Mega Man Legends 3 announced for the 3DS

And I only found out about this today, and there hasn't been a topic on this as far as I know.

So :bringit:

But yeah, I just get more and more excited for the 3DS every day.
Meh I just bought my brothers DS lite for $45 and got an acekard2i with an 8 gb flash drive. I think I'll be good with the portable gaming for awhile, especially since the 3ds is going to be in the neighborhood of $300.

But I will say I'm stoked they're bringing back the Mega Man Legends series. I loved the first one and never got to play the second.
The second one is one of my favorite games of all time. I'm put off by the 3DS' price too, but for MML3, a new Paper Mario, and remakes of Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 in 3D with graphics comparable to the Gamecube?! I'm there.
I don't know why people are put off by the price. Is it a lot, yes, but it's also seemingly a very powerful portable system, with a crapload of features. If people are willing to pay 200 bucks for an iPod, what's 300 for a 3DS?

So now there's like 9 games I NEED to get for 3DS. They are REALLY pulling out all the 3rd party titles for the system, this is insane. If only they would put all the effort into Wii 3rd party titles.
I don't know why people are put off by the price. Is it a lot, yes, but it's also seemingly a very powerful portable system, with a crapload of features. If people are willing to pay 200 bucks for an iPod, what's 300 for a 3DS?

So now there's like 9 games I NEED to get for 3DS. They are REALLY pulling out all the 3rd party titles for the system, this is insane. If only they would put all the effort into Wii 3rd party titles.

You gotta realize though ST, you're talking to someone who didn't own a 360 until about a year and a half ago when prices dropped low, as well as a PS3 when their prices dropped. I'm typically not one to go purchase a console when it first comes out because inevitably it will drop. The 3DS price probably won't drop for some time if at all. When looking at it Nintendo has little competition in the handheld market, the PSP is only a minor threat and it would require a major overhaul for a new PSP to match the 3DS. I just can't fathom spending almost the same amount I paid for my 360 and my PS3 combined for one hand held console.
You gotta realize though ST, you're talking to someone who didn't own a 360 until about a year and a half ago when prices dropped low, as well as a PS3 when their prices dropped. I'm typically not one to go purchase a console when it first comes out because inevitably it will drop. The 3DS price probably won't drop for some time if at all. When looking at it Nintendo has little competition in the handheld market, the PSP is only a minor threat and it would require a major overhaul for a new PSP to match the 3DS. I just can't fathom spending almost the same amount I paid for my 360 and my PS3 combined for one hand held console.

I understand that, but as you said, you don't buy systems right away, so the original price point really doesn't matter for you. I think they will likely drop the 3DS price for holiday 2011 (maybe 300 to 250, maybe 270). They dropped the prices of the DS systems, even without any competition (PSP is NOT competition to DS, it's a paperweight), and they will want a 3DS holiday rush, so they might lower it. Don't forget you can always buy it used. I bought my DS used (I still have the original), and I have no problems with it (outisde of 2 dead pixels) 4 years later.

I will likely wait a couple months for it, only to ensure both the system is as kickass as everyone knows it will be, and to make sure there are no flaws/glitches in the system. Plus I need to make sure I have the funds to cover it.
Nintendo have revealed the ten titles that will grace the Nintendo 3DS when it launches in Japan on February 26th 2011.

* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS – Nintendo
* Nintendogs + Cats – Nintendo
* Pilotwings Resort – Nintendo
* Pro Baseball Spirits – Konami
* Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle – Level 5
* Ridge Racer 3D – Namco Bandai
* Samurai Warriors Chronicle – Tecmo Koei
* Steel Diver – Nintendo
* Super Monkey Ball – Sega
* Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition – Capcom
How fucking long I've waited for an adequate Megaman game to be announced. As good as 9 and 10 were, it was never gonna go anywhere and Shooting Star seems very cool with the voice-overs and all, but deep down it's the same damned thing as all 6 previous EXE games. Which is sad because it was a great series. Changing it would bring it back life in a heartbeat.

So glad they aren't leaving the Legends series in such a disgusting cliffhanger. Now I just pray for a Classic-to-X transition.
I'm bumping this because I just saw something about this game that might make fans of the game jizz repeatedly.
I don't know about you guys, but this sounds absolutely amazing.
i kinda wish they would have made majoras mask in 3d for the 3DS, that would have been a preh solid game. of course oot is good, but i still play the original for n64 on my n64 from time to time for the fun of it. XP
megaman 3 should be preh solid though, really stoked.
Majora's mask I can see happening if OOT sells well, which it will.

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