**MERGED** Brodus Clay Discussion- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

I don't think Brodus Clay was a failure. He captured some WWE fans... now his push is being put on hold.. like many others pushes have been put. It's wrestlemania season... they don't have time to showcase the Funkasurasus properly....

He'll be back.. and he'll be a champion someday.
The way WWE has dealt with the Funkasaurus gimmick is what really pisses me off. First of all, it wasnt them trying to be creative, they just thought of a gimmick that would really make Brodus reconsider ever joining the WWE. Like a sorority initiation of the sorts. Then just when the character was getting good they take him off TV. Personally, I think they should roll with the Funk gimmick for now, another monster gimmick isnt going to stand out in the current environment.
To say that my wife is a very casual WWE fan would be an overstatement. She's only recently begun watching WWE this past year and that is only because I have it on every Monday night. However, Brodus Clay was a hit with her, she said that he was different than all of the other characters they have, which usually are all the same (cocky heels or monster heels).

He was/is fun, colorful, lovable. The woman went as far as to friend him on Facebook, and that may sound like nothing, but this is representative of WWE developing a character that can strike a chord with the mildly-average fan/casual observer. If I told her that Brodus Clay was going to be at a local house show in San Diego, that would be the deal breaker to make her purchase a ticket. I recently told her about the rumors of WWE pulling back on Brodus Clay and she got upset. I think this is very compelling on how fresh characters like Brodus Clay, even if it is fun and silly, can bring in the casual fan, which WWE is clamoring for, not the hardcore IWC fan like all of us posting here.
I just don't know.

The 'Funkasaurus' gimmick, while different and quite fun, is just not working for me. Sure, I'm just one guy so I guess it doesn't matter, but I really do want his gimmick to get over.

I agree with a lot of the guys on the forum that say it is far better than him being just another generic heel monster. He needs a feud, plain and simple. All of this squashing of lower card talent is doing nothing. Everyone knows that when he is put up against a Heath Slater or a Drew McIntyre, you already know the outcome, and there is no gain there.

Put him in the US Title picture, give him Jack Swagger and a match that lasts longer than a minute, and they may find that the rest comes with time.

Fingers crossed, and I don't think he has been a failure...YET.
I'm in the hate it side of this guy and his gimik. It strikes me as a bad version of Rakishi when he grouped with 2 cool but no 2 cool for this guy to actually run with. The whole thing comes off rather stupid and while I an appreciate that at times between Super Cena, Santino, Hornswaggle, The Spirit Squad, etc etc I've gotten completely burnt out and fed up with these kiddy, comedy, PBS bullshit on a live wrestling show.
lol "Kane wants to buy the Undertaker chocolates, Undertaker wants to tick Kane's big red nipple", "Let's get ready to suck it", "

WWE has NEVER been an adult show. At it's peak it was geared truly towards teens or people who think like teens. The intelligence level needed for a wrestling show isn't very high and never has been.

Basically instead of cussing and being raunchy and really just plain trash TV, they've gone back to being family oriented. I'd rather watch the Toy Story trilogy (highest rated trilogy on rotten tomatoes BTW) any day of the week than Jersey Shore. There is nothing wrong with PG characters unless you're just so white trash that someone has to be bleeding, cussing, or half naked to get your attention.
O.k....They hold his debut off for over a MONTH, then he debuts as a joke funkasaurus (Which could be good if they tried), then he has a chance to maybe start a fued and dominate in the Rumble match and isnt even in the match! Now We havent seen him in consecutive weeks. What is WWE doing with Brodus Clay??? He needed to get fued going and instead he isnt even seen. :wtf:

If they havent completely screwed up yet then I think there is one way WWE can save Brodus Clay. Have the skit of Clay with the funkasaurus was all a joke. Have him come in on a match and destroy everyone without the shiny clothes or the "Somebody Call My Momma" theme song(Although who doesnt love it.) He can say the whole funk thing was a lie to get people to think he was soft. He can come as the dominant heel monster we all thought we were going to get and he could start a fued with someone. (LongShot: Mason Ryan?)

Im not a writer for a reason so this may be terrible but its true that SOMETHING needs to be done about Brodus Clay.

What should be done?

The problem is? he was brought in to early and I believe he needs more experience...so I say allow him to do road shows or send him off to Japan for a couple of years, then reevaluate him to see if he is ready to be part of the Raw or Smackdown brand
Keep his gimmick. Just put in more serious matches. Let's be honest....that shit he does is pretty fucking godlike. Santino might be challenge in the humor category.
When Brodus first debuted with the funkasaurus I thought it was an epic fail but now im just thinking give the guy some time we never know where this could go. I think it would be interesting to see brodus working with somebody like Kane and we seeing brodus unleash his nasty side in a real feud not just squash matches. The only failure ive seen from WWE with brodus is them not putting him in the rumble.
He's fantastic, and has one of the best comedy gimmicks I've seem on the WWE.

Unfortunately, he was deemed "unsafe", and that's a terrible adjective to have in the wrestling business. So, unless he improve on that first, he won't be going anywhere.

If and when he does come back, I hope he keeps his current gimmick and gets a proper feud, not just squash matches.
i never liked clay to begin with.

i saw NO potential in the guy.

sure he may have gotten people to cheer him on raw, but seriously, his matches SUCKED.

anybody with 2 eyes can see this.

he was so one dimensional.

dance to the ring, two moves of doom, dance.

thats it.

thank god vince pulled the plug on the guy.

he sucks.

you can only give the guy squash matches for so long.

it aint' gonna last.

you gotta be able to do more than just 2 moves brodus.

sorry guys, but funkasaurus is what u call a 'FLASH IN THE PAN.'

he will follow the footsteps of : heidenreich, vladimir koslov, a train, tyson tomko, snitsky, kurrgan, etc.....

big, intimidating looking dudes, who got shoved down our throats yet FAILED, miserably------NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN.

and in brodus' case, rightfully so.

get this fat piece of trash off my tv for good because he 'ain't good enough' to be on it.

thank you vince.
I'll have to ask if the above poster has seen the same matches that I did, since according to him giving Brodus Clay squash after squash means that he sucks -- rather than, well, the fact that Brodus Clay re-debuted with Wrestlemania just around the corner, and that you can only give so much time to a guy who's at least found a niche in the few weeks of squash matches and limited exposure AND who isn't really going to be a part of Wrestlemania.


(But seriously, it requires quite the leap of logic to dismiss Brodus as another Heidenreich or Kozlov on the grounds of him being in squash matches where he doesn't really have time to show us what more he can do.)

Let me preface this, I am a BIG BIG Brodus Clay fan, I love how he took a bad character on paper and turned it into something very entertaining. From the Entrance, to calling moves, I like him alot.

However watching his return, the fans didn't Pop to hard. I can't help but feel WWE just pulled the rug from under this guy. It's as if they intentionally designed this for him to fail, and when he went somewhere with it, it's as if it was a "no-no" rumors are it's due to his ring work.

But how on earth, can this fucking organization keep trotting out Khali when he's as UNSAFE AS IT GETS, and yet pull the plug on Brodus?

I hope Brodus is talented enough to revive this thing and get a real feud going, but management isn't behind him
I cared, he had me dancing around my room. And Khali does the same with his music if Khali and Brodus had a match I'd mark out and probably break my hip while dancing.
I cared. I enjoy Brodus in his current character. Its fun, its goofy, and he really can't dance that well which makes it even better. I'd like to see him in a bit of a longer match. Even if its just a 3 or 4 minute squash match, allow him to showcase a few more moves
My wife hates wrestling but loves Brodus. I think though it's funny that when she watches it the expectation is that he's going to squash his opponent. I'm suprised that they chose Mahal as the latest Brodus victim as he's had a small run of wins.

To make this work Brodus needs a decent fued otherwise this gimmick will fall fast.
I feel the same way about Brodus as I always have, why is this guy on my television set?

I know wrestling doesn't always have to be serious but this guy is a waste of time. Just like last time in 3-4 weeks people are gonna be sick of the guy again, the gimmick has absolutely no legs on it. By the time Wrestlemania comes people are gonna be over it. The gimmick is just a novelty act, and a bad one at that.
I cared. Brodus has a fun, over the top gimmick that I actually enjoy but I can understand why people are getting tired of it. To be honest, I'm actually surprised that they brought him back to television this close to Wrestlemania as I thought any TV time going forward was going to be strictly for building up toward the event and I highly doubt Brodus is going to have any prominent place on the card unless he's put on Team Teddy Long which is the only spot on the current card I can conceivably see him in.
I actually think he's funny and it's a lot better than the usual big man monster crap. Besides we already got Kane and Mark Henry doing the whole hairy scary monster routine. Too many of them starts becoming a one note act.

Also when the dirty nasty stinky giant loses too many times his heat disappears and thus he has to start over again at square one. Who's gonna be squared of a big bad wolf that no longer has any teeth and has been put in a cage? At least this way when Brodus loses his character doesn't suffer too much.
Being off TV for a month wouldn't have helped. Thing is though, one can only get so far by squashing jobbers (yes, Mahal is a jobber, deal with it).

Brodus needs to either feud with an established mid-carder, for example someone with no sense of humour who feels that Clay's gimmick is diminishing wrestling, such as Del Rio or Henry, or alternatively get shoved into a tag team with another superstar who has a similar gimmick, such as Zack Ryder. "Are you serious, Brodus?" Boom, right there, booked.
Brodus did his usual thing, just another quick squash. I don't think the majority of the WWE Universe will really start to care about Clay until he gets involved in a "real" feud. Hopefully now that he's back, the 'E will actually do something with The Funkasaurus...other than the same old, same old.

This is slightly off-topic, but am I the only one who thinks of "King Hippo" from "Mike Tyson's Punch Out" every time they see Brodus? He needs to start wearing two giant bandages (in the shape of an "X") over his belly-button. Then again, doing that might expose his real weakness to the rest of the roster. If Little Mac ever gets a WWE Contract, Brodus would be in some real trouble. *KO*
My question is, why would anyone care? He does the same thing all the time with nothing new. The Divas have longer matches then this guy.

He didnt even act like he cared. He acted weird. He didnt scream stuff like he use to. He also just squashed another guy the same way as always. Just a waste of time. He didnt even seem like he was enjoying himself.
There's two reasons why many people didn't care.

1. The WWE is currently on the road to Wrestlemania and are almost at their destination. The worst time to debut a new superstar or character is during the Mania build. The WWE not only debuted him during the build, they then took him off TV for a few weeks and had him comeback even closer to the ppv, doing the same shit. That leads me to my next reason.

2. He was off TV for a few weeks and when he came back, nothing changed. Short squash matches against basically jobbers are fine to start out but eventually you need to move him beyond that and it is past that time.
Time and time again, over the course of my 30 years of watching wrestling, the best faces are made from the worst heels or the worst character ideas. Not every single one, but here are some examples: The Godfather/Hoe Train, Rikishi & Too Cool/sunglasses+music+dancing and the worm, The Oddities, Khali/Punjabi Playboy, Santino/cobra+interviews+the split he does and the list goes on and on. I don't mean these guys aren't good wrestlers, Santino and Eugene are AWESOME in the ring. But they have to play the hand they are dealt, just like Brodus.

Now, Brodus Clay hasn't been around long in WWE, and he hasn't been given much time on camera. At first, I hated Brodus Clay, I hated the gimmick, I was like "this sux", it's never going to work, etc. But last night, when he re-debuted on RAW, and the music hit with the lights and the dancers, I realized that I actually missed this character, the entrance, the energy, the dancers, the hype. I like this character. But something was missing. It hit me, something...is not right, the pop from the crowd. The pop was missing. You know why? Because fans don't know WTF to do when he comes out. He has no interaction with the crowd. He's wrestled heels and faces. People don't know what to make of him.

Anyway, I'll cut my point short. WWE could make some serious bank off Brodus Clay, but they need to play their cards right, or it ain't gonna work. They need to brand him as a face NOW. I have no clue, if his mic work is good, or how his interviews are. But he can dance good, he's cool, I like his look, he's a beast, the girls are awesome dancers and sexy, and all of that is enough for it to work.

WWE is wasting all this energy with his very flashy entrance and the crowd has no idea what to do. I mean we saw Brodus destroy Jinder, but we also saw him destroy Alex Riley when Riley just wanted to dance with him.

If WWE wants to save Brodus, he and his dancers need to acknowledge the crowd, brand him as a face and they need to put him in a program with an established heel that can help build him. The people are ready to accept him as a face. I'd bet money on it.
I love brodus, but this is just weird. If you are going to make him a crowd favorite, make his matches last longer than 5 minutes. Dont just do the same thing that takes a minute and a half every time. I would like to see him get beat up by a big heel, only to come back for a surprise victory. This is what they need his character to do, not just dance around in the ring for five minutes, beat a guy in one, then dance for another five. The crowd is getting bored, and they need to fix it
Nope, didnt care. But I was wondering idk how to take it either Mark Henry that bad and or so is Clay. The report saying Clay wasnt being safe well last nite Mark Henry did the big splash on Truth or Kofi cant remember which one and clearly landed on his knees then didnt even go all the way down to make "stomach to stomach I guess if u wanna say that" while Clay was impressive with his splash and looked real regit. Im just wondering its a little grey area but which one would be the more convincing/effective. Haha I hope somebody understands what Im trying to say its a little hard to type

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