**Merged** All John Morrison Discussion

The article above seems like now what the WWE have done is as follows;

"John Morrison was rude to Trish Stratus at Wrestlemania, we must be bitches to him"


"SHIT, JoMo has great potential, let's make it look like it's all his own fault and then push him back up again!"

That's what's happened in a nutshell. Hopefully, he won't leave the WWE, because he does belong there. He's got the chance to become Champion once or maybe twice, a bit like Jeff Hardy, without the drugs. Morrison has been in WWE Title matches before, so to see him where he is now is strange, but it is his own fault! He needs to not be arrogant, or up himself, then maybe he'll get the respect he wants. He seems to have none for anyone, he needs to change his ways. Here's to hoping that we see him on T.V being utilised properly, as long as Morrison doesn't act like an idiot backstage.
I was repped for hating Morrsion a while back and I've decided to come here and post about how much I DON'T hate Morrison.

John Morrison is a fine worker. He's proved time and time again he's worthy of a WWE career that's not full of mediocrity. John Morrison is a fine wrestler. Do posters here overrated him; no doubt but that doesn't change the fact that he's a great talent to have on the WWE roster. If anything he's a great midcarder who could make a great challenger for a heel champion to run through on a PPV. The John Morrison hate is astounding and probably unwarrented. I haven't heard many arguments that prove he's not worthy of staying in the WWE. Melina's gone so who's going to be holding him back now?

I say the WWE would be foolish not to resign Morrison.
Ah, John Morrison, the marmite of WWE. You either love him, hate him or just don't really care about him.

The problem with John Morrison is that he as the charisma of a wet sock. His ProMo ability is non-existant. The best speaking work he did for the WWE was when he was in the tag-team with The Miz and they did the dirt-sheet segments. The Miz was the talker, whilst he was just the good-looking ab-rocking bastard who made winning look good. Real good. And perhaps, he prospered so much with the Miz because he was well, in a tag team. I think Morrison could become a legendary tag-team competitor. Especially now, with the resurgence of the division, I'm all for it. I couldn't stand him as a World Champion. A tag team with someone like Trent Baretta, would be spiffy.
I don't care about John Morrison because he has horrible promos, no charisma, and average in-ring skills. To me, it's just gymnastics, if you want to see flashy fucking moves, then go watch some movies..
I was repped for hating Morrsion a while back and I've decided to come here and post about how much I DON'T hate Morrison.

John Morrison is a fine worker. He's proved time and time again he's worthy of a WWE career that's not full of mediocrity. John Morrison is a fine wrestler. Do posters here overrated him; no doubt but that doesn't change the fact that he's a great talent to have on the WWE roster. If anything he's a great midcarder who could make a great challenger for a heel champion to run through on a PPV. The John Morrison hate is astounding and probably unwarrented. I haven't heard many arguments that prove he's not worthy of staying in the WWE. Melina's gone so who's going to be holding him back now?

I say the WWE would be foolish not to resign Morrison.

Ya know what, that's a very agreeable post. Fair, flattering, but not delusional either.

I myself am a big Morrison fan. I don't really want any heat, but I must admit I get really tired of hearing the exact same arguments against him regurgitated over and over and over with little to back them up. I am not saying that everyone should like him, or that there's no reason to not like him. But, I don't see too many reasonable arguments against him. It's always "He has no charisma, he has no promo ability, he's a spot monkey(even though these same people will gladly praise someone else who is equivalent or worse in that respect), he can't sell, etc...". I'd love to see any substantial evidence to support any of that. I am not saying there is none, but it would be nice to see it when people make these very vitriolic and bold statements.

I don't really think that his perceived deficiency's are all his, I think some of it is just him being given little to work with. What is he to do with the material they give him to say on the mic if it simply doesn't fit him? How is he to project his charisma if they don't give him the right outlets to do so? You get me snow drift? I think he has all the tools; the charisma, the mic skills, the ring work, etc...Go back to his run as ECW champion and I think you'll see the best of John Morrison, that stuff was great, like the "15 minutes of fame" that was a way to really showcase him, something creative for him to work with. He was great on the mic then, and in the dirt sheet segments as many have mentioned. Again with that in mind, I say that I don't think that he really lacks those things, but just hasn't been provided the right stuff to show them.

I am hoping that this recent article on WWE.com is a sign of good things to come, maybe a sign of some remorse on the part of WWE, and a decision being made to lighten up on him. I truly believe that he could be a great WWE champion as either a major face or heel. They just have to figure out how best to use him to make that a reality. The one thing I will agree with that I hear a lot of people gripe about is the Starship Pain, and him needing to use something else as a finisher. I think a simple Superkick ala 1994 Shawn Michaels is the way to go, as is a push similar to HBK of that era. I know people don't like to hear that and think it's a massive overshot of his talents, but I strongly feel that if you push him as that character basically, it will work with him too. It was a good recipe then, it would be a good recipe now, and he is just the guy to fulfill that role.
As many smart people here say, JoMo's so called "non-existen charisma" and "no mic skills" are really not proved anywhere really if u think about it.I mean when he was ECW champion I, in my opinion, think he was gold on the mic,the style of talking he did suited his character
perfectly.And it suited him the same when he was tag champs with The Miz.

Every time they had him cut a promo ( 1 every year ), they put him agaisnt a heel and have him make corny ******ed jokes.Ofc noone sees his promo ability if he does rare promos and all of them are booked for him to look like an idiot.

His matches are always good,tho as everyone else on the planet,I too think his finisher should just be a "vintage" move of his and just use something more simple, like a super kick.Cause it looks sick when he executed it when he was Johnny nitro.

People fkn loved it when he was shown more proeminently and his parkour and athletic skills were shown.When he had that match with Miz for WWE Champion ship it was gold.Then his feud with Sheamus decent and had some nice matches.And then he just faded.
Lets hope he gets his act together and doesnt complain or sth or w/.e for being in the doghouse and just go with the flow until they feel hes worthy again.
So, those of you watching Raw over the last couple months have probably noticed John Morrison not having the best stretch of his career. He's lost more often than not, has barely gotten a promo in, and has been made to look pretty bad all around. There's the rumor that he was getting punished for some WrestleMania misbehavior, or for Melina's antics. Who can say? He's been pegged as a permanent jobber and soon to be releases, so on, so forth...and then last night, a funny thing happened. He beat Dolph Ziggler clean. Ziggler has been a pretty big deal as US Champion, and beating him clean is likewise a pretty big deal.

So what does this mean for Morrison? Is the punishment over? If so, where is he headed? He has no match at Survivor Series, but neither does Dolph Ziggler. Could a United States title shot be in the works for Morrison? How does that fit with Zack Ryder, who is perhaps the uncrowned United States champion, and until last Monday, almost certainly going to have a title match at Survivor Series?

Cliche though it is, I think this might lead to a triple threat at Survivor Series. For some reason I don't think the WWE is keen on having Ryder pin Ziggler clean to win the title, even though he's pinned him clean in a non title contest. Morrison gives them an out - let Ryder pin him. It also gets Morrison back into the discussion, setting him up for some action on the Road to WrestleMania. He might go deep (or even win) the KOTR tournament (supposing it returns) if they intend on ending his punishment and reestablishing him. Or perhaps this was a one time thing - just setting him up for a title match, only to take the fall and return to obscurity. But I don't think the WWE wants to obliterate Morrison entirely. I definitely see his "punishment" as short term, and this is about the time to bring him back.

So what do you think? Is Morrison on a permanent rebound, or will he return to jobbing in due time? Has he got a shot at being United States Champion (or more) anytime soon?
I think it's too soon to say. It's only been one match so far, so I think we just gotta see what happens next. I do however think it was interesting he was on Raw basically every week fighting someone in the upper mid card to main event level. I am a Morrison fan, so I hope this is a good sign.

As far as the US champ picture, I wouldn't be surprised if he wins it, should he resign. I think what happens in the next few weeks will determine if he gets a push.
Morrison gets a little too much heat around here and he damn sure doesn't deserve any of it. He's a damn fine athlete and is definitely one of the WWE's brightest up and comers. Is he on the rebound? Like others have stated, it's too early to tell. Although with his upset victory over United States Champion Dolph Ziggler and the story on WWE.com regarding his recent fall from glory, it sure seems like he's on the rebound. United States Championship? Well, you can never go wrong when giving John Morrison a mid-card title but Zack Ryder is probably in line for that. I hope he resigns pretty soon and the WWE pushes him again. Hopefully this time he won't fuck it up.

As far as his future, like I said, Ryder's the one who should be getting his United Stsates Title opportunity. I'd be cool with a Triple Threat at Survivor Series with Ziggler and Ryder. Anything would do. I would absolutely love it for Morrison to be traded back to Smackdown and help build up their midcard with Cody Rhodes and...well Cody Rhdoes. Hell, turn him heel and give him a flashy gimmick. I don't know, but what I do believe is that the WWE would be foolish not to resign one of their most promising midcard/up and coming talents. I'd love for them to do anything relevant with him. Once he manages to get himself over again, I don't see why one wouldn't say he is on the rebound.
It could be anything. It might be that his punishment is over and he is going to get back to winning ways from now onwards. Morrison was on a roll before his injury and was even main eventing PPV's. It could be that WWE are wanting to build him back up.

Or it could be that he is about to be released and they want him to go out by losing to Dolph Ziggler on PPV in some humiliating fashion. Champions often lose non title matches to set up the eventual title match at the PPV and this could be a similar case.

It's a bit too early to say but I am going with the latter scenario. WWE does not really have sudden mood swings regarding their performers in most cases and unless something has happened that I do not know about this isn't going to really lead to the rise of John Morrison.
I'm not really sure where WWE Creative is going with this. Is Morrison scheduled to resign with WWE? Is he gonna go out in a final blaze of glory? Are they picking up his spirits before crashing them into the ground with a devastating loss before his departure? I mean, he lost to Drew McIntyre on Superstars the week before. No offense to McIntyre, he's a great wrestler, but he's near the bottom of the barrel in terms of WWE talent right now. Add in the articles WWE.com keeps pushing out over Morrison's situation and their tendency to overhype or lie, and you've got mixed signals.
Until it's definite whether Morrison is staying or not, I have no idea what him winning over Dolph means.
I've always enjoyed matches that Morrison has been in as he's one of those guys that provides some great "Holy Shit" moments. I was extremely surprised that not only did he pin Ziggler, but during the entire match King & Cole were talking more about him than they were about DZ. Constantly mentioning the losing streak he was on, how big of a win this would be to him. It reminded me quite a bit of how the announcers were talking about Sheamus when he was on the big losing streak after winning KoTR. I would be shocked if this win put him in the US Title match @ SS just because there would be absolutely no build to it whatsoever, but this may be a step in the right direction.

Another note, Morrison isn't scheduled to appear at any events after December 1st. Does this mean the end? There's been a lot of talk of that lately. It could also just mean that he hasn't signed a new contract yet.
Hmmmm it is honestly too hard too speculate right now,I mean Morrison has been jobbing for a while now & WWE could just be giving him one more spur of spotlight before his departure.Maybe they're actually considering pushing him again he's a great talent his moves are spectacular.WWE's "Main Event" roster is adding up more & more with the returns of The Rock,Mick Foley,Undertaker,& Chris Jericho coming back soon,they might just be adding Morrison to the Mid/Main-Card ya know? Occasionally wrestling in Main Events & mostly in the Mid-Card,since Del Rio will be taken out of the WWE Title picture by TLC(Most Likely)maybe Morrison will re-sign with WWE & feud with Del Rio.WWE shouldn't waste a talent that athletic they should re-sign him,we'll see how it goes
Another note, Morrison isn't scheduled to appear at any events after December 1st. Does this mean the end? There's been a lot of talk of that lately. It could also just mean that he hasn't signed a new contract yet.

Im not from the states so i dont know how the wrestling adverts go, but is he normally advertised. with the way they have been using him in recent months, i cant imagine him ever being a featured act on an ad, maybe occasionally, but i dont see it is that big a news??
Morrison gets a little too much heat around here and he damn sure doesn't deserve any of it. He's a damn fine athlete and is definitely one of the WWE's brightest up and comers. Is he on the rebound? Like others have stated, it's too early to tell. Although with his upset victory over United States Champion Dolph Ziggler and the story on WWE.com regarding his recent fall from glory, it sure seems like he's on the rebound. United States Championship? Well, you can never go wrong when giving John Morrison a mid-card title but Zack Ryder is probably in line for that. I hope he resigns pretty soon and the WWE pushes him again. Hopefully this time he won't fuck it up.

As far as his future, like I said, Ryder's the one who should be getting his United Stsates Title opportunity. I'd be cool with a Triple Threat at Survivor Series with Ziggler and Ryder. Anything would do. I would absolutely love it for Morrison to be traded back to Smackdown and help build up their midcard with Cody Rhodes and...well Cody Rhdoes. Hell, turn him heel and give him a flashy gimmick. I don't know, but what I do believe is that the WWE would be foolish not to resign one of their most promising midcard/up and coming talents. I'd love for them to do anything relevant with him. Once he manages to get himself over again, I don't see why one wouldn't say he is on the rebound.

I completely agree with everything stated above, especially how Morrison gets a lot of unwarranted heat, even though he is one of the best guys on the roster. I'm not placing my bets right now on what the situation will be, but if I had to lay it all down I would guess that he is going to be resigned and that they are simply going to rebuild him. This has been done time and time again with all kinds of guys and it works to eventually giving a bigger pay off since it works as kind of a slow burn story line. I don't think ATM that we will be seeing JoMo in the title match at Survivor Series but who knows? There is another Raw before that and it's a possibility that the WWE would add him to the match to make it that much bigger as a Triple Threat for the U.S. title. It would be kind of impromptu but they've done this kind of thing before so there's no counting it out yet.

In agreement with Hamler, I also think a switch to SmackDown and a program with Cody Rhodes would be the best thing for him right now, or at least when the draft happens. You can keep him in the upper mid card picture until the draft and then have him go over there and feud with Cody or whoever happens to be the champion at that time. I am still all for a JoMo heel turn as I feel his heel turn would work in the way that Randy Orton's has. He will be a heel and with Morrison's style, athleticism, and repackaged character, he will win the fans over that way making him kind of a tweener but over as a face.
While his losing streak has been broken, I don't really think that we will see JoMo in any PPV till he actually re-signs with the WWE. If he does so, I think that he might get into a feud with Vickie's stable. For Survivor Series, it would be best to have Ryder-Ziggler in a singles match for the US title.
while it might be too soon to say i was pumped to see john morrison beat dolph ziggler clean on raw in what was honestly the best match ive seen all year! when jomo came out i was thinking to myself "oh god hes gonna have a 5 minute match with dolph and end up losing again" but then they had a commerical break and a few near falls i thought were the end and then he ended up winning! i litteraly jumped out of my chair i was so exicted as unlike many of you i think john morrison is amazing in the ring and hes good enough on the mic and i think this could be a great sign that hes possibly resigned with wwe already and maybe there gonna give him a push? :shrug: personally id love to see him fued with ziggler even if its not for the title as ziggler and morrison are both great wrestlers and they work very well together and it gives both something to do (this taking into consideration that ryder wins the us title soon) until wwe has room in the main event scene for both of these guys
This could be a change of the tide for John Morrison. JoMo is a talent not worth letting get away because he said something to stupid to someone or didn't "pay his dues." Because lets face it, John Morrison at one point was peaking the main-event scene that was currently crowded with guys like Sheamus, Miz, Cena, Edge, and the return of The Rock. And before him and Truth can have a feud for the number one contender for the WWE championship he was put on the shelf with a neck injury. This killed all the steam Morrison was gathering earlier this year. Now that he is fully recovered WWE creative didn't have much of an idea on where to put John Morrison. He was to over with the crowd to be in a Mid-Card match, but there was no room for him at the main-event. Then he let personal issues get in front of him so WWE creative put him in the dog-house by jobbing to every heel on RAW. But now it seems they have something going with a JoMo/Ziggler feud for the US title. JoMo doesn't exactly need to win the title from Ziggler, he just needs that program to help him get over with the crowd and finds his way to the main-event. Who knows, he could end up feuding with Del Rio if CM Punk doesn't win the title due to Johnny Ace and company.

John Morrison has all the tools in the world to become a main-event talent. He just needs to find his window and burst through it kicking and flipping.
Good god almighty...he just got 1 win... it may have been a big win but its just 1 win... you couldnt call this a rebound YET...lets see what happens.

If they KILL this damn Mason Ryan Push then maybe it can open up a little more time (30 secconds is a Mason Ryan match right?) for Morrison to start a decent feud.
I hope he is coming back around though..... the man has plenty of talent....I find him boring....but I know that I shouldnt so I just route for him and hope that whatever it is that he is missing, he regains.
Just waiting for DREW's return to the rankings PLEASE VINCE.
Morrison hasn't been made to look anything. The guys has never been more than mid-card level over. He's never been permanently anything but a mid carder. Any main event pushes he's had, he's failed. Piling up wins and a strong push don't get you over, YOU get you over. Over the past 6 months, Morrison has added new flips, which is what he's already good at. However, hasn't added dick to his character, which he's not good at. He needs to work harder and actually focus on fixing his weaknesses before I'll say he's "on the rebound". Ziggler makes anyone look good.
I think John Morrison is being mistreated, but add him to the list of guys with Dibiase, Kofi Kingston, Wade Barrett (who should've never fallen off the radar in the first place as that move to Smackdown killed all of his momentum). I just don't want these guys to end up as the next Shelton Benjamin, or the next MVP. Those guys were released, yet WWE continues to keep Hornswoggle around... baffling.

-Wrestler's Way
Ted fucking sucks. This is coming from a guy who sat front row and saw Darin Waid, the WLW trainer at the time, have a match with ted in eldon, missouri in front of 200 people. Dibiase can't carry his character. He has the look and can do the moves, but that means nothing. Everyone can do all the moves and most guys in the WWE have the look, he can't carry his character and isn't over.

Kingston can't talk and is pushed and is in the position he is because of how over he is.

Barrett, they're pushing, what more do you want? He gets more over, they push him more, that's how it works.

Morrison isn't over because he's one dimensional. He's pushed as such.

Hornswaggle is still around because he's over enough and a novelty enough to be around. Not everyone needs to be a badass.

There isn't some conspiracy, no one is "mistreated coz teh dumb WWE doesn't get real wrestling". Guys get pushed based on how over they are. Morrison isn't main event-level over. Which is pretty astonishing since he was a babyface returning from injury against a hot heel not too long ago, and was STILL only midcard-level over.

How do you guys not get that just because they're YOUR favorites and because YOU like them, if they aren't over, they shouldn't be pushed. That's a dumb and childish point of view. Can you guys really not see the big picture?
Morrison gets a little too much heat around here and he damn sure doesn't deserve any of it. He's a damn fine athlete and is definitely one of the WWE's brightest up and comers. Is he on the rebound? Like others have stated, it's too early to tell. Although with his upset victory over United States Champion Dolph Ziggler and the story on WWE.com regarding his recent fall from glory, it sure seems like he's on the rebound. United States Championship? Well, you can never go wrong when giving John Morrison a mid-card title but Zack Ryder is probably in line for that. I hope he resigns pretty soon and the WWE pushes him again. Hopefully this time he won't fuck it up.

As far as his future, like I said, Ryder's the one who should be getting his United Stsates Title opportunity. I'd be cool with a Triple Threat at Survivor Series with Ziggler and Ryder. Anything would do. I would absolutely love it for Morrison to be traded back to Smackdown and help build up their midcard with Cody Rhodes and...well Cody Rhdoes. Hell, turn him heel and give him a flashy gimmick. I don't know, but what I do believe is that the WWE would be foolish not to resign one of their most promising midcard/up and coming talents. I'd love for them to do anything relevant with him. Once he manages to get himself over again, I don't see why one wouldn't say he is on the rebound.

Is Morrison a great athlete? Yes, no question. However, he's not a good wrestler, nor does he have a bright future. When people call him a "spot monkey", they're 100% right. You look in the indies and there are a hundred guys like him. They can do all the same stuff he does, but just like him, they're not actually talented wrestlers. Furthermore, have you heard him on the mic? People say his heel work is good, but even his heel work is incredibly wooden.

So it looks like the WWE are making the right decision in letting him go. He'll make a good member of IW's X Division, and hey, knowing IW, they'll probably give him the Heavyweight Championship.
Is Morrison a great athlete? Yes, no question. However, he's not a good wrestler, nor does he have a bright future. When people call him a "spot monkey", they're 100% right. You look in the indies and there are a hundred guys like him. They can do all the same stuff he does, but just like him, they're not actually talented wrestlers. Furthermore, have you heard him on the mic? People say his heel work is good, but even his heel work is incredibly wooden.

So it looks like the WWE are making the right decision in letting him go. He'll make a good member of IW's X Division, and hey, knowing IW, they'll probably give him the Heavyweight Championship.
Hit the nail on the head. Good moves don't make you a good wrestler. Being able to have a match people believe in do. Being able to say things on the mic and look cool doesn't mean you have mic skills and have charisma. Making people believe you believe what you say and believe you are that character does.

Morrison does neither. He still looks like some fit douchebag trying despirately to play a character. He doesn't make anyone believe in him. His fans are fans of his moves, not him. You could replace him with 100 indy guys and get the same reaction.
John Morrison is definitely a main eventer waiting to happen if creative pull their heads out of their ass and put talent before their problems. the guy has so much potential to be a future world champion. he is the total package perfect to be a main even caliber guy

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