-X, NWO, Corporation days are no more. But ratings were never matched since then and I have not been at the edge of my seat since.

Hayman could lead a new alliance C.M. Punk, Big Show, Ziggler & AJ, Prime time Players.

Even have a game changer and make John Cena a heel!

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The Prime Time Players are the best tag team in the WWE right now who has yet to win the WWE tag team championship. Darren Young & Titus O'Neal are a legit tag team, not two guys who were thrown together like team Air Boom were. Now since that A.W. is released from the WWE after he made that comment on that "pipebomb". The Prime Time Players have been lacking something. But what if Teddy Long came in to manage PTP as a heel? Theodore Long could just walked out on Smackdown General Manager Booker T and started a revolution-like faction to take over not just Smackdown but all of the WWE giving Booker T a spitting headache week in & week out.

The Prime Time Players could be future WWE tag team champions with Teddy's knowledge from managing tag teams from wrestling past like Doom in the old WCW. And maybe Teddy could take JTG along for the ride too. PTP is a minor upgrade from how Cryme Tyme was, going back to the money phases. "Money-Money Yeah-Yeah" and "Millions & Millions of Dollars!" chants. JTG could play the Spike Dudley-role in the PTP faction? And with rumors that MVP could be returning to the WWE. He could be the main eventing star in the faction going after a world title in the E. Why not?

This possible stable has a lot going for it's self on paper. What do you think?
Like many would want to say, Your Idea is good, hence the WWE won't go forward with this.

However from my point of view, this faction could be strengthened by Mark Henry, Ezekiel Jackson, Big E Langston, Percy Watson and I know people will take a dump on me for this, but add R Truth. You could even add Faarooq as their guest entrepreneur and Bam! This stable will work wonders. Teddy as a heel stable manager would be a good choice too.

That's not to say it won't have its downsides. Racists will call it the Dark Nexus, while others will say "Oh great yet another NWO/NoD - esque faction, lets see how the E screws this one". Sadly, a small part of me will have to agree with "the E dropping the ball on this." Also, we have the Shield thing going on right now. So though your idea is good, the WWE screwing it up is a huge possibility.
I actually love this idea. I would even take it a step further and have Shad Gaspard come back to join them as well. Hell, let’s bring back the Doctor of Thugonomics as the “Higher Power”.

Manger – Teddy Long
Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions – Prime Time Players
United States Champion – JTG
Intercontinental Champion – Shad Gaspard
World Champion – MVP
WWE Champion – John Cena
Darren Young & Titus O'Neal are a legit tag team, not two guys who were thrown together like team Air Boom were.

The PTP are a decent team, yes, but I don't see them as being any more legit than Air Boom. When you get right down to it, every tag team is "thrown together" unless they're related to each other or connected by some other feature (nationality, body size, etc). The difference in the two teams mentioned is that Kofi and Evan Bourne were known to us as singles competitors before they teamed up, while Titus and Darren were unfamiliar to many fans. Sure, we had seen Darren's aborted run with Nexus, but had hardly glimpsed him for a long time afterward. Meanwhile, I had no idea who Titus was until he showed up with Darren.

Darren Young is a better ring worker than Titus, imo. He's got fairly good technical ability and possesses the facial expressions and body english that make him interesting. Titus seems awkward and lacking in ringmanship. Yes, he's big, and Vince McMahon likes that, but I find his ring repertoire hard to get into.

Still, with a decent storyline to work with, PTP will probably win a tag team title somewhere along the line.....not that that spells stardom. The fact they haven't yet won it might indicate that they're destined to remain an also-ran, especially in light of the increased emphasis of the tag team division.
Like many would want to say, Your Idea is good, hence the WWE won't go forward with this.

However from my point of view, this faction could be strengthened by Mark Henry, Ezekiel Jackson, Big E Langston, Percy Watson and I know people will take a dump on me for this, but add R Truth. You could even add Faarooq as their guest entrepreneur and Bam! This stable will work wonders. Teddy as a heel stable manager would be a good choice too.

That's not to say it won't have its downsides. Racists will call it the Dark Nexus, while others will say "Oh great yet another NWO/NoD - esque faction, lets see how the E screws this one". Sadly, a small part of me will have to agree with "the E dropping the ball on this." Also, we have the Shield thing going on right now. So though your idea is good, the WWE screwing it up is a huge possibility.

Legit question: why did you choose all black guys? The PTP gimmick is based on wanting money. White people like money too.
I think PTP are just fine as a tag team and don't need to be in a stable.
I think they would get more over if they were allowed some more backstage segments to entertain. I used to only like Abraham Washington but when he was released and PTP got to speak more and kind of goof around more on the YouTube shows I took an interest in them. If they were allowed to do that on WWE television they'd probably get over though they would likely need to turn face.
I could see this, but with Shelton Benjamin being the 3rd guy... Millions O' Dollars/All About The Benjamin would be a good hook but I don't see it working with Teddy. Why not have Ron Simmons put them together, as he is basically what the PTP's are aspiring to, if its just the 3 guys and Simmons keeps his APA/Damn character then it would be far enough away from the Nation to work alternatively, they could do worse than have D-Lo manage them.
ok while this DOES sound like a better idea for PTP, as right now they annoy the hell out of me, i dont completely like it. i might be a bit bias, and i cant speak for the white viewership, but as a black individual i HATE watching these two. they erk me to death and im a bit tired of seeing the portrayed young black urban character of WWE. i enjoyed cryme time as they were actually funny to me, BUT them and PTP are basically the same wash and reuse idea with PTP being more high strung i guess?

MVP was somewhat of the same, too. everyone mentioned always yelled about money and 'ballin' in some way or another... even teddy. so again, its a good idea and could be entertaining, but i dont like how they portray the typical black person. kofi is cool, booker is cool, big e is cool, lashley was cool. id like to see more characters along NORMAL lines, and not creative making half of the black wrestlers on the roster seem money hungry or something.

but on another note, i feel the Usos are the best tag team in the WWE right now and id much rather see some type of angle, ANY angle, involving them. push the Usos and call it a win!
Never fails. If there's a thread about black wrestlers, chances are the OP is just the person to think of it. O'Neill and Young aren't over enough yet. They've been basically jobbers for the past month or so which is par for the course for the tag team division it seems. Let them get some big wins under their belt and a few titles and maybe I'll even consider it. As of right now, no.
Legit question: why did you choose all black guys? The PTP gimmick is based on wanting money. White people like money too.

Although it ended up being that way, I assure you it isn't a question of skin color. The people I added to the Faction don't have much going on for them. As a faction they could be more relevant and more dominant. Or so I hope.

To address your second query about White people like money too. I agree, but what current white character apart from Ted Dibiase is even remotely connected to a money based gimmick(I might be wrong. Enlighten me if that's the case)? And Ted Dibiase would ruin the the faction (just my opinion), hence I didn't add him.

Adding anyone else would mean disastrously changing their entire gimmick's goal in a storyline perspective. I said R-Truth could be a part of the stable, simply because it's much easier for him to kick Li'l Jimmy out the door and go back to being the conspiracy theorist and a schemer for the group. I'm no racist, don't take it the wrong way.
If for some reason the PTP players were ever part of a stable, I would think that MVP if he returned and David Otunga would be fitting. My basis isn't because they are all black but because I think that their personalities would mesh well, assuming that MVP used a variation of the Terrell Owens like gimmick that he began with and Otunga used his A list monicker. For the sake of diversity, maybe there is someone already on the roster or an nxt guy who could develop a gimmick that would somehow make them fitting. I'm not sure if Dibiase has the personality to fit in with such a group. It can be argued that Otunga doesn't either, but he does have a built in background that could be open for exaggeration.
Why is it wrong to have an all black faction though ? How many all white factions have been out there ? Plenty and there are no complaints. The only black faction I can think of in WWE was the NOD and they really didn't get the same amount of attention that DX got. NOD didn't have all the major titles around their waists at one time.

Back to PTP, I agree that Titus needs work, and that Darren has improved. I think there are teams that need the titles, a run with them or a run in a high profile rivalry and PTP, Usos and the Colons need that. Separate these teams and the likelihood the performers will get lost in the undercard. Their problem is WWE gave very little focus to tag teams during their run. Cryme Time was very popular and they never got the belts. Now tbh, CT had a lousy gimmick, Shad was below average in the ring, but they were a tag team. They had to sit back while Miz and Morrison got the belts (deservedly so, they were better), Jericho and Big Show (two people who don't need the belts), Show and Miz (same as JeriSHow) and DX got the belts. I'm not saying these teams who got the belts weren't better, but the performers didn't need the belts. Cryme Time, like PTP, like the USos are performers who either came on to the roster as a tag team or were viewed as performers who just couldn't make it on their own and put into a tag team to get them some kind of success. So if that's the case, give them the titles.

The problem they face (and the rest of the tag teams), is Kane and Bryan (two performers who had decent solo careers) became a tag team, had a very entertaining dynamic came in and the spotlight went on them. It's a consistent thing that happens, as I mentioned earlier. They have Rhodes and Sandow now, Mysterio and Sincara, they add to the roster of tag teams, they add their experience, but they take the spotlight off of the Usos, Colons and PTP, teams that have been waiting for their shot at the top of the roster winning the belts. It's a business decision, and a good one in many aspects, but I can understand if performers feel a little frustrated by it.

I think a faction could help PTP. Truth and PTP would be really good. Truth is decent on the mike and can be the heel. Henry, Truth and PTP could help SD as Show as champ there really has little to no entertainment value, imo.
Darren Young & Titus O'Neal are a legit tag team, not two guys who were thrown together like team Air Boom were.
That's absolute bullshit. Never mind the crap about teams being less "legit" because they're thrown together. But the Prime Time Players have been a tag team since what, February of 2012? They came up to the WWE roster in April, meaning they've been a tag team in the WWE for less than 9 months. So that's what we're calling a "legit tag team" these days? Don't get me wrong, I love the PTP, but Air Boom could have been awesome, and would probably still be a team today had it not been for Bourne and his hilarious affinity for wellness violations.

Thrown together tag teams have been, in the grand scheme of the business, pretty awesome. Yokozuna and Owen Hart. Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle. JOHN MORRISON AND THE MIZ. And you know what, add Prime Time Players to the list. They're two NXT rejects - one of which sucked in the Nexus - that got thrown together. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself.

Now since that A.W. is released from the WWE after he made that comment on that "pipebomb". The Prime Time Players have been lacking something. But what if Teddy Long came in to manage PTP as a heel? Theodore Long could just walked out on Smackdown General Manager Booker T and started a revolution-like faction to take over not just Smackdown but all of the WWE giving Booker T a spitting headache week in & week out.
That's a pretty fun creative idea, but I'm not sure WWE needs another heel faction right now. I like PTP as a tag team. Titus O'Neil has been able to come out of his shell since they lost A.W. Also, is Teddy Long really the heel mouthpiece they need? Why, because he's a black guy?

The Prime Time Players could be future WWE tag team champions with Teddy's knowledge from managing tag teams from wrestling past like Doom in the old WCW.
Yeah, they can and will be the tag team champions with or without Teddy's knowledge.

And maybe Teddy could take JTG along for the ride too.

PTP is a minor upgrade from how Cryme Tyme was, going back to the money phases. "Money-Money Yeah-Yeah" and "Millions & Millions of Dollars!" chants. JTG could play the Spike Dudley-role in the PTP faction?
Ok fine, that would actually be pretty funny.

And with rumors that MVP could be returning to the WWE. He could be the main eventing star in the faction going after a world title in the E. Why not?
Alright, you lost me again. MVP as a world title chaser in 2013? If they brought him back, I'm seeing mid-card filler at best. I think he's a good talent, but he'd really have to surprise me to go that far.

This possible stable has a lot going for it's self on paper. What do you think?
Titus O'Neil, Darren Young, JTG and MVP. You're right, they do have a lot going for them on paper. Maybe with D'Angelo Dinero they could be the second coming of Aces & Eights.
The PTP are a decent team, yes, but I don't see them as being any more legit than Air Boom. When you get right down to it, every tag team is "thrown together" unless they're related to each other or connected by some other feature (nationality, body size, etc). The difference in the two teams mentioned is that Kofi and Evan Bourne were known to us as singles competitors before they teamed up, while Titus and Darren were unfamiliar to many fans. Sure, we had seen Darren's aborted run with Nexus, but had hardly glimpsed him for a long time afterward. Meanwhile, I had no idea who Titus was until he showed up with Darren.

Darren Young is a better ring worker than Titus, imo. He's got fairly good technical ability and possesses the facial expressions and body english that make him interesting. Titus seems awkward and lacking in ringmanship. Yes, he's big, and Vince McMahon likes that, but I find his ring repertoire hard to get into.

Still, with a decent storyline to work with, PTP will probably win a tag team title somewhere along the line.....not that that spells stardom. The fact they haven't yet won it might indicate that they're destined to remain an also-ran, especially in light of the increased emphasis of the tag team division.

I like both of them, but I couldn't disagree more with aspects of what you said. Darren is better technically and I understand why a lot of fans will automatically prefer him because of that, and I usually don't care for bigger power wrestlers at all, but I love the way Titus O'neil works. I'd take him over Sheamus, Henry, Ryback, pretty much any guy big similar to his size outside of Kane and Show. Show while atrocious is better on the mic. But I don't understand how anyone can say Titus isn't better on the mic and just as good with facial expressions. Do you see the promos or hear them do commentary? Yes Darrens facial expressions are hilarious often but Titus is way better on the mic and off the top of his head interacting with fans or the moments I guess you could say.
I like the idea of a PTP - million dollar- stable but I believe WWE have missed the opportunity.

A few months ago on main event I saw a promo from del rio & PTP and it worked perfectly. It would of been an awesome way to get mote heat on del rio by having him "buy" his own faction.

Leader- Alberto Del Rio
Tag Team- Prime Time Players
Mid carder/breakout star- wade Barrett

I say Barrett because when he came back he said "I'm open for business". Barrett could of been the "hitman" for the group. A modern APA style, he gets paid to do a protection/hitman job. Then after a few months gets fed up of del rio & PTP talking down to him and says "Wade Barrett is no longer open for business, Barrett only works for Barrett..." and then could of feuded with the three.

However the opportunity has been missed because del rio seems to be going face & Barrett has dropped the open fir business.

If del rios face turn doesn't come off then I would love to see him , PTP and perhaps MVP or even "Gold Standard" Shelton Benjamin as the stables mid carder.
First off let me mention one thing: Forget about the importance of race/skin color, only racists care about it. You can't please everyone so choose who you like, whether it's all black wrestlers, some or none.

When Cena started palling around with Cryme Tyme, it fit because their personalities meshed. The personality of the Primetime Players is clear. They like to dance, laugh, joke around and make lots of money as WWE Superstars. When you consider that, Zack Ryder would be a perfect fit for a Primetime Players stable, and not a bad mouthpiece for them either. Would Ryder turn heel, or do you think the PTP's would make a true babyface turn? I think they're starting to actually get over with some fans already.
Prime Time Players doesn't need more members, what they need is to get some more promos and backstage segments. WWE needs to show PTP doing what they're good at doing, being funny.
Although it ended up being that way, I assure you it isn't a question of skin color. The people I added to the Faction don't have much going on for them.

Calling bullshit on that one right there. DiBiase (not to mention Del Rio) - all about the money.

The Prime Time Players are the best tag team in the WWE right now who has yet to win the WWE tag team championship.

I'm glag we're all in agreement, then... :banghead:

i dont like how they portray the typical black person. kofi is cool, booker is cool, big e is cool, lashley was cool. id like to see more characters along NORMAL lines, and not creative making half of the black wrestlers on the roster seem money hungry or something.

Right on the money! Somebody needs to tell Vince that black people are normal too. You don't see Del Rio twirling a long, thin moustache or Yoshi Tatsu doing Dance Dance Revolution, so why single out black guys to do the urban thing?
Everyone seems to assume that CM punk in running the shield and also in cohoots with maddox. but here is some non relevant non facts that can eventually become true if they ran with it. A Magician best trick is to misdirect the audience. so just like the past what happen with the NWO and dont think I am saying this a remake of the NWO. or anything real big the WWE pulls out their bum. but why cant the shield attack CM punk or rather why havent they attack CM PUNK. I come to think that maybe they havent attack him cause the real master mind wants u to think it is cm punk until the time is right and I think the time would b elimination chamber to show who is running the shield. all this past year or atleast the first half everyone expected a big heel change and we got one in CM Punk but the HEEL change we wanted is who I think is in charge of the shield and been having the shield take out anyone, or anyone going up against CM punk to make him look guilty, because the leader of the shield is JOHN CENA if u ask me and even though they did attack him it could have been a ruse
Everybody knows in recent WWE history in the WWE-PG era that wrestling factions aren't as big as they once were like 10-15 years ago. But for the past few years we've seen wrestling factions like the Nexus, the Corre, the Straight-Edge Society. And now we have 3MB and the Shield. All these stable's that I just mentioned have been heel factions. With that saying, when will we see some face factions in the WWE?

When was the latest faction of babyface's? Because I can't remember. The Job Squad??? Babyface stable's in the WWE didn't really get over until D-Generation-X in the attitude era when the group turned babyface. DX from the attitude era could be the most successful babyface wrestling faction in WWE history! Who knows?

The Union came and went. CTC was a joke! Anyone else? But if you could create a babyface wrestling faction in this era of WWE wrestling, what would the faction be called and about? And with who in it?

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