Meltdown 19: Street Fight: Downward Spiral w/ Celeste v. Big Will:

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[This Space for Rent]
Street Fight: ‘The One’ Big Will v. Downward Spiral w/ Celeste Crimson:

At Apocalypse, we witnessed a true feud between a past Legend in the making against a current Legend in the making. Big Will and Downward Spiral tore the house down with a true mat classic, but it ended in a way that many fans, as well as Big Will, can not be happy with.

Celeste Crimson made a shocking return to the company, seemingly siding and helping Downward Spiral overcome a near year long grudge. Big Will is unhappy, and unsettled in the way their match ended on Pay per view, and Downward Spiral still isn’t satisfied with how everything has gone. As a result, a Street Fight has been signed for both men to meet on Meltdown.

Will Big Will regain his own brand of revenge, or will Spiral continue his dominance? And how does Celeste Crimson factor into this feud? Find out on Meltdown.

The camera follows Johnny Klamor backstage into the Wrestler’s locker room, where we see Big Will sitting on a bench, almost in the dark, with a towel over his head. It seems as if he’s just finished with a shower, and is finishing repacking his bag, before he leaves the arena. Klamor approaches Big Will.

(Klamor)- “William, may I have a word with you for the loyal W.Z.C.W. viewers? This will be an exclusive from Apocalypse, on your take from the match you just finished against Downward Spiral.”

(Will)- “Not now, Klamor, I‘m not in the mood.”

(Klamor)- “Will, I understand that you aren‘t in a great mood, I doubt anyone would be after they got handed a loss. But that‘s no reason to disrespect me, and the fans of this great organization. Everyone loses in this company, in this business, but only those who can rebound will actually make it. You‘ve lost before, so why not start this exclusive by explaining what‘s different now, from anytime in the past.”

Big Will seems almost furious at Klamor’s comments, as he gets up throwing his towel on the floor, and in the face of Klamor.

(Will)- “Handed a loss? Handed a loss!? You say that, as if I deserved it. You say it, as if the loss I took was intentional. I had the match won, Johnny, but did you even mention that? No. I was attacked from behind, by what I‘m still uncertain of being a male or a female. Next thing I know, I get pinned by a guy that‘s still mostly unconscious. So, since you‘re craving an interview, an answer to a question, the answer is.. This was my first single‘s pinfall loss.”

Klamor, undaunted by the attitude and emotions Big Will is showing, stands firm and continues his interview, like nothing is wrong.

(Klamor)- “So then the next question that would likely be on everyone, including your‘s truly’s mind, is what‘s next for Big Will? Where do you go from here?”

Big Will begins tossing his wrestling gear in his bags, as he shakes his head at Klamor continuing the interview. Will stops for a moment, only to turn back to Klamor, and answer his question.

(Will)- “What‘s next? Meltdown. Meltdown‘s next, and I‘ve already got it confirmed that at Meltdown, I‘ll get Spiral one more time, one last time as far as I‘m concerned. I‘ve requested a Street Fight between us, to finish this mindless little squabble. And unlike the last time, I‘ll be expecting Spiral to bring his she-male life mate, and anyone or anything else, that‘ll permit him from having to win fairly.”

(Klamor)- “Spiral‘s quest is about respect it seems. He‘s upset over believing that you cost him his career, and took everything from him. What do you have to say about that?”

(Will)- “Respect? Respect is something you earn, not something you‘re given. You know, the funny thing is.. He claims I cost him his career, when the truth is, I didn‘t cost him anything. He ran his mouth that night, and was placed in an bad situation. He was told to either win and advance in the Elite X tournament, or lose and be fired. Whereas I was told to win and get a shot at history, or lose my debut match and risk everything my career would‘ve been in W.Z.C.W. So what was I suppose to do, Johnny? Lose and hurt my career, all because some loud mouth shot it off and got put in his place? The way I see it, he must not of wanted his career that bad, otherwise he would‘ve found a way to win.”

“Furthermore, the difference between us is I wasn‘t out to cost him anything. On the other hand, he sits in a dark grungy hole in the wall for almost a year, trying to find anyone and anyway to place the blame and responsibility on anything other than himself. So he shows up randomly through the crowd, and costs me a match that he had no business getting involved with, then when I assume our match would be just out of a respect issue, I get drilled with a high heel shoe off a side kick, from a third party that I’m still unclear on why they’re even involved, and in the end, I’m leveled long enough for him to pick up a cheap victory. Where‘s the respect in that?”

Big Will zips his bags up, and pulls the handle up, placing his luggage on the floor and begins walking toward the door, as Klamor follows him. Both individuals make their way through the backstage area of the arena, toward the parking lot.

(Klamor)- “It seems the battle for respect is turning into a brutal conflict of interest. You‘ve thrown caution out the window by willingly asking for a basic two on one Street Fight. Do you even realize what you‘re getting yourself into?”

Big Will takes out a set of car keys and hit’s the trunk button, popping open his trunk. As he places his luggage in the back of his rental car, he looks at Klamor.

(Will)- “The real question needs to be, does Spiral realize what he‘s unleashed?” Big Will pulls out a tire iron, as he waves it in front of Klamor’s face. “I haven‘t had a real test since Joseph Rios, and I overcame the fall of a Dynasty as a result. Spiral wants to play mind games and he thinks just because he has a butch bodyguard that he‘s got the upper hand? Make no mistake, you haven‘t seen the dark side of Big Will yet, but if you push hard enough it‘ll come out. And trust me, NO ONE wants that.” Will tosses the tire iron back in the car, as he slams his trunk closed and gets in his car. Will shuts his door, and soon thereafter speeds out of the parking lot, as Klamor is left alone in the lot.

The camera opens on a lush, beautiful, mansion. A camera crew is still gathering equipment, as they begin to film. As they approach the amazing front side of the mansion, coming up upon the doors, they’re greeted by the owner of the mansion. It’s Big Will.

(Will)- “Come in, come in, welcome to my humble abode. I assume you‘re rolling, so I‘ll get right to it.”

Will sits his drink down, as he ushers the crew inside. As they pile in, the camera turns back to Big Will, who is cued to begin.

(Will)- “Spiral, I only assume this reaches you before our showdown this coming Meltdown. I hope you find interest and solace in this video. Perhaps it helps to ease your mind, and better yet, prepare you for the coming event. I‘ve asked for a camera crew to come document this day, as I wish to bring you on a tour through my life.”

Will motions for the crew to follow him, as he wanders through various portions of his house. He shows off his Kitchen first, as he turns toward the camera. Will begins to speak in a relaxed monotone voice.

(Will)- “Spiral, you being just like me, a Professional Wrestler, I‘m sure you‘ll take a sort of knowledge in understanding how hard it is, to sit down with your Family and eat a regular meal. For me, I have a beautiful Wife, and beautiful children. It pains me, to know that the career I‘ve chosen, doesn‘t allow me to both put food on the table, as well as eat from it, surrounded by those I care for & love the most.”

“In a sense, Spiral, this is where our feud got personal. You‘ve resorted to blaming me for essentially taking food off your table. As a result of that, you‘ve made it your personal goal, to possibly injure me and prevent me from putting food on mine.” Will rubs his head, where an old wound resides. He only pauses for a brief moment, then motions everyone to the next stop.

The next stop Will takes the crew to, is his personal living room. It’s a room, surrounded by Family photos, and several picture albums. Will picks up an Album marked “Wedding”, as he scrolls through the pages, addressing the camera once more.

(Will)- “I remember this day, as if it were yesterday. I was nervous, filled with several emotions, too many to describe.” Will raises his hand, as it shakes ever so slightly. “Heh. Even to this day, I still get shivers to how great a moment my Wedding day was.” Will looks up from the Album, and directly into the camera. Still speaking in a monotone.

“You see, Spiral, my Wedding day isn‘t the only memorable moment I hold. When I became a Professional Wrestler, I went through several moments in my career that meant the world to me. Including my debut match, in W.Z.C.W., which just happened to be against You. I was just as nervous that night, as I was in these photos. But it wasn‘t emotions filled with love, it was nerves rattled with uncertainty. Unsure of myself, for the first time in a long time. ‘Would I be what they want?’ ‘Could I live up to my billing?’ ‘Do I still have what it takes?’” Will pauses for a moment, looking down at his photo Album, running his fingers along the nearby stand, grazing photos within reach.

“The reason I mention this, Spiral, is because several of these nerve rattling emotions are returning to me. Yet not in the same light. No longer uncertain, no longer unsure. Just unaware.. Unaware of what‘s going to happen next, between us.” Will stops, seemingly in mid-sentence as he randomly continues to walk, moving on to the next stop on the list.

Will walks down a corridor leading up a small flight of stairs, and into a nearby room.


The room is seemingly a trophy collection, of what looks to be Big Will’s greatest accolade’s and achievement’s. Will stops at the first glass covered case, as he continues to address the camera in a monotone voice.

(Will)- “This was the first case of accomplishment‘s I started. It‘s filled with several note-worthy moments from A.C.W., a former company I worked for. Moment‘s that mean a lot to me, moment‘s that were what helped W.Z.C.W. realize how much talent I held, talent that I only added to since arriving.” Will moves on to the case directly next to it.

“This is my W.Z.C.W. trophy case.” Will rubs his hand across the glass, pointing out replica Championship’s within it. “There‘s the Elite X Championship. I made history by becoming the first-ever Elite X Champion, at Civil Revolution. That just happened to be my first Pay per view match with the company as well. I went on to become a Two-time Elite X Champion.” Will pauses for a moment, seemingly reflecting on the past. He then re-points to another item inside the case, it’s a trophy of a ring. “That trophy is what I was awarded for winning the Lethal Lottery 30 Man Battle Royal. It took place, right here in Toronto. I can‘t even begin to describe how elated I was to have won in front of my Family and Friends. That moment is perhaps one of my all time greatest, ever. But not, the, greatest.”

Will continues walking toward the next case, where a World Heavyweight Championship replica is held all by itself.

(Will)- “There it is. What I feel is my greatest moment of all time, to this date, within this industry. I won it at the first-ever Kingdom Come event. In the Main Event, against Joseph Rios. In front of literally thousands in attendance, and millions watching at home around the world. But like any perfect moment, it‘ll only last for so long.” Will looks down, away from the glass. “I was unjustly stripped of my World Heavyweight Championship for my involvement and connection with Dynasty. Despite being turned on, literally right before I was stripped. It‘s okay though, I will have another opportunity one day.” Will begins oddly laughing rather confusingly.

Big Will walks further down, only to lean over out of camera view and grab something. Will picks it up, still unclear on the object, as he pulls it into his body. Suddenly no longer speaking in monotone, Will fiercely addresses the camera, with his back still turned.

(Will)- “But none of this matters, does it Spiral? Your bitterness with me, isn‘t over my reputation, or my accolade‘s. Your issues with me, are all because you simply refuse to accept the truth. The truth being, that you just weren‘t good enough. Not on that night, not on any night.” Will grabs a controller off a nearby shelf, as he clicks a button which brings a huge flat-screen HDTV on. A video is playing, it’s of the match that started it all, the debut of Big Will, against Spiral.

Spiral gains an advantage, by kicking Will in the leg, knocking him down again, this time though, Spiral hit’s the Death Down Under

Copeland: There it is, The Death Down Under, its over, I think Spiral’s going on to the next round…Cohen: No, damn it, this cant be the end,
1...2...3..., but Wills leg was on the rope,

Ref: ring the bell, ring the bell

Announcer: Here is your winner

Cohen: (on microphone) now wait just a damn minute, you have sucked all night, Will had his leg on the rope, now restart the match, or I’ll get into the ring myself, and you’ll be sorry…

Ref: *sighing* alright, restart the match

both men jumps to his feet Spiral tired to clothline Will but Will duck and hit the Willenium then he fall on Spiral body 1..2...3 the bell rings

Harrys: here is your winner The One Big Will!

Big Will begins laughing even harder, as he brushes his hair back with one arm, while keeping the other attached to something still unknown.

(Will)- “You literally had me, Spiral. You had me beat, but yet you never did. It may of taken an announcer to address my foot, but it was my talent and skills that bested your own, finding a way to remain in the match, long enough to find a way to win it. That‘s something you can‘t do, Spiral. You can‘t beat me fairly. And it eats you up inside. The only way you defeated me at Apocalypse was because of a high heel shoe being imprinted across my head, knocking me unconscious.”

“Face it, you just can‘t beat me. And this coming Meltdown, I‘ll be in a position I‘ve never been in before. It won‘t be for a Championship, or a contender‘s spot. It won‘t be for a stipulation, like you had our first time around. Hell, it won‘t even be to keep an undefeated streak going. It‘s just going to be You, with your unisex life partner, against me.. And steal.”

At that moment, Will swings around, revealing what he had concealed all along. IT’S A CROWBAR!! Will smashes through his trophy cases, like a man possessed. Yelling out in anger, directing every word toward the camera.

(Will)- “None of this matters, DOES IT!? Nothing I‘ve done, nothing I‘ve accomplished, it‘s nothing to you, isn‘t it Spiral!? All the history making moments I‘ve made, they‘re nothing more than pointless to you, aren‘t they!? Well this coming Meltdown, you‘ve got nothing left to gain, and I‘ve got nothing left to lose. Something‘s gonna give, and my guess is it‘s your head, against this crowbar.” Will drops the crowbar to the cold ground, as he drops to his knees, shaking wildly, holding his head in his hands, grabbing his hair and almost ripping it back. “See ya soon, Buddy.” Will grabs the crowbar, as he quickly gets up off the floor, rushing the camera and smashing it, causing the screen to go snowy white.
A whine of a motor can be heard as a bright red motorcycle pulls into the parking lot just outside the entrance to the back of the arena. The driver kills the engine, and sets the bike in the center of the parking lot, blocking the center lane of traffic. The rider takes off the black helmet to reveal a mop of silky smooth blond hair, with a face of angelic proportions. Celeste runs her hand through her hair as she dismounts her bike, casually making her way towards the door leading to the backstage area. As she turns to open the door, the sound of an attendant trying to get her attention causes her to turn, her hazy blue eyes burning a hole right through the man.

Attendant: Excuse me Miss, is that your bike? You can’t just leave it there; other people have the right to use this area as well…

The attendant is cut short as Celeste flashes a deviant smile and begins to laugh

Celeste: Is that right? And what are you going to do about it, boy? Whine and complain to your bosses? Like I care… Besides, I know that you don’t have the balls to do anything about it.

This comment causes the attendant to flare up in anger…

Celeste: Well, prove me wrong; show me what you’ve got…

Celeste descends the stairs, and slowly starts to move towards the seething attendant, getting in his face, her eyes meet his as the two briefly engage in a stare down, as the attendant quickly shifts his gaze, causing Celeste to laugh once more. Celeste switches her demeanor as she puts her arm around the attendant’s shoulders, flashing him a crooked smile, causing him to blush slightly

Celeste: I know I can come across as intimidating but maybe we can work something out…

Celeste slowly plays up the femme fatal role, convincing the attendant to watch her bike in return for a little bit of “pleasure” later on. ‘Idiot, it's to simple really’ Celeste thinks to herself as she forces a smile, turning to the steps, the generic smile quickly taking on a more serious tone as she enters the backstage area.

Celeste enters the arena and immediately begins to make a bee line straight to the GM’s office, before she can get very far, she’s stopped by Johnny Klamor, holding a microphone to her face. Celeste frowns and tries to sidestep him, but he persists blocking her escape. Celeste gives in and turns to him with a smirk on her face.

Klamor: Excuse me, Celeste, I don’t think we’ve had the chance to meet yet, I’m Johnny Klamor…

Celeste merely stares at his hand before replying gruffly,

Celeste: What do you want; can’t you see I’m in a hurry?

Klamor: Of course, if I can only have a few moments of your time…

Celeste: Oh? You want a few moments of my time? What’s it worth to you?

Klamor chuckles at Celeste’s arrogance, rising to meet the challenge…

Klamor: I’m the most esteemed interviewer WZCW has, I can assure you, I only give you time because I allow you to give me time.

Celeste burst’s out laughing at the absurdity of the comment, taking Klamor of his guard slightly…

Celeste: Is that so? You liar Klamor, you’re an attention ****e, why else would you have found me so quickly? Unless you have some sort of ulterior motive, hmm?

Klamor rolls his eyes with a sly smile on his face, he had heard she was like this, and he was so glad it was true.

Klamor: So why attack William? Why join forces with Downward Spiral? You two aren’t exactly the perfect couple…

Celeste cuts him off with her hand before he can get another word out

Celeste: Why did I attack Will? It’s simple really, I attacked Will because I can, because I was bored and wanted something to do to entertain myself… simple enough… does it make sense to you now?

Klamor: Not really…

Celeste’s icy blue eyes flash with anger

Celeste: Are you calling me a liar?!

Klamor smirks before responding

Klamor: No, but your actions at Apocalypse would suggest that you yourself had some ulterior motives in helping Spiral defeat Will.

Celeste flashes a crooked smile as she puts her hands behind her back

Celeste: I can be persuaded to do just about anything if the money is right, Spiral wanted some extra help and he gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse

Klamor: Oh, what kind of offer?

Celeste: Just think of me as a hired gun, Spiral came calling and he offered me a good price, that and the fact that I really don’t like Will all that much made it that much sweeter watching his agony as Spiral pinned him at Apocalypse because of me.

Celeste bursts out laughing at the thought of Will being pinned by Spiral

Klamor: So if Spiral only paid you for a one night deal, then why are you still around?

Celeste interrupts him with a growing impatience

Celeste: What did I just say? Or are you incompetent? I said I didn’t like Will, and I’d thought I’d entertain myself by sticking around and cost Will yet another match. I find it amusing that Will keeps trying to tear me down with these lame personal attacks. He thinks I’m mannish just because I’m a tad bit taller and stronger than the rest of the women on the roster. Besides, any type of personal attack coming from such a feminine male such as Will can hardly be taken seriously.

Celeste puts her hands on her hips and thrust’s out her chest, giving Klamor a nice view of her cleavage from her crop top. Klamor takes the bait and indulges himself before starting up again.

Klamor: So really there is no alliance between you and Spiral then?

Celeste: I never said that, I have much in common with Spiral. We both share a strong dislike for Will, and I guess a sort of pride comes into the picture as we’re both originals in this fine company. And the originals have got to stick together.

Klamor attempts to ask another question, but Celeste brushes him aside

Celeste: Well, If that’s all you’ve got to ask me, I think this joke of an interview is over, see you around Klamor.

Celeste marches right past him, emitting more maniacal laughter as she resumes her original course to the GM’s office. Klamor stands motionless watching Celeste leave, flabbergasted, yet amused and slightly turned on at the same time.
A door is slowly unlocked, and moved open. A creaking sound echoes around a dark hallway, as a silhouette appears in the doorway. The figure moves through the door and drops an object on the ground. The figure raises an arm and switches on a light, which dimly lightens the room. The figure is revealed to be Downward Spiral, who appears clean and refreshed, with a small bandage above his right eye.​

With a smile on his face, he takes in a deep breath, before closing the door behind him. He bends down and picks up the object; a shiny new cricket bat. He twirls it in his hands, before moving further into the home and looking around at the surroundings.​

Spiral: Just as I left it.

Spiral moves towards an old table, and sets the bat down against it. He sits down himself and puts his expensive shoes on the table.

Spiral: Ah…Apocalypse…Apocalypse. I remember it as clear as crystal.

Spiral folds his arms and looks pleased with himself.​

Spiral: Spiral wins! Spiral wins! Downward Spiral returns triumphantly! Now that is what I call justice.

Raising his arms behind his head, he gazes up at the roof with the same elated, if not crazed, gleam in his eyes.

Spiral: And Will…I bet he can’t even remember Apocalypse, can he? Another failure that he’s erased from the memory banks. Don’t worry about that though Will. It’s all in the past and it’s nothing to dwell over.

Spiral lowers his arms and gets out of his chair, reaching for the bat but hesitating. He decides to leave the bat and heads over to a grimy sink. Turning the water on, he pours himself a glass of water and takes a long drink, before turning and looking directly into the camera for the first time.

Spiral: What should really be on your mind, is what’s going to happen at Meltdown.

He sets the glass down on the table and seats himself on a dusty bench top, still gazing intently but smugly at the camera.

Spiral: Celeste Crimson is going to be there, in case you were wondering. But don't worry, I'm sure she'll let the fight carry on without interference. Rather than tire you with the details of our relationship, I'll let her elaborate on that.

Looking down briefly, Spiral seems to smile, before removing the moment of enjoyment and again glaring at the camera.

Spiral: So what’s your destiny at Meltdown, Will? Do I dare trust your word on that? Are you going to ‘teach me a lesson’ like you said you would at Apocalypse? Are you going to ‘hurt’ me like you said you would at Apocalypse? Those plans didn’t exactly pan out, did they? The only success you had, was successfully proving me right in everything I said would happen.

Spiral stops and laughs as he looks away, before sighing and turning his attention back to the camera again.

Spiral: So, logically, if we’re going by past experience, the fans can trust my word, and my word only. And what do I believe is going to happen?

Spiral gets down from the bench and moves towards the table.

Spiral: Whatever the fuck I want to happen.

He reaches down and picks up the bat, twirling it in his hands as the light reflects off of it and lightens Spiral’s face. He turns the bat downwards and taps the ground a few times.

Spiral: Do you want the full preview Will? No, I’ll spare you that and cut right to the finish. The finish? Your career…dead and buried.

Spiral paces up and down as he places the bat over his shoulder.

Spiral: I’m done looking into the past Will. I’m at peace. I’ve achieved everything I’ve wanted to. I’ve proven you to be a fraudulent WZCW employee. I’ve proven that I’ve lost nothing in my time away. I’ve proven, once again…that you would regret your actions. But…like this cabinet *gestures to the grimy glass cabinet containing championships and photos from Spiral’s career*, those are just irrelevant memories now.

Spiral stops by the cabinet, gazing into it with a smirk. He takes the bat and holds it, pausing and staring at it before he lifts it back and smashes it into the case, shattering the glass and breaking the shelving. For an age, he stares at the glass, before moving on, as if nothing had happened.

Spiral: A street fight. Some may call it one of wrestling’s most brutal, destructive, heinous fights. I, however, refer to it as my brutal, destructive, heinous fight. It’s not just about weapons in the match Will. It’s what you do with them. What you can make them into. Do you turn the simple lead pipe shot into something else? Do you break it over their head, grind it into their face and then make them choke on it? I bet you couldn’t, could you Will? You couldn’t bring yourself to that next level. You don’t have it in you. I’ve seen your eyes lately Will. They are weary…defeated…dead. You’re in no place to be in a street fight against me. The fact is, I’ve got that gruesome, sick, twisted - whatever the hell you want to call it - feeling inside of me. It’s been there my whole life. I have the ability to turn this match into something truly violent and into something you’ll never, ever forget. And you? *Laughs* You’ll be lucky if you have the strength to pick up a weapon.

Spiral stops by his TV and bends down to the VCR player, rewinding it.

Spiral: Let me ask you something…Did you think I was really just sitting here, doing nothing other than wallowing away in sorrow after you wrecked my life? As usual, you would be…wrong. You see, I was plotting every moment and every move of my return. I knew that after I came back onto the map at your expense, WZCW would be wanting to up the ante in our rivalry, and give the fans an extra taste of violence. So, while you were smugly carrying on with your pathetic career, I was here, constructing and devising every single thing I would be able to do to you in a match such as a street fight. In my plan Will…this match would be your demise. The final chapter in another depressing wrestling tale. I would etch the destruction of Big Will in his final match into the memories and nightmares of every single WZCW fan. It would be…unforgettable.

Spiral looks down and notices the VCR player has rewound completely. He turns the TV on and static comes across the screen.

Spiral: A little preview of what I have done in a street fight, Will:

Spiral pushes play on the VCR. On the screen, a street fight between Everest and Downward Spiral is playing from WZCW Unscripted.

Unscripted Street Fight said:
Spiral jabs the cane in Everest’s throat, before beginning to choke him out with it. He begins thrusting it down on his throat, as the referee tries to restrain him.

Spiral grips his back from landing hard again, before he spots the wreckage of what was the table. He moves over to it, and breaks off a splintered leg of the table, and moves over and stands it on the throat of Everest. Everest struggles to get it off as Spiral continues the pressure, before Spiral lets go and belts it down on Everest’s right leg again.

Spiral goes around the side of the car, and pulls out a steel chain, which he swings in his hands. Spiral moves it over to Everest and begins whipping him with it, painfully slashing Everest across the back, before he wraps Everest’s leg in the chain

Spiral presses stop on the machine, standing up and laughing as he looks at the camera.

Spiral: That was nothing. That’s the PG-13 version of what I can do. That was an age ago, William. Everest and I? We only scratched the surface of what could be done in a street fight that night. Why? Because to go that extra level, you need to truly despise your opponent; to wish them nothing but pain and suffering. And after months…and months…of your induced agony…I think it’s safe to say that I am going to break the limits of what could be done here. Just like I will break you…If I could do that to Everest, just try and imagine what I’m capable of doing to you after I’ve been spending nearly every moment of my life, stuck away in here, with a detest for you that is stronger than any other emotion I’ve ever held. I’m not just capable of destroying your body, Will. I’m willing to do it.

Spiral pauses and looks at the screen. He mutters ‘it’s all in the past’ to himself, before taking the bat and smashing the screen. The sound of sparks echoes in the room, as Spiral breathes heavily.

Spiral: Forget about all of that! Forget about the preview. That is all history. Everything that hasn’t been settled will be finished in that ring, Will. You’re beyond the stage where you even have a chance. You are broken, you are battered and you will be defeated! By beating you to within an inch of your life, I’ll be finally passing that torch onto you! My suffering, my torture, MY pain. It’s going to be yours…all yours. At Meltdown…*counts on fingers* you will lose this match…you will lose your career…you will lose what little health you have left…and you can kiss your livelihood goodbye.

Spiral takes the bat and stares at it again, before bringing it down on furniture and breaking a grimy window with it. Spiral begins ripping his already-tattered couch apart before throwing the bat at the front door. Bending down on his haunches, he picks up a piece of glass and twirls it in his fingers, before closing his fist on it tightly.

Spiral: This part of my life is over. I’ve lived it for far too long. The future is bright and I have no place here. By destroying this room, I am destroying every shred of evidence of my blackened past. Will…this is now your life. Welcome.

Spiral stands up and heads towards the front door. He stops at the shattered cabinet of championships and photographs. He looks at it with utter disdain, spitting on it and kicking the glass away. He reaches the door and takes no time before opening it and stepping out into the light, breathing in the air. Reaching behind him, he slams the door shut, unsettling the dust around the wrecked room. The camera backs away from the room and fades away…
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