**Merged** R Truth Heel Turn (Keep it all in here!)

Will The Writers Drop The Ball On R-Truth?

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Although hes deffinitely gonna be more interesting to watch on the mic, he's still gonna put on the same old R-Truth matches he does. Even though he is obviously going to have a new "heelish" move-set, his matches won't be any different quality-wise but they will only be different on a story-telling perspective. His heel turn was very much like Batista's at Bragging Rights 2009. If you think about it they both lost a important match, got pissed off at losing, took it out on their "friend" (John Morrison and Rey Mysterio) and developed a completely new "fuck the fans" attitude. Not that WWE would use the word fuck. But more so, Batista's matches weren't any better either, they just had different story-telling.
Although hes deffinitely gonna be more interesting to watch on the mic, he's still gonna put on the same old R-Truth matches he does. Even though he is obviously going to have a new "heelish" move-set, his matches won't be any different quality-wise but they will only be different on a story-telling perspective. His heel turn was very much like Batista's at Bragging Rights 2009. If you think about it they both lost a important match, got pissed off at losing, took it out on their "friend" (John Morrison and Rey Mysterio) and developed a completely new "fuck the fans" attitude. Not that WWE would use the word fuck. But more so, Batista's matches weren't any better either, they just had different story-telling.
R-truth is very underrated. He actually is a better in ring worker than half that Raw roster. Dont you think its kinda hard to show that when he's a jobber all the time? They had him losing to del rio like 3 fucking times in a row. I mean dam, why would you let him pin Rtruth clean when del rio is a heel? Its stupid shit like that.

That makes me hate creative. They had R-truth who was a world champion in TNA losing to all the heels clean. What kinda stupid shit is that? Atleast make it seem like Rtruth was hit with a chair or belt or someone interfering. Rtruth is good in the ring. You were right about batista. R-truth just needs a better finisher though. You forgot to mention his moveset has been limited as well.

If you go back and watch the 5 man gauntlet he actually did very well. The crowd wasnt into it, because they were wondering how was a man that was a jobber for over a year, was in a number one contenders match. They all wanted Morrison in the 1st place. Proof of that, just read tons of forums.
The obvious problem with R-Truth has been that he is obviously not very comfortable with the character he was playing. The vignettes before he debuted were about redemption and reformation, but the character came out of the crowd singing like he was on children's television. I liked that there was a different entrance for someone over the generic music and walk, but it was the wrong guy at the wrong time, and within 4 what's ups, he had lost any of that edge that he was obviously supposed to have.

Now that he is a heel, it will be much easier for him to find some of that edge again and make people invested in the character. It wasn't so much that he needed to go heel, he just needed to stop being so toothless. Morrison coming out and bullying him into gambling his title match epitomises the wet behind the ears character he had become. Now he's a heel, he's obviously in his comfort zone, and I'm interested in seeing where he goes from here.
First of all I dont think this should be merged with his heel turn, but it does have to do with it. My simple question is should Truth change his name now that hes done a heel turn? Like tomorrow night should he start up RAW (hopefully with another great promo) and announce that "the Truth is in the past" and that Ron Killings is here to stay. I think changing his name back to Ron Killings would benefit him more, and it sounds more heelish anyway. So should Truth change his name, or can he be a successful heel while still being called R-Truth?
He started in TNA with the name K-Krush and cut a promo dropping that name, so it's not inconceivable .. I don't think Vince would let him use his real name though, it's the era of company owned names now.
I don't see why he should. He's been R-Truth for however long he's been doing nothing in the WWE for, and now that he's heel I don't see the need for a heel change.

I personally don't take enough notice of him to actually respond to a name change nor would I care about it too much. I just wouldn't see the point of changing it now that he's heel. Either way, I'm still not going to think anything of him. I think he needs much more than a name change.

R-Truth sounds too tweener and childish to me. If he was gonna change his name it should be a slight change to "Tha Truth". It's got a way more heelish ring to it.

I don't think he should change his name but if he does, that is all the change it should be.
Absolutely not, he has already used the truth gimmick for his heel persona and it worked great. That and he has wanted to run with the Truth gimmick for awhile and has been held back. Now that he has turned and it appears that they are going to invest it this turn I think they might actually let him run with the ball for awhile anyway. If this goes like it did last week I can see some interesting booking in the near future for him starting of coarse with JoMo.
Yes, let's repackage him as a bla-ristocrat, make Regal his manager, and call him Sir Ronald T. Killington.

Nah, with all due respect, OP, despite the fact that his actual name is the best ring name he could have, he's established as a guy who "speaks the truth" and this is easy to work as either face or heel. Now he just twists it so that it's all like "the Truth hurts" and "I'm just telling y'all what you don't want to hear". I think the repackage/name change is unnecessary here.

I see where you're coming from, but we both know what WWE policy is on names. They want to own them.
I think he just needs to change his song to that one he debuted a while back. It's more dark and would go better with his heel turn.
He should drop the R part and go as the truth, but there is a truth in ROH, but the gimmick would be different. I think a gimmick kind of like Sean O'Haire's devils advocate gimmick would be sweet. ANd That's The Whole Truth. Or he can lash out to expose lies and bs and unfairness, kind of like Ralph Nader, but tough.
Im probably one of his biggest fans. I liked his promo monday except for the "bottle nose "joke, i found it very corny.What is a bottle nose? The writers need to write better stuff than that. You can tell its the writers ,thats not something dude would normaly say. We saw how boring creative made the Rock on his B-Day.

R-Truth can draw more heat than any other superstar on raw depending on how much freedom he gets on the mic with the PG rating and all. I wish they would go back to TV-14. Anyhow this is how creative needs to use R-Truth


I love Truth but I cannot help but think that he is going continue to get pushed and then eventually dropped. There is a large number of fans who dislike him(which I dont understand) and the WWE doesnt seem to have a ton of faith in him. That is why I was so happily surprised when Truth turned heel and started getting alot more air time. I really hope that he continues to get exposure because he has shown in recent weeks that he can be a top player in the WWE, his role right now is in my opinion the greatest heel ever and I cannot wait to see what he does next.
I love Truth but I cannot help but think that he is going continue to get pushed and then eventually dropped. There is a large number of fans who dislike him(which I dont understand) and the WWE doesnt seem to have a ton of faith in him. That is why I was so happily surprised when Truth turned heel and started getting alot more air time. I really hope that he continues to get exposure because he has shown in recent weeks that he can be a top player in the WWE, his role right now is in my opinion the greatest heel ever and I cannot wait to see what he does next.

Yeah I agree, makes you wonder if the plan was to turn Rtruth heel and beat up on Morrison to get Morrison over more. Yeah not to sound funny or anything, but no African American has ever won the real wwe world title. Im talking about the belt on RAW.

I mean you can say the Rock, but he isnt fully black. However it is good R-Truth is getting a little more air time. I hate when they bleeped him for saying "pissed the hell off". Also the thing that seperates Truth from the rest of the heels on Raw is, he comes out with no music and people dont know what hes gonna do or say next. Which makes him the most iinteresting person on RAWS roster at the present moment. Youre right i think theyre just trying to make him relevant and then they'll eventually drop him. Yeah alot of the fans dont like him. Most of the wwe universe is white and they probably arent used to seeing a black person in a main event,maybe that has a little to do with it who knows?
R Truth will drop his own ball. He's nasty, his look and acting fail. He spits when he talks lol I loved how on Raw Miz had to wipe his face after Truth spoke to him
Well, creative is giving him mic time so it shouldn't be too bad. I think Mysterio's a champ so I think he might take a loss (or aleast that's a good way to build him up) The Morrison would come along and take care of Troof.
What does the WWE gain by putting the strap on R-Truth? What is he, 40 something? WWE has made it very clear that they are trying to push younger talent recently, and i don't think R-Truth will ever see a world title in the WWE. The only way i could see him winning it is if he won it and then then the money in the bank was cashed in. He just isn't worth investing in right now.

Your arguement might be; they are giving the belt to John Cena & Randy Orton; so why not put it on R-Truth? First of all, don't even compare R-Truth to Cena or Orton. R-Truth would not draw half of the fans that either of the two would.

R-Truth will be a glorified mid-carder for the rest of his days in my opinion. He will probably get a win over Rey Mysterio in order to build up to the Morrison and R-Truth feud that will eventually culminate. He will be relevant for at least that long.
What does the WWE gain by putting the strap on R-Truth? What is he, 40 something? WWE has made it very clear that they are trying to push younger talent recently, and i don't think R-Truth will ever see a world title in the WWE. The only way i could see him winning it is if he won it and then then the money in the bank was cashed in. He just isn't worth investing in right now.

Your arguement might be; they are giving the belt to John Cena & Randy Orton; so why not put it on R-Truth? First of all, don't even compare R-Truth to Cena or Orton. R-Truth would not draw half of the fans that either of the two would.

R-Truth will be a glorified mid-carder for the rest of his days in my opinion. He will probably get a win over Rey Mysterio in order to build up to the Morrison and R-Truth feud that will eventually culminate. He will be relevant for at least that long.

R-truth is a better wrestler than Cena and Orton. Look up some of his matches with A.J styles, hell even one with Wade Barrett. Cena has a fan base full of kids. Orton, theres nothing really spectacular about him. Wew 3rd generation superstar that had everything handed to him boo hoo. Hes a horrible face. What great match has Orton ever had that he wasnt carried in? The match against christian was ALRIGHT. In my opinion R-truth isnt a mid carder never shouldve been. He is the first African American NWA world champion. That belt is held in high regard being held by the likes of Rick Flair and a few others. He wasnt used right at first, just like he wasnt used right his first run with the WWE from 1999-2001 They paired him up with a junkie Road dogg. R-Truth isnt 40, he just turned 39. Christian is 37. Not much of a big difference there.
R-truth is a better wrestler than Cena and Orton. Look up some of his matches with A.J styles, hell even one with Wade Barrett.

I have not watched enough of R-Truth in TNA to claim to know it all about him, but his presentation in the WWE has been sub-par at best. The pendelum swings both ways my friend; need i remind you of the match, a couple months ago, consisting R-Truth and Mason Ryan? I guarentee Cena and Orton are more consistent, at least from what i have watched during R-Truth's current run in the WWE. Which is is all that matters right now concerning his career.

Cena has a fan base full of kids.

Which is a huge portion of the WWE fanbase.

Orton, theres nothing really spectacular about him. Wew 3rd generation superstar that had everything handed to him boo hoo. Hes a horrible face. What great match has Orton ever had that he wasnt carried in? The match against christian was ALRIGHT.

Not like he was part of one of the biggest stables in the past decade. Not like he has been a major player in the WWE since that stable. Orton may not be the greatest wrestler ever, but he can darn sure carry himself in the ring. Also, he is currently the second biggest star in the WWE. So I guess you are right, none of those things are spectacular.

In my opinion R-truth isnt a mid carder never shouldve been.

Yes, in your opinion. You should know by now, that the majority always out-weighs the minority. Which is why R-Truth isn't carrying the strap right now in the WWE.

R-Truth isnt 40, he just turned 39. Christian is 37. Not much of a big difference there.

Sorry, i didn't know he was 39; big difference from 40.
I have to agree with you... R-Truth is a great talent that will be mis-used by Creative.

I love this heel Truth, he entertaining. His anger seems real.

I also agree that WWE should give him a run with a world title. Even if it was short. He faces Cena, Miz interferes, costs Cena the title. Or even The Rock interfering for that matter. Then give him a clean win over Cena to give the reign some credibility.

Also, there never really has been an African American WC in WWE. And many were deserving, although I do think Ahmed Johnson would have gotten it eventually had he not gotten injured.
I love truth recently and hated him as a face. His heel work has been amazing but don't expect it to last. He is the #4 heel on Raw and will be for quite some time... He will never get higher than Del Rio, Miz and whoever comes out of the inevitable Punk/Ryan feud as a heel. I'm sure we will see Killings back in TNA in November .... 3 months after he is future endeavoured... sucks but its true.... AND THATS THE TRUTH
2 corrections here:
1. Ron Simmons was the 1st African-American NWA Champion.
2. It is Ric Flair, NOT Rick!

Sorry 5th horseman; I'm not trying to call you out, but R-Truth is in fact the 1st black NWA Champion. Ron Simmons is the 1st black WCW champion. Back to the topic, I love Truth but I'm afraid they're gonna push him hard then lose interest by October and claim they have nothing for him to do. I hope he gets the win of Mysterio or at least give him a dastardly beat down after the match. Hopefully he can get at least a mini feud with Cena because they can draw off of a little background there. If everything plays out right he'll probably get an US title and Tag Team Title run this year.
R-truth is a better wrestler than Cena and Orton. Look up some of his matches with A.J styles, hell even one with Wade Barrett. Cena has a fan base full of kids. Orton, theres nothing really spectacular about him. Wew 3rd generation superstar that had everything handed to him boo hoo. Hes a horrible face. What great match has Orton ever had that he wasnt carried in? The match against christian was ALRIGHT. In my opinion R-truth isnt a mid carder never shouldve been. He is the first African American NWA world champion. That belt is held in high regard being held by the likes of Rick Flair and a few others. He wasnt used right at first, just like he wasnt used right his first run with the WWE from 1999-2001 They paired him up with a junkie Road dogg. R-Truth isnt 40, he just turned 39. Christian is 37. Not much of a big difference there.

Well since you made this about Orton... allow me to ask you something. Are you seriously believing the bullshit coming from your keyboard? You really think that Orton was handed everything to him? Why? Because his family was in WWE to help him? Ok, well if that's your belief then why hasn't Manu or Sim Snuka made it to the main event picture? Hell, why don't they have a job? Why isn't Jimmy and Jey Uso tag champions? Why haven't any of the former Hart Dynasty been seen since god knows when? And why do you think Orton is TRULY being pushed?

Do you want the truth? Truth IS that Orton can work a match and a crowd better than a majority of the monkeys on the wwe roster. Orton has the look, the mic skills, and the in-ring psychology to make him a hit. Hart Dynasty and the rest of the next gen superstars are simply good in the ring or on the mic, except for Rhodes who is like Orton and ahead of the pack.

As for your little "R-truth is the first African American NWA Champion", how about you do some damn research. Ron Simmons won the NWA in WCW a LONG time ago. Way before R-Truth was even wrestling. And then you say that he wasn't a mid-carder in TNA? PLEASE! After his transitional title reign when TNA was under the NWA umbrella, TNA used R-Truth as nothing but a put over star. They even put him with BG James, who is Road Dogg btw. And then, after that, they teamed him up with Pacman Jones and made a mock out of him until he finally grew a set, said fuck it, and left to WWE.

Little kid, the next time you want to spit some "facts" make sure that they are indeed facts or you'll just be run down like a mobile home in an Alabama Tornado.
WWE is afraid to have a "true" heel African-American HW champ, now let's just be real. The Rock, yea he's half-black and to a point Triple H (Paul L.) is darker than him. Look at the audicence that WWE draws about only 10 to 15% are african american fans. It's the dirty secret of the wrestling world. Black men can be tag champs, or mid-card champs but it's hard for them to "get the brass ring" and be the face of the company, especially if they are heel. Look at the Big Cat Ernie Ladd, why wasn't he a world champ for Vince Sr. back in WWWF (3 W's back in the day) because Vince Sr. was afraid to lose audience which means losing money.

Plus, it was hard enough to make Ladd into a heel due to the time, Vince Sr. had asked him numberous times if he was comfortable being a heel because he was afraid that some idiot fan would do something to him. Now bringing back to R-Truth, He was/is a great worker for Jeff in TNA and he can be a solid worker for Vince Jr. but sadly it won't pan out for him and at best he'll get a title shot and lose by DQ.

Hell, look what happened to Booker T. he had to go through virtual hell to become HW Champ and he couldn't do it while being just Booker T. they had to put that dumb ass gimmick on him "King Booker". As much as I look the WWE I have come to realize that sometime won't change and having a black heel HW Champ is just one of them.

Though I do have an idea to help Truth out, that's for him and Mark Henry, ( I know he is on Smackdown) to bring back the Nation of Domination, with those two plus Kofi, Big Zeke and throw in JTG (he'll be their jobber that's gets beat all the time) and have a nice faction, throw in the Usos and have the Rock come back once or twice to lend the group some crediblity.
I love Truth but I cannot help but think that he is going continue to get pushed and then eventually dropped. There is a large number of fans who dislike him(which I dont understand) and the WWE doesnt seem to have a ton of faith in him. That is why I was so happily surprised when Truth turned heel and started getting alot more air time. I really hope that he continues to get exposure because he has shown in recent weeks that he can be a top player in the WWE, his role right now is in my opinion the greatest heel ever and I cannot wait to see what he does next.

I'm sorry but I think I hit my head against the wall too hard when I read this post so if my grammar is off I apologize. Did you HONESTLY say that R-Troof was the greatest heel ever? For the love of EVERYTHING I hope you were trolling to which I give you the greatest props ever because you hopelessly trolled me.

With Heels like RKO, Edge, Hulk Hogan, JUST TO NAME A FEW. How could you EVER state that R-Troof is a good heel? He is one step up from horrible on the mike, and his whole philosophy revolves around the "hard gangsta" mentality.

Someone needs their head checked and their meds upped.

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