Meltdown episode 17

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Ring Promo

"My Curse" by Killswitch Engage hits the sound system as EDIC DERF makes his way down to the ring. He gets quite a nice reaction,. Derf gets on the microphone and tells the crowd how happy he was at the way they cheered him last show with his injury. He goes on to explain that it is not as bad as first thought and he'll be fine in a few weeks. The crowd give a nice cheer to that,as Derf looks and tells them not to cheer, as he will never come back to WZCW, he is requesting his contracted to be ended immediately.

The lights flicker and then we hear MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY as Magnus Maximillion, the manager of Manzo, makes his way to the ramp. He gets on the mic and says that Derf will not be getting a release from his WZCW contract as Derf does not have a WZCW contract. He tells of how everything has a price and because of that he decided to buy the contract of Eric Derf. Derf is now owned by Magnus Maximillion.

GM v Mike Ryder no 1 contenders match for the Mayhem Title.

Mike Ryder makes his way to the ring first, the lights flickering once again. Out comes GM to quite a decent reaction. This is a very typical match for these two, very physical from Ryder and GM. It's very backwards and forwards between the two. GM gets the win with the Big Bang. GM will face Milenko at Apocalypse for the Mayhem title.


Backstage we see Drake Callahan stumbling round, he bumps into Joseph Rios who asks Callahan how he's prepared for the match tonight. Callahan says how he's been watching old Meltdowns, the likes of Rios who won the first ever match, Crimson Celeste who was one kick ass woman,, Sex and Violence all winning over the likes of Gus, AJ and that guy who never turned up to collect his Oscar last year.

Rios says it's all physical and how Callahan should have done some more physical training. Callahan does a drunken rant about how it's all mental and stumbles off.
Dead Wood Match number one; Drake Callahan v Shock

Drake Callahan makes his way to the ring to quite a good reaction. Next out is Shock who slowly walks to the ring, clearly not interested in this match one bit. Shock runs for the spear straight off the mark but Callahan moves out the way in an almost drunken daze. Callahan picks up Shock and gives him a scoop powerslam followed by a chinlock. Shock is riving in pain, which is made worse by Callahan now going for the Pleasure and Pain. Shock manages to get the ropes and cleary wanting to just go home manages to pull himself up. Callahan gives him a big boot as Shock is in the middle of the ring, Callahan then gives Shock an armbar as this is held in for a good two minutes. Amazingly Shock taps to the armbar as Drake Callahan wins to retain his WZCW contract.

Dead Wood Match number two; Rios v Christiansen

Kyle Christiansen comes out first to a decent amount of boos. However, as he's walking to the ring, he seems to be adjusting his equipment. It doesn't appear to be functioning properly. Next comes Joseph "The Main Event" Rios. He hasn't been in the main event for quite some time, but judging by the negative reaction from the fans, everyone clearly still hates him.

The match goes back and forth, with no man really getting a clear advantage. Rios hits a DDT and a belly to belly suplex, while Christiansen recovers, hitting a vertical suplex and a swinging neckbreaker. Christiansen still seems to be adjusting his equipment throughout the match.

With the match all dead-locked, Big Will comes down to the ring, successfully distract Rios from Christiansen. Rios and Big Will exchange heated conversation at length, when finally, Christiansen grabs Rios, turns him around, and hits the One and Only. 1...2...3. Christiansen gets the victory and keeps his job. Rios, however, is effectively FIRED from WZCW!! Big Will laughs and walks backstage.

It may have come late in the game, but it appears that Christiansen was able to get his equipment functioning properly.
Meltdown 17 takes place at the Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte, North Carolina. The crowd looks full with the odd empty seat dotted around. We're welcomed by Cohen and Copeland as we're underway. The ring announcer tonight is Diego San Pablo as Harrys has a case of food poisoning.

Backstage we see Leon interviewing Chairman of the board Vance Bateman. Leon Asks Bateman why he's been stripping all the titles recently, Bateman says it's because he can. Leon then jokingly asks about the Elite X title, Bateman looks at Leon and smiles. He tells Leon that it is a great idea and should Ben Legend be the one pinned or the one who submits then he's fired from the company. Either way the Next Meltdown will have an open all comers Battle Royale for the Elite X championship. Anyone who wants to can enter the match, anyone from Dan Stokes to Becky Serra.

Mighty NorCal v Anthony Michaels

First out is Anthony Michaels who is followed out next by Mighty NorCal. As the cage lowers NorCal begins the attack on Michaels. A little bit of back and forth action and NorCal is still dominant. Throwing Anthony Michaels into the steel bar that supports the cage, Michaels is bleeding profusely. Michaels gets up and throws NorCal into the post. Making him bleed profusely. This angers NorCal and NorCal then picks up Anthony Michaels and throws him through the cage. Making Anthony Michaels the winner as both his feet touched the ground.
Main Event; Team Manzo w/Magnus & Derf v Team Everest

Team Manzo begins to make their way to the ring, with Milenko out and Legend coming out together. Out next is Vengeance. As he is walking down the ramp, the lights flicker again and Vengeance is nowhere to be seen. The three men in the ring look confused. Manzo’s music hits and the big man makes his way to the ring with Magnus and Eric Derf, all three men looking a little confused with how things have turned out.

Their opposition make their way to the ring, appearing more united as they come to the ring to Everest’s music as one. Magnus has been talking to the announcer, who announces that Derf has been included in the match to replace Vengeance.

Derf starts the match against Bratchney. The two attack each other viciously, continuing the assault from last week. Derf is able to hit a cutter and follows it up with the Sweet Shin Music but falls down holding his injured leg. He rolls to the ring, hitting Legend’s leg in the process and tags in the Elite X Champion, who swaggers up to Bratchney, lifts him and clotheslines him back down to the mat before picking him up and signalling the end to the crowd. As he goes to hit the Severed Ties, Bratchney headbutts him, breaking his grip and hitting a Russian Leg Sweep, making it to Stokes, who springboards into the ring into a hurricanrana. He stalks Legend and hits a big spear on him. He shouts ‘Aussie Aussie Aussie’, before tagging in the WZCW’s hero.

Looking over the ropes at Legend, Red Mask climbs the turnbuckle and hits the Red Comet. He doesn’t go for the pin, instead he points at Milenko and lifts Legend and throws him into the turnbuckle. He turns and walks into the middle of the ring, waiting for the tag. But Milenko doesn’t tag in, instead the Japanese behemoth makes the tag climbs into the ring for the first time.

The crowd screams for Everest, and Red Mask listens to them and tags in the captain of the team. Manzo assumes a sumo stance as the men who will face each other for the title stare at each other. Without hesitation, Manzo turns and hits the M-10 on Legend, crushing him in the corner. Seeing his moment, Everest attacks and the pair begin trading blows. With Manzo reeling from the blows, Everest runs and hits a clothesline on the big man, staggering him. He turns again and Milenko tags himself in unseen Everest. As he hits the rope, Red Mask does the same and the ref calls the tags. Everest and Manzo both tumble over the ropes and to the floor.

Red Mask and Milenko finally square up as Bratchney makes it to his feet at the rope alongside Stokes. With Derf and Legend laid out on the floor, Manzo and Everest brawling through the crowd, the numbers game is strongly against Milenko.

The two begin to brawl in the ring. Milenko ducks a clothesline and hits a bicycle kick on Red Mask. He bounces off the ropes and nails a heel kick on Milenko as the lights go out. When they come back on, Derf is gone, Red Mask is down in the corner and Vengeance is in the ring beside Milenko, with a shocked look on his face as Bratchney enters the ring on the other side.

The Russian runs into a leg lariat which downs Bratchney. Vengeance bounces off the rope and kicks him across the chest. While Vengeance leaves the ring to grab a chair from ringside, Everest jumps the rails and stares down Vengeance. Red Mask has crawled to the corner and tags in Stokes while Milenko gets tagged by a barely standing Legend. As the two argue about Legend tagging in, Stokes pushes Milenko over the ropes and locks in the DownUnder Hook on Legend. As he taps to Stokes the lights go out.

An eerie music plays as smoke begins to fill the arena. A spotlight scans the top of the ramp, looking for whoever is appearing but no-one does. The spotlight shuts down as the arena is plunged into darkness. The light flickers, revealing Diego San Pablo in the ring momentarily before darkness again.

Words appear on the Titantron ‘Disaster on disaster must come before the peace’. The words flicker and disappear, from the middle out before lightning hits the ring… only two words remain on the screen as ‘I Could Care Less’ explodes over the arena.


Inside the ring, Disasterpiece is standing over Legend, both surrounded by smoke, as Vengeance enters the ring with the chair and hands it to Disasterpiece, leaving an unconscious Everest at ringside. Ben Legend makes it to his feet, only to be met with a shot to the midsection from the chair. Vengeance bounces off the rope and hits the Trial and Retribution, Disasterpiece swinging the chair and connecting with the other side of Legend’s head as he crumples to the floor bleeding from the head and mouth.

Disasterpiece sets the chair up for an Evenflow DDT, but is interrupted as the crowd erupts as Ricky runs down the ramp to gain revenge for his abduction, Ricky gives a few swift right hands to Disasterpiece but the combination of the now united servant and masters kicks and stiff clotheslines take their toll on Ricky.

Red Mask climbs the turnbuckle and attempts to break up the attack by hitting a diving neckbreaker, but gets caught in mid-air by Vengeance, who drops him with the Judge, Jury and Executioner. He returns and stops Ricky gaining the upper hand with a knee to the stomach, which Disasterpiece takes advantage of, hitting an Evenflow DDT on the chair.

As both men stand triumphant in the ring, Legend stirs slightly, attracting their attention. Disasterpiece pulls the near deadweight athlete to his feet, and Vengeance hoists him into a Torture Rack, his body limp on the man’s shoulders. He flips him into a second Disasterpiece DDT. Bodies are strewn around the ring as the two men stand tall while Copeland screams about the vicious DevilDriver II, Cohen calling for medical help.

Lightning hits the ring and the arena goes black bringing Meltdown to an end.

Kudos to Polley who did a great job with the ME write up.
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